psychedelicious d1a2c4cd8c
React web UI with flask-socketio API ()
* Implements rudimentary api
* Fixes blocking in API
* Adds UI to monorepo > src/frontend/
* Updates frontend/README
* Reverts conda env name to `ldm`
* Fixes environment yamls
* CORS config for testing
* Fixes LogViewer position
* Adds actions to image viewer
* Increases vite chunkSizeWarningLimit to 1500
* Implements init image
* Implements state persistence in localStorage
* Improve progress data handling
* Final build
* Fixes mimetypes error on windows
* Adds error logging
* Fixes bugged img2img strength component
* Adds sourcemaps to dev build
* Fixes missing key
* Changes connection status indicator to text
* Adds ability to serve other hosts than localhost
* Adding Flask API server
* Removes source maps from config
* Fixes prop transfer
* Add missing packages and add CORS support
* Adding API doc
* Remove defaults from openapi doc
* Adds basic error handling for server config query
* Mostly working implementation.
* Fixes bug preventing mask upload
* Fixes bug with sampler name not written to metadata
* UI Overhaul, numerous fixes

Co-authored-by: Kyle Schouviller <>
Co-authored-by: Lincoln Stein <>
2022-09-16 13:18:15 -04:00

22 lines
573 B

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