Lincoln Stein fbede84405
[feature] Download Queue ()
* add base definition of download manager

* basic functionality working

* add unit tests for download queue

* add documentation and FastAPI route

* fix docs

* add missing test dependency; fix import ordering

* fix file path length checking on windows

* fix ruff check error

* move release() into the __del__ method

* disable testing of stderr messages due to issues with pytest capsys fixture

* fix unsorted imports

* harmonized implementation of start() and stop() calls in download and & install modules

* Update invokeai/app/services/download/

Co-authored-by: Ryan Dick <>

* replace test datadir fixture with tmp_path

* replace DownloadJobBase->DownloadJob in download manager documentation

* make source and dest arguments to an AnyHttpURL and Path respectively

* fix pydantic typecheck errors in the download unit test

* ruff formatting

* add "job cancelled" as an event rather than an exception

* fix ruff errors

* Update invokeai/app/services/download/

Co-authored-by: psychedelicious <>

* use threading.Event to stop service worker threads; handle unfinished job edge cases

* remove dangling STOP job definition

* fix ruff complaint

* fix ruff check again

* avoid race condition when start() and stop() are called simultaneously from different threads

* avoid race condition in stop() when a job becomes active while shutting down


Co-authored-by: Lincoln Stein <>
Co-authored-by: Ryan Dick <>
Co-authored-by: psychedelicious <>
Co-authored-by: Kent Keirsey <>
2023-12-22 12:35:57 -05:00

196 lines
7.4 KiB

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property: G-2X4JR4S4FB
- Home: ''
- Installation:
- Overview: 'installation/'
- Installing with the Automated Installer: 'installation/'
- Installing Manually: 'installation/'
- NVIDIA Cuda / AMD ROCm: 'installation/'
- Installing with Docker: 'installation/'
- Installing Models: 'installation/'
- Installing PyPatchMatch: 'installation/'
- Installing xFormers: 'installation/'
- Developers Documentation: 'installation/Developers_documentation/'
- Deprecated Documentation:
- Binary Installer: 'installation/deprecated_documentation/'
- Runninng InvokeAI on Google Colab: 'installation/deprecated_documentation/'
- Manual Installation on Linux: 'installation/deprecated_documentation/'
- Manual Installation on macOS: 'installation/deprecated_documentation/'
- Manual Installation on Windows: 'installation/deprecated_documentation/'
- Installing Invoke with pip: 'installation/deprecated_documentation/'
- Source Installer: 'installation/deprecated_documentation/'
- Workflows & Nodes:
- Community Nodes: 'nodes/'
- Example Workflows: 'nodes/'
- Nodes Overview: 'nodes/'
- List of Default Nodes: 'nodes/'
- Workflow Editor Usage: 'nodes/'
- ComfyUI to InvokeAI: 'nodes/'
- Facetool Node: 'nodes/detailedNodes/'
- Contributing Nodes: 'nodes/'
- Features:
- Overview: 'features/'
- New to InvokeAI?: 'help/'
- Configuration: 'features/'
- Control Adapters: 'features/'
- Image-to-Image: 'features/'
- Controlling Logging: 'features/'
- LoRAs & LCM-LoRAs: 'features/'
- Model Merging: 'features/'
- Nodes & Workflows: 'nodes/'
- NSFW Checker: 'features/'
- Postprocessing: 'features/'
- Prompting Features: 'features/'
- Textual Inversions:
- Textual Inversions: 'features/'
- Textual Inversion Training: 'features/'
- Unified Canvas: 'features/'
- InvokeAI Web Server: 'features/'
- WebUI Hotkeys: "features/"
- Maintenance Utilities: "features/"
- Other: 'features/'
- Contributing:
- How to Contribute: 'contributing/'
- InvokeAI Code of Conduct: ''
- Development:
- Overview: 'contributing/contribution_guides/'
- New Contributors: 'contributing/contribution_guides/'
- InvokeAI Architecture: 'contributing/'
- Model Manager v2: 'contributing/'
- Frontend Documentation: 'contributing/contribution_guides/'
- Local Development: 'contributing/'
- Adding Tests: 'contributing/'
- Documentation: 'contributing/contribution_guides/'
- Nodes: 'contributing/'
- Model Manager: 'contributing/'
- Download Queue: 'contributing/'
- Translation: 'contributing/contribution_guides/'
- Tutorials: 'contributing/contribution_guides/'
- Changelog: ''
- Deprecated:
- Command Line Interface: 'deprecated/'
- Variations: 'deprecated/'
- Translations: 'deprecated/'
- Embiggen: 'deprecated/'
- Inpainting: 'deprecated/'
- Outpainting: 'deprecated/'
- Troubleshooting: 'help/deprecated/'
- Help:
- Getting Started: 'help/'
- FAQs: 'help/'
- Diffusion Overview: 'help/'
- Sampler Convergence: 'help/'
- Other:
- Contributors: 'other/'
- CompViz-README: 'other/'