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synced 2024-08-30 20:32:17 +00:00
`options` slice was huge and managed a mix of generation parameters and general app settings. It has been split up: - Generation parameters are now in `generationSlice`. - Postprocessing parameters are now in `postprocessingSlice` - UI related things are now in `uiSlice` There is probably more to be done, like `gallerySlice` perhaps should only manage internal gallery state, and not if the gallery is displayed. Full-slice selectors have been made for each slice. Other organisational tweaks.
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62 lines
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"images": "图像",
"steps": "步数",
"cfgScale": "CFG 等级",
"width": "宽度",
"height": "高度",
"sampler": "采样算法",
"seed": "种子",
"randomizeSeed": "随机化种子",
"shuffle": "随机化",
"noiseThreshold": "噪声阈值",
"perlinNoise": "Perlin 噪声",
"variations": "变种",
"variationAmount": "变种数量",
"seedWeights": "种子权重",
"faceRestoration": "脸部修复",
"restoreFaces": "修复脸部",
"type": "种类",
"strength": "强度",
"upscaling": "放大",
"upscale": "放大",
"upscaleImage": "放大图像",
"scale": "等级",
"otherOptions": "其他选项",
"seamlessTiling": "无缝拼贴",
"hiresOptim": "高清优化",
"imageFit": "使生成图像长宽适配原图像",
"codeformerFidelity": "保真",
"seamSize": "接缝尺寸",
"seamBlur": "接缝模糊",
"seamStrength": "接缝强度",
"seamSteps": "接缝步数",
"scaleBeforeProcessing": "处理前缩放",
"scaledWidth": "缩放宽度",
"scaledHeight": "缩放长度",
"infillMethod": "填充法",
"tileSize": "方格尺寸",
"boundingBoxHeader": "选择区域",
"seamCorrectionHeader": "接缝修正",
"infillScalingHeader": "内填充和缩放",
"img2imgStrength": "图像到图像强度",
"toggleLoopback": "切换环回",
"invoke": "Invoke",
"cancel": "取消",
"promptPlaceholder": "在这里输入提示。可以使用[反提示]、(加权)++、(减权)--、交换和混合(见文档)",
"sendTo": "发送到",
"sendToImg2Img": "发送到图像到图像",
"sendToUnifiedCanvas": "发送到统一画布",
"copyImageToLink": "复制图像链接",
"downloadImage": "下载图像",
"openInViewer": "在视图中打开",
"closeViewer": "关闭视图",
"usePrompt": "使用提示",
"useSeed": "使用种子",
"useAll": "使用所有参数",
"useInitImg": "使用原图像",
"info": "信息",
"deleteImage": "删除图像",
"initialImage": "原图像",
"showOptionsPanel": "显示选项浮窗"