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synced 2024-08-30 20:32:17 +00:00
`options` slice was huge and managed a mix of generation parameters and general app settings. It has been split up: - Generation parameters are now in `generationSlice`. - Postprocessing parameters are now in `postprocessingSlice` - UI related things are now in `uiSlice` There is probably more to be done, like `gallerySlice` perhaps should only manage internal gallery state, and not if the gallery is displayed. Full-slice selectors have been made for each slice. Other organisational tweaks.
62 lines
2.3 KiB
62 lines
2.3 KiB
"images": "画像",
"steps": "ステップ数",
"cfgScale": "CFG Scale",
"width": "幅",
"height": "高さ",
"sampler": "Sampler",
"seed": "シード値",
"randomizeSeed": "ランダムなシード値",
"shuffle": "シャッフル",
"noiseThreshold": "Noise Threshold",
"perlinNoise": "Perlin Noise",
"variations": "Variations",
"variationAmount": "Variation Amount",
"seedWeights": "シード値の重み",
"faceRestoration": "顔の修復",
"restoreFaces": "顔の修復",
"type": "Type",
"strength": "強度",
"upscaling": "アップスケーリング",
"upscale": "アップスケール",
"upscaleImage": "画像をアップスケール",
"scale": "Scale",
"otherOptions": "その他のオプション",
"seamlessTiling": "Seamless Tiling",
"hiresOptim": "High Res Optimization",
"imageFit": "Fit Initial Image To Output Size",
"codeformerFidelity": "Fidelity",
"seamSize": "Seam Size",
"seamBlur": "Seam Blur",
"seamStrength": "Seam Strength",
"seamSteps": "Seam Steps",
"scaleBeforeProcessing": "処理前のスケール",
"scaledWidth": "幅のスケール",
"scaledHeight": "高さのスケール",
"infillMethod": "Infill Method",
"tileSize": "Tile Size",
"boundingBoxHeader": "バウンディングボックス",
"seamCorrectionHeader": "Seam Correction",
"infillScalingHeader": "Infill and Scaling",
"img2imgStrength": "Image To Imageの強度",
"toggleLoopback": "Toggle Loopback",
"invoke": "Invoke",
"cancel": "キャンセル",
"promptPlaceholder": "Type prompt here. [negative tokens], (upweight)++, (downweight)--, swap and blend are available (see docs)",
"sendTo": "転送",
"sendToImg2Img": "Image to Imageに転送",
"sendToUnifiedCanvas": "Unified Canvasに転送",
"copyImageToLink": "Copy Image To Link",
"downloadImage": "画像をダウンロード",
"openInViewer": "ビュワーを開く",
"closeViewer": "ビュワーを閉じる",
"usePrompt": "プロンプトを使用",
"useSeed": "シード値を使用",
"useAll": "すべてを使用",
"useInitImg": "Use Initial Image",
"info": "情報",
"deleteImage": "画像を削除",
"initialImage": "Inital Image",
"showOptionsPanel": "オプションパネルを表示"