Lincoln Stein fe00a8c05c implement history viewing & replaying in CLI
- Enhance tab completion functionality
- Each of the switches that read a filepath (e.g. --init_img) will trigger file path completion. The
  -S switch will display a list of recently-used seeds.
- Added new !fetch command to retrieve the metadata from a previously-generated image and populate the
  readline linebuffer with the appropriate editable command to regenerate.
- Added new !history command to display previous commands and reload them for modification.
- The !fetch and !fix commands both autocomplete *and* search automatically through the current
  outdir for files.
- The completer maintains a list of recently used seeds and will try to autocomplete them.
2022-09-28 14:56:27 -04:00
2022-09-26 03:28:23 -04:00
2022-09-20 16:54:50 -04:00