2020-02-26 19:52:15 +00:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Description: Manage Plex media.
Show, delete, archive, optimize, or move media based on whether it was
watched, unwatched, transcoded often, or file size is greater than X
2020-05-19 22:10:18 +00:00
*Tautulli data to command Plex
2020-02-26 19:52:15 +00:00
Author: Blacktwin
Requires: requests, plexapi, argparse
Interacts with: Tautulli, Plex
Enabling Scripts in Tautulli:
Not yet
Find unwatched Movies that were added before 2015-05-05 and delete
python media_manager.py --libraries Movies --select unwatched --date "2015-05-05" --action delete
Find watched TV Shows that both User1 and User2 have watched
2022-05-04 18:48:28 +00:00
python media_manager.py --libraries "TV Shows" --select watched --users User1 User2 --action show
Find library items that were last played before 2021-01-01
python media_manger.py --libraries "Movies --select lastPlayed --date 2021-01-01 --action show
2022-08-21 16:50:55 +00:00
Find library items that have audience rating less than 6
python3 media_manager.py --libraries "Movies 2022" --select rating --selectValue "<_6" --action show
2020-02-26 19:52:15 +00:00
2020-07-04 20:08:59 +00:00
from __future__ import print_function
2020-07-04 20:31:02 +00:00
from __future__ import unicode_literals
2020-07-04 20:23:47 +00:00
from builtins import object
2020-02-26 19:52:15 +00:00
import argparse
import datetime
import time
2020-05-11 05:00:53 +00:00
import re
2020-02-26 19:52:15 +00:00
from collections import Counter
from plexapi.server import PlexServer
from plexapi.server import CONFIG
2020-12-21 18:27:59 +00:00
from plexapi.exceptions import NotFound
2020-02-26 19:52:15 +00:00
from requests import Session
from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
2020-05-19 22:09:27 +00:00
# Using CONFIG file
2020-02-26 19:52:15 +00:00
if not PLEX_TOKEN:
PLEX_TOKEN = CONFIG.data['auth'].get('server_token')
if not PLEX_URL:
PLEX_URL = CONFIG.data['auth'].get('server_baseurl')
TAUTULLI_URL = CONFIG.data['auth'].get('tautulli_baseurl')
TAUTULLI_APIKEY = CONFIG.data['auth'].get('tautulli_apikey')
2020-12-18 13:37:59 +00:00
SELECTOR = ['watched', 'unwatched', 'transcoded', 'rating', 'size', 'lastPlayed']
2020-02-26 19:52:15 +00:00
ACTIONS = ['delete', 'move', 'archive', 'optimize', 'show']
2020-05-11 05:00:53 +00:00
OPERATORS = { '>': lambda v, q: v > q,
'>=': lambda v, q: v >= q,
'<': lambda v, q: v < q,
'<=': lambda v, q: v <= q,}
UNTIS = {"B": 1, "KB": 2**10, "MB": 2**20, "GB": 2**30, "TB": 2**40}
2020-02-26 19:52:15 +00:00
2020-05-19 22:11:21 +00:00
OPTIMIZE_DEFAULT = {'targetTagID': 'Mobile',
2020-04-13 18:22:03 +00:00
'deviceProfile': None,
'title': None,
'target': "",
'locationID': -1,
'policyUnwatched': 0,
'videoQuality': None}
2020-02-26 19:52:15 +00:00
2020-07-04 20:23:47 +00:00
class Connection(object):
2020-02-26 19:52:15 +00:00
def __init__(self, url=None, apikey=None, verify_ssl=False):
self.url = url
self.apikey = apikey
self.session = Session()
self.adapters = HTTPAdapter(max_retries=3,
self.session.mount('http://', self.adapters)
self.session.mount('https://', self.adapters)
# Ignore verifying the SSL certificate
if verify_ssl is False:
self.session.verify = False
# Disable the warning that the request is insecure, we know that...
import urllib3
class Library(object):
def __init__(self, data=None):
d = data or {}
self.title = d['section_name']
self.key = d['section_id']
2020-05-19 22:10:18 +00:00
self.type = d['section_type']
2020-02-26 19:52:15 +00:00
class Metadata(object):
def __init__(self, data=None):
d = data or {}
2020-03-09 15:50:37 +00:00
self.added_at = d.get('added_at')
2020-02-26 19:52:15 +00:00
self.media_type = d.get('media_type')
self.grandparent_title = d.get('grandparent_title')
self.grandparent_rating_key = d.get('grandparent_rating_key')
self.parent_media_index = d.get('parent_media_index')
self.parent_title = d.get('parent_title')
self.parent_rating_key = d.get('parent_rating_key')
self.file_size = d.get('file_size')
self.container = d.get('container')
self.rating_key = d.get('rating_key')
self.index = d.get('media_index')
2020-03-09 15:50:37 +00:00
self.watched_status = d.get('watched_status')
self.libraryName = d.get("library_name")
2020-02-26 19:52:15 +00:00
self.full_title = d.get('full_title')
self.title = d.get('title')
self.year = d.get('year')
self.video_resolution = d.get('video_resolution')
self.video_codec = d.get('video_codec')
self.media_info = d.get('media_info')
2022-08-21 16:50:55 +00:00
self.audience_rating= d.get('audience_rating')
2020-02-26 19:52:15 +00:00
if self.media_info:
self.parts = self.media_info[0].get('parts')
self.file = self.parts[0].get('file')
2020-03-08 15:40:43 +00:00
if not self.file_size:
self.file_size = self.parts[0].get('file_size')
2020-02-26 19:52:15 +00:00
if self.media_type == 'episode' and not self.title:
episodeName = self.full_title.partition('-')[-1]
self.title = episodeName.lstrip()
elif not self.title:
self.title = self.full_title
2020-03-09 15:51:40 +00:00
if self.media_type == 'show':
show = plex.fetchItem(int(self.rating_key))
2020-05-19 22:08:22 +00:00
# todo only using the first library location for show types
2020-03-09 15:51:40 +00:00
self.file = show.locations[0]
2020-05-19 22:08:22 +00:00
show = tautulli_server.get_new_rating_keys(self.rating_key, self.media_type)
seasons = show['0']['children']
episodes = []
2020-03-09 15:51:40 +00:00
show_size = []
2020-05-19 22:08:22 +00:00
for season in seasons.values():
for _episode in season['children'].values():
metadata = tautulli_server.get_metadata(_episode['rating_key'])
episode = Metadata(metadata)
2020-03-09 15:51:40 +00:00
self.file_size = sum(show_size)
2020-05-19 22:08:22 +00:00
self.episodes = episodes
2020-02-26 19:52:15 +00:00
class User(object):
def __init__(self, name='', email='', userid='',):
self.name = name
self.email = email
self.userid = userid
self.watch = {}
self.transcode = {}
self.direct = {}
2020-07-04 20:23:47 +00:00
class Tautulli(object):
2020-02-26 19:52:15 +00:00
def __init__(self, connection):
self.connection = connection
def _call_api(self, cmd, payload, method='GET'):
payload['cmd'] = cmd
payload['apikey'] = self.connection.apikey
response = self.connection.session.request(method, self.connection.url + '/api/v2', params=payload)
except RequestException as e:
print("Tautulli request failed for cmd '{}'. Invalid Tautulli URL? Error: {}".format(cmd, e))
response_json = response.json()
except ValueError:
print("Failed to parse json response for Tautulli API cmd '{}'".format(cmd))
if response_json['response']['result'] == 'success':
return response_json['response']['data']
error_msg = response_json['response']['message']
print("Tautulli API cmd '{}' failed: {}".format(cmd, error_msg))
2020-05-20 18:43:26 +00:00
def get_history(self, user=None, section_id=None, rating_key=None, start=None, length=None, watched=None,
2020-02-26 19:52:15 +00:00
"""Call Tautulli's get_history api endpoint."""
payload = {"order_column": "full_title",
"order_dir": "asc"}
watched_status = None
if watched is True:
watched_status = 1
if watched is False:
watched_status = 0
if user:
payload["user"] = user
if section_id:
payload["section_id"] = section_id
if rating_key:
payload["rating_key"] = rating_key
if start:
payload["start"] = start
if length:
payload["lengh"] = length
2020-05-20 18:43:26 +00:00
if transcode_decision:
payload["transcode_decision"] = transcode_decision
2020-02-26 19:52:15 +00:00
history = self._call_api('get_history', payload)
if isinstance(watched_status, int):
return [d for d in history['data'] if d['watched_status'] == watched_status]
return [d for d in history['data']]
def get_metadata(self, rating_key):
"""Call Tautulli's get_metadata api endpoint."""
payload = {"rating_key": rating_key}
return self._call_api('get_metadata', payload)
def get_libraries(self):
"""Call Tautulli's get_libraries api endpoint."""
payload = {}
return self._call_api('get_libraries', payload)
2020-12-18 13:37:59 +00:00
def get_library_media_info(self, section_id, start, length, unwatched=None, date=None, order_column=None,
2020-02-26 19:52:15 +00:00
"""Call Tautulli's get_library_media_info api endpoint."""
payload = {'section_id': section_id}
if start:
payload["start"] = start
if length:
payload["lengh"] = length
2020-05-11 05:00:53 +00:00
if order_column:
payload["order_column"] = order_column
payload['order_dir'] = 'desc'
2020-02-26 19:52:15 +00:00
library_stats = self._call_api('get_library_media_info', payload)
if unwatched and not date:
return [d for d in library_stats['data'] if d['play_count'] is None]
elif unwatched and date:
return [d for d in library_stats['data'] if d['play_count'] is None
and (float(d['added_at'])) < date]
2020-12-18 13:37:59 +00:00
elif last_played and date:
return [d for d in library_stats['data'] if d['play_count'] is not None]
2020-05-11 05:00:53 +00:00
return [d for d in library_stats['data']]
2020-05-19 22:08:22 +00:00
def get_new_rating_keys(self, rating_key, media_type):
"""Call Tautulli's get_new_rating_keys api endpoint."""
payload = {"rating_key": rating_key, "media_type": media_type}
return self._call_api('get_new_rating_keys', payload)
2020-05-11 05:00:53 +00:00
2020-03-08 15:41:19 +00:00
def sizeof_fmt(num, suffix='B'):
# Function found https://stackoverflow.com/a/1094933
for unit in ['', 'Ki', 'Mi', 'Gi', 'Ti', 'Pi', 'Ei', 'Zi']:
if abs(num) < 1024.0:
return "%3.1f%s%s" % (num, unit, suffix)
num /= 1024.0
return "%.1f%s%s" % (num, 'Yi', suffix)
2020-05-11 05:00:53 +00:00
def parseSize(size):
size = size.upper()
if not re.match(r' ', size):
size = re.sub(r'([KMGT]?B)', r' \1', size)
number, unit = [string.strip() for string in size.split()]
return int(float(number)*UNTIS[unit])
2020-02-26 19:52:15 +00:00
def plex_deletion(items, libraries, toggleDeletion):
items (list): List of items to be deleted by Plex
libraries {list): List of libraries used
toggleDeletion (bool): Allow then disable Plex ability to delete media items
plex = PlexServer(PLEX_URL, PLEX_TOKEN)
if plex.allowMediaDeletion is None and toggleDeletion is None:
print("Allow Plex to delete media.")
elif plex.allowMediaDeletion is None and toggleDeletion:
print("Temporarily allowing Plex to delete media.")
plex = PlexServer(PLEX_URL, PLEX_TOKEN)
2020-02-26 19:56:51 +00:00
print("The following items were added before {} and marked for deletion.".format(opts.date))
2020-02-26 19:52:15 +00:00
for item in items:
2020-12-21 18:27:59 +00:00
if isinstance(item, int):
plex_item = plex.fetchItem(item)
2021-01-06 21:12:12 +00:00
elif isinstance(item, str):
plex_item = plex.fetchItem(int(item))
2020-12-21 18:27:59 +00:00
plex_item = plex.fetchItem(int(item.rating_key))
print("Item: {} was deleted".format(plex_item.title))
2021-01-06 21:12:12 +00:00
except NotFound:
2020-12-21 18:27:59 +00:00
print("Item: {} may already have been deleted.".format(item))
2020-02-26 19:52:15 +00:00
for _library in libraries:
section = plex.library.sectionByID(_library.key)
print("Emptying Trash from library {}".format(_library.title))
if toggleDeletion:
print("Disabling Plex to delete media.")
2020-12-18 13:37:59 +00:00
def last_played_work(sectionID, date=None):
sectionID (int): Library key
date (float): Epoch time
last_played_lst (list): List of Metdata objects of last played items
count = 25
start = 0
last_played_lst = []
while True:
# Getting all watched history
tt_history = tautulli_server.get_library_media_info(section_id=sectionID,
start=start, length=count, last_played=True,
date=date, order_column='last_played')
if all([tt_history]):
start += count
for item in tt_history:
_meta = tautulli_server.get_metadata(item['rating_key'])
2022-12-01 16:23:07 +00:00
if _meta: # rating_key that no longer exists on the Plex server will return blank metadata
metadata = Metadata(_meta)
if (float(item['last_played'])) < date:
metadata.last_played = item['last_played']
2020-12-18 13:37:59 +00:00
elif not all([tt_history]):
start += count
return last_played_lst
2020-02-26 19:52:15 +00:00
def unwatched_work(sectionID, date=None):
sectionID (int): Library key
date (float): Epoch time
unwatched_lst (list): List of Metdata objects of unwatched items
count = 25
start = 0
unwatched_lst = []
while True:
# Getting all watched history for userFrom
tt_history = tautulli_server.get_library_media_info(section_id=sectionID,
start=start, length=count, unwatched=True, date=date)
if all([tt_history]):
start += count
for item in tt_history:
_meta = tautulli_server.get_metadata(item['rating_key'])
2022-12-01 16:23:07 +00:00
if _meta: # rating_key that no longer exists on the Plex server will return blank metadata
metadata = Metadata(_meta)
2020-02-26 19:52:15 +00:00
elif not all([tt_history]):
start += count
return unwatched_lst
2020-05-11 05:00:53 +00:00
def size_work(sectionID, operator, value, episodes):
sectionID (int): Library key
date (float): Epoch time
unwatched_lst (list): List of Metdata objects of unwatched items
count = 25
start = 0
size_lst = []
while True:
# Getting all watched history for userFrom
tt_size = tautulli_server.get_library_media_info(section_id=sectionID,
start=start, length=count,
2020-05-19 22:08:22 +00:00
if all([tt_size]):
start += count
for item in tt_size:
_meta = tautulli_server.get_metadata(item['rating_key'])
2022-12-01 16:23:07 +00:00
if _meta: # rating_key that no longer exists on the Plex server will return blank metadata
metadata = Metadata(_meta)
if episodes:
for _episode in metadata.episodes:
file_size = int(_episode.file_size)
if operator(file_size, value):
file_size = int(metadata.file_size)
2020-05-19 22:08:22 +00:00
if operator(file_size, value):
2022-12-01 16:23:07 +00:00
except AttributeError:
print("Metadata error found with rating_key: ({})".format(item['rating_key']))
2020-05-19 22:08:22 +00:00
elif not all([tt_size]):
2020-05-11 05:00:53 +00:00
start += count
2020-05-19 22:08:22 +00:00
return size_lst
2020-05-11 05:00:53 +00:00
2020-02-26 19:52:15 +00:00
def watched_work(user, sectionID=None, ratingKey=None):
user (object): User object holding user stats
sectionID {int): Library key
ratingKey (int): Item rating key
count = 25
start = 0
tt_history = ''
while True:
# Getting all watched history for userFrom
if sectionID:
tt_history = tautulli_server.get_history(user=user.name, section_id=sectionID,
start=start, length=count, watched=True)
elif ratingKey:
tt_history = tautulli_server.get_history(user=user.name, rating_key=ratingKey,
start=start, length=count, watched=True)
if all([tt_history]):
start += count
for item in tt_history:
metadata = Metadata(item)
if user.watch.get(metadata.rating_key):
user.watch.get(metadata.rating_key).watched_status += 1
2020-12-20 20:51:18 +00:00
_meta = tautulli_server.get_metadata(metadata.rating_key)
2022-12-01 16:23:07 +00:00
if _meta: # rating_key that no longer exists on the Plex server will return blank metadata
metadata = Metadata(_meta)
user.watch.update({metadata.rating_key: metadata})
2020-02-26 19:52:15 +00:00
elif not all([tt_history]):
start += count
2022-08-21 16:50:55 +00:00
def rating_work(sectionID, operator, value):
sectionID (int): Library key
value (str): audience rating criteria
rating_lst (list): List of Metdata objects of items matching audience rating
count = 25
start = 0
rating_lst = []
while True:
tt_size = tautulli_server.get_library_media_info(section_id=sectionID,
start=start, length=count)
if all([tt_size]):
start += count
for item in tt_size:
_meta = tautulli_server.get_metadata(item['rating_key'])
2022-12-01 16:23:07 +00:00
if _meta: # rating_key that no longer exists on the Plex server will return blank metadata
metadata = Metadata(_meta)
if metadata.audience_rating:
audience_rating = float(metadata.audience_rating)
if operator(audience_rating, float(value)):
except AttributeError:
print("Metadata error found with rating_key: ({})".format(item['rating_key']))
2022-08-21 16:50:55 +00:00
elif not all([tt_size]):
start += count
return rating_lst
2020-02-26 19:52:15 +00:00
2020-05-20 18:43:26 +00:00
def transcode_work(sectionID, operator, value):
user (object): User object holding user stats
sectionID {int): Library key
ratingKey (int): Item rating key
count = 25
start = 0
transcoding_lst = []
transcoding_count = {}
while True:
# Getting all watched history for userFrom
tt_history = tautulli_server.get_history(section_id=sectionID, start=start, length=count,
if all([tt_history]):
start += count
for item in tt_history:
if transcoding_count.get(item['rating_key']):
transcoding_count[item['rating_key']] += 1
transcoding_count[item['rating_key']] = 1
elif not all([tt_history]):
start += count
2020-05-21 03:46:53 +00:00
sorted_transcoding = sorted(transcoding_count.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
for rating_key, transcode_count in sorted_transcoding:
2020-05-20 18:43:26 +00:00
if operator(transcode_count, int(value)):
_meta = tautulli_server.get_metadata(rating_key)
if _meta:
metadata = Metadata(_meta)
metadata.transcode_count = transcode_count
print("Metadata error found with rating_key: ({})".format(rating_key))
return transcoding_lst
2020-12-20 20:57:38 +00:00
def action_show(items, selector, date, users=None):
sizes = []
print("{} item(s) have been found.".format(len(items)))
if selector == 'lastPlayed':
print("The following items were last played before {}".format(date))
elif selector == 'watched':
print("The following items were watched by {}".format(", ".join([user.name for user in users])))
2021-02-02 06:25:51 +00:00
elif selector == 'unwatched':
print("The following items were added before {} and are unwatched".format(date))
2022-08-21 16:50:55 +00:00
elif selector == 'rating':
print("The following item(s) meet the criteria")
2020-12-20 20:57:38 +00:00
print("The following items were added before {}".format(date))
2020-12-20 21:05:33 +00:00
2020-12-20 20:57:38 +00:00
for item in items:
2020-12-20 21:05:33 +00:00
if selector == 'watched':
item = users[0].watch[item]
added_at = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(float(item.added_at)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
size = int(item.file_size) if item.file_size else 0
if selector == 'lastPlayed':
last_played = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(float(item.last_played)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
print(u"\t{} added {} and last played {}\tSize: {}\n\t\tFile: {}".format(
item.title, added_at, last_played, sizeof_fmt(size), item.file))
2022-08-21 16:50:55 +00:00
elif selector == 'rating':
print(u"\t{} added {}\tSize: {}\tRating: {}\n\t\tFile: {}".format(
item.title, added_at, sizeof_fmt(size), item.audience_rating, item.file))
2020-12-20 20:57:38 +00:00
2020-12-20 21:05:33 +00:00
elif selector == 'transcoded':
print(u"\t{} added {}\tSize: {}\tTransocded: {} time(s)\n\t\tFile: {}".format(
2020-12-20 21:41:32 +00:00
item.title, added_at, sizeof_fmt(size), item.transcode_count, item.file))
2020-12-20 21:05:33 +00:00
print(u"\t{} added {}\tSize: {}\n\t\tFile: {}".format(
item.title, added_at, sizeof_fmt(size), item.file))
except TypeError as e:
print("Item: {} caused the following error: {}".format(item.rating_key, e))
2020-12-20 20:57:38 +00:00
2020-12-20 21:41:32 +00:00
total_size = sum(sizes)
print("Total size: {}".format(sizeof_fmt(total_size)))
2020-12-20 20:57:38 +00:00
2020-02-26 19:52:15 +00:00
if __name__ == '__main__':
session = Connection().session
plex = PlexServer(PLEX_URL, PLEX_TOKEN, session=session)
2020-07-10 05:13:46 +00:00
all_users = plex.myPlexAccount().users()
2020-02-26 19:52:15 +00:00
users = {user.title: User(name=user.title, email=user.email, userid=user.id)
2020-07-10 05:13:46 +00:00
for user in all_users}
2020-02-26 19:52:15 +00:00
user_choices = []
for user in users.values():
if user.email:
sections_lst = [x.title for x in plex.library.sections()]
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Manage Plex media using data captured from Tautulli.",
parser.add_argument('--select', required=True, choices=SELECTOR,
help='Select what kind of items to look for.\nChoices: (%(choices)s)')
parser.add_argument('--action', required=True, choices=ACTIONS,
help='Action to perform with items collected.\nChoices: (%(choices)s)')
parser.add_argument('--libraries', nargs='+', choices=sections_lst, metavar='',
help='Libraries to scan for watched/unwatched content.')
parser.add_argument('--ratingKey', nargs="?", type=str,
help='Rating key of item to scan for watched/unwatched status.')
parser.add_argument('--date', nargs="?", type=str, default=None,
help='Check items added before YYYY-MM-DD for watched/unwatched status.')
parser.add_argument('--users', nargs='+', choices=user_choices, metavar='',
help='Plex usernames, userid, or email of users to use. Allowed names are:\n'
'Choices: %(choices)s')
parser.add_argument('--notify', type=int,
help='Notification Agent ID number to Agent to ' +
'send notification.')
parser.add_argument('--toggleDeletion', action='store_true',
help='Enable Plex to delete media while using script.')
2020-04-30 02:42:56 +00:00
parser.add_argument('--actionOption', type=lambda kv: kv.split("="), action='append',
help='Addtional instructions to use for move, archive, optimize.\n'
'--action optimize --actionOption title="Optimized thing"\n'
'--action optimize --actionOption targetTagID=Mobile\n'
'--action move --actionOption path="D:/my/new/path"')
parser.add_argument('--selectValue', type=lambda kv: kv.split("_"),
help='Operator and Value to use for size, rating or transcoded filtering.\n'
2020-04-09 20:13:32 +00:00
'">_5G" ie. items greater than 5 gigabytes.\n'
2020-04-30 02:42:56 +00:00
'">_3" ie. items greater than 3 stars.\n'
'">_3" ie. items played transcoded more than 3 times.')
2020-05-19 22:08:22 +00:00
parser.add_argument('--episodes', action='store_true',
help='Enable Plex to scan episodes if Show library is selected.')
2020-02-26 19:52:15 +00:00
opts = parser.parse_args()
2020-04-09 19:48:22 +00:00
# todo find: watched by list of users[x], unwatched based on time[x], based on size, most transcoded, star rating
2020-05-11 05:00:53 +00:00
# todo find: all selectors should be able to search by user, library, and/or time
2020-02-26 19:52:15 +00:00
# todo actions: delete[x], move?, zip and move?, notify, optimize
# todo deletion toggle and optimize is dependent on plexapi PRs 433 and 426 respectively
# todo logging and notification
2020-05-20 18:43:26 +00:00
# todo if optimizing and optimized version already exists, skip
2020-02-26 19:52:15 +00:00
libraries = []
all_sections = []
watched_lst = []
unwatched_lst = []
2020-12-18 13:37:59 +00:00
last_played_lst = []
2020-05-11 05:00:53 +00:00
size_lst = []
2020-02-26 19:52:15 +00:00
user_lst = []
2022-08-21 16:50:55 +00:00
rating_lst = []
2020-05-20 18:43:26 +00:00
transcode_lst = []
2021-02-02 06:25:51 +00:00
date_format = ''
2020-02-26 19:52:15 +00:00
2021-02-02 06:25:51 +00:00
# Check for days or date format
if opts.date and opts.date.isdigit():
days = datetime.date.today() - datetime.timedelta(int(opts.date))
date = time.mktime(days.timetuple())
elif opts.date is None:
2020-02-26 19:52:15 +00:00
date = None
2021-02-02 06:25:51 +00:00
date = time.mktime(time.strptime(opts.date, "%Y-%m-%d"))
if date:
days = (datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(date))
date_format = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", time.localtime(date))
date_format = '{} ({} days)'.format(date_format, days.days)
2020-02-26 19:52:15 +00:00
# Create a Tautulli instance
2020-04-09 20:05:16 +00:00
tautulli_server = Tautulli(Connection(url=TAUTULLI_URL.rstrip("/"),
2020-02-26 19:52:15 +00:00
# Pull all libraries from Tautulli
_sections = {}
tautulli_sections = tautulli_server.get_libraries()
for section in tautulli_sections:
section_obj = Library(section)
_sections[section_obj.title] = section_obj
all_sections = _sections
# Defining libraries
if opts.libraries:
for library in opts.libraries:
if all_sections.get(library):
print("No matching library name '{}'".format(library))
if opts.users:
for _user in opts.users:
if opts.select == "unwatched":
if libraries:
for _library in libraries:
print("Checking library: '{}' watch statuses...".format(_library.title))
unwatched_lst += unwatched_work(sectionID=_library.key, date=date)
2022-12-01 16:22:27 +00:00
if not unwatched_lst:
print("{} item(s) have been found.".format(len(unwatched_lst)))
2020-04-09 20:05:16 +00:00
if opts.action == "show":
2021-02-02 06:25:51 +00:00
action_show(unwatched_lst, opts.select, date_format)
2020-05-11 05:00:53 +00:00
2020-04-09 20:05:16 +00:00
if opts.action == "delete":
2020-02-26 19:52:15 +00:00
plex_deletion(unwatched_lst, libraries, opts.toggleDeletion)
if opts.select == "watched":
if libraries:
for user in user_lst:
2020-12-20 20:57:38 +00:00
print("Finding watched items from user: {}".format(user.name))
2020-02-26 19:52:15 +00:00
for _library in libraries:
2020-04-09 19:51:40 +00:00
print("Checking library: '{}' watch statuses...".format(_library.title))
2020-02-26 19:52:15 +00:00
watched_work(user=user, sectionID=_library.key)
if opts.ratingKey:
item = tautulli_server.get_metadata(rating_key=opts.ratingKey)
metadata = Metadata(item)
if metadata.media_type in ['show', 'season']:
parent = plex.fetchItem(int(opts.ratingKey))
childern = parent.episodes()
for user in user_lst:
for child in childern:
watched_work(user=user, ratingKey=child.ratingKey)
for user in user_lst:
watched_work(user=user, ratingKey=opts.ratingKey)
# Find all items watched by all users
2020-12-20 20:58:30 +00:00
all_watched = [key for user in user_lst for key in user.watch.keys() if key is not None]
2020-02-26 19:52:15 +00:00
counts = Counter(all_watched)
watched_by_all = [id for id in all_watched if counts[id] >= len(user_lst)]
watched_by_all = list(set(watched_by_all))
2020-04-09 20:05:16 +00:00
if opts.action == "show":
2021-02-02 06:25:51 +00:00
action_show(watched_by_all, opts.select, date_format, user_lst)
2020-05-13 01:35:46 +00:00
if opts.action == "delete":
plex_deletion(watched_by_all, libraries, opts.toggleDeletion)
2020-12-18 13:37:59 +00:00
if opts.select == "lastPlayed":
if libraries:
for _library in libraries:
print("Checking library: '{}' watch statuses...".format(_library.title))
last_played_lst += last_played_work(sectionID=_library.key, date=date)
if opts.action == "show":
2021-02-02 06:25:51 +00:00
action_show(last_played_lst, opts.select, date_format)
2020-12-18 13:37:59 +00:00
if opts.action == "delete":
plex_deletion(last_played_lst, libraries, opts.toggleDeletion)
2020-05-11 05:00:53 +00:00
2020-05-20 18:43:26 +00:00
if opts.select in ["size", "rating", "transcoded"]:
2020-05-11 05:00:53 +00:00
if opts.selectValue:
operator, value = opts.selectValue
if operator not in OPERATORS.keys():
print("Operator not found")
print("No value provided.")
op = OPERATORS.get(operator)
if opts.select == "size":
if value[-2:] in UNTIS.keys():
size = parseSize(value)
if libraries:
for _library in libraries:
print("Checking library: '{}' items {}{} in size...".format(_library.title, operator, value))
size_lst += size_work(sectionID=_library.key, operator=op, value=size, episodes=opts.episodes)
if opts.action == "show":
2020-12-20 21:43:38 +00:00
action_show(size_lst, opts.select, opts.date)
2020-05-11 05:00:53 +00:00
print("Size must end with one of these notations: {}".format(", ".join(UNTIS.keys())))
elif opts.select == "rating":
2022-08-21 16:50:55 +00:00
if libraries:
for _library in libraries:
print("Checking library: '{}' items with {}{} rating...".format(
_library.title, operator, value))
rating_lst += rating_work(sectionID=_library.key, operator=op, value=value)
if opts.action == "show":
action_show(rating_lst, opts.select, None)
elif opts.action == 'delete':
plex_deletion(rating_lst, libraries, opts.toggleDeletion)
2020-05-20 18:43:26 +00:00
elif opts.select == "transcoded":
if libraries:
for _library in libraries:
print("Checking library: '{}' items with {}{} transcodes...".format(
_library.title, operator, value))
transcoded_lst = transcode_work(sectionID=_library.key, operator=op, value=value)
transcode_lst += transcoded_lst
if opts.action == "show":
2021-03-22 14:40:42 +00:00
action_show(transcode_lst, opts.select, date_format)