#144 Added ability to sync watched status across all owned servers
This commit is contained in:
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ Script Arguments:
Taultulli > Settings > Notification Agents > New Script > Script Arguments:
Select: Notify on Watched
Arguments: --ratingKey {rating_key} --userTo "Username2" "Username3" --userFrom {username}
Arguments: --ratingKey {rating_key} --userTo "Username2=Server1" "Username3=Server1" --userFrom {username}={server_name}
@ -39,28 +39,26 @@ Taultulli > Settings > Notification Agents > New Script > Script Arguments:
Set in Tautulli in script notification agent or run manually
plex_api_share.py --userFrom USER1 --userTo USER2 --libraries Movies
sync_watch_status.py --userFrom USER1=Server --userTo USER2=Server --libraries Movies
- Synced watch status of {title from library} to {USER2}'s account.
plex_api_share.py --userFrom USER1 --userTo USER2 USER3 --allLibraries
sync_watch_status.py --userFrom USER1=Server --userTo USER2=Server USER3=Server --allLibraries
- Synced watch status of {title from library} to {USER2 or USER3}'s account.
--libraries becomes excluded if --allLibraries is set
sync_watch_status.py --userFrom USER1 --userTo USER2 --allLibraries --libraries Movies
sync_watch_status.py --userFrom USER1=Server --userTo USER2=Server --allLibraries --libraries Movies
- Shared [all libraries but Movies] with USER.
import requests
import argparse
from plexapi.myplex import MyPlexAccount
from plexapi.server import PlexServer, CONFIG
# Using CONFIG file
if not PLEX_URL:
PLEX_URL = CONFIG.data['auth'].get('server_baseurl', '')
# Using CONFIG file
if not PLEX_TOKEN:
PLEX_TOKEN = CONFIG.data['auth'].get('server_token', '')
@ -78,41 +76,107 @@ if sess.verify is False:
plex = PlexServer(PLEX_URL, PLEX_TOKEN, session=sess)
account = MyPlexAccount(PLEX_TOKEN)
sections_lst = [x.title for x in plex.library.sections()]
user_lst = [x.title for x in plex.myPlexAccount().users()]
servers_dict = {acct.name: acct for acct in plex.myPlexAccount().resources()
if 'server' in [acct.provides] and acct.ownerid == 0}
# Adding admin account name to list
sections_lst = []
user_servers = {}
admin_servers = {}
server_users = account.users()
user_server_dict = {'data': {}}
user_data = user_server_dict['data']
# Finding and connecting to owned servers.
print('Connecting to admin owned servers.')
for resource in account.resources():
if 'server' in [resource.provides] and resource.ownerid == 0:
server_connect = resource.connect()
admin_servers[resource.name] = server_connect
# Pull section names to check against
server_sections = [section.title for section in server_connect.library.sections()]
sections_lst += server_sections
sections_lst = list(set(sections_lst))
# Add admin account
user_data[account.title] = {'account': account,
'servers': admin_servers}
# Finding what user has access to which admin owned servers
for user in server_users:
for server in user.servers:
if admin_servers.get(server.name):
user_servers[server.name] = admin_servers.get(server.name)
if not user_data.get(user.title):
user_data[user.title] = {'account': user,
'servers': user_servers}
def get_account(user):
if user == plex.myPlexAccount().title:
account = plex
def get_account(user, server):
user: str
User's name
server: str
Server's name
User server class
print('Checking {} on {}'.format(user, server))
if user_server_dict['data'][user]['servers'].get(server):
user_server = user_server_dict['data'][user]['servers'].get(server)
baseurl = user_server._baseurl.split('.')
url = ''.join([baseurl[0].replace('-', '.'),
baseurl[-1].replace('direct', '')])
if user == MyPlexAccount(PLEX_TOKEN).title:
token = PLEX_TOKEN
userAccount = user_server.myPlexAccount().user(user)
token = userAccount.get_token(user_server.machineIdentifier)
account = PlexServer(baseurl=url, token=token, session=sess)
return account
# Access Plex User's Account
userAccount = plex.myPlexAccount().user(user)
token = userAccount.get_token(plex.machineIdentifier)
account = PlexServer(PLEX_URL, token)
return account
print('{} is not shared to {}'.format(user, server))
def mark_watached(sectionFrom, accountTo, userTo):
sectionFrom: class
Section class of sync from server
accountTo: class
User's server class of sync to user
# Check sections for watched items
print('Marking watched...')
sectionTo = accountTo.library.section(sectionFrom.title)
for item in sectionFrom.search(unwatched=False):
title = item.title.encode('utf-8')
# Check movie media type
if item.type == 'movie':
print('Synced watch status of {} to {}\'s account.'.format(title, userTo))
# Check show media type
elif item.type == 'show':
for episode in sectionFrom.searchEpisodes(unwatched=False, title=title):
ep_title = episode.title.encode('utf-8')
print('Synced watch status of {} - {} to {}\'s account.'.format(title, ep_title, userTo))
# Check movie media type
if item.type == 'movie':
watch_check = sectionTo.get(item.title)
fetch_check = sectionTo.fetchItem(watch_check.key)
if not fetch_check.isWatched:
print('Synced watch status of {} to {}\'s account.'.format(title, userTo))
# Check show media type
elif item.type == 'show':
for episode in sectionFrom.searchEpisodes(unwatched=False, title=title):
ep_title = episode.title.encode('utf-8')
watch_check = sectionTo.get(item.title)
fetch_check = sectionTo.fetchItem(watch_check.key)
if not fetch_check.isWatched:
print('Synced watch status of {} - {} to {}\'s account.'.format(title, ep_title, userTo))
except Exception:
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -125,23 +189,16 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
'(choices: %(choices)s)')
parser.add_argument('--allLibraries', action='store_true',
help='Select all libraries.')
parser.add_argument('--servers', nargs='*', choices=servers_dict.keys(),
help='Space separated list of case sensitive names to process. Allowed names are: \n'
'(choices: %(choices)s)')
parser.add_argument('--ratingKey', nargs=1,
help='Rating key of item whose watch status is to be synced.')
requiredNamed.add_argument('--userFrom', choices=user_lst, metavar='username', required=True,
help='Space separated list of case sensitive names to process. Allowed names are: \n'
'(choices: %(choices)s)')
requiredNamed.add_argument('--userTo', nargs='*', choices=user_lst, metavar='usernames', required=True,
help='Space separated list of case sensitive names to process. Allowed names are: \n'
'(choices: %(choices)s)')
requiredNamed.add_argument('--userFrom', metavar='user=server', required=True,
type=lambda kv: kv.split("="),
help='Select user and server to sync from')
requiredNamed.add_argument('--userTo', nargs='*', metavar='user=server', required=True,
type=lambda kv: kv.split("="),
help='Select user and server to sync to.')
opts = parser.parse_args()
# print(opts)
# Create Sync-From user account
plexFrom = get_account(opts.userFrom)
# Defining libraries
libraries = ''
@ -155,10 +212,12 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
libraries = sections_lst
# Create Sync-From user account
plexFrom = get_account(opts.userFrom[0], opts.userFrom[1])
# Go through list of users
for user in opts.userTo:
# Create Sync-To user account
plexTo = get_account(user)
plexTo = get_account(user[0], user[1])
if libraries:
# Go through Libraries
for library in libraries:
@ -166,12 +225,10 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
print('Checking library: {}'.format(library))
# Check library for watched items
section = plexFrom.library.section(library)
mark_watached(section, plexTo, user)
mark_watached(section, plexTo, user[0])
except Exception as e:
if str(e).startswith('Unknown'):
print('Library ({}) does not have a watch status.'.format(library))
elif str(e).startswith('Invalid'):
print('Library ({}) not shared to user: {}.'.format(library, opts.userFrom))
elif str(e).startswith('(404)'):
print('Library ({}) not shared to user: {}.'.format(library, user))
@ -179,9 +236,10 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
# Check rating key from Tautulli
elif opts.ratingKey:
item = plexTo.fetchItem(opts.ratingKey)
title = item.title.encode('utf-8')
print('Syncing watch status of {} to {}\'s account.'.format(title, user))
for key in opts.ratingKey:
item = plexTo.fetchItem(int(key))
title = item.title.encode('utf-8')
print('Syncing watch status of {} to {}\'s account.'.format(title, user[0]))
print('No libraries or rating key provided.')
Reference in New Issue
Block a user