diff --git a/utility/remove_inactive_users.py b/utility/remove_inactive_users.py
index 8ef14a8..7576acb 100644
--- a/utility/remove_inactive_users.py
+++ b/utility/remove_inactive_users.py
@@ -113,5 +113,11 @@ for user in TAUTULLI_USERS:
         if DRY_RUN:
             print('{}, and would unshare libraries.'.format(OUTPUT))
-            print('{}, and has reached their inactivity limit. Unsharing.'.format(OUTPUT))
-            ACCOUNT.updateFriend(PLEX_USERS[UID], SERVER, SECTIONS, removeSections=True)
+            for server in ACCOUNT.user(PLEX_USERS[UID]).servers:
+                if server.machineIdentifier == SERVER.machineIdentifier and server.sections():
+                    print('{}, and has reached their inactivity limit. Unsharing.'.format(OUTPUT))
+                    ACCOUNT.updateFriend(PLEX_USERS[UID], SERVER, SECTIONS, removeSections=True)
+                else:
+                    print("{}, has already been unshared, but has not reached their shareless threshold."
+                          "Skipping.".format(OUTPUT))