#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Description: Manage Plex media. Show, delete, archive, optimize, or move media based on whether it was watched, unwatched, transcoded often, or file size is greater than X *Tautulli data to command Plex Author: Blacktwin Requires: requests, plexapi, argparse Interacts with: Tautulli, Plex Enabling Scripts in Tautulli: Not yet Examples: Find unwatched Movies that were added before 2015-05-05 and delete python media_manager.py --libraries Movies --select unwatched --date "2015-05-05" --action delete Find watched TV Shows that both User1 and User2 have watched python media_manager.py --libraries "TV Shows" --select watched --users User1 User2 --action show Find library items that were last played before 2021-01-01 python media_manger.py --libraries "Movies --select lastPlayed --date 2021-01-01 --action show """ from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals from builtins import object import argparse import datetime import time import re from collections import Counter from plexapi.server import PlexServer from plexapi.server import CONFIG from plexapi.exceptions import NotFound from requests import Session from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter from requests.exceptions import RequestException PLEX_URL ='' PLEX_TOKEN = '' TAUTULLI_URL = '' TAUTULLI_APIKEY = '' # Using CONFIG file if not PLEX_TOKEN: PLEX_TOKEN = CONFIG.data['auth'].get('server_token') if not PLEX_URL: PLEX_URL = CONFIG.data['auth'].get('server_baseurl') if not TAUTULLI_URL: TAUTULLI_URL = CONFIG.data['auth'].get('tautulli_baseurl') if not TAUTULLI_APIKEY: TAUTULLI_APIKEY = CONFIG.data['auth'].get('tautulli_apikey') VERIFY_SSL = False SELECTOR = ['watched', 'unwatched', 'transcoded', 'rating', 'size', 'lastPlayed'] ACTIONS = ['delete', 'move', 'archive', 'optimize', 'show'] OPERATORS = { '>': lambda v, q: v > q, '>=': lambda v, q: v >= q, '<': lambda v, q: v < q, '<=': lambda v, q: v <= q,} UNTIS = {"B": 1, "KB": 2**10, "MB": 2**20, "GB": 2**30, "TB": 2**40} MOVE_PATH = '' ARCHIVE_PATH = '' OPTIMIZE_DEFAULT = {'targetTagID': 'Mobile', 'deviceProfile': None, 'title': None, 'target': "", 'locationID': -1, 'policyUnwatched': 0, 'videoQuality': None} class Connection(object): def __init__(self, url=None, apikey=None, verify_ssl=False): self.url = url self.apikey = apikey self.session = Session() self.adapters = HTTPAdapter(max_retries=3, pool_connections=1, pool_maxsize=1, pool_block=True) self.session.mount('http://', self.adapters) self.session.mount('https://', self.adapters) # Ignore verifying the SSL certificate if verify_ssl is False: self.session.verify = False # Disable the warning that the request is insecure, we know that... import urllib3 urllib3.disable_warnings(urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning) class Library(object): def __init__(self, data=None): d = data or {} self.title = d['section_name'] self.key = d['section_id'] self.type = d['section_type'] class Metadata(object): def __init__(self, data=None): d = data or {} self.added_at = d.get('added_at') self.media_type = d.get('media_type') self.grandparent_title = d.get('grandparent_title') self.grandparent_rating_key = d.get('grandparent_rating_key') self.parent_media_index = d.get('parent_media_index') self.parent_title = d.get('parent_title') self.parent_rating_key = d.get('parent_rating_key') self.file_size = d.get('file_size') self.container = d.get('container') self.rating_key = d.get('rating_key') self.index = d.get('media_index') self.watched_status = d.get('watched_status') self.libraryName = d.get("library_name") self.full_title = d.get('full_title') self.title = d.get('title') self.year = d.get('year') self.video_resolution = d.get('video_resolution') self.video_codec = d.get('video_codec') self.media_info = d.get('media_info') if self.media_info: self.parts = self.media_info[0].get('parts') self.file = self.parts[0].get('file') if not self.file_size: self.file_size = self.parts[0].get('file_size') if self.media_type == 'episode' and not self.title: episodeName = self.full_title.partition('-')[-1] self.title = episodeName.lstrip() elif not self.title: self.title = self.full_title if self.media_type == 'show': show = plex.fetchItem(int(self.rating_key)) # todo only using the first library location for show types self.file = show.locations[0] show = tautulli_server.get_new_rating_keys(self.rating_key, self.media_type) seasons = show['0']['children'] episodes = [] show_size = [] for season in seasons.values(): for _episode in season['children'].values(): metadata = tautulli_server.get_metadata(_episode['rating_key']) episode = Metadata(metadata) show_size.append(int(episode.file_size)) episodes.append(episode) self.file_size = sum(show_size) self.episodes = episodes class User(object): def __init__(self, name='', email='', userid='',): self.name = name self.email = email self.userid = userid self.watch = {} self.transcode = {} self.direct = {} class Tautulli(object): def __init__(self, connection): self.connection = connection def _call_api(self, cmd, payload, method='GET'): payload['cmd'] = cmd payload['apikey'] = self.connection.apikey try: response = self.connection.session.request(method, self.connection.url + '/api/v2', params=payload) except RequestException as e: print("Tautulli request failed for cmd '{}'. Invalid Tautulli URL? Error: {}".format(cmd, e)) return try: response_json = response.json() except ValueError: print("Failed to parse json response for Tautulli API cmd '{}'".format(cmd)) return if response_json['response']['result'] == 'success': return response_json['response']['data'] else: error_msg = response_json['response']['message'] print("Tautulli API cmd '{}' failed: {}".format(cmd, error_msg)) return def get_history(self, user=None, section_id=None, rating_key=None, start=None, length=None, watched=None, transcode_decision=None): """Call Tautulli's get_history api endpoint.""" payload = {"order_column": "full_title", "order_dir": "asc"} watched_status = None if watched is True: watched_status = 1 if watched is False: watched_status = 0 if user: payload["user"] = user if section_id: payload["section_id"] = section_id if rating_key: payload["rating_key"] = rating_key if start: payload["start"] = start if length: payload["lengh"] = length if transcode_decision: payload["transcode_decision"] = transcode_decision history = self._call_api('get_history', payload) if isinstance(watched_status, int): return [d for d in history['data'] if d['watched_status'] == watched_status] else: return [d for d in history['data']] def get_metadata(self, rating_key): """Call Tautulli's get_metadata api endpoint.""" payload = {"rating_key": rating_key} return self._call_api('get_metadata', payload) def get_libraries(self): """Call Tautulli's get_libraries api endpoint.""" payload = {} return self._call_api('get_libraries', payload) def get_library_media_info(self, section_id, start, length, unwatched=None, date=None, order_column=None, last_played=None): """Call Tautulli's get_library_media_info api endpoint.""" payload = {'section_id': section_id} if start: payload["start"] = start if length: payload["lengh"] = length if order_column: payload["order_column"] = order_column payload['order_dir'] = 'desc' library_stats = self._call_api('get_library_media_info', payload) if unwatched and not date: return [d for d in library_stats['data'] if d['play_count'] is None] elif unwatched and date: return [d for d in library_stats['data'] if d['play_count'] is None and (float(d['added_at'])) < date] elif last_played and date: return [d for d in library_stats['data'] if d['play_count'] is not None] else: return [d for d in library_stats['data']] def get_new_rating_keys(self, rating_key, media_type): """Call Tautulli's get_new_rating_keys api endpoint.""" payload = {"rating_key": rating_key, "media_type": media_type} return self._call_api('get_new_rating_keys', payload) def sizeof_fmt(num, suffix='B'): # Function found https://stackoverflow.com/a/1094933 for unit in ['', 'Ki', 'Mi', 'Gi', 'Ti', 'Pi', 'Ei', 'Zi']: if abs(num) < 1024.0: return "%3.1f%s%s" % (num, unit, suffix) num /= 1024.0 return "%.1f%s%s" % (num, 'Yi', suffix) def parseSize(size): size = size.upper() if not re.match(r' ', size): size = re.sub(r'([KMGT]?B)', r' \1', size) number, unit = [string.strip() for string in size.split()] return int(float(number)*UNTIS[unit]) def plex_deletion(items, libraries, toggleDeletion): """ Parameters ---------- items (list): List of items to be deleted by Plex libraries {list): List of libraries used toggleDeletion (bool): Allow then disable Plex ability to delete media items Returns ------- """ plex = PlexServer(PLEX_URL, PLEX_TOKEN) if plex.allowMediaDeletion is None and toggleDeletion is None: print("Allow Plex to delete media.") exit() elif plex.allowMediaDeletion is None and toggleDeletion: print("Temporarily allowing Plex to delete media.") plex._allowMediaDeletion(True) time.sleep(1) plex = PlexServer(PLEX_URL, PLEX_TOKEN) print("The following items were added before {} and marked for deletion.".format(opts.date)) for item in items: try: if isinstance(item, int): plex_item = plex.fetchItem(item) elif isinstance(item, str): plex_item = plex.fetchItem(int(item)) else: plex_item = plex.fetchItem(int(item.rating_key)) plex_item.delete() print("Item: {} was deleted".format(plex_item.title)) except NotFound: print("Item: {} may already have been deleted.".format(item)) for _library in libraries: section = plex.library.sectionByID(_library.key) print("Emptying Trash from library {}".format(_library.title)) section.emptyTrash() if toggleDeletion: print("Disabling Plex to delete media.") plex._allowMediaDeletion(False) def last_played_work(sectionID, date=None): """ Parameters ---------- sectionID (int): Library key date (float): Epoch time Returns ------- last_played_lst (list): List of Metdata objects of last played items """ count = 25 start = 0 last_played_lst = [] while True: # Getting all watched history tt_history = tautulli_server.get_library_media_info(section_id=sectionID, start=start, length=count, last_played=True, date=date, order_column='last_played') if all([tt_history]): start += count for item in tt_history: _meta = tautulli_server.get_metadata(item['rating_key']) metadata = Metadata(_meta) if (float(item['last_played'])) < date: metadata.last_played = item['last_played'] last_played_lst.append(metadata) elif not all([tt_history]): break start += count return last_played_lst def unwatched_work(sectionID, date=None): """ Parameters ---------- sectionID (int): Library key date (float): Epoch time Returns ------- unwatched_lst (list): List of Metdata objects of unwatched items """ count = 25 start = 0 unwatched_lst = [] while True: # Getting all watched history for userFrom tt_history = tautulli_server.get_library_media_info(section_id=sectionID, start=start, length=count, unwatched=True, date=date) if all([tt_history]): start += count for item in tt_history: _meta = tautulli_server.get_metadata(item['rating_key']) metadata = Metadata(_meta) unwatched_lst.append(metadata) continue elif not all([tt_history]): break start += count return unwatched_lst def size_work(sectionID, operator, value, episodes): """ Parameters ---------- sectionID (int): Library key date (float): Epoch time Returns ------- unwatched_lst (list): List of Metdata objects of unwatched items """ count = 25 start = 0 size_lst = [] while True: # Getting all watched history for userFrom tt_size = tautulli_server.get_library_media_info(section_id=sectionID, start=start, length=count, order_column="file_size") if all([tt_size]): start += count for item in tt_size: _meta = tautulli_server.get_metadata(item['rating_key']) metadata = Metadata(_meta) try: if episodes: for _episode in metadata.episodes: file_size = int(_episode.file_size) if operator(file_size, value): size_lst.append(_episode) else: file_size = int(metadata.file_size) if operator(file_size, value): size_lst.append(metadata) except AttributeError: print("Metadata error found with rating_key: ({})".format(item['rating_key'])) continue elif not all([tt_size]): break start += count return size_lst def watched_work(user, sectionID=None, ratingKey=None): """ Parameters ---------- user (object): User object holding user stats sectionID {int): Library key ratingKey (int): Item rating key ------- """ count = 25 start = 0 tt_history = '' while True: # Getting all watched history for userFrom if sectionID: tt_history = tautulli_server.get_history(user=user.name, section_id=sectionID, start=start, length=count, watched=True) elif ratingKey: tt_history = tautulli_server.get_history(user=user.name, rating_key=ratingKey, start=start, length=count, watched=True) if all([tt_history]): start += count for item in tt_history: metadata = Metadata(item) if user.watch.get(metadata.rating_key): user.watch.get(metadata.rating_key).watched_status += 1 else: _meta = tautulli_server.get_metadata(metadata.rating_key) metadata = Metadata(_meta) user.watch.update({metadata.rating_key: metadata}) continue elif not all([tt_history]): break start += count def transcode_work(sectionID, operator, value): """ Parameters ---------- user (object): User object holding user stats sectionID {int): Library key ratingKey (int): Item rating key ------- """ count = 25 start = 0 transcoding_lst = [] transcoding_count = {} while True: # Getting all watched history for userFrom tt_history = tautulli_server.get_history(section_id=sectionID, start=start, length=count, transcode_decision="transcode") if all([tt_history]): start += count for item in tt_history: if transcoding_count.get(item['rating_key']): transcoding_count[item['rating_key']] += 1 else: transcoding_count[item['rating_key']] = 1 continue elif not all([tt_history]): break start += count sorted_transcoding = sorted(transcoding_count.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) for rating_key, transcode_count in sorted_transcoding: if operator(transcode_count, int(value)): _meta = tautulli_server.get_metadata(rating_key) if _meta: metadata = Metadata(_meta) metadata.transcode_count = transcode_count transcoding_lst.append(metadata) else: print("Metadata error found with rating_key: ({})".format(rating_key)) return transcoding_lst def action_show(items, selector, date, users=None): sizes = [] print("{} item(s) have been found.".format(len(items))) if selector == 'lastPlayed': print("The following items were last played before {}".format(date)) elif selector == 'watched': print("The following items were watched by {}".format(", ".join([user.name for user in users]))) elif selector == 'unwatched': print("The following items were added before {} and are unwatched".format(date)) else: print("The following items were added before {}".format(date)) for item in items: try: if selector == 'watched': item = users[0].watch[item] added_at = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(float(item.added_at)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") size = int(item.file_size) if item.file_size else 0 sizes.append(size) if selector == 'lastPlayed': last_played = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(float(item.last_played)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") print(u"\t{} added {} and last played {}\tSize: {}\n\t\tFile: {}".format( item.title, added_at, last_played, sizeof_fmt(size), item.file)) elif selector == 'transcoded': print(u"\t{} added {}\tSize: {}\tTransocded: {} time(s)\n\t\tFile: {}".format( item.title, added_at, sizeof_fmt(size), item.transcode_count, item.file)) else: print(u"\t{} added {}\tSize: {}\n\t\tFile: {}".format( item.title, added_at, sizeof_fmt(size), item.file)) except TypeError as e: print("Item: {} caused the following error: {}".format(item.rating_key, e)) total_size = sum(sizes) print("Total size: {}".format(sizeof_fmt(total_size))) if __name__ == '__main__': session = Connection().session plex = PlexServer(PLEX_URL, PLEX_TOKEN, session=session) all_users = plex.myPlexAccount().users() all_users.append(plex.myPlexAccount()) users = {user.title: User(name=user.title, email=user.email, userid=user.id) for user in all_users} user_choices = [] for user in users.values(): if user.email: user_choices.append(user.email) user_choices.append(user.userid) user_choices.append(user.name) sections_lst = [x.title for x in plex.library.sections()] parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Manage Plex media using data captured from Tautulli.", formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('--select', required=True, choices=SELECTOR, help='Select what kind of items to look for.\nChoices: (%(choices)s)') parser.add_argument('--action', required=True, choices=ACTIONS, help='Action to perform with items collected.\nChoices: (%(choices)s)') parser.add_argument('--libraries', nargs='+', choices=sections_lst, metavar='', help='Libraries to scan for watched/unwatched content.') parser.add_argument('--ratingKey', nargs="?", type=str, help='Rating key of item to scan for watched/unwatched status.') parser.add_argument('--date', nargs="?", type=str, default=None, help='Check items added before YYYY-MM-DD for watched/unwatched status.') parser.add_argument('--users', nargs='+', choices=user_choices, metavar='', help='Plex usernames, userid, or email of users to use. Allowed names are:\n' 'Choices: %(choices)s') parser.add_argument('--notify', type=int, help='Notification Agent ID number to Agent to ' + 'send notification.') parser.add_argument('--toggleDeletion', action='store_true', help='Enable Plex to delete media while using script.') parser.add_argument('--actionOption', type=lambda kv: kv.split("="), action='append', help='Addtional instructions to use for move, archive, optimize.\n' '--action optimize --actionOption title="Optimized thing"\n' '--action optimize --actionOption targetTagID=Mobile\n' '--action move --actionOption path="D:/my/new/path"') parser.add_argument('--selectValue', type=lambda kv: kv.split("_"), help='Operator and Value to use for size, rating or transcoded filtering.\n' '">_5G" ie. items greater than 5 gigabytes.\n' '">_3" ie. items greater than 3 stars.\n' '">_3" ie. items played transcoded more than 3 times.') parser.add_argument('--episodes', action='store_true', help='Enable Plex to scan episodes if Show library is selected.') opts = parser.parse_args() # todo find: watched by list of users[x], unwatched based on time[x], based on size, most transcoded, star rating # todo find: all selectors should be able to search by user, library, and/or time # todo actions: delete[x], move?, zip and move?, notify, optimize # todo deletion toggle and optimize is dependent on plexapi PRs 433 and 426 respectively # todo logging and notification # todo if optimizing and optimized version already exists, skip libraries = [] all_sections = [] watched_lst = [] unwatched_lst = [] last_played_lst = [] size_lst = [] user_lst = [] transcode_lst = [] date_format = '' # Check for days or date format if opts.date and opts.date.isdigit(): days = datetime.date.today() - datetime.timedelta(int(opts.date)) date = time.mktime(days.timetuple()) elif opts.date is None: date = None else: date = time.mktime(time.strptime(opts.date, "%Y-%m-%d")) if date: days = (datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(date)) date_format = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", time.localtime(date)) date_format = '{} ({} days)'.format(date_format, days.days) # Create a Tautulli instance tautulli_server = Tautulli(Connection(url=TAUTULLI_URL.rstrip("/"), apikey=TAUTULLI_APIKEY, verify_ssl=VERIFY_SSL)) # Pull all libraries from Tautulli _sections = {} tautulli_sections = tautulli_server.get_libraries() for section in tautulli_sections: section_obj = Library(section) _sections[section_obj.title] = section_obj all_sections = _sections # Defining libraries if opts.libraries: for library in opts.libraries: if all_sections.get(library): libraries.append(all_sections.get(library)) else: print("No matching library name '{}'".format(library)) exit() if opts.users: for _user in opts.users: user_lst.append(users[_user]) if opts.select == "unwatched": if libraries: for _library in libraries: print("Checking library: '{}' watch statuses...".format(_library.title)) unwatched_lst += unwatched_work(sectionID=_library.key, date=date) if opts.action == "show": action_show(unwatched_lst, opts.select, date_format) if opts.action == "delete": plex_deletion(unwatched_lst, libraries, opts.toggleDeletion) if opts.select == "watched": if libraries: for user in user_lst: print("Finding watched items from user: {}".format(user.name)) for _library in libraries: print("Checking library: '{}' watch statuses...".format(_library.title)) watched_work(user=user, sectionID=_library.key) if opts.ratingKey: item = tautulli_server.get_metadata(rating_key=opts.ratingKey) metadata = Metadata(item) if metadata.media_type in ['show', 'season']: parent = plex.fetchItem(int(opts.ratingKey)) childern = parent.episodes() for user in user_lst: for child in childern: watched_work(user=user, ratingKey=child.ratingKey) else: for user in user_lst: watched_work(user=user, ratingKey=opts.ratingKey) # Find all items watched by all users all_watched = [key for user in user_lst for key in user.watch.keys() if key is not None] counts = Counter(all_watched) watched_by_all = [id for id in all_watched if counts[id] >= len(user_lst)] watched_by_all = list(set(watched_by_all)) if opts.action == "show": action_show(watched_by_all, opts.select, date_format, user_lst) if opts.action == "delete": plex_deletion(watched_by_all, libraries, opts.toggleDeletion) if opts.select == "lastPlayed": if libraries: for _library in libraries: print("Checking library: '{}' watch statuses...".format(_library.title)) last_played_lst += last_played_work(sectionID=_library.key, date=date) if opts.action == "show": action_show(last_played_lst, opts.select, date_format) if opts.action == "delete": plex_deletion(last_played_lst, libraries, opts.toggleDeletion) if opts.select in ["size", "rating", "transcoded"]: if opts.selectValue: operator, value = opts.selectValue if operator not in OPERATORS.keys(): print("Operator not found") exit() else: print("No value provided.") exit() op = OPERATORS.get(operator) if opts.select == "size": if value[-2:] in UNTIS.keys(): size = parseSize(value) if libraries: for _library in libraries: print("Checking library: '{}' items {}{} in size...".format(_library.title, operator, value)) size_lst += size_work(sectionID=_library.key, operator=op, value=size, episodes=opts.episodes) if opts.action == "show": action_show(size_lst, opts.select, opts.date) else: print("Size must end with one of these notations: {}".format(", ".join(UNTIS.keys()))) pass elif opts.select == "rating": pass elif opts.select == "transcoded": if libraries: for _library in libraries: print("Checking library: '{}' items with {}{} transcodes...".format( _library.title, operator, value)) transcoded_lst = transcode_work(sectionID=_library.key, operator=op, value=value) transcode_lst += transcoded_lst if opts.action == "show": action_show(transcode_lst, opts.select, date_format)