#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Description: Use conditions to kill a stream Author: Blacktwin, Arcanemagus, Samwiseg0, JonnyWong16, DirtyCajunRice Adding the script to Tautulli: Tautulli > Settings > Notification Agents > Add a new notification agent > Script Configuration: Tautulli > Settings > Notification Agents > New Script > Configuration: Script Folder: /path/to/your/scripts Script File: ./kill_stream.py (Should be selectable in a dropdown list) Script Timeout: {timeout} Description: Kill stream(s) Save Triggers: Tautulli > Settings > Notification Agents > New Script > Triggers: Check: Playback Start and/or Playback Pause Save Conditions: Tautulli > Settings > Notification Agents > New Script > Conditions: Set Conditions: [{condition} | {operator} | {value} ] Save Script Arguments: Tautulli > Settings > Notification Agents > New Script > Script Arguments: Select: Playback Start, Playback Pause Arguments: --jbop SELECTOR --userId {user_id} --username {username} --sessionId {session_id} --notify notifierID --interval 30 --limit 1200 --richMessage RICH_TYPE --serverName {server_name} --plexUrl {plex_url} --posterUrl {poster_url} --richColor '#E5A00D' --killMessage 'Your message here.' Save Close """ from __future__ import print_function import os import sys import json import time import argparse from datetime import datetime from requests import Session from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter from requests.exceptions import RequestException TAUTULLI_URL = '' TAUTULLI_APIKEY = '' TAUTULLI_PUBLIC_URL = '' TAUTULLI_URL = os.getenv('TAUTULLI_URL', TAUTULLI_URL) TAUTULLI_PUBLIC_URL = os.getenv('TAUTULLI_PUBLIC_URL', TAUTULLI_PUBLIC_URL) TAUTULLI_APIKEY = os.getenv('TAUTULLI_APIKEY', TAUTULLI_APIKEY) TAUTULLI_ENCODING = os.getenv('TAUTULLI_ENCODING', 'UTF-8') VERIFY_SSL = False if TAUTULLI_PUBLIC_URL != '/': # Check to see if there is a public URL set in Tautulli TAUTULLI_LINK = TAUTULLI_PUBLIC_URL else: TAUTULLI_LINK = TAUTULLI_URL SUBJECT_TEXT = "Tautulli has killed a stream." BODY_TEXT = "Killed session ID '{id}'. Reason: {message}" BODY_TEXT_USER = "Killed {user}'s stream. Reason: {message}." SELECTOR = ['stream', 'allStreams', 'paused'] RICH_TYPE = ['discord', 'slack'] TAUTULLI_ICON = 'https://github.com/Tautulli/Tautulli/raw/master/data/interfaces/default/images/logo-circle.png' def utc_now_iso(): """Get current time in ISO format""" utcnow = datetime.utcnow() return utcnow.isoformat() def hex_to_int(value): """Convert hex value to integer""" try: return int(value, 16) except (ValueError, TypeError): return 0 def arg_decoding(arg): """Decode args, encode UTF-8""" if sys.version_info[0] < 3: return arg.decode(TAUTULLI_ENCODING).encode('UTF-8') else: return arg def debug_dump_vars(): """Dump parameters for debug""" print('Tautulli URL - ' + TAUTULLI_URL) print('Tautulli Public URL - ' + TAUTULLI_PUBLIC_URL) print('Verify SSL - ' + str(VERIFY_SSL)) print('Tautulli API key - ' + TAUTULLI_APIKEY[-4:] .rjust(len(TAUTULLI_APIKEY), "x")) def get_all_streams(tautulli, user_id=None): """Get a list of all current streams. Parameters ---------- user_id : int The ID of the user to grab sessions for. tautulli : obj Tautulli object. Returns ------- objects The of stream objects. """ sessions = tautulli.get_activity()['sessions'] if user_id: streams = [Stream(session=s) for s in sessions if s['user_id'] == user_id] else: streams = [Stream(session=s) for s in sessions] return streams def notify(all_opts, message, kill_type=None, stream=None, tautulli=None): """Decides which notifier type to use""" if all_opts.notify and all_opts.richMessage: rich_notify(all_opts.notify, all_opts.richMessage, all_opts.richColor, kill_type, all_opts.serverName, all_opts.plexUrl, all_opts.posterUrl, message, stream, tautulli) elif all_opts.notify: basic_notify(all_opts.notify, all_opts.sessionId, all_opts.username, message, stream, tautulli) def rich_notify(notifier_id, rich_type, color=None, kill_type=None, server_name=None, plex_url=None, poster_url=None, message=None, stream=None, tautulli=None): """Decides which rich notifier type to use. Set default values for empty variables Parameters ---------- notifier_id : int The ID of the user to grab sessions for. rich_type : str Contains 'discord' or 'slack'. color : Union[int, str] Hex string or integer representation of color. kill_type : str The kill type used. server_name : str The name of the plex server. plex_url : str Plex media URL. poster_url : str The media poster URL. message : str Message sent to the client. stream : obj Stream object. tautulli : obj Tautulli object. """ notification = Notification(notifier_id, None, None, tautulli, stream) # Initialize Variables title = '' footer = '' # Set a default server_name if none is provided if server_name is None: server_name = 'Plex Server' # Set a default color if none is provided if color is None: color = '#E5A00D' # Set a default plexUrl if none is provided if plex_url is None: plex_url = 'https://app.plex.tv' # Set a default posterUrl if none is provided if poster_url is None: poster_url = TAUTULLI_ICON # Set a default message if none is provided if message is None: message = 'The server owner has ended the stream.' if kill_type == 'Stream': title = "Killed {}'s stream.".format(stream.friendly_name) footer = '{} | Kill {}'.format(server_name, kill_type) elif kill_type == 'Paused': title = "Killed {}'s paused stream.".format(stream.friendly_name) footer = '{} | Kill {}'.format(server_name, kill_type) elif kill_type == 'All Streams': title = "Killed {}'s stream.".format(stream.friendly_name) footer = '{} | Kill {}'.format(server_name, kill_type) poster_url = TAUTULLI_ICON plex_url = 'https://app.plex.tv' if rich_type == 'discord': color = hex_to_int(color.lstrip('#')) notification.send_discord(title, color, poster_url, plex_url, message, footer) elif rich_type == 'slack': notification.send_slack(title, color, poster_url, plex_url, message, footer) def basic_notify(notifier_id, session_id, username=None, message=None, stream=None, tautulli=None): """Basic notifier""" notification = Notification(notifier_id, SUBJECT_TEXT, BODY_TEXT, tautulli, stream) if username: body = BODY_TEXT_USER.format(user=username, message=message) else: body = BODY_TEXT.format(id=session_id, message=message) notification.send(SUBJECT_TEXT, body) class Tautulli: def __init__(self, url, apikey, verify_ssl=False, debug=None): self.url = url self.apikey = apikey self.debug = debug self.session = Session() self.adapters = HTTPAdapter(max_retries=3, pool_connections=1, pool_maxsize=1, pool_block=True) self.session.mount('http://', self.adapters) self.session.mount('https://', self.adapters) # Ignore verifying the SSL certificate if verify_ssl is False: self.session.verify = False # Disable the warning that the request is insecure, we know that... import urllib3 urllib3.disable_warnings(urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning) def _call_api(self, cmd, payload, method='GET'): payload['cmd'] = cmd payload['apikey'] = self.apikey try: response = self.session.request(method, self.url + '/api/v2', params=payload) except RequestException as e: print("Tautulli request failed for cmd '{}'. Invalid Tautulli URL? Error: {}".format(cmd, e)) if self.debug: traceback.print_exc() return try: response_json = response.json() except ValueError: print( "Failed to parse json response for Tautulli API cmd '{}': {}" .format(cmd, response.content)) return if response_json['response']['result'] == 'success': if self.debug: print("Successfully called Tautulli API cmd '{}'".format(cmd)) return response_json['response']['data'] else: error_msg = response_json['response']['message'] print("Tautulli API cmd '{}' failed: {}".format(cmd, error_msg)) return def get_activity(self, session_key=None, session_id=None): """Call Tautulli's get_activity api endpoint""" payload = {} if session_key: payload['session_key'] = session_key elif session_id: payload['session_id'] = session_id return self._call_api('get_activity', payload) def notify(self, notifier_id, subject, body): """Call Tautulli's notify api endpoint""" payload = {'notifier_id': notifier_id, 'subject': subject, 'body': body} return self._call_api('notify', payload) def terminate_session(self, session_key=None, session_id=None, message=''): """Call Tautulli's terminate_session api endpoint""" payload = {} if session_key: payload['session_key'] = session_key elif session_id: payload['session_id'] = session_id if message: payload['message'] = message return self._call_api('terminate_session', payload) class Stream: def __init__(self, session_id=None, user_id=None, username=None, tautulli=None, session=None): self.state = None self.ip_address = None self.session_id = session_id self.user_id = user_id self.username = username self.session_exists = False self.tautulli = tautulli if session is not None: self._set_stream_attributes(session) def _set_stream_attributes(self, session): for k, v in session.items(): setattr(self, k, v) def get_all_stream_info(self): """Get all stream info from Tautulli.""" session = self.tautulli.get_activity(session_id=self.session_id) if session: self._set_stream_attributes(session) self.session_exists = True else: self.session_exists = False def terminate(self, message=''): """Calls Tautulli to terminate the session. Parameters ---------- message : str The message to use if the stream is terminated. """ self.tautulli.terminate_session(session_id=self.session_id, message=message) def terminate_long_pause(self, message, limit, interval): """Kills the session if it is paused for longer than seconds. Parameters ---------- message : str The message to use if the stream is terminated. limit : int The number of seconds the session is allowed to remain paused before it is terminated. interval : int The amount of time to wait between checks of the session state. """ start = datetime.now() checked_time = 0 # Continue checking 2 intervals past the allowed limit in order to # account for system variances. check_limit = limit + (interval * 2) while checked_time < check_limit: self.get_all_stream_info() if self.session_exists is False: sys.stdout.write( "Session '{}' from user '{}' is no longer active " .format(self.session_id, self.username) + "on the server, stopping monitoring.\n") return False now = datetime.now() checked_time = (now - start).total_seconds() if self.state == 'paused': if checked_time >= limit: self.terminate(message) sys.stdout.write( "Session '{}' from user '{}' has been killed.\n" .format(self.session_id, self.username)) return True else: time.sleep(interval) elif self.state == 'playing' or self.state == 'buffering': sys.stdout.write( "Session '{}' from user '{}' has been resumed, " .format(self.session_id, self.username) + "stopping monitoring.\n") return False class Notification: def __init__(self, notifier_id, subject, body, tautulli, stream): self.notifier_id = notifier_id self.subject = subject self.body = body self.tautulli = tautulli self.stream = stream def send(self, subject='', body=''): """Send to Tautulli notifier. Parameters ---------- subject : str Subject of the message. body : str Body of the message. """ subject = subject or self.subject body = body or self.body self.tautulli.notify(notifier_id=self.notifier_id, subject=subject, body=body) def send_discord(self, title, color, poster_url, plex_url, message, footer): """Build the Discord message. Parameters ---------- title : str The title of the message. color : int The color of the message poster_url : str The media poster URL. plex_url : str Plex media URL. message : str Message sent to the player. footer : str Footer of the message. """ discord_message = { "embeds": [ { "author": { "icon_url": TAUTULLI_ICON, "name": "Tautulli", "url": TAUTULLI_LINK.rstrip('/') }, "color": color, "fields": [ { "inline": True, "name": "User", "value": self.stream.friendly_name }, { "inline": True, "name": "Session Key", "value": self.stream.session_key }, { "inline": True, "name": "Watching", "value": self.stream.full_title }, { "inline": False, "name": "Message Sent", "value": message } ], "thumbnail": { "url": poster_url }, "title": title, "timestamp": utc_now_iso(), "url": plex_url, "footer": { "text": footer } } ], } discord_message = json.dumps(discord_message, sort_keys=True, separators=(',', ': ')) self.send(body=discord_message) def send_slack(self, title, color, poster_url, plex_url, message, footer): """Build the Slack message. Parameters ---------- title : str The title of the message. color : int The color of the message poster_url : str The media poster URL. plex_url : str Plex media URL. message : str Message sent to the player. footer : str Footer of the message. """ slack_message = { "attachments": [ { "title": title, "title_link": plex_url, "author_icon": TAUTULLI_ICON, "author_name": "Tautulli", "author_link": TAUTULLI_LINK.rstrip('/'), "color": color, "fields": [ { "title": "User", "value": self.stream.friendly_name, "short": True }, { "title": "Session Key", "value": self.stream.session_key, "short": True }, { "title": "Watching", "value": self.stream.full_title, "short": True }, { "title": "Message Sent", "value": message, "short": False } ], "thumb_url": poster_url, "footer": footer, "ts": time.time() } ], } slack_message = json.dumps(slack_message, sort_keys=True, separators=(',', ': ')) self.send(body=slack_message) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Killing Plex streams from Tautulli.") parser.add_argument('--jbop', required=True, choices=SELECTOR, help='Kill selector.\nChoices: (%(choices)s)') parser.add_argument('--userId', type=int, help='The unique identifier for the user.') parser.add_argument('--username', type=arg_decoding, help='The username of the person streaming.') parser.add_argument('--sessionId', help='The unique identifier for the stream.') parser.add_argument('--notify', type=int, help='Notification Agent ID number to Agent to ' + 'send notification.') parser.add_argument('--limit', type=int, default=(20 * 60), # 20 minutes help='The time session is allowed to remain paused.') parser.add_argument('--interval', type=int, default=30, help='The seconds between paused session checks.') parser.add_argument('--killMessage', nargs='+', type=arg_decoding, help='Message to send to user whose stream is killed.') parser.add_argument('--richMessage', type=arg_decoding, choices=RICH_TYPE, help='Rich message type selector.\nChoices: (%(choices)s)') parser.add_argument('--serverName', type=arg_decoding, help='Plex Server Name') parser.add_argument('--plexUrl', type=arg_decoding, help='URL to plex media') parser.add_argument('--posterUrl', type=arg_decoding, help='Poster URL of the media') parser.add_argument('--richColor', type=arg_decoding, help='Color of the rich message') parser.add_argument("--debug", action='store_true', help='Enable debug messages.') opts = parser.parse_args() if not opts.sessionId and opts.jbop != 'allStreams': sys.stderr.write("No sessionId provided! Is this synced content?\n") sys.exit(1) if opts.debug: # Import traceback to get more detailed information import traceback # Dump the ENVs passed from tautulli debug_dump_vars() # Create a Tautulli instance tautulli_server = Tautulli(TAUTULLI_URL.rstrip('/'), TAUTULLI_APIKEY, VERIFY_SSL, opts.debug) # Create initial Stream object with basic info tautulli_stream = Stream(opts.sessionId, opts.userId, opts.username, tautulli_server) # Only pull all stream info if using richMessage if opts.notify and opts.richMessage: tautulli_stream.get_all_stream_info() # Set a default message if none is provided if opts.killMessage: kill_message = ' '.join(opts.killMessage) else: kill_message = 'The server owner has ended the stream.' if opts.jbop == 'stream': tautulli_stream.terminate(kill_message) notify(opts, kill_message, 'Stream', tautulli_stream, tautulli_server) elif opts.jbop == 'allStreams': all_streams = get_all_streams(tautulli_server, opts.userId) for a_stream in all_streams: tautulli_server.terminate_session(session_id=a_stream.session_id, message=kill_message) notify(opts, kill_message, 'All Streams', a_stream, tautulli_server) elif opts.jbop == 'paused': killed_stream = tautulli_stream.terminate_long_pause(kill_message, opts.limit, opts.interval) if killed_stream: notify(opts, kill_message, 'Paused', tautulli_stream, tautulli_server)