## README Killing streams is a Plex Pass only feature. So these scripts will only work for Plex Pass users. ### Kill_stream.py examples: #### Arguments examples: Kill the one offending stream with a custom message and send notification to notfication agent ID 1 --jbop stream --userId {user_id} --username {username} --sessionId {session_id} --killMessage You did something wrong. --notify 1 Kill all the offending users streams with a custom message and send notification to notfication agent ID 1 --jbop allStreams --userId {user_id} --username {username} --sessionId {session_id} --killMessage You did something wrong. --notify 1 Kill the one offending stream with default message --jbop stream --userId {user_id} --username {username} --sessionId {session_id} #### Condition Examples: Kill transcodes: Set Trigger: Playback Start Set Conditions: [ {Transcode Decision} | {is} | {transcode} ] Kill paused transcodes: Set Trigger: Playback Paused Set Conditions: [ {Transcode Decision} | {is} | {transcode} ] Limit User stream count, kill last stream: Set Trigger: Playback Start Set Conditions: [ {User Streams} | {is greater than} | {3} ] IP Whitelist: Set Trigger: Playback Start Set Conditions: [ {IP Address} | {is not} | { or} ] Kill by platform: Set Trigger: Playback Start Set Conditions: [ {Platform} | {is} | {Roku or Android} ] Kill transcode by library: Set Trigger: Playback Start Set Conditions: [ {Transcode Decision} | {is} | {transcode} ] [ {Library Name} | {is} | {4K Movies} ] Kill transcode by original resolution: Set Trigger: Playback Start Set Conditions: [ {Transcode Decision} | {is} | {transcode} ] [ {Video Resolution} | {is} | {1080 or 720}] Kill transcode by bitrate: Set Trigger: Playback Start Set Conditions: [ {Transcode Decision} | {is} | {transcode} ] [ {Bitrate} | {is greater than} | {4000} ] Kill by hours of the day: Set Trigger: Playback Start Set Conditions: [ {Timestamp} | {begins with} | {09 or 10} ] # Killing any streams from 9am to 11am Kill non local streams: Set Trigger: Playback Start Set Conditions: [ {Stream location} | {is} | {wan} ] or Set Conditions: [ {Stream location} | {is not} | {lan} ]