#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Share or unshare libraries. optional arguments: -h, --help Show this help message and exit --share To share libraries to user. --shared Display user's share settings. --unshare To unshare all libraries from user. --add Share additional libraries or enable settings to user. --remove Remove shared libraries or disable settings from user. --user [ ...] Space separated list of case sensitive names to process. Allowed names are: (choices: All users names) --allUsers Select all users. --libraries [ ...] Space separated list of case sensitive names to process. Allowed names are: (choices: All library names) (default: All Libraries) --allLibraries Select all libraries. --backup Backup share settings from json file --restore Restore share settings from json file Filename of json file to use. (choices: %(json files found in cwd)s) --libraryShares Show all shares by library # Plex Pass member only settings: --kill Kill user's current stream(s). Include message to override default message --sync Allow user to sync content --camera Allow user to upload photos --channel Allow user to utilize installed channels --movieRatings Add rating restrictions to movie library types --movieLabels Add label restrictions to movie library types --tvRatings Add rating restrictions to show library types --tvLabels Add label restrictions to show library types --musicLabels Add label restrictions to music library types Usage: plex_api_share.py --user USER --shared - Current shares for USER: ['Movies', 'Music'] plex_api_share.py --share --user USER --libraries Movies - Shared libraries: ['Movies'] with USER plex_api_share.py --share --allUsers --libraries Movies - Shared libraries: ['Movies'] with USER - Shared libraries: ['Movies'] with USER1 ... plex_api_share.py --share --user USER --libraries Movies "TV Shows" - Shared libraries: ['Movies', 'TV Shows'] with USER * Double Quote libraries with spaces plex_api_share.py --share --user USER --allLibraries - Shared all libraries with USER. plex_api_share.py --user USER --add --libraries Movies - Adds Movies library share to USER plex_api_share.py --allUsers --remove --libraries Movies - Removes Movies library share from all Users plex_api_share.py --unshare --user USER - Unshared all libraries with USER. - USER is still exists as a Friend or Home User plex_api_share.py --backup - Backup all user shares to a json file plex_api_share.py --backup --user USER - Backup USER shares to a json file plex_api_share.py --restore - Only restore all Plex user's shares and settings from backup json file plex_api_share.py --restore --user USER - Only restore USER's Plex shares and settings from backup json file plex_api_share.py --user USER --add --sync - Enable sync feature for USER plex_api_share.py --user USER --remove --sync - Disable sync feature for USER plex_api_share.py --libraryShares - {Library Name} is shared to the following users: {USERS} Excluding; --user becomes excluded if --allUsers is set plex_api_share.py --share --allUsers --user USER --libraries Movies - Shared libraries: ['Movies' ]with USER1. - Shared libraries: ['Movies'] with USER2 ... all users but USER --libraries becomes excluded if --allLibraries is set plex_api_share.py --share -u USER --allLibraries --libraries Movies - Shared [all libraries but Movies] with USER. """ from plexapi.server import PlexServer, CONFIG import time import argparse import requests import os import json PLEX_URL = '' PLEX_TOKEN = '' if not PLEX_URL: PLEX_URL = CONFIG.data['auth'].get('server_baseurl', '') if not PLEX_TOKEN: PLEX_TOKEN = CONFIG.data['auth'].get('server_token', '') DEFAULT_MESSAGE = "Stream is being killed by admin." sess = requests.Session() # Ignore verifying the SSL certificate sess.verify = False # '/path/to/certfile' # If verify is set to a path to a directory, # the directory must have been processed using the c_rehash utility supplied # with OpenSSL. if sess.verify is False: # Disable the warning that the request is insecure, we know that... import urllib3 urllib3.disable_warnings(urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning) plex = PlexServer(PLEX_URL, PLEX_TOKEN, session=sess) user_lst = {x.title: x.email if x.email else x.title for x in plex.myPlexAccount().users() if x.title} user_choices = list(set(user_lst.values() + user_lst.keys())) sections_lst = [x.title for x in plex.library.sections()] movies_keys = [x.key for x in plex.library.sections() if x.type == 'movie'] show_keys = [x.key for x in plex.library.sections() if x.type == 'show'] json_check = sorted([f for f in os.listdir('.') if os.path.isfile(f) and f.endswith(".json") and f.startswith(plex.friendlyName)], key=os.path.getmtime) my_server_names = [] # Find all owners server names. For owners with multiple servers. for res in plex.myPlexAccount().resources(): if res.provides == 'server' and res.owned is True: my_server_names.append(res.name) def get_ratings_lst(section_id): headers = {'Accept': 'application/json'} params = {'X-Plex-Token': PLEX_TOKEN} content = sess.get("{}/library/sections/{}/contentRating".format(PLEX_URL, section_id), headers=headers, params=params) ratings_keys = content.json()['MediaContainer']['Directory'] ratings_lst = [x['title'] for x in ratings_keys] return ratings_lst def filter_clean(filter_type): clean = '' try: clean = dict(item.split("=") for item in filter_type.split("|")) for k, v in clean.items(): labels = v.replace('%20', ' ') labels = labels.split('%2C') clean[k] = labels except Exception: pass return clean def find_shares(user): account = plex.myPlexAccount() user_acct = account.user(user) user_backup = { 'title': user_acct.title, 'username': user_acct.username, 'email': user_acct.email, 'userID': user_acct.id, 'allowSync': user_acct.allowSync, 'camera': user_acct.allowCameraUpload, 'channels': user_acct.allowChannels, 'filterMovies': filter_clean(user_acct.filterMovies), 'filterTelevision': filter_clean(user_acct.filterTelevision), 'filterMusic': filter_clean(user_acct.filterMusic), 'serverName': plex.friendlyName, 'sections': ""} for server in user_acct.servers: if server.name == plex.friendlyName: sections = [] for section in server.sections(): if section.shared is True: sections.append(section.title) user_backup['sections'] = sections return user_backup def kill_session(user, message): reason = DEFAULT_MESSAGE for session in plex.sessions(): # Check for users stream if session.usernames[0] in user: title = (session.grandparentTitle + ' - ' if session.type == 'episode' else '') + session.title print('{user} was watching {title}. Killing stream and unsharing.'.format( user=user, title=title)) if message: reason = message session.stop(reason=reason) def share(user, sections, allowSync, camera, channels, filterMovies, filterTelevision, filterMusic): plex.myPlexAccount().updateFriend(user=user, server=plex, sections=sections, allowSync=allowSync, allowCameraUpload=camera, allowChannels=channels, filterMovies=filterMovies, filterTelevision=filterTelevision, filterMusic=filterMusic) if sections: print('{user}\'s updated shared libraries: \n{sections}'.format(sections=sections, user=user)) if allowSync is True: print('Sync: Enabled') if allowSync is False: print('Sync: Disabled') if camera is True: print('Camera Upload: Enabled') if camera is False: print('Camera Upload: Disabled') if channels is True: print('Plugins: Enabled') if channels is False: print('Plugins: Disabled') if filterMovies: print('Movie Filters: {}'.format(filterMovies)) if filterMovies == {}: print('Movie Filters:') if filterTelevision: print('Show Filters: {}'.format(filterTelevision)) if filterTelevision == {}: print('Show Filters:') if filterMusic: print('Music Filters: {}'.format(filterMusic)) if filterMusic == {} and filterMusic is not None: print('Music Filters:') def unshare(user, sections): plex.myPlexAccount().updateFriend(user=user, server=plex, removeSections=True, sections=sections) print('Unshared all libraries from {user}.'.format(user=user)) if __name__ == "__main__": timestr = time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Share or unshare libraries.", formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('--share', default=False, action='store_true', help='To share libraries.') parser.add_argument('--shared', default=False, action='store_true', help='Display user\'s shared libraries.') parser.add_argument('--unshare', default=False, action='store_true', help='To unshare all libraries.') parser.add_argument('--add', default=False, action='store_true', help='Share additional libraries or enable settings to user..') parser.add_argument('--remove', default=False, action='store_true', help='Remove shared libraries or disable settings from user.') parser.add_argument('--user', nargs='+', choices=user_choices, metavar='', help='Space separated list of case sensitive names to process. Allowed names are: \n' '(choices: %(choices)s)') parser.add_argument('--allUsers', default=False, action='store_true', help='Select all users.') parser.add_argument('--libraries', nargs='+', default=False, choices=sections_lst, metavar='', help='Space separated list of case sensitive names to process. Allowed names are: \n' '(choices: %(choices)s') parser.add_argument('--allLibraries', default=False, action='store_true', help='Select all libraries.') parser.add_argument('--backup', default=False, action='store_true', help='Backup share settings from json file.') parser.add_argument('--restore', type=str, choices=json_check, metavar='', help='Restore share settings from json file.\n' 'Filename of json file to use.\n' '(choices: %(choices)s)') parser.add_argument('--libraryShares', default=False, action='store_true', help='Show all shares by library.') # For Plex Pass members if plex.myPlexSubscription is True: movie_ratings = [] show_ratings = [] for movie in movies_keys: movie_ratings += get_ratings_lst(movie) for show in show_keys: show_ratings += get_ratings_lst(show) parser.add_argument('--kill', default=None, nargs='?', help='Kill user\'s current stream(s). Include message to override default message.') parser.add_argument('--sync', default=None, action='store_true', help='Use to allow user to sync content.') parser.add_argument('--camera', default=None, action='store_true', help='Use to allow user to upload photos.') parser.add_argument('--channels', default=None, action='store_true', help='Use to allow user to utilize installed channels.') parser.add_argument('--movieRatings', nargs='+', choices=list(set(movie_ratings)), metavar='', help='Use to add rating restrictions to movie library types.\n' 'Space separated list of case sensitive names to process. Allowed names are: \n' '(choices: %(choices)s') parser.add_argument('--movieLabels', nargs='+', metavar='', help='Use to add label restrictions for movie library types.') parser.add_argument('--tvRatings', nargs='+', choices=list(set(show_ratings)), metavar='', help='Use to add rating restrictions for show library types.\n' 'Space separated list of case sensitive names to process. Allowed names are: \n' '(choices: %(choices)s') parser.add_argument('--tvLabels', nargs='+', metavar='', help='Use to add label restrictions for show library types.') parser.add_argument('--musicLabels', nargs='+', metavar='', help='Use to add label restrictions for music library types.') opts = parser.parse_args() users = '' libraries = '' # Plex Pass additional share options kill = None sync = None camera = None channels = None filterMovies = None filterTelevision = None filterMusic = None try: if opts.kill: kill = opts.kill if opts.sync: sync = opts.sync if opts.camera: camera = opts.camera if opts.channels: channels = opts.channels if opts.movieLabels or opts.movieRatings: filterMovies = {} if opts.movieLabels: filterMovies['label'] = opts.movieLabels if opts.movieRatings: filterMovies['contentRating'] = opts.movieRatings if opts.tvLabels or opts.tvRatings: filterTelevision = {} if opts.tvLabels: filterTelevision['label'] = opts.tvLabels if opts.tvRatings: filterTelevision['contentRating'] = opts.tvRatings if opts.musicLabels: filterMusic = {} filterMusic['label'] = opts.musicLabels except AttributeError: print('No Plex Pass moving on...') # Defining users if opts.allUsers and not opts.user: users = user_lst.keys() elif not opts.allUsers and opts.user: users = opts.user elif opts.allUsers and opts.user: # If allUsers is used then any users listed will be excluded for user in opts.user: # If username is used then remove if user_lst.get(user): del user_lst[user] # Else email is used and must find it's corresponding username and remove else: for k, v in user_lst.items(): if v == user: del user_lst[k] users = user_lst.keys() # Defining libraries if opts.allLibraries and not opts.libraries: libraries = sections_lst elif not opts.allLibraries and opts.libraries: libraries = opts.libraries elif opts.allLibraries and opts.libraries: # If allLibraries is used then any libraries listed will be excluded for library in opts.libraries: sections_lst.remove(library) libraries = sections_lst if opts.libraryShares: users = user_lst.keys() user_sections = {} for user in users: user_shares_lst = find_shares(user) user_sections[user] = user_shares_lst['sections'] section_users = {} for user, sections in user_sections.items(): for section in sections: section_users.setdefault(section, []).append(user) for section, users in section_users.items(): print("{} is shared to the following users:\n {}\n".format(section, ", ".join(users))) # Share, Unshare, Kill, Add, or Remove for user in users: user_shares = find_shares(user) user_shares_lst = user_shares['sections'] if libraries: if opts.share: share(user, libraries, sync, camera, channels, filterMovies, filterTelevision, filterMusic) if opts.add and user_shares_lst: addedLibraries = libraries + user_shares_lst addedLibraries = list(set(addedLibraries)) share(user, addedLibraries, sync, camera, channels, filterMovies, filterTelevision, filterMusic) if opts.remove and user_shares_lst: removedLibraries = [sect for sect in user_shares_lst if sect not in libraries] share(user, removedLibraries, sync, camera, channels, filterMovies, filterTelevision, filterMusic) else: if opts.add: # Add/Enable settings independently of libraries addedLibraries = user_shares_lst share(user, addedLibraries, sync, camera, channels, filterMovies, filterTelevision, filterMusic) if opts.remove: # Remove/Disable settings independently of libraries # If remove and setting arg is True then flip setting to false to disable if sync: sync = False if camera: camera = False if channels: channels = False # Filters are cleared # todo-me clear completely or pop arg values? if filterMovies: filterMovies = {} if filterTelevision: filterTelevision = {} if filterMusic: filterMusic = {} share(user, libraries, sync, camera, channels, filterMovies, filterTelevision, filterMusic) if opts.shared: user_json = json.dumps(user_shares, indent=4, sort_keys=True) print('Current share settings for {}: {}'.format(user, user_json)) if opts.unshare and kill: kill_session(user, kill) time.sleep(3) unshare(user, sections_lst) elif opts.unshare: unshare(user, sections_lst) elif kill: kill_session(user, kill) if opts.backup: print('Backing up share information...') users_shares = [] # If user arg is defined then abide, else backup all if not users: users = user_lst for user in users: # print('...Found {}'.format(user)) users_shares.append(find_shares(user)) json_file = '{}_Plex_share_backup_{}.json'.format(plex.friendlyName, timestr) with open(json_file, 'w') as fp: json.dump(users_shares, fp, indent=4, sort_keys=True) if opts.restore: print('Using existing .json to restore Plex shares.') with open(''.join(opts.restore)) as json_data: shares_file = json.load(json_data) for user in shares_file: # If user arg is defined then abide, else restore all if users: if user['title'] in users: print('Restoring user {}\'s shares and settings...'.format(user['title'])) share(user['title'], user['sections'], user['allowSync'], user['camera'], user['channels'], user['filterMovies'], user['filterTelevision'], user['filterMusic']) else: print('Restoring user {}\'s shares and settings...'.format(user['title'])) share(user['title'], user['sections'], user['allowSync'], user['camera'], user['channels'], user['filterMovies'], user['filterTelevision'], user['filterMusic'])