""" audiobooks / -- book1 / -- book1 - chapter1.mp3 ... -- series1 / -- book1 / -- book1 - chapter1.mp3 ... -- book2 / -- book2 - chapter1.mp3 ... In this structure use series1 to add all the series' books into a colleciton. """ from plexapi.server import PlexServer PLEX_URL = '' PLEX_TOKEN = '' plex = PlexServer(PLEX_URL, PLEX_TOKEN) COLLECTIONAME = 'My Fav Series' TOPLEVELFOLDERNAME = 'Series Name' LIBRARYNAME = 'Audio Books' abLibrary = plex.library.section(LIBRARYNAME) albums = [] for folder in abLibrary.folders(): if folder.title == TOPLEVELFOLDERNAME: for series in folder.allSubfolders(): trackKey = series.key try: track = plex.fetchItem(trackKey) albumKey = track.parentKey album = plex.fetchItem(albumKey) albums.append(album) except Exception: # print('{} contains additional subfolders that were likely captured. \n[{}].' # .format(series.title, ', '.join([x.title for x in series.allSubfolders()]))) pass for album in list(set(albums)): print('Adding {} to collection {}.'.format(album.title, COLLECTIONAME)) album.addCollection(COLLECTIONAME)