""" Description: Create and share playlists based on Most Popular TV/Movies from Tautulli and Aired this day in history. Author: blacktwin Requires: requests, plexapi Create, share, and clean Playlists for users. optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --jbop Playlist selector. Choices: (historyToday, historyWeek, historyMonth, popularTv, popularMovies) --action {add,remove,update,show,share} Action selector. add - create new playlist for admin or users remove - remove playlist type or name from admin or users update - remove playlist type and create new playlist type for admin or users show - show contents of playlist type or admin or users current playlists share - share existing playlist by title from admin to users --users {] The Plex usernames to create/share to or delete from. Choices: (USERNAMES) --libraries [ ...] Space separated list of case sensitive names to process. Allowed names are: Choices: (LIBRARIES) --self Create playlist for admin. Default: False --days DAYS The time range to calculate statistics. Default: 30 --top TOP The number of top items to list. Default: 5 --playlists Space separated list of case sensitive names to process. Allowed names are: Choices: (PLAYLISTS) Example: Use with cron or task to schedule runs Create Aired Today Playlist from Movies and TV Shows libraries for admin user python playlist_manager.py --jbop historyToday --libraries Movies "TV Shows" --action add Create Aired Today Playlist from Movies and TV Shows libraries and share to users bob, Black Twin and admin user python playlist_manager.py --jbop historyToday --libraries Movies "TV Shows" --action add --users bob "Black Twin" --self Update previous Aired Today Playlist(s) from Movies and TV Shows libraries and share to users bob and Black Twin python playlist_manager.py --jbop historyToday --libraries Movies "TV Shows" --action update --users bob "Black Twin" Delete all previous Aired Today Playlist(s) from users bob and Black Twin python playlist_manager.py --jbop historyToday --action remove --users bob "Black Twin" Create 5 Most Popular TV Shows (30 days) Playlist and share to users bob and Black Twin python playlist_manager.py --jbop popularTv --action add --users bob "Black Twin" Create 10 Most Popular Movies (60 days) Playlist and share to users bob and Black Twin python playlist_manager.py --jbop popularMovies --action add --users bob "Black Twin" --days 60 --top 10 Show 5 Most Popular TV Shows (30 days) Playlist python playlist_manager.py --jbop popularTv --action show Show all users current playlists python playlist_manager.py --action show --allUsers Share existing admin Playlists "My Custom Playlist" and "Another Playlist" with all users python playlist_manager.py --action share --allUsers --playlists "My Custom Playlist" "Another Playlist" Excluding; --user becomes excluded if --allUsers is set python playlist_manager.py --action show --allUsers --user USER - Show all users current Playlists... all users but USER """ import sys import requests import argparse import operator import datetime import unicodedata from plexapi.server import PlexServer, CONFIG ### EDIT SETTINGS ### PLEX_URL = '' PLEX_TOKEN = '' TAUTULLI_URL = '' TAUTULLI_APIKEY = '' ## CODE BELOW ## if not PLEX_URL: PLEX_URL = CONFIG.data['auth'].get('server_baseurl') if not PLEX_TOKEN: PLEX_TOKEN = CONFIG.data['auth'].get('server_token') if not TAUTULLI_URL: TAUTULLI_URL = CONFIG.data['auth'].get('tautulli_baseurl') if not TAUTULLI_APIKEY: TAUTULLI_APIKEY = CONFIG.data['auth'].get('tautulli_apikey') # Defaults DAYS = 30 TOP = 5 sess = requests.Session() # Ignore verifying the SSL certificate sess.verify = False # '/path/to/certfile' # If verify is set to a path to a directory, # the directory must have been processed using the c_rehash utility supplied # with OpenSSL. if sess.verify is False: # Disable the warning that the request is insecure, we know that... import urllib3 urllib3.disable_warnings(urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning) plex = PlexServer(PLEX_URL, PLEX_TOKEN, session=sess) account = plex.myPlexAccount() user_lst = [x.title for x in plex.myPlexAccount().users()] section_lst = [x.title for x in plex.library.sections()] playlist_lst = [x.title for x in plex.playlists()] today = datetime.datetime.now().date() weeknum = datetime.date(today.year, today.month, today.day).isocalendar()[1] def actions(): """ add - create new playlist for admin or users remove - remove playlist type or name from admin or users update - remove playlist type and create new playlist type for admin or users show - show contents of playlist type or admin or users current playlists share - share existing playlist by title from admin to users """ return ['add', 'remove', 'update', 'show', 'share'] def selectors(): """Predefined Playlist selections and titles """ selections = {'historyToday':'Aired Today {month}-{day} in History', 'historyWeek': 'Aired This Week ({week}) in History', 'historyMonth': 'Aired in {month}', 'popularTv': 'Most Popular TV Shows ({days} days)', 'popularMovies': 'Most Popular Movies ({days} days)', 'keyword':'{keyword} Playlist', 'random': '{count} Random Playlist' } return selections def filters(): """Predefined Playlist filters and titles """ filters = {'genre': '{title} Playlist', 'studio': 'Studio: {title} Playlist', 'network': 'Network: {title} Playlist', 'labels': 'Labels: {title} Playlist', 'collections': 'Collections: {title} Playlist', 'country': 'Country: {title} Playlist', 'writer': 'Writer: {title} Playlist', 'director': 'Director: {title} Playlist', 'actor': 'Actor: {title} Playlist' } return filters def get_home_stats(time_range, stats_count): # Get the homepage watch statistics. payload = {'apikey': TAUTULLI_APIKEY, 'cmd': 'get_home_stats', 'time_range': time_range, 'stats_count': stats_count, 'stats_type': 0} # stats_type = plays try: r = requests.get(TAUTULLI_URL.rstrip('/') + '/api/v2', params=payload) response = r.json() res_data = response['response']['data'] return res_data except Exception as e: sys.stderr.write("Tautulli API 'get_home_stats' request failed: {0}.".format(e)) def sort_by_dates(video, date_type): """Find air dates of content Parameters ---------- video video object to find air date Returns ------- list list of rating key and date aired """ try: ad_year = video.originallyAvailableAt.year ad_month = video.originallyAvailableAt.month ad_day = video.originallyAvailableAt.day ad_week = int(datetime.date(ad_year, ad_month, ad_day).isocalendar()[1]) if date_type == 'historyToday': if ad_month == today.month and ad_day == today.day: return [[video.ratingKey] + [str(video.originallyAvailableAt)]] if date_type == 'historyWeek': if ad_week == weeknum: return [[video.ratingKey] + [str(video.originallyAvailableAt)]] if date_type == 'historyMonth': if ad_month == today.month: return [[video.ratingKey] + [str(video.originallyAvailableAt)]] # todo-me return object except Exception as e: # print(e) return def get_content(library_name, jbop, search=None): """Get all movies or episodes from LIBRARY_NAME Parameters ---------- library_name: list list of library objects jbop: str jbop value for searching Returns ------- list Sorted list of Movie and episodes that aired on today's date. """ # todo-me expand function for keyword searching child_lst = [] if search and jbop == 'keyword': if search.keys()[0] in selectors().keys(): searchable = True keyword = search else: searchable = False keyword = {key + '__icontains': value for key, value in search.items()} for library in library_name: plex_library = plex.library.section(library) library_type = plex_library.type if library_type == 'movie': if searchable: child_lst = [x.ratingKey for x in plex_library.search(**keyword)] else: child_lst = [x.ratingKey for x in plex_library.all(**keyword)] elif library_type == 'show': if searchable: for child in plex_library.search(**keyword): child_lst += [child.ratingKey] else: child = plex_library.all() for episode in child.episodes(**keyword): child_lst += [episode.ratingKey] else: pass play_lst = child_lst else: for library in library_name: for child in plex.library.section(library).all(): if child.type == 'movie': if sort_by_dates(child, jbop): item_date = sort_by_dates(child, jbop) child_lst += item_date elif child.type == 'show': for episode in child.episodes(): if sort_by_dates(episode, jbop): item_date = sort_by_dates(episode, jbop) child_lst += item_date else: pass # Sort by original air date, oldest first # todo-me move sorting and add more sorting options aired_lst = sorted(child_lst, key=operator.itemgetter(1)) # Remove date used for sorting play_lst = [x[0] for x in aired_lst] return play_lst def build_playlist(jbop, libraries=None, days=None, top=None, search=None): """ Parameters ---------- jbop: str The predefined Playlist type libraries: list Libraries to use to build Playlist days: int Days to search for Top Movies/Tv Shows top: int Limit to search for Top Movies/Tv Shows Returns ------- key_list, title """ keys_list = [] title = '' if jbop == 'historyToday': try: keys_list = get_content(libraries, jbop) except TypeError as e: print("Libraries are not defined for {}. Use --libraries.".format(jbop)) exit("Error: {}".format(e)) title = selectors()['historyToday'].format(month=today.month, day=today.day) elif jbop == 'historyWeek': try: keys_list = get_content(libraries, jbop) except TypeError as e: print("Libraries are not defined for {}. Use --libraries.".format(jbop)) exit("Error: {}".format(e)) title = selectors()['historyWeek'].format(week=weeknum) elif jbop == 'historyMonth': try: keys_list = get_content(libraries, jbop) except TypeError as e: print("Libraries are not defined for {}. Use --libraries.".format(jbop)) exit("Error: {}".format(e)) title = selectors()['historyMonth'].format(month=today.strftime("%B")) elif jbop == 'keyword': try: keys_list = get_content(libraries, jbop, search) except TypeError as e: print("Libraries are not defined for {}. Use --libraries.".format(jbop)) exit("Error: {}".format(e)) title = selectors()['keyword'].format(keyword=' '.join(search.values()).capitalize()) elif jbop == 'popularTv': home_stats = get_home_stats(days, top) for stat in home_stats: if stat['stat_id'] == 'popular_tv': keys_list = [x['rating_key'] for x in stat['rows']] title = pop_tv_title elif jbop == 'popularMovies': home_stats = get_home_stats(days, top) for stat in home_stats: if stat['stat_id'] == 'popular_movies': keys_list = [x['rating_key'] for x in stat['rows']] title = pop_movie_title return keys_list, title def share_playlists(playlist_titles, users): """ Parameters ---------- playlist_titles users Returns ------- """ for user in users: for title in playlist_titles: print("...Shared {title} playlist to '{user}'.".format(title=title, user=user)) plex.playlist(title).copyToUser(user) exit() def show_playlist(playlist_title, playlist_keys): """ Parameters ---------- playlist_keys """ playlist_list = [] for key in playlist_keys: plex_obj = plex.fetchItem(key) if plex_obj.type == 'show': for episode in plex_obj.episodes(): title = "{}".format(episode._prettyfilename()) title = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', title).encode('ascii', 'ignore').translate(None, "'") playlist_list.append(title) else: title = u"{} ({})".format(plex_obj._prettyfilename(), plex_obj.year) title = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', title).encode('ascii', 'ignore').translate(None, "'") playlist_list.append(title) print(u"Contents of Playlist {title}:\n{playlist}".format(title=playlist_title, playlist=', '.join(playlist_list))) exit() def create_playlist(playlist_title, playlist_keys, server, user): """ Parameters ---------- playlist_title playlist_keys server user """ playlist_list = [] for key in playlist_keys: try: plex_obj = server.fetchItem(key) if plex_obj.type == 'show': for episode in plex_obj.episodes(): playlist_list.append(episode) else: playlist_list.append(plex_obj) except Exception as e: try: obj = plex.fetchItem(key) print("{} may not have permission to this title: {}".format(user, obj.title)) # print("Error: {}".format(e)) pass except Exception as e: print('Rating Key: {}, may have been deleted or moved.'.format(key)) # print("Error: {}".format(e)) if playlist_list: server.createPlaylist(playlist_title, playlist_list) print("...Added {title} playlist to '{user}'.".format(title=playlist_title, user=user)) def delete_playlist(playlist_dict): """ Parameters ---------- playlist_dict """ server = playlist_dict['server'] jbop = playlist_dict['jbop'] user = playlist_dict['user'] pop_movie = playlist_dict['pop_movie'] pop_tv = playlist_dict['pop_tv'] try: for playlist in server.playlists(): if jbop == 'historyToday': if playlist.title.startswith('Aired Today'): playlist.delete() print("...Deleted {playlist.title} for '{user}'." .format(playlist=playlist, user=user)) elif jbop == 'historyWeek': if playlist.title.startswith('Aired This Week'): playlist.delete() print("...Deleted {playlist.title} for '{user}'." .format(playlist=playlist, user=user)) elif jbop == 'historyMonth': if playlist.title.startswith('Aired in'): playlist.delete() print("...Deleted {playlist.title} for '{user}'." .format(playlist=playlist, user=user)) elif jbop == 'popularMovies': if playlist.title == pop_movie: playlist.delete() print("...Deleted {playlist.title} for '{user}'." .format(playlist=playlist, user=user)) elif jbop == 'popularTv': if playlist.title == pop_tv: playlist.delete() print("...Deleted {playlist.title} for '{user}'." .format(playlist=playlist, user=user)) except: # print("Playlist not found on '{user}' account".format(user=user)) pass if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Create, share, and clean Playlists for users.", formatter_class = argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter) # todo-me use parser grouping instead of choices for action and jbop? parser.add_argument('--jbop', choices=selectors().keys(), metavar='', help='Playlist selector.\n' 'Choices: (%(choices)s)') parser.add_argument('--action', required=True, choices=actions(), help='Action selector.' '{}'.format(actions.__doc__)) parser.add_argument('--user', nargs='+', choices=user_lst, metavar='', help='The Plex usernames to create/share to or delete from. Allowed names are:\n' 'Choices: %(choices)s') parser.add_argument('--allUsers', default=False, action='store_true', help='Select all users.') parser.add_argument('--libraries', nargs='+', choices=section_lst, metavar='', help='Space separated list of case sensitive names to process. Allowed names are:\n' 'Choices: %(choices)s') parser.add_argument('--self', default=False, action='store_true', help='Create playlist for admin.\n' 'Default: %(default)s') parser.add_argument('--days', type=str, default=DAYS, help='The time range to calculate statistics.\n' 'Default: %(default)s') parser.add_argument('--top', type=str, default=TOP, help='The number of top items to list.\n' 'Default: %(default)s') parser.add_argument('--playlists', nargs='+', choices=playlist_lst, metavar='', help='Space separated list of case sensitive names to process. Allowed names are:\n' 'Choices: %(choices)s') parser.add_argument('--name', type=str, help='Custom name for playlist.') parser.add_argument('--limit', type=int, default=False, help='Limit the amount items to be added to a playlist.') # todo-me custom naming for playlists --name? # todo-me custom limits to playlist --limit? parser.add_argument('--filter', action='append', type=lambda kv: kv.split("="), help='Search filtered metadata fields (genre, actors, director, studio, etc.') parser.add_argument('--search', type=lambda kv: kv.split("="), help='Search non-filtered metadata fields for keywords ' 'in title, summary, etc.') opts = parser.parse_args() users = '' search = '' plex_servers = [] pop_movie_title = selectors()['popularMovies'].format(days=opts.days) pop_tv_title = selectors()['popularTv'].format(days=opts.days) playlist_dict = {'jbop': opts.jbop, 'custom': opts.name, 'pop_tv': pop_tv_title, 'pop_movie': pop_movie_title, 'limit': opts.limit} if opts.search: search = dict(opts.search) # Defining users if opts.allUsers and not opts.user: users = user_lst elif not opts.allUsers and opts.user: users = opts.user elif opts.allUsers and opts.user: # If allUsers is used then any users listed will be excluded for user in opts.user: user_lst.remove(user) users = user_lst # Create user server objects if users: for user in users: if opts.action == 'share': print("Sharing playlist(s)...") share_playlists(opts.playlists, users) user_acct = account.user(user) plex_servers.append({ 'server': PlexServer(PLEX_URL, user_acct.get_token(plex.machineIdentifier)), 'user': user}) if opts.self: plex_servers.append({'server': plex, 'user': 'admin'}) else: plex_servers.append({'server': plex, 'user': 'admin'}) if opts.action == 'remove': print("Deleting the playlist(s)...") for x in plex_servers: playlist_dict['server'] = x['server'] playlist_dict['user'] = x['user'] delete_playlist(playlist_dict) else: keys_list, title = build_playlist(opts.jbop, opts.libraries, opts.days, opts.top, search) if opts.jbop and opts.action == 'show': show_playlist(title.title(), keys_list) if opts.action == 'update': print("Deleting the playlist(s)...") for x in plex_servers: playlist_dict['server'] = x['server'] playlist_dict['user'] = x['user'] delete_playlist(playlist_dict) print('Creating playlist(s)...') for x in plex_servers: create_playlist(title.title(), keys_list, x['server'], x['user']) if opts.action == 'add': print('Creating playlist(s)...') for x in plex_servers: create_playlist(title.title(), keys_list, x['server'], x['user']) if opts.action == 'show': print("Displaying the user's playlist(s)...") for x in plex_servers: user = x['user'] playlist = [y.title for y in x['server'].playlists()] print("{}'s current playlist(s): {}".format(user, ', '.join(playlist))) print("Done.")