#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Sync the watch status from one Plex or Tautulli user to other users across any owned server. Author: Blacktwin Requires: requests, plexapi, argparse Enabling Scripts in Tautulli: Taultulli > Settings > Notification Agents > Add a Notification Agent > Script Configuration: Taultulli > Settings > Notification Agents > New Script > Configuration: Script Name: sync_watch_status.py Set Script Timeout: default Description: Sync watch status Save Triggers: Taultulli > Settings > Notification Agents > New Script > Triggers: Check: Notify on Watched Save Conditions: Taultulli > Settings > Notification Agents > New Script > Conditions: Set Conditions: [{username} | {is} | {user_to_sync_from} ] Save Script Arguments: Taultulli > Settings > Notification Agents > New Script > Script Arguments: Select: Notify on Watched Arguments: --ratingKey {rating_key} --userFrom Tautulli=Tautulli --userTo "Username2=Server1" "Username3=Server1" Save Close Example: Set in Tautulli in script notification agent (above) or run manually (below) sync_watch_status.py --userFrom USER1=Server1 --userTo USER2=Server1 --libraries Movies - Synced watch status from Server1 {title from library} to {USER2}'s account on Server1. sync_watch_status.py --userFrom USER1=Server2 --userTo USER2=Server1 USER3=Server1 --libraries Movies "TV Shows" - Synced watch status from Server2 {title from library} to {USER2 or USER3}'s account on Server1. sync_watch_status.py --userFrom USER1=Tautulli --userTo USER2=Server1 USER3=Server2 --libraries Movies "TV Shows" - Synced watch statuses from Tautulli {title from library} to {USER2 or USER3}'s account on selected servers. sync_watch_status.py --userFrom USER1=Tautulli --userTo USER2=Server1 USER3=Server2 --ratingKey 1234 - Synced watch statuse of rating key 1234 from USER1's Tautulli history to {USER2 or USER3}'s account on selected servers. **Rating key must be a movie or episode. Shows and Seasons not support.... yet. """ from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals from builtins import object import argparse from plexapi.myplex import MyPlexAccount from plexapi.server import PlexServer from plexapi.server import CONFIG from requests import Session from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter from requests.exceptions import RequestException # Using CONFIG file PLEX_TOKEN = '' TAUTULLI_URL = '' TAUTULLI_APIKEY = '' if not PLEX_TOKEN: PLEX_TOKEN = CONFIG.data['auth'].get('server_token') if not TAUTULLI_URL: TAUTULLI_URL = CONFIG.data['auth'].get('tautulli_baseurl') if not TAUTULLI_APIKEY: TAUTULLI_APIKEY = CONFIG.data['auth'].get('tautulli_apikey') VERIFY_SSL = False class Connection(object): def __init__(self, url=None, apikey=None, verify_ssl=False): self.url = url self.apikey = apikey self.session = Session() self.adapters = HTTPAdapter(max_retries=3, pool_connections=1, pool_maxsize=1, pool_block=True) self.session.mount('http://', self.adapters) self.session.mount('https://', self.adapters) # Ignore verifying the SSL certificate if verify_ssl is False: self.session.verify = False # Disable the warning that the request is insecure, we know that... import urllib3 urllib3.disable_warnings(urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning) class Library(object): def __init__(self, data=None): d = data or {} self.title = d['section_name'] self.key = d['section_id'] class Metadata(object): def __init__(self, data=None): d = data or {} self.type = d['media_type'] self.grandparentTitle = d['grandparent_title'] self.parentIndex = d['parent_media_index'] self.index = d['media_index'] if self.type == 'episode': ep_name = d['full_title'].partition('-')[-1] self.title = ep_name.lstrip() else: self.title = d['full_title'] # For History try: if d['watched_status']: self.watched_status = d['watched_status'] except KeyError: pass # For Metadata try: if d["library_name"]: self.libraryName = d['library_name'] except KeyError: pass class Tautulli(object): def __init__(self, connection): self.connection = connection def _call_api(self, cmd, payload, method='GET'): payload['cmd'] = cmd payload['apikey'] = self.connection.apikey try: response = self.connection.session.request(method, self.connection.url + '/api/v2', params=payload) except RequestException as e: print("Tautulli request failed for cmd '{}'. Invalid Tautulli URL? Error: {}".format(cmd, e)) return try: response_json = response.json() except ValueError: print("Failed to parse json response for Tautulli API cmd '{}'".format(cmd)) return if response_json['response']['result'] == 'success': return response_json['response']['data'] else: error_msg = response_json['response']['message'] print("Tautulli API cmd '{}' failed: {}".format(cmd, error_msg)) return def get_watched_history(self, user=None, section_id=None, rating_key=None, start=None, length=None): """Call Tautulli's get_history api endpoint.""" payload = {"order_column": "full_title", "order_dir": "asc"} if user: payload["user"] = user if section_id: payload["section_id"] = section_id if rating_key: payload["rating_key"] = rating_key if start: payload["start"] = start if length: payload["lengh"] = length history = self._call_api('get_history', payload) return [d for d in history['data'] if d['watched_status'] == 1] def get_metadata(self, rating_key): """Call Tautulli's get_metadata api endpoint.""" payload = {"rating_key": rating_key} return self._call_api('get_metadata', payload) def get_libraries(self): """Call Tautulli's get_libraries api endpoint.""" payload = {} return self._call_api('get_libraries', payload) class Plex(object): def __init__(self, token, url=None): if token and not url: self.account = MyPlexAccount(token) if token and url: session = Connection().session self.server = PlexServer(baseurl=url, token=token, session=session) def admin_servers(self): """Get all owned servers. Returns ------- data: dict """ resources = {} for resource in self.account.resources(): if 'server' in [resource.provides] and resource.owned is True: resources[resource.name] = resource return resources def all_users(self): """Get all users. Returns ------- data: dict """ users = {self.account.title: self.account} for user in self.account.users(): users[user.title] = user return users def all_sections(self): """Get all sections from all owned servers. Returns ------- data: dict """ data = {} servers = self.admin_servers() print("Connecting to admin server(s) for access info...") for name, server in servers.items(): connect = server.connect() sections = {section.title: section for section in connect.library.sections()} data[name] = sections return data def users_access(self): """Get users access across all owned servers. Returns ------- data: dict """ all_users = self.all_users().values() admin_servers = self.admin_servers() all_sections = self.all_sections() data = {self.account.title: {"account": self.account}} for user in all_users: if not data.get(user.title): servers = [] for server in user.servers: if admin_servers.get(server.name): access = {} sections = {section.title: section for section in server.sections() if section.shared is True} access['server'] = {server.name: admin_servers.get(server.name)} access['sections'] = sections servers += [access] data[user.title] = {'account': user, 'access': servers} else: # Admin account servers = [] for name, server in admin_servers.items(): access = {} sections = all_sections.get(name) access['server'] = {name: server} access['sections'] = sections servers += [access] data[user.title] = {'account': user, 'access': servers} return data def connect_to_server(server_obj, user_account): """Find server url and connect using user token. Parameters ---------- server_obj: class user_account: class Returns ------- user_connection.server: class """ server_name = server_obj.name user = user_account.title print('Connecting {} to {}...'.format(user, server_name)) server_connection = server_obj.connect() url = server_connection._baseurl if user_account.title == Plex(PLEX_TOKEN).account.title: token = PLEX_TOKEN else: token = user_account.get_token(server_connection.machineIdentifier) user_connection = Plex(url=url, token=token) return user_connection.server def check_users_access(access, user, server_name, libraries=None): """Check user's access to server. If allowed connect. Parameters ---------- access: dict user: dict server_name: str libraries: list Returns ------- server_connection: class """ try: _user = access.get(user) for access in _user['access']: server = access.get("server") # Check user access to server if server.get(server_name): server_obj = server.get(server_name) # If syncing by libraries, check library access if libraries: library_check = any(lib.title in access.get("sections").keys() for lib in libraries) # Check user access to library if library_check: server_connection = connect_to_server(server_obj, _user['account']) return server_connection elif not library_check: print("User does not have access to this library.") # Not syncing by libraries else: server_connection = connect_to_server(server_obj, _user['account']) return server_connection # else: # print("User does not have access to this server: {}.".format(server_name)) except KeyError: print('User name is incorrect.') print(", ".join(plex_admin.all_users().keys())) exit() def sync_watch_status(watched, section, accountTo, userTo, same_server=False): """Sync watched status between two users. Parameters ---------- watched: list List of watched items either from Tautulli or Plex section: str Section title of sync from server accountTo: class User's account that will be synced to userTo: str User's server class of sync to user same_server: bool Are serverFrom and serverTo the same """ print('Marking watched...') sectionTo = accountTo.library.section(section) for item in watched: try: if same_server: fetch_check = sectionTo.fetchItem(item.ratingKey) else: if item.type == 'episode': show_name = item.grandparentTitle show = sectionTo.get(show_name) watch_check = show.episode(season=int(item.parentIndex), episode=int(item.index)) else: title = item.title watch_check = sectionTo.get(title) # .get retrieves a partial object # .fetchItem retrieves a full object fetch_check = sectionTo.fetchItem(watch_check.key) # If item is already watched ignore if not fetch_check.isPlayed: # todo-me should watched count be synced? fetch_check.markPlayed() title = fetch_check._prettyfilename() print("Synced watched status of {} to account {}...".format(title, userTo)) except Exception as e: print(e) pass def batching_watched(section, libtype): count = 100 start = 0 watched_lst = [] while True: if libtype == 'show': search_watched = section.search(libtype='episode', container_start=start, container_size=count, **{'show.unwatchedLeaves': False}) else: search_watched = section.search(unwatched=False, container_start=start, container_size=count) if all([search_watched]): start += count for item in search_watched: if item not in watched_lst: watched_lst.append(item) continue elif not all([search_watched]): break start += count return watched_lst if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Sync watch status from one user to others.", formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('--libraries', nargs='*', metavar='library', help='Libraries to scan for watched content.') parser.add_argument('--ratingKey', nargs="?", type=str, help='Rating key of item whose watch status is to be synced.') requiredNamed = parser.add_argument_group('required named arguments') requiredNamed.add_argument('--userFrom', metavar='user=server', required=True, type=lambda kv: kv.split("="), default=["", ""], help='Select user and server to sync from') requiredNamed.add_argument('--userTo', nargs='*', metavar='user=server', required=True, type=lambda kv: kv.split("="), help='Select user and server to sync to.') opts = parser.parse_args() # print(opts) tautulli_server = '' libraries = [] all_sections = {} watchedFrom = '' same_server = False count = 25 start = 0 plex_admin = Plex(PLEX_TOKEN) plex_access = plex_admin.users_access() userFrom, serverFrom = opts.userFrom if serverFrom == "Tautulli": # Create a Tautulli instance tautulli_server = Tautulli(Connection(url=TAUTULLI_URL.rstrip('/'), apikey=TAUTULLI_APIKEY, verify_ssl=VERIFY_SSL)) if serverFrom == "Tautulli" and opts.libraries: # Pull all libraries from Tautulli _sections = {} tautulli_sections = tautulli_server.get_libraries() for section in tautulli_sections: section_obj = Library(section) _sections[section_obj.title] = section_obj all_sections[serverFrom] = _sections elif serverFrom != "Tautulli" and opts.libraries: # Pull all libraries from admin access dict admin_access = plex_access.get(plex_admin.account.title).get("access") for server in admin_access: if server.get("server").get(serverFrom): all_sections[serverFrom] = server.get("sections") # Defining libraries if opts.libraries: for library in opts.libraries: if all_sections.get(serverFrom).get(library): libraries.append(all_sections.get(serverFrom).get(library)) else: print("No matching library name '{}'".format(library)) exit() # If server is Plex and synciing libraries, check access if serverFrom != "Tautulli" and libraries: print("Checking {}'s access to {}".format(userFrom, serverFrom)) watchedFrom = check_users_access(plex_access, userFrom, serverFrom, libraries) if libraries: print("Finding watched items in libraries...") plexTo = [] for user, server_name in opts.userTo: plexTo.append([user, check_users_access(plex_access, user, server_name, libraries)]) for _library in libraries: watched_lst = [] print("Checking {}'s library: '{}' watch statuses...".format(userFrom, _library.title)) if tautulli_server: while True: # Getting all watched history for userFrom tt_watched = tautulli_server.get_watched_history(user=userFrom, section_id=_library.key, start=start, length=count) if all([tt_watched]): start += count for item in tt_watched: watched_lst.append(Metadata(item)) continue elif not all([tt_watched]): break start += count else: # Check library for watched items sectionFrom = watchedFrom.library.section(_library.title) watched_lst = batching_watched(sectionFrom, _library.type) for user in plexTo: username, server = user if server == serverFrom: same_server = True sync_watch_status(watched_lst, _library.title, server, username, same_server) elif opts.ratingKey and serverFrom == "Tautulli": plexTo = [] watched_item = [] if userFrom != "Tautulli": print("Request manually triggered to update watch status") tt_watched = tautulli_server.get_watched_history(user=userFrom, rating_key=opts.ratingKey) if tt_watched: watched_item = Metadata(tautulli_server.get_metadata(opts.ratingKey)) else: print("Rating Key {} was not reported as watched in Tautulli for user {}".format(opts.ratingKey, userFrom)) exit() elif userFrom == "Tautulli": print("Request from Tautulli notification agent to update watch status") watched_item = Metadata(tautulli_server.get_metadata(opts.ratingKey)) for user, server_name in opts.userTo: # Check access and connect plexTo.append([user, check_users_access(plex_access, user, server_name, libraries)]) for user in plexTo: username, server = user sync_watch_status([watched_item], watched_item.libraryName, server, username) elif opts.ratingKey and serverFrom != "Tautulli": plexTo = [] watched_item = [] if userFrom != "Tautulli": print("Request manually triggered to update watch status") watchedFrom = check_users_access(plex_access, userFrom, serverFrom) watched_item = watchedFrom.fetchItem(int(opts.ratingKey)) if not watched_item.isPlayed: print("Rating Key {} was not reported as watched in Plex for user {}".format(opts.ratingKey, userFrom)) exit() else: print("Use an actual user.") exit() for user, server_name in opts.userTo: # Check access and connect plexTo.append([user, check_users_access(plex_access, user, server_name, libraries)]) for user in plexTo: username, server = user library = server.library.sectionByID(watched_item.librarySectionID) sync_watch_status([watched_item], library.title, server, username) else: print("You aren't using this script correctly... bye!")