#!/usr/bin/env python """ Description: Removes Shows from On Deck Author: Blacktwin Requires: requests, plexapi Example: python off_deck.py --shows "The Simpsons" Seinfeld - The Simpsons and Seinfeld will be removed from On Deck python off_deck.py --shows "The Simpsons" Seinfeld --user Steve - The Simpsons and Seinfeld will be removed from Steve's On Deck python off_deck.py --playlist "Favorite Shows!" - Any Show found in Favorite Shows playlist will be remove from On Deck !!!NOTICE!!! * This script should be used for Shows that you have already watched and don't want showing up on your On Deck. * For episodes of show already watched the view count will be reset back to it original. * For episodes of show not watched the view count will be set to 1. """ import requests import argparse from plexapi.server import PlexServer, CONFIG PLEX_URL = '' PLEX_TOKEN = '' if not PLEX_URL: PLEX_URL = CONFIG.data['auth'].get('server_baseurl', '') if not PLEX_TOKEN: PLEX_TOKEN = CONFIG.data['auth'].get('server_token', '') sess = requests.Session() # Ignore verifying the SSL certificate sess.verify = False # '/path/to/certfile' # If verify is set to a path to a directory, # the directory must have been processed using the c_rehash utility supplied # with OpenSSL. if sess.verify is False: # Disable the warning that the request is insecure, we know that... import urllib3 urllib3.disable_warnings(urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning) plex = PlexServer(PLEX_URL, PLEX_TOKEN, session=sess) account = plex.myPlexAccount() def get_on_deck(server, off_deck): """ Parameters ---------- server : class User's server to pull On Deck list off_deck : list List of Shows to remove from On Deck Returns ------- dict Show, episodes, and episodes view count """ watched_statuses = {} for item in server.library.onDeck(): if item.type == 'episode' and item.grandparentTitle in off_deck: grandparent = server.fetchItem(item.grandparentRatingKey) watched_statuses['grandparent'] = grandparent watched_statuses['episodes'] = [] for episode in grandparent.episodes(): watched_statuses['episodes'].append({'object': episode, 'viewCount': episode.viewCount}) return watched_statuses if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Remove items from On Deck.", formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('--shows', nargs='+', help='Shows to be removed from On Deck.') parser.add_argument('--user', nargs='?', help='User whose On Deck will be modified.') parser.add_argument('--playlist', nargs='?', help='Items in playlist to be removed from On Deck') opts = parser.parse_args() ep_list = [] to_remove = '' if opts.user: user_acct = account.user(opts.user) plex_server = PlexServer(PLEX_URL, user_acct.get_token(plex.machineIdentifier)) else: plex_server = plex if opts.shows and not opts.playlist: to_remove = opts.shows elif not opts.shows and opts.playlist: to_remove = [x.title for x in plex_server.playlist(opts.playlist).items()] if not to_remove: print('Nothing to remove...') exit() print('Finding listed shows On Deck...') while True: off_deck = get_on_deck(plex_server, to_remove) if off_deck: ep_list += off_deck['episodes'] print('Marking {} Unwatched'.format(off_deck['grandparent'] .title.encode('UTF-8'))) off_deck['grandparent'].markUnwatched() else: break print('Resetting watch counts...') for item in ep_list: print('Resetting view count for {}: S{:02}E{:02} {}'.format( item['object'].grandparentTitle.encode('UTF-8'), int(item['object'].parentIndex), int(item['object'].index), item['object'].title.encode('UTF-8'))) # if viewCount was 0 then make 1 so as not to return to On Deck. for _ in range(item['viewCount'] if item['viewCount'] != 0 else 1): item['object'].markWatched()