# README Killing streams is a Plex Pass only feature. So these scripts will **only** work for Plex Pass users. ## `limitter.py` examples: ### Limit user to an amount of Plays of a show during a time of day _For users falling asleep while autoplaying a show_ :sleeping:\ Triggers: Playback Start Conditions: \[ `Current Hour` | `is` | `22 or 23 or 24 or 1` \] Arguments: ``` --jbop limit --username {username} --sessionId {session_id} --grandparent_rating_key {grandparent_rating_key} --limit plays=3 --delay 60 --killMessage 'You sleeping?' ``` ### Limit user to total Plays/Watches and send a notification to agent 1 _Completed play sessions_ \ Triggers: Playback Start Arguments: ``` --jbop watch --username {username} --sessionId {session_id} --limit plays=3 --notify 1 --killMessage 'You have met your limit of 3 watches.' ``` ### Limit user to total Plays/Watches in a specific library (Movies) _Completed play sessions_ \ Triggers: Playback Start Arguments: ``` --jbop watch --username {username} --sessionId {session_id} --limit plays=3 --section Movies --killMessage 'You have met your limit of 3 watches.' ``` ### Limit user to total time watching Triggers: Playback Start Arguments: ``` --jbop time --username {username} --sessionId {session_id} --limit days=3 --limit hours=10 --killMessage 'You have met your limit of 3 days and 10 hours.' ``` ### Limit user to total play sessions for the day Triggers: Playback Start Arguments: ``` --jbop plays --username {username} --sessionId {session_id} --today --limit plays=3 --killMessage 'You have met your limit of 3 play sessions.' ```