
671 lines
26 KiB

Description: Create and share playlists based on Most Popular TV/Movies from Tautulli
and Aired this day in history.
Author: blacktwin
Requires: requests, plexapi
Create, share, and clean Playlists for users.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--jbop Playlist selector.
Choices: (historyToday, historyWeek, historyMonth, popularTv, popularMovies)
--action Action selector.
add - create new playlist for admin or users
remove - remove playlist type or name from admin or users
update - remove playlist type and create new playlist type for admin or users
show - show contents of playlist type or admin or users current playlists
share - share existing playlist by title from admin to users
--users {] The Plex usernames to create/share to or delete from.
Choices: (USERNAMES)
--libraries [ ...] Space separated list of case sensitive names to
process. Allowed names are:
Choices: (LIBRARIES)
--allLibraries Select all libraries.
--self Create playlist for admin.
Default: False
--days DAYS The time range to calculate statistics.
Default: 30
--top TOP The number of top items to list.
Default: 5
--playlists Space separated list of case sensitive names to
process. Allowed names are:
Choices: (PLAYLISTS)
--name NAME Custom name for playlist.
--limit LIMIT Limit the amount items to be added to a playlist.
--filter FILTER Search filtered metadata fields
Filters: (mood unwatched country contentRating collection label director duplicate
studio actor year genre guid resolution decade network).
--search SEARCH Search non-filtered metadata fields for keywords in title, summary, etc.
Use with cron or task to schedule runs
Create Aired Today Playlist from Movies and TV Shows libraries for admin user
python playlist_manager.py --jbop historyToday --libraries Movies "TV Shows" --action add
Create Aired Today Playlist from Movies and TV Shows libraries and share to users bob, Black Twin and admin user
python playlist_manager.py --jbop historyToday --libraries Movies "TV Shows" --action add --users bob "Black Twin" --self
Update previous Aired Today Playlist(s) from Movies and TV Shows libraries and share to users bob and Black Twin
python playlist_manager.py --jbop historyToday --libraries Movies "TV Shows" --action update --users bob "Black Twin"
Delete all previous Aired Today Playlist(s) from users bob and Black Twin
python playlist_manager.py --jbop historyToday --action remove --users bob "Black Twin"
Create 5 Most Popular TV Shows (30 days) Playlist and share to users bob and Black Twin
python playlist_manager.py --jbop popularTv --action add --users bob "Black Twin"
Create 10 Most Popular Movies (60 days) Playlist and share to users bob and Black Twin
python playlist_manager.py --jbop popularMovies --action add --users bob "Black Twin" --days 60 --top 10
Show 5 Most Popular TV Shows (30 days) Playlist
python playlist_manager.py --jbop popularTv --action show
Show all users current playlists
python playlist_manager.py --action show --allUsers
Share existing admin Playlists "My Custom Playlist" and "Another Playlist" with all users
python playlist_manager.py --action share --allUsers --playlists "My Custom Playlist" "Another Playlist"
--user becomes excluded if --allUsers is set
python playlist_manager.py --action show --allUsers --user USER
- Show all users current Playlists... all users but USER
--libraries becomes excluded if --allLibraries is set
python playlist_manager.py --jbop historyToday --allLibraries --libraries Movies --action add
- Create Aired Today Playlist from every library by Movies for admin user
import sys
import requests
import argparse
import operator
import datetime
import unicodedata
from plexapi.server import PlexServer, CONFIG
if not PLEX_URL:
PLEX_URL = CONFIG.data['auth'].get('server_baseurl')
if not PLEX_TOKEN:
PLEX_TOKEN = CONFIG.data['auth'].get('server_token')
TAUTULLI_URL = CONFIG.data['auth'].get('tautulli_baseurl')
TAUTULLI_APIKEY = CONFIG.data['auth'].get('tautulli_apikey')
# Defaults
DAYS = 30
TOP = 5
sess = requests.Session()
# Ignore verifying the SSL certificate
sess.verify = False # '/path/to/certfile'
# If verify is set to a path to a directory,
# the directory must have been processed using the c_rehash utility supplied
# with OpenSSL.
if sess.verify is False:
# Disable the warning that the request is insecure, we know that...
import urllib3
plex = PlexServer(PLEX_URL, PLEX_TOKEN, session=sess)
account = plex.myPlexAccount()
user_lst = [x.title for x in plex.myPlexAccount().users()]
sections = plex.library.sections()
sections_dict = {x.key: x.title for x in sections}
filter_lst = list(set([y for x in sections if x.type != 'photo' for y in x.ALLOWED_FILTERS]))
playlist_lst = [x.title for x in plex.playlists()]
today = datetime.datetime.now().date()
weeknum = datetime.date(today.year, today.month, today.day).isocalendar()[1]
def actions():
add - create new playlist for admin or users
remove - remove playlist type or name from admin or users
update - remove playlist type and create new playlist type for admin or users
show - show contents of playlist type or admin or users current playlists
share - share existing playlist by title from admin to users
return ['add', 'remove', 'update', 'show', 'share']
def selectors():
"""Predefined Playlist selections and titles
selections = {'historyToday':'Aired Today {month}-{day} in History',
'historyWeek': 'Aired This Week ({week}) in History',
'historyMonth': 'Aired in {month}',
'popularTv': 'Most Popular TV Shows ({days} days)',
'popularMovies': 'Most Popular Movies ({days} days)',
'custom':'{custom} Playlist',
'random': '{count} Random Playlist'
return selections
def get_home_stats(time_range, stats_count):
# Get the homepage watch statistics.
payload = {'apikey': TAUTULLI_APIKEY,
'cmd': 'get_home_stats',
'time_range': time_range,
'stats_count': stats_count,
'stats_type': 0} # stats_type = plays
r = requests.get(TAUTULLI_URL.rstrip('/') + '/api/v2', params=payload)
response = r.json()
res_data = response['response']['data']
return res_data
except Exception as e:
sys.stderr.write("Tautulli API 'get_home_stats' request failed: {0}.".format(e))
def sort_by_dates(video, date_type):
"""Find air dates of content
video object to find air date
list of rating key and date aired
ad_year = video.originallyAvailableAt.year
ad_month = video.originallyAvailableAt.month
ad_day = video.originallyAvailableAt.day
ad_week = int(datetime.date(ad_year, ad_month, ad_day).isocalendar()[1])
if date_type == 'historyToday':
if ad_month == today.month and ad_day == today.day:
return [[video.ratingKey] + [str(video.originallyAvailableAt)]]
if date_type == 'historyWeek':
if ad_week == weeknum:
return [[video.ratingKey] + [str(video.originallyAvailableAt)]]
if date_type == 'historyMonth':
if ad_month == today.month:
return [[video.ratingKey] + [str(video.originallyAvailableAt)]]
# todo-me return object
except Exception as e:
# print(e)
def get_content(libraries, jbop, filters=None, search=None):
"""Get all movies or episodes from LIBRARY_NAME
libraries: dict
dict of libraries key and name
jbop: str
jbop value for searching
Sorted list of Movie and episodes that
aired on today's date.
child_lst = []
filter_lst = []
search_lst = []
keyword = ''
if search or filters:
if search:
# todo-me replace with documentation showing the available search operators
keyword = {key + '__icontains': value for key, value in search.items()}
# Loop through each library
for library in libraries.keys():
plex_library = plex.library.sectionByID(library)
library_type = plex_library.type
# Find media type, if show then search/filter episodes
if library_type == 'movie':
# Decisions to stack filter and search
if keyword:
search_lst = [movie.ratingKey for movie in plex_library.all(**keyword)]
child_lst += search_lst
if filters:
filter_lst = [movie.ratingKey for movie in plex_library.search(**filters)]
child_lst += filter_lst
if keyword and filters:
child_lst += list(set(filter_lst) & set(search_lst))
elif library_type == 'show':
if keyword:
for show in plex_library.all():
for episode in show.episodes(**keyword):
search_lst += [episode.ratingKey]
child_lst += search_lst
if filters:
for show in plex_library.search(**filters):
for episode in show.episodes():
filter_lst += [episode.ratingKey]
child_lst += filter_lst
if keyword and filters:
child_lst += list(set(filter_lst) & set(search_lst))
play_lst = child_lst
for library in libraries.keys():
for child in plex.library.sectionByID(library).all():
if child.type == 'movie':
if sort_by_dates(child, jbop):
item_date = sort_by_dates(child, jbop)
child_lst += item_date
elif child.type == 'show':
for episode in child.episodes():
if sort_by_dates(episode, jbop):
item_date = sort_by_dates(episode, jbop)
child_lst += item_date
# Sort by original air date, oldest first
# todo-me move sorting and add more sorting options
aired_lst = sorted(child_lst, key=operator.itemgetter(1))
# Remove date used for sorting
play_lst = [x[0] for x in aired_lst]
return play_lst
def build_playlist(jbop, libraries=None, days=None, top=None, filters=None, search=None):
jbop: str
The predefined Playlist type
libraries: dict
{key: name}
Libraries to use to build Playlist
days: int
Days to search for Top Movies/Tv Shows
top: int
Limit to search for Top Movies/Tv Shows
key_list, title
keys_list = []
title = ''
if jbop == 'historyToday':
keys_list = get_content(libraries, jbop, filters, search)
except TypeError as e:
print("Libraries are not defined for {}. Use --libraries.".format(jbop))
exit("Error: {}".format(e))
title = selectors()['historyToday'].format(month=today.month, day=today.day)
elif jbop == 'historyWeek':
keys_list = get_content(libraries, jbop, filters, search)
except TypeError as e:
print("Libraries are not defined for {}. Use --libraries.".format(jbop))
exit("Error: {}".format(e))
title = selectors()['historyWeek'].format(week=weeknum)
elif jbop == 'historyMonth':
keys_list = get_content(libraries, jbop, filters, search)
except TypeError as e:
print("Libraries are not defined for {}. Use --libraries.".format(jbop))
exit("Error: {}".format(e))
title = selectors()['historyMonth'].format(month=today.strftime("%B"))
elif jbop == 'custom':
keys_list = get_content(libraries, jbop, filters, search)
except TypeError as e:
print("Libraries are not defined for {}. Use --libraries.".format(jbop))
exit("Error: {}".format(e))
if search and not filters:
title = ' '.join(search.values()).capitalize()
elif filters and not search:
title = ' '.join(filters.values()).capitalize()
elif search and filters:
search_title = ' '.join(search.values()).capitalize()
filters_title = ' '.join(filters.values()).capitalize()
title = filters_title + ' ' + search_title
title = selectors()['custom'].format(custom=title)
elif jbop == 'popularTv':
home_stats = get_home_stats(days, top)
for stat in home_stats:
if stat['stat_id'] == 'popular_tv':
if libraries:
keys_list = [x['rating_key'] for x in stat['rows'] if
str(x['section_id']) in libraries.keys()]
keys_list = [x['rating_key'] for x in stat['rows']]
title = selectors()['popularTv'].format(days=days)
elif jbop == 'popularMovies':
home_stats = get_home_stats(days, top)
for stat in home_stats:
if stat['stat_id'] == 'popular_movies':
if libraries:
keys_list = [x['rating_key'] for x in stat['rows']
if str(x['section_id']) in libraries.keys()]
keys_list = [x['rating_key'] for x in stat['rows']]
title = selectors()['popularMovies'].format(days=days)
return keys_list, title
def share_playlists(playlist_titles, users):
for user in users:
for title in playlist_titles:
print("...Shared {title} playlist to '{user}'.".format(title=title, user=user))
def show_playlist(playlist_title, playlist_keys):
playlist_list = []
for key in playlist_keys:
# todo-me add try to catch when Tautulli reports a rating key that is now missing from Plex
plex_obj = plex.fetchItem(key)
if plex_obj.type == 'show':
for episode in plex_obj.episodes():
title = u"{}".format(episode._prettyfilename())
title = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', title).encode('ascii', 'ignore').translate(None, "'")
title = u"{} ({})".format(plex_obj._prettyfilename(), plex_obj.year)
title = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', title).encode('ascii', 'ignore').translate(None, "'")
print(u"Contents of Playlist {title}:\n{playlist}".format(title=playlist_title,
playlist=', '.join(playlist_list)))
def create_playlist(playlist_title, playlist_keys, server, user):
playlist_list = []
for key in playlist_keys:
plex_obj = server.fetchItem(key)
if plex_obj.type == 'show':
for episode in plex_obj.episodes():
except Exception as e:
obj = plex.fetchItem(key)
print("{} may not have permission to this title: {}".format(user, obj.title))
# print("Error: {}".format(e))
except Exception as e:
print('Rating Key: {}, may have been deleted or moved.'.format(key))
# print("Error: {}".format(e))
if playlist_list:
server.createPlaylist(playlist_title, playlist_list)
print("...Added {title} playlist to '{user}'.".format(title=playlist_title, user=user))
def delete_playlist(playlist_dict):
server = playlist_dict['server']
jbop = playlist_dict['jbop']
user = playlist_dict['user']
pop_movie = playlist_dict['pop_movie']
pop_tv = playlist_dict['pop_tv']
for playlist in server.playlists():
if jbop == 'historyToday':
if playlist.title.startswith('Aired Today'):
print("...Deleted {playlist.title} for '{user}'."
.format(playlist=playlist, user=user))
elif jbop == 'historyWeek':
if playlist.title.startswith('Aired This Week'):
print("...Deleted {playlist.title} for '{user}'."
.format(playlist=playlist, user=user))
elif jbop == 'historyMonth':
if playlist.title.startswith('Aired in'):
print("...Deleted {playlist.title} for '{user}'."
.format(playlist=playlist, user=user))
elif jbop == 'popularMovies':
if playlist.title == pop_movie:
print("...Deleted {playlist.title} for '{user}'."
.format(playlist=playlist, user=user))
elif jbop == 'popularTv':
if playlist.title == pop_tv:
print("...Deleted {playlist.title} for '{user}'."
.format(playlist=playlist, user=user))
# print("Playlist not found on '{user}' account".format(user=user))
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Create, share, and clean Playlists for users.",
formatter_class = argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter)
# todo-me use parser grouping instead of choices for action and jbop?
parser.add_argument('--jbop', choices=selectors().keys(), metavar='',
help='Playlist selector.\n'
'Choices: (%(choices)s)')
parser.add_argument('--action', required=True, choices=actions(),
help='Action selector.'
parser.add_argument('--user', nargs='+', choices=user_lst, metavar='',
help='The Plex usernames to create/share to or delete from. Allowed names are:\n'
'Choices: %(choices)s')
parser.add_argument('--allUsers', default=False, action='store_true',
help='Select all users.')
parser.add_argument('--libraries', nargs='+', choices=sections_dict.values(), metavar='',
help='Space separated list of case sensitive names to process. Allowed names are:\n'
'Choices: %(choices)s')
parser.add_argument('--allLibraries', default=False, action='store_true',
help='Select all libraries.')
parser.add_argument('--self', default=False, action='store_true',
help='Create playlist for admin.\n'
'Default: %(default)s')
parser.add_argument('--days', type=str, default=DAYS,
help='The time range to calculate statistics.\n'
'Default: %(default)s')
parser.add_argument('--top', type=str, default=TOP,
help='The number of top items to list.\n'
'Default: %(default)s')
parser.add_argument('--playlists', nargs='+', choices=playlist_lst, metavar='',
help='Space separated list of case sensitive names to process. Allowed names are:\n'
'Choices: %(choices)s')
parser.add_argument('--name', type=str,
help='Custom name for playlist.')
parser.add_argument('--limit', type=int, default=False,
help='Limit the amount items to be added to a playlist.')
# todo-me custom naming for playlists --name?
# todo-me custom limits to playlist --limit?
parser.add_argument('--filter', action='append', type=lambda kv: kv.split("="),
help='Search filtered metadata fields.\n'
'Filters: ({}).'.format(', '.join(filter_lst)))
parser.add_argument('--search', type=lambda kv: kv.split("="),
help='Search non-filtered metadata fields for keywords '
'in title, summary, etc.')
opts = parser.parse_args()
users = ''
title = ''
search = ''
filters = ''
libraries = {}
keys_list = []
plex_servers = []
pop_movie_title = selectors()['popularMovies'].format(days=opts.days)
pop_tv_title = selectors()['popularTv'].format(days=opts.days)
playlist_dict = {'jbop': opts.jbop,
'custom': opts.name,
'pop_tv': pop_tv_title,
'pop_movie': pop_movie_title,
'limit': opts.limit}
if opts.search:
search = dict([opts.search])
if opts.filter:
filters = dict(opts.filter)
# Check if provided filter exist, exit if it doesn't exist
if not (set(filters.keys()) & set(filter_lst)):
print('({}) was not found in filters list: [{}]'
.format(' '.join(filters.keys()), ', '.join(filter_lst)))
# Defining users
if opts.allUsers and not opts.user:
users = user_lst
elif not opts.allUsers and opts.user:
users = opts.user
elif opts.allUsers and opts.user:
# If allUsers is used then any users listed will be excluded
for user in opts.user:
users = user_lst
# Defining libraries
if opts.allLibraries and not opts.libraries:
libraries = sections_dict
elif not opts.allLibraries and opts.libraries:
for key, name in sections_dict.items():
if name in opts.libraries:
libraries[key] = name
elif opts.allLibraries and opts.libraries:
# If allLibraries is used then any libraries listed will be excluded
for key, name in sections_dict.items():
if name not in opts.libraries:
libraries[key] = name
# Create user server objects
if users:
for user in users:
if opts.action == 'share':
print("Sharing playlist(s)...")
share_playlists(opts.playlists, users)
user_acct = account.user(user)
'server': PlexServer(PLEX_URL, user_acct.get_token(plex.machineIdentifier)),
'user': user})
if opts.self:
plex_servers.append({'server': plex,
'user': 'admin'})
plex_servers.append({'server': plex,
'user': 'admin'})
if opts.action == 'remove':
print("Deleting the playlist(s)...")
for x in plex_servers:
playlist_dict['server'] = x['server']
playlist_dict['user'] = x['user']
keys_list, title = build_playlist(opts.jbop, libraries, opts.days, opts.top, filters, search)
# Check if limit exist and if it's greater than the pulled list of rating keys
if opts.limit and len(keys_list) > int(opts.limit):
keys_list = keys_list[:opts.limit]
if opts.name:
title = opts.name
title = title.title()
if opts.jbop and opts.action == 'show':
show_playlist(title, keys_list)
if opts.action == 'update':
print("Deleting the playlist(s)...")
for x in plex_servers:
playlist_dict['server'] = x['server']
playlist_dict['user'] = x['user']
print('Creating playlist(s)...')
for x in plex_servers:
create_playlist(title, keys_list, x['server'], x['user'])
if opts.action == 'add':
print('Creating playlist(s)...')
for x in plex_servers:
create_playlist(title, keys_list, x['server'], x['user'])
if opts.action == 'show':
print("Displaying the user's playlist(s)...")
for x in plex_servers:
user = x['user']
playlist = [y.title for y in x['server'].playlists()]
print("{}'s current playlist(s): {}".format(user, ', '.join(playlist)))