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2017-11-13 20:44:50 +00:00
#include "PCF8574.h"
#include "Wire.h"
* Constructor
* @param address: i2c address
PCF8574::PCF8574(uint8_t address){
_address = address;
* Construcor
* @param address: i2c address
* @param interruptPin: pin to set interrupt
* @param interruptFunction: function to call when interrupt raised
PCF8574::PCF8574(uint8_t address, uint8_t interruptPin, void (*interruptFunction)() ){
_address = address;
_interruptPin = interruptPin;
_interruptFunction = interruptFunction;
_usingInterrupt = true;
#ifndef __AVR
* Constructor
* @param address: i2c address
* @param sda: sda pin
* @param scl: scl pin
PCF8574::PCF8574(uint8_t address, uint8_t sda, uint8_t scl){
_address = address;
_sda = sda;
_scl = scl;
* Constructor
* @param address: i2c address
* @param sda: sda pin
* @param scl: scl pin
* @param interruptPin: pin to set interrupt
* @param interruptFunction: function to call when interrupt raised
PCF8574::PCF8574(uint8_t address, uint8_t sda, uint8_t scl, uint8_t interruptPin, void (*interruptFunction)() ){
_address = address;
_sda = sda;
_scl = scl;
_interruptPin = interruptPin;
_interruptFunction = interruptFunction;
_usingInterrupt = true;
* wake up i2c controller
void PCF8574::begin(){
#ifndef __AVR
Wire.begin(_sda, _scl);
// Default pin for AVR some problem on software emulation
// #define SCL_PIN _scl
// #define SDA_PIN _sda
// Che if there are pins to set low
if (writeMode>0 || readMode>0){
DEBUG_PRINTLN("Set write mode");
DEBUG_PRINT("usedPin pin ");
byte usedPin = writeMode | readMode;
DEBUG_PRINTLN("Start end trasmission if stop here check pullup resistor.");
// If using interrupt set interrupt value to pin
if (_usingInterrupt){
DEBUG_PRINTLN("Using interrupt pin (not all pin is interrupted)");
::pinMode(_interruptPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(_interruptPin), (*_interruptFunction), FALLING );
// inizialize last read
lastReadMillis = millis();
* Set if fin is OUTPUT or INPUT
* @param pin: pin to set
* @param mode: mode, supported only INPUT or OUTPUT (to semplify)
void PCF8574::pinMode(uint8_t pin, uint8_t mode){
DEBUG_PRINT("Set pin ");
DEBUG_PRINT(" as ");
if (mode == OUTPUT){
writeMode = writeMode | bit(pin);
readMode = readMode & ~bit(pin);
DEBUG_PRINT("writeMode: ");
DEBUG_PRINT(writeMode, BIN);
DEBUG_PRINT("readMode: ");
}else if (mode == INPUT){
writeMode = writeMode & ~bit(pin);
readMode = readMode | bit(pin);
DEBUG_PRINT("writeMode: ");
DEBUG_PRINT(writeMode, BIN);
DEBUG_PRINT("readMode: ");
DEBUG_PRINTLN("Mode non supported by PCF8574")
DEBUG_PRINT("Write mode: ");
* Read value from i2c and bufferize it
* @param force
void PCF8574::readBuffer(bool force){
if (millis() > PCF8574::lastReadMillis+READ_ELAPSED_TIME || _usingInterrupt || force){
Wire.requestFrom(_address,(uint8_t)1);// Begin transmission to PCF8574 with the buttons
lastReadMillis = millis();
if(Wire.available()) // If bytes are available to be recieved
byte iInput = Wire.read();// Read a byte
if ((iInput & readMode)>0){
byteBuffered = byteBuffered | (byte)iInput;
* Read value of all INPUT pin
* Debounce read more fast than 10millis, non managed for interrupt mode
* @return
PCF8574::DigitalInput PCF8574::digitalReadAll(void){
DEBUG_PRINTLN("Read from buffer");
Wire.requestFrom(_address,(uint8_t)1);// Begin transmission to PCF8574 with the buttons
lastReadMillis = millis();
if(Wire.available()) // If bytes are available to be recieved
DEBUG_PRINTLN("Data ready");
byte iInput = Wire.read();// Read a byte
if ((iInput & readMode)>0){
DEBUG_PRINT("Input ");
DEBUG_PRINTLN((byte)iInput, BIN);
byteBuffered = byteBuffered | (byte)iInput;
DEBUG_PRINT("byteBuffered ");
DEBUG_PRINTLN(byteBuffered, BIN);
DEBUG_PRINT("Buffer value ");
DEBUG_PRINTLN(byteBuffered, BIN);
if (bit(0)&readMode>0) digitalInput.p0 = (byteBuffered&bit(0)>0)?HIGH:LOW;
if (bit(1)&readMode>0) digitalInput.p1 = (byteBuffered&bit(1)>0)?HIGH:LOW;
if (bit(2)&readMode>0) digitalInput.p2 = (byteBuffered&bit(2)>0)?HIGH:LOW;
if (bit(3)&readMode>0) digitalInput.p3 = (byteBuffered&bit(3)>0)?HIGH:LOW;
if (bit(4)&readMode>0) digitalInput.p4 = (byteBuffered&bit(4)>0)?HIGH:LOW;
if (bit(5)&readMode>0) digitalInput.p5 = (byteBuffered&bit(5)>0)?HIGH:LOW;
if (bit(6)&readMode>0) digitalInput.p6 = (byteBuffered&bit(6)>0)?HIGH:LOW;
if (bit(7)&readMode>0) digitalInput.p7 = (byteBuffered&bit(7)>0)?HIGH:LOW;
if (readMode & byteBuffered>0){
byteBuffered = ~readMode & byteBuffered;
DEBUG_PRINT("Buffer hight value readed set readed ");
DEBUG_PRINTLN(byteBuffered, BIN);
DEBUG_PRINT("Return value ");
return digitalInput;
* Read value of specified pin
* Debounce read more fast than 10millis, non managed for interrupt mode
* @param pin
* @return
uint8_t PCF8574::digitalRead(uint8_t pin){
uint8_t value = LOW;
DEBUG_PRINT("Read pin ");
// Check if pin already HIGH than read and prevent reread of i2c
if ((bit(pin) & byteBuffered)>0){
DEBUG_PRINTLN("Pin already up");
value = HIGH;
}else if ((/*(bit(pin) & byteBuffered)<=0 && */millis() > PCF8574::lastReadMillis+READ_ELAPSED_TIME) /*|| _usingInterrupt*/){
DEBUG_PRINTLN("Read from buffer");
Wire.requestFrom(_address,(uint8_t)1);// Begin transmission to PCF8574 with the buttons
lastReadMillis = millis();
if(Wire.available()) // If bytes are available to be recieved
DEBUG_PRINTLN("Data ready");
byte iInput = Wire.read();// Read a byte
if ((iInput & readMode)>0){
DEBUG_PRINT("Input ");
DEBUG_PRINTLN((byte)iInput, BIN);
byteBuffered = byteBuffered | (byte)iInput;
DEBUG_PRINT("byteBuffered ");
DEBUG_PRINTLN(byteBuffered, BIN);
if ((bit(pin) & byteBuffered)>0){
value = HIGH;
DEBUG_PRINT("Buffer value ");
DEBUG_PRINTLN(byteBuffered, BIN);
// If HIGH set to low to read buffer only one time
if (value==HIGH){
byteBuffered = ~bit(pin) & byteBuffered;
DEBUG_PRINT("Buffer hight value readed set readed ");
DEBUG_PRINTLN(byteBuffered, BIN);
DEBUG_PRINT("Return value ");
return value;
* Write on pin
* @param pin
* @param value
void PCF8574::digitalWrite(uint8_t pin, uint8_t value){
DEBUG_PRINTLN("Begin trasmission");
Wire.beginTransmission(_address); //Begin the transmission to PCF8574
if (value==HIGH){
writeByteBuffered = writeByteBuffered | bit(pin);
writeByteBuffered = writeByteBuffered & ~bit(pin);
DEBUG_PRINT("Write data ");
DEBUG_PRINT(writeByteBuffered, BIN);
DEBUG_PRINT(" for pin ");
DEBUG_PRINT(" bin value ");
DEBUG_PRINT(bit(pin), BIN);
DEBUG_PRINT(" value ");
writeByteBuffered = writeByteBuffered & writeMode;
DEBUG_PRINTLN("Start end trasmission if stop here check pullup resistor.");