mirror of
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/*EFY UI 2022.09.28*/ let $ = document.querySelector.bind(document), $all = document.querySelectorAll.bind(document), $create = document.createElement.bind(document), $body, $root, $efy_module,
/*Append: Where, Element*/ $append = (where, el) =>{ where.appendChild(el)},
/*Insert: Where, Position, Element*/ $insert = (where, pos, el) =>{ where.insertAdjacentElement(pos,el)},
/*Get CSS Property*/ $css_prop = (a) =>{ return getComputedStyle($root).getPropertyValue(a).replaceAll(' ','')},
/*Add: Element, {Attributes}, [Children, Text] (optional)*/ $add = (el, atb = {}, cld = []) => { const x = $create(el);
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window.onload = async ()=>{ $root = $(":root"), $body = $("body"); $efy_module = (a) =>{ let b = $css_prop('--efy_modules').split(',').includes(a) ? true : false; return b}; let a;
/*Check LocalStorage*/ try {let x = 'LS'; localStorage.setItem(x, x); let y = localStorage.getItem(x); localStorage.removeItem(x); if (x !== y) {throw new Error()}} catch (exception) {$append($body, $add('div', {class: 'efy_no_ls', efy_alert: '', style: 'background: #eee; grid-template-columns: 1fr; gap: 0'}, [$add('h6', {}, ['EFY - Your browser blocks LocalStorage']), $add('p', {}, ["Privacy matters! So block 3rd party cookies if you want, no worries, but please allow 1st party cookies in your browser's settings, to be able to save your EFY preferences locally. Have fun!"])]))}
/*Sidebar Modules*/ $append($body, $add('div', {id: 'efy_sidebar', class: 'efy_sidebar', efy_search: 'details:not(.efy_quick_shortcuts, [efy_logo]), .efy_sidebar [efy_tabs] > *'}, [ $add('div', {efy_about: ''}, [
$add('details', {class: 'efy_about', efy_logo: ''}, [
$add('summary', {}, [$add('code', {}, ['EFY']), $add('code', {}, [' UI']) ]),
$add('div', {}, ['This page uses ', $add('code', {}, ['EFY']), ', a customisable, convergent, transparent, modular, futuristic css / js framework that can be added to your own web / local apps & websites.', $add('br', {}), $add('a', {href: 'https://efy.ooo/ui'}, [$add('button', {tabindex: '-1'}, ['Learn more'])]), $add('a', {href: 'https://matrix.to/#/#efy_ui:matrix.org'}, [$add('button', {tabindex: '-1'}, ['Matrix Chat'])]) ])
]), $add('button', {efy_sidebar_btn_close: ''}, [$add('i',{efy_icon: 'remove'})])
])); $append($body, $add('div', {efy_sidebar_btn_open: ''}));
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$add('div', {class: 'efy_quick_buttons'}),
$add('div', {efy_clock: ''}), $add('div', {efy_timer: 'efy_ui0'})
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$append($('.efy_quick_buttons'), $add('button', {'class': `efy_quick_${a[i]}`}, [$add('i', {efy_icon: b[i]})]))
$append($('.efy_quick_buttons'), $add('input', {type: 'text', efy_search_input: '', efy_display_none: '', placeholder: 'Search through menu...'}));
$(".efy_quick_search").onclick =()=> $('.efy_quick_shortcuts [efy_search_input]').toggleAttribute('efy_display_none');
$(".efy_quick_reload").onclick =()=> location.reload();
$(".efy_quick_fullscreen").onclick =()=> { document.exitFullscreen(); document.documentElement.requestFullscreen(); };
$(".efy_quick_back").onclick =()=> window.history.go(-1);
$(".efy_quick_forward").addEventListener('pointerup', async ()=> window.history.go(1));
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/*Mode*/ for (let a = ['default_mode', 'light_light', 'light_sepia', 'dark_dark', 'dark_nord', 'dark_black', 'light_trans', 'dark_trans'], b = ['Default', 'Light', 'Sepia', 'Dark', 'Nord', 'Black', 'Light', 'Dark'], c = $('#efy_sbtheme [efy_content=mode]'), i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { $append(c, $add('input', {type: 'radio', name: 'efy_mode', id: a[i]})); $append(c, $add('label', {for: a[i]}, [b[i]]))}
$insert($('#efy_sbtheme [efy_content=mode] #light_trans'), 'beforebegin', $add('details', {efy_help: ''}, [$add('summary', {}, ['Transparency']), $add('div', {}, ['If your operating system or window manager supports transparency, the background becomes transparent. Otherwise just import your own images and turn this on.'])]));
/*Colors*/ for (let a = ['efy_color1', 'efy_color2', 'efy_color_text', 'efy_color_bgcol'], b = ['Color 1', 'Color 2', 'Text', 'Background'], c = $('#efy_sbtheme [efy_content=colors]'), i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { $append(c, $add('label', {for: a[i]}, [b[i], $add('input', {id: a[i], type: 'color', value: '#555555'})]))}
for (let a = ['text', 'bgcol'], c = 'afterend', i = 0; i < a.length; i++){ let b = $(`#efy_sbtheme [efy_content=colors] [for=efy_color_${a[i]}]`); $insert(b, c, $add('label', {for: `efy_${a[i]}_status`}, ['On / Off'])); $insert(b, c, $add('input', {type: 'checkbox', name: `efy_${a[i]}_color_status`, id: `efy_${a[i]}_status`}))}
$insert($('#efy_sbtheme [efy_content=colors] [for=efy_text_status]'), 'afterend', $add('br',{}));
$insert($('#efy_sbtheme [efy_content=colors] [for=efy_color_text]'), 'beforebegin', $add('details', {efy_help: ''}, [$add('summary', {}, ['Custom Colors']), $add('div', {}, ['These colors override the default ones'])]));
/*Images*/ a = $('#efy_sbtheme [efy_content=images]'); $append(a, $add('input', {type: 'file', accept: 'image/*', id: 'pictureTest'})); $append(a, $add('div', {class: 'efy_img_previews'})); $append(a, $add('button', {class: 'efy_idb_reset'}, [$add('i', {efy_icon: 'reload'}), 'Reset']));
/*Help*/ $insert($('#efy_sbtheme [efy_content=images] .efy_img_previews'), 'afterend', $add('details', {efy_help: ''}, [$add('summary', {}, ['Warning! Bigger = Slower']), $add('div', {}, ['Keep them bellow 1MB per image, unless your device has a powerful CPU / GPU. You can also convert png, jpg etc to webp to reduce the size'])]));
/*Radius*/ a = $('#efy_sbtheme [efy_content=border]'); $append(a, $add('p', {}, ['Radius'])); $append(a, $add('div', {class: 'efy_sidebar_range'})); $append(a, $add('input', {class: 'efy_sidebar_selectRadius', type: 'range', min: '0', max: '25', value: '12', step: '1'}))
/*Visual Filters*/ if ($efy_module('efy_filters')){ $append($('.efy_sidebar'), $add('details', {id: 'efy_vfilters', efy_select: ''}, [$add('summary', {}, [ $add('i', {efy_icon: 'dots'}), 'Visual Filters (Beta)']), $add('div', {efy_tabs: 'efyui_filters'})]));
/*Tabs*/ for (let a = ['bg', 'content', 'trans'], b = ['Background', 'Content', 'Trans Elements'], c = $('[efy_tabs=efyui_filters]'), i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { $append(c, $add('button', {efy_tab: a[i]}, [b[i]])) }
for (let a = ['bg', 'content', 'trans'], c = $('[efy_tabs=efyui_filters]'), i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { $append(c, $add('form', {efy_content: a[i], efy_select: '', class: `efy_${a[i]}_filter`})) }
/*Active*/ for (let a = ['[efy_tab=bg]', '[efy_content=bg]'], b = '[efy_tabs=efyui_filters] >', i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { $(b +' '+ a[i]).setAttribute('efy_active', '')}
$all('[efy_tabs=efyui_filters] form').forEach(y =>{ let z = y.getAttribute('efy_content');
$append(y, $add('button', {type: 'reset'}, [$add('i', {efy_icon: 'reload'}), 'Reset']));
$append(y, $add('input', {class: `efy_${z}_brightness`, type: 'range', min: '0', max: '3', value: '1', step: '0.1'}));
$append(y, $add('input', {class: `efy_${z}_blur`, type: 'range', min: '0', max: '100', value: '0', step: '1'}));
$append(y, $add('input', {class: `efy_${z}_saturate`, type: 'range', min: '0', max: '3', value: '1', step: '0.1'}));
$append(y, $add('input', {class: `efy_${z}_contrast`, type: 'range', min: '0.1', max: '3', value: '1', step: '0.1'}));
$append(y, $add('input', {class: `efy_${z}_hue-rotate`, type: 'range', min: '0', max: '360', value: '0', step: '1'}));
$append(y, $add('input', {class: `efy_${z}_sepia`, type: 'range', min: '0', max: '1', value: '0', step: '0.1'}));
for (let a = ['Brightness', 'Blur', 'Saturation', 'Contrast', 'Hue', 'Sepia'], i = 0; i < a.length; i++){
$insert($(`[efy_tabs=efyui_filters] [efy_content=${z}] input:nth-of-type(${i+1})`), 'beforebegin', $add('p', {}, [a[i]]))}
/*Backup*/ if ($efy_module('efy_backup')){ $append($('.efy_sidebar'), $add('details', {id: 'efy_backup'}, [$add('summary', {}, [ $add('i', {efy_icon: 'arrow_down'}), 'Save & Restore'])]));
for (let a = ['localstorage', 'idb'], b = ['Settings', 'Images'], c = '#efy_backup', i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
$append($(c), $add('p', {}, [`EFY ${b[i]}`]));
$append($(c), $add('a', {href: '#', class: `efy_${a[i]}_export`, download: `efy_${b[i]}.json`}, [
$add('button', {tabindex: '-1'}, [ $add('i', {efy_icon: 'arrow_down'}), 'Save'])]));
$append($(c), $add('button', {type: 'reset', class: `efy_${a[i]}_reset`}, [$add('i', {efy_icon: 'reload'}), 'Reset']));
$append($(c), $add('input', {type: 'file', class: `efy_${a[i]}_import`, accept: '.json'}))
/*Accessibility*/ if ($efy_module('efy_accessibility')){ $append($('.efy_sidebar'), $add('details', {id: 'efy_accessibility', efy_select: ''}, [$add('summary', {}, [ $add('i', {efy_icon: 'accessibility'}), 'Accessibility (Beta)']),
$add('details', {id: 'efy_btn_align', efy_select: ''}, [$add('summary', {}, ['Menu Button Position']), $add('div', {})]),
$add('details', {id: 'efy_accessibility_outline', efy_select: ''}, [$add('summary', {}, ['Outline']), $add('p', {}, ["Safari & Webkit don't support custom outline radius yet, so it's not up to efy, but the outline itself works and the radius as well on other browsers."]), $add('input', {id: 'efy_outline', type: 'checkbox', name: 'efy_accessibility'}), $add('label', {for: 'efy_outline'}, ['Focus Outline'])]),
$add('details', {id: 'efy_accessibility_text', efy_select: ''}, [$add('summary', {}, ['Text Size']), $add('form', {class: 'efy_text_accessibility'}, [
$add('button', {type: 'reset'}, [$add('i', {efy_icon: 'reload'}), 'Reset']),
$add('p', {}, ['Zoom']), $add('input', {class: 'efy_ui_zoom', type: 'range', min: '1', max: '2', value: '1', step: '0.01'}),
$add('p', {}, ['Text Spacing']), $add('input', {class: 'efy_text_spacing', type: 'range', min: '0', max: '15', value: '0', step: '1'})
$add('details', {id: 'efy_accessibility_cursor', efy_select: ''}, [$add('summary', {}, ['Cursor']), $add('p', {}, ['WARNING! Only hide it on touchscreen devices!'])])
for (let i = 0, a = ['left_top', 'middle_top', 'right_top', 'left_middle', 'middle_middle', 'right_middle', 'left_bottom', 'middle_bottom', 'right_bottom']; i < a.length; i++){ $append($('#efy_btn_align > div'), $add(['input'], {type: 'radio', name: 'efy_btn_align', id: a[i]}))} $('#middle_middle[name=efy_btn_align]').setAttribute('disabled','');
for (let a = ['efy_cursor_default', 'efy_cursor_custom', 'efy_cursor_none'], b = ['Default', 'Custom', 'Hide (Touchscreen)'], c = $('#efy_accessibility_cursor'), i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
$append(c, $add('input', {type: 'radio', name: 'efy_accessibility_cursor', id: a[i]}));
$append(c, $add('label', {for: a[i]}, [b[i]]));
} $('#efy_cursor_default').setAttribute('checked', '');
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/*Custom*/ $('#efy_cursor_custom').addEventListener('change', ()=>{ if ($('#efy_cursor_custom').checked) {$root.removeAttribute('efy_cursor_none'); $root.setAttribute('efy_cursor_custom', ''); document.addEventListener('pointermove', cursor_fn); localStorage.efy_cursor = 'custom'}});
/*None*/ $('#efy_cursor_none').addEventListener('change', ()=>{ if ($('#efy_cursor_none').checked) {$root.removeAttribute('efy_cursor_custom'); $root.setAttribute('efy_cursor_none',''); document.removeEventListener('pointermove', cursor_fn); localStorage.efy_cursor = 'none'}});
/*Default*/ $('#efy_cursor_default').addEventListener('change', ()=>{ if ($('#efy_cursor_default').checked) {$root.removeAttribute('efy_cursor_custom'); $root.removeAttribute('efy_cursor_none'); document.removeEventListener('pointermove', cursor_fn); localStorage.removeItem('efy_cursor')}});
/*Audio*/ if ($efy_module('efy_audio')){ $append($('.efy_sidebar'), $add('details', {efy_select: '', id: 'efy_audio'}, [
$add('summary', {}, [ $add('i', {efy_icon: 'audio'}), 'Audio Effects (Beta)']),
$add('p', {}, ['You might have to click / tap on the ssl / lock icon on your browser & allow sounds, to hear them automatically.'])]));
for (let a = ['status', 'click', 'hover'], b = ['On / Off', 'Click & Tap', 'Mouse Hover'], c = '#efy_audio > p', d = 'beforebegin', i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
$insert($(c), d, $add('input', {type: 'checkbox', name: 'efy_audio', id:`efy_audio_${a[i]}`}));
$insert($(c), d, $add('label', {for: `efy_audio_${a[i]}`}, [b[i]]))
/*Sidebar Modules - End*/
/*Theme*/ if (localStorage.efy_mode) {$root.setAttribute("efy_mode", localStorage.efy_mode); $("#" + localStorage.efy_mode).setAttribute("checked", "1")}
else {$root.setAttribute('efy_mode', 'default_mode'); $("#default_mode").setAttribute("checked", "1")}
$all("[name=efy_mode]").forEach(x => { x.onclick = () => { $root.setAttribute("efy_mode", x.id); localStorage.efy_mode = x.id; }; });
/*Colors*/ let efy_color = {'color1': 'efy_color', 'color2': 'efy_color2', 'color_text': 'efy_text', 'color_bgcol': 'efy_bgcol'}, rgb2hex = c => "#" + c.match(/\d+/g).map(x => (+x).toString(16).padStart(2, 0)).join``;
Object.keys(efy_color).forEach(z =>{ $(`#efy_${z}`).oninput = ev => {
let x = ev.target.value, r = parseInt(x.substr(1, 2), 16), g = parseInt(x.substr(3, 2), 16), b = parseInt(x.substr(5, 2), 16); x = `${r},${g},${b}`; localStorage.setItem(efy_color[z], x); $root.style.setProperty(`--efy_${z}_var`, x); }
let y = $css_prop(`--efy_${z}_var`);
if (localStorage.getItem(efy_color[z])) {y = localStorage.getItem(efy_color[z]); $root.style.setProperty(`--efy_${z}_var`, y)}
$(`#efy_${z}`).value = rgb2hex("rgb(" + y + ")"); });
/*Radius*/ let efy_radius_input = $(".efy_sidebar_selectRadius"), efy_sidebar_range = $(".efy_sidebar_range");
// efy_radius_steps = (efy_radius_input.max - efy_radius_input.min) , - use this instead of width // efy_radius = localStorage.efy_radius;
async function efy_radius_fn(){ let x, radius = localStorage.efy_radius; if (radius) { x = radius.replace('rem', ''); efy_radius_input.value = x; $root.style.setProperty("--efy_radius", radius); } else {x = 12;}
/*Radius: Input*/ $('[efy_tabs=efyui_0] [efy_tab="border"]').addEventListener('pointerup', ()=>{ setTimeout( ()=>{ let za = $('.efy_sidebar_selectRadius'), z = getComputedStyle(za).getPropertyValue('width').replace('px',''); efy_sidebar_range.innerText = x; efy_sidebar_range.style.left = (x * (z - 32) / efy_radius_input.max) + 'rem'; }, 100); }, {once: true}); } efy_radius_fn();
efy_radius_input.oninput = () => { let za = $('.efy_sidebar_selectRadius'), z = getComputedStyle(za).getPropertyValue('width').replace('px',''), x = efy_radius_input.value; $root.style.setProperty("--efy_radius", x + "rem"); localStorage.efy_radius = x + "rem"; efy_sidebar_range.style.left = (x * (z - 32) / efy_radius_input.max) + 'rem'; efy_sidebar_range.innerText = x; };
/*Radius: Window Resize*/ window.addEventListener('resize', () => { let za = $('.efy_sidebar_selectRadius'), z = getComputedStyle(za).getPropertyValue('width').replace('px',''), x = efy_radius_input.value; efy_sidebar_range.style.left = (x * (z - 32) / efy_radius_input.max) + 'rem'; });
/*EFY Button Position*/ if (localStorage.efy_btn_align) { $("#" + localStorage.efy_btn_align).setAttribute("checked", "1"); $("[efy_sidebar_btn_open]").setAttribute("efy_btn_align", localStorage.efy_btn_align); } else { let y = $css_prop('--efy_sidebar_button');
$('#'+y).setAttribute("checked", "1"); $('[efy_sidebar_btn_open]').setAttribute('efy_btn_align', y);}
$all("[name=efy_btn_align]").forEach(x => { x.onclick = () => { $("[efy_sidebar_btn_open]").setAttribute("efy_btn_align", x.id); localStorage.efy_btn_align = x.id; }; });
/*BgImg Filter*/ let efy_bg_filter = {}, efy_css_bg_filter = $create("style"); efy_css_bg_filter.classList.add("efy_css_bg_filter"); document.head.appendChild(efy_css_bg_filter); async function efy_bg_filter_fn(){
['blur','brightness','saturate','contrast','hue-rotate','sepia'].forEach(x => { efy_bg_filter[x] = $(`.efy_bg_${x}`).value; if (x == 'blur') { efy_bg_filter[x] = efy_bg_filter[x] + 'px' } else if (x == 'hue-rotate') { efy_bg_filter[x] = efy_bg_filter[x] + 'deg' } });
let string = ''; Object.keys(efy_bg_filter).forEach(x =>{ string = string + ` ${x}(${efy_bg_filter[x]})` });
let y = `html:before, html:after {filter: ${string} !important}`;
efy_css_bg_filter.textContent = y; localStorage.efy_bg_filter = JSON.stringify(efy_bg_filter); localStorage.efy_bg_filter_css = y }
if (localStorage.efy_bg_filter) { efy_css_bg_filter.textContent = localStorage.efy_bg_filter_css; let efy_bg_filter = JSON.parse(localStorage.efy_bg_filter); Object.keys(efy_bg_filter).forEach(x => $(`.efy_bg_${x}`).value = efy_bg_filter[x].replace('px','').replace('deg','') ) }
$all('.efy_bg_filter input').forEach(x =>{ x.addEventListener("input", ()=>{ efy_bg_filter_fn() }) });
$all('.efy_bg_filter [type=reset]').forEach(x =>{ x.addEventListener("pointerup", ()=>{ efy_bg_filter_fn(); localStorage.removeItem('efy_bg_filter'); localStorage.removeItem('efy_bg_filter_css'); efy_css_bg_filter.textContent = '' }) });
/*Content Filter*/ let efy_content_filter = {}, efy_css_content_filter = $create("style"); efy_css_content_filter.classList.add("efy_css_content_filter"); document.head.appendChild(efy_css_content_filter); async function efy_content_filter_fn(){
['blur','brightness','saturate','contrast','hue-rotate','sepia'].forEach(x => { efy_content_filter[x] = $(`.efy_content_${x}`).value; if (x == 'blur') { efy_content_filter[x] = efy_content_filter[x] + 'px' } else if (x == 'hue-rotate') { efy_content_filter[x] = efy_content_filter[x] + 'deg' } });
let string = ''; Object.keys(efy_content_filter).forEach(x =>{ string = string + ` ${x}(${efy_content_filter[x]})` });
let y = `img, video {filter: ${string} !important}`;
efy_css_content_filter.textContent = y; localStorage.efy_content_filter = JSON.stringify(efy_content_filter); localStorage.efy_content_filter_css = y }
if (localStorage.efy_content_filter) { efy_css_content_filter.textContent = localStorage.efy_content_filter_css; let efy_content_filter = JSON.parse(localStorage.efy_content_filter); Object.keys(efy_content_filter).forEach(x => $(`.efy_content_${x}`).value = efy_content_filter[x].replace('px','').replace('deg','') ) }
$all('.efy_content_filter input').forEach(x =>{ x.addEventListener("input", ()=>{ efy_content_filter_fn() }) });
$all('.efy_content_filter [type=reset]').forEach(x =>{ x.addEventListener("pointerup", ()=>{ efy_content_filter_fn(); localStorage.removeItem('efy_content_filter'); localStorage.removeItem('efy_content_filter_css'); efy_css_content_filter.textContent = '' }) });
/*Trans Filter*/ let efy_trans_filter = {}, efy_css_trans_filter = $create("style"); efy_css_trans_filter.classList.add("efy_css_trans_filter"); document.head.appendChild(efy_css_trans_filter); async function efy_trans_filter_fn(){
['blur','brightness','saturate','contrast','hue-rotate','sepia'].forEach(x => { efy_trans_filter[x] = $(`.efy_trans_${x}`).value; if (x == 'blur') { efy_trans_filter[x] = efy_trans_filter[x] + 'px' } else if (x == 'hue-rotate') { efy_trans_filter[x] = efy_trans_filter[x] + 'deg' } });
let string = ''; Object.keys(efy_trans_filter).forEach(x =>{ string = string + ` ${x}(${efy_trans_filter[x]})` });
let y = `details:not([efy_help]), select, input, textarea, blockquote, pre, article, table, [efy_tabs] [efy_content], [efy_timer], [efy_clock] {backdrop-filter: ${string} !important; -webkit-backdrop-filter: ${string} !important}`;
efy_css_trans_filter.textContent = y; localStorage.efy_trans_filter = JSON.stringify(efy_trans_filter); localStorage.efy_trans_filter_css = y }
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request.onupgradeneeded = e => { let db = e.target.result; db.createObjectStore("images", { keyPath: "id", autoIncrement: true }); db.createObjectStore("settings", { keyPath: "id", autoIncrement: true }); };
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db.transaction(["images"], "readwrite").objectStore("images").add(ob).onerror = e => { console.error(e); };
async function efy_bg_update_fn2(){ let request2 = indexedDB.open('efy');
request2.onsuccess = () => { let efy_count_img2 = 0, transaction2 = request2.result.transaction(["images"], "readonly"), invoiceStore2 = transaction2.objectStore("images"), getCursorRequest2 = invoiceStore2.openCursor();
getCursorRequest2.onerror = () => console.error("efy: no db entries");
getCursorRequest2.onsuccess = e => { let cursor2 = e.target.result;
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/*Count images*/ async function efy_bg_update_fn(){ request = indexedDB.open('efy');
request.onsuccess = () => { let efy_count_img = 0, transaction = request.result.transaction(["images"], "readonly"), invoiceStore = transaction.objectStore("images"), getCursorRequest = invoiceStore.openCursor();
getCursorRequest.onerror = () => console.error("efy: no db entries");
getCursorRequest.onsuccess = e => { let cursor = e.target.result;
if (cursor) { efy_count_img++; let req = invoiceStore.get(efy_count_img);
req.onsuccess = e => { let x = e.target.result.data;
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} efy_bg_update_fn();
/*Export IndexedDB*/ (async () => { try {
let dbExists = await new Promise(resolve => { let request = window.indexedDB.open('efy');
request.onupgradeneeded = e => { e.target.transaction.abort(); resolve(false); };
request.onerror = () => resolve(true); request.onsuccess = () => resolve(true); });
if (!dbExists) { throw new Error("efy: db doesn't exist"); }
let idbDatabase = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let request = window.indexedDB.open('efy');
request.onerror = () => reject("efy: Can't open db");
request.onsuccess = () => resolve(request.result); });
let json = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let exportObject = {};
if (idbDatabase.objectStoreNames.length === 0) { resolve(JSON.stringify(exportObject)); }
else { let transaction = idbDatabase.transaction(idbDatabase.objectStoreNames, "readonly");
transaction.addEventListener("error", reject);
for (let storeName of idbDatabase.objectStoreNames) { let allObjects = [];
transaction.objectStore(storeName).openCursor().addEventListener("success", event => { let cursor = event.target.result;
if (cursor) { /*Store data*/ allObjects.push(cursor.value); cursor.continue();}
else { /*Store completed*/ exportObject[storeName] = allObjects;
if (idbDatabase.objectStoreNames.length === Object.keys(exportObject).length) { resolve(JSON.stringify(exportObject)); } } }); } } });
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} catch (error) { console.error(error); } })();
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efy_idb_import.addEventListener("change", () => { let file = efy_idb_import.files[0], reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = async () => { let data = JSON.parse(reader.result);
function importIDB(storename = "images", storename2 = "settings", arr = data["images"], arr2 = data["settings"]) {
return new Promise(resolve => { let r = window.indexedDB.open("efy");
r.onupgradeneeded = () => { let idb = r.result; idb.createObjectStore(storename, { keyPath: "id", autoIncrement: true }); idb.createObjectStore(storename2, { keyPath: "id", autoIncrement: true }); };
r.onsuccess = () => { let idb = r.result, store = idb.transaction(storename, "readwrite").objectStore(storename), store2 = idb.transaction(storename2, "readwrite").objectStore(storename2);
for (let obj of arr) { store.put(obj); }
for (let obj of arr2) { store2.put(obj); }
}; r.onerror = e => console.log(e.target.errorCode); }); }
await importIDB(); }; reader.readAsText(file); });
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reader.readAsText(file); });
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