2023-10-13 10:13:42 +00:00
Mod制作器#Mod Maker:|
信息文件\n{0}\n不存在#Information file \n{0}\n does not exist:|
信息文件\n{0}\n未包含食物动画信息#Information file\n{0}\n does not contain food animation information.:|
确定要清空吗?#Are you sure you want to clear it?:|
模组信息文件#Module Info File:|
2023-10-13 14:08:51 +00:00
LPS文件|*.lps;#LPS file|*.lps:|
2023-10-13 10:13:42 +00:00
模组载入失败:\n{0}#Module loading failed:\n{0}:|
选择图片#Select Image:|
确定删除文化 {0} 吗#Are you sure you want to delete culture {0}?:|
确定保存吗#Are you sure you want to save it?:|
源路径为空, 请使用 保存至#Source path is empty, please use Save to:|
保存失败 错误信息:\n{0}#Save Failed Error Message:\n{0}:|
保存成功#Saved successfully.:|
保存 模组信息文件,并在文件夹内保存模组数据#Save the module information file and save the module data in the folder:|
未添加任何语言#No language is added.:|
Id不可为空#Id must not be empty:|
作者不可为空#Author can't be empty:|
确定删除吗#Are you sure you want to delete?:|
确定清空吗#Are you sure you want to clear it?:|
添加失败 \n{0}#Add failed \n{0}:|
未选中动画#Unchecked animation:|
路径不存在, 是否删除?#Path does not exist, is it deleted?:|
文化不可为空#Culture cannot be empty:|
此文化已存在#This culture already exists:|
未添加任何文化,确定要添加文化吗?#No culture has been added, are you sure you want to add a culture?:|
无法移动不同动画的图片#Can't move pictures with different animations:|
此Id已存在#This Id already exists:|
文本不可为空#Text cannot be empty:|
图像不可为空#Image cannot be empty:|
指定动画Id不可为空#The specified animation Id cannot be empty:|
名称不可为空#Name cannot be empty:|
选项名不可为空#Option name cannot be empty:|
2023-10-27 09:30:05 +00:00
清空历史#Clear History:|
宠物名称#Pet Name:|
清空图片#Clear Picture:|
删除此项#Delete this item:|
动画Id(非必要)#Animation Id (not required):|
删除图片#Delete image:|
完成奖励倍率#Completion bonus multiplier:|
身体触碰范围#Body Touch Range:|
参考价格#Reference Price:|
自动设置#Auto Setting:|
2024-01-25 08:19:10 +00:00
模组制作教程#Mod Making Tutorial:|
设为主要语言#Set as main language:|
保存为翻译模组#Save as translation module:|
多语言编辑器#Multilingual Editor:|
显示本体宠物#Show native pets:|
这是本体自带的宠物, 确定要编辑吗#This is the pet that comes with the body, are you sure you want to edit it?:|