using LinePutScript; using LinePutScript.Localization.WPF; using Panuon.WPF.UI; using Steamworks; using Steamworks.Data; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Controls; using System.Windows.Input; using System.Windows.Media; using System.Windows.Threading; using VPet_Simulator.Core; using VPet_Simulator.Windows.Interface; using static VPet_Simulator.Core.GraphInfo; using static VPet_Simulator.Windows.Interface.MPMessage; using Point = System.Windows.Point; using Size = System.Windows.Size; using ToolBar = VPet_Simulator.Core.ToolBar; namespace VPet_Simulator.Windows; /// /// MPFriends.xaml 的交互逻辑 /// public partial class MPFriends : WindowX, IMPFriend { public Lobby lb; internal MainWindow mw; public Friend friend; public winMutiPlayer wmp; public GameCore Core { get; set; } = new GameCore(); public List Foods { get; } = new List(); public ImageResources ImageSources { get; } = new ImageResources(); public List Pets { get; set; } = new List(); public ILine OnMod { get; set; } public string SetPetGraph { get; set; } public bool IsOnMod(string ModName) { if (CoreMOD.OnModDefList.Contains(ModName)) return true; return OnMod.Find(ModName.ToLower()) != null; } public bool NOTouch { get; set; } = false; public MPFriends(winMutiPlayer wmp, MainWindow mw, Lobby lb, Friend friend) { this.wmp = wmp; = mw; = lb; this.friend = friend; mw.Windows.Add(this); try { InitializeComponent(); //MGrid.Height = 500 * mf.Set.ZoomLevel; MGrid.Width = 500 * mw.Set.ZoomLevel; double L = 0, T = 0; if (mw.Set.StartRecordLast) { var point = mw.Set.StartRecordLastPoint; if (point.X != 0 || point.Y != 0) { L = point.X; T = point.Y; } } else { var point = mw.Set.StartRecordPoint; L = point.X; T = point.Y; } Left = L; Top = T; // control position inside bounds Core.Controller = new MPController(this, mw); Task.Run(() => { double dist; if ((dist = Core.Controller.GetWindowsDistanceLeft()) < 0) { Thread.Sleep(100); Dispatcher.Invoke(() => Left -= dist); } if ((dist = Core.Controller.GetWindowsDistanceRight()) < 0) { Thread.Sleep(100); Dispatcher.Invoke(() => Left += dist); } if ((dist = Core.Controller.GetWindowsDistanceUp()) < 0) { Thread.Sleep(100); Dispatcher.Invoke(() => Top -= dist); } if ((dist = Core.Controller.GetWindowsDistanceDown()) < 0) { Thread.Sleep(100); Dispatcher.Invoke(() => Top += dist); } }); if (mw.Set.TopMost) { Topmost = true; } } catch { Close(); return; } Task.Run(async () => { ImageSources.AddRange(mw.ImageSources); //加载所有MOD List Path = new List(); Path.AddRange(new DirectoryInfo(mw.ModPath).EnumerateDirectories()); var workshop = mw.Set["workshop"]; foreach (Sub ws in workshop) { Path.Add(new DirectoryInfo(ws.Name)); } //加载lobby传过来的数据 string tmp = lb.GetMemberData(friend, "save"); while (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmp)) { Thread.Sleep(500); tmp = lb.GetMemberData(friend, "save"); } Core.Save = GameSave_VPet.Load(new Line(tmp)); tmp = lb.GetMemberData(friend, "onmod"); while (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmp)) { Thread.Sleep(100); tmp = lb.GetMemberData(friend, "onmod"); } OnMod = new Line(tmp); tmp = lb.GetMemberData(friend, "petgraph"); while (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmp)) { Thread.Sleep(100); tmp = lb.GetMemberData(friend, "onmod"); } SetPetGraph = tmp; await GameLoad(Path); Main.Event_TouchHead += Main_Event_TouchHead; Main.Event_TouchBody += Main_Event_TouchBody; SteamMatchmaking.OnLobbyMemberDataChanged += SteamMatchmaking_OnLobbyMemberDataChanged; }); } private void SteamMatchmaking_OnLobbyMemberDataChanged(Lobby lobby, Friend friend) { if (lobby.Id == lb.Id && friend.Id == this.friend.Id) { string tmp = lb.GetMemberData(friend, "save"); Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmp)) { Core.Save = GameSave_VPet.Load(new Line(tmp)); Main.ToolBar.M_TimeUIHandle(Main); Main.ToolBar.tfun.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } if (lb.GetMemberData(friend, "notouch") == "true") { NoTouchTrue(); } else { NoTouchFalse(); } }); } } private void NoTouchTrue() { NOTouch = true; Main.ToolBar.MenuInteract.IsEnabled = false; } private void NoTouchFalse() { NOTouch = false; Main.ToolBar.MenuInteract.IsEnabled = true; } private void Main_Event_TouchHead() { Main.LabelDisplayShow("{0}在摸{1}的头".Translate(SteamClient.Name, Core.Save.Name), 3000); var msg = new MPMessage() { Type = (int)MSGType.Interact, To = friend.Id }; msg.SetContent(Interact.TouchHead); wmp.SendMessageALL(msg); } private void Main_Event_TouchBody() { Main.LabelDisplayShow("{0}在摸{1}的头".Translate(SteamClient.Name, Core.Save.Name), 3000); var msg = new MPMessage() { Type = (int)MSGType.Interact, To = friend.Id }; msg.SetContent(Interact.TouchBody); wmp.SendMessageALL(msg); } internal List MPMODs = new List(); public Main Main { get; set; } public ulong LobbyID => lb.Id; /// /// 是否显示吃东西动画 /// bool showeatanm = true; /// /// 显示吃东西(夹层)动画 /// /// 夹层动画名 /// 被夹在中间的图片 public void DisplayFoodAnimation(string graphName, ImageSource imageSource) { if (showeatanm) {//显示动画 showeatanm = false; Main.Display(graphName, imageSource, () => { showeatanm = true; Main.DisplayToNomal(); Main.EventTimer_Elapsed(); }); } } public ulong FriendID => friend.Id; /// /// 喂食显示动画 /// /// /// public void Feed(string byname, Feed feed) { DisplayFoodAnimation(feed.Item.GetGraph(), Dispatcher.Invoke(() => ImageSources.FindImage("food_" + (feed.Item.Image ?? feed.Item.Name), "food"))); if (feed.EnableFunction) { mw.Main.LabelDisplayShow("{0}花费${3}给{1}买了{2}".Translate(byname, mw.GameSavesData.GameSave.Name, feed.Item.TranslateName, feed.Item.Price)); wmp.Log("{0}花费${3}给{1}买了{2}".Translate(byname, mw.GameSavesData.GameSave.Name, feed.Item.TranslateName, feed.Item.Price)); mw.TakeItem(feed.Item); } else { mw.Main.LabelDisplayShow("{0}给{1}买了{2}".Translate(byname, mw.GameSavesData.GameSave.Name, feed.Item.TranslateName)); wmp.Log("{0}给{1}买了{2}".Translate(byname, mw.GameSavesData.GameSave.Name, feed.Item.TranslateName)); } } /// /// 加载游戏 /// /// MOD地址 public async Task GameLoad(List Path) { Path = Path.Distinct().ToList(); await Dispatcher.InvokeAsync(new Action(() => LoadingText.Content = "Loading MOD")); //加载mod foreach (DirectoryInfo di in Path) { if (!File.Exists(di.FullName + @"\info.lps")) continue; await Dispatcher.InvokeAsync(new Action(() => LoadingText.Content = $"Loading MOD: {di.Name}")); MPMODs.Add(new MPMOD(di, this)); } await Dispatcher.InvokeAsync(new Action(() => LoadingText.Content = "尝试加载游戏MOD".Translate())); //当前桌宠动画 var petloader = Pets.Find(x => x.Name == SetPetGraph); petloader ??= Pets[0]; //加载数据合理化:食物 foreach (Food f in Foods) { if (f.IsOverLoad()) { f.Price = Math.Max((int)f.RealPrice, 1); f.isoverload = false; } } await Dispatcher.InvokeAsync(new Action(() => { LoadingText.Content = "尝试加载动画和生成缓存\n该步骤可能会耗时比较长\n请耐心等待".Translate(); Core.Graph = petloader.Graph(mw.Set.Resolution); Main = new Main(Core); Main.MsgBar = new MessageBar(Main); Main.MsgBar.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; Main.UIGrid.Children.Add(Main.MsgBar.This); Main.ToolBar = new Core.ToolBar(Main); Main.ToolBar.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; Main.UIGrid.Children.Add(Main.ToolBar); Core.TouchEvent.Add(new TouchArea(Core.Graph.GraphConfig.TouchHeadLocate, Core.Graph.GraphConfig.TouchHeadSize, () => { DisplayTouchHead(); return true; })); Core.TouchEvent.Add(new TouchArea(Core.Graph.GraphConfig.TouchBodyLocate, Core.Graph.GraphConfig.TouchBodySize, () => { DisplayTouchBody(); return true; })); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { IGameSave.ModeType m = (IGameSave.ModeType)i; Core.TouchEvent.Add(new TouchArea(Core.Graph.GraphConfig.TouchRaisedLocate[i], Core.Graph.GraphConfig.TouchRaisedSize[i], () => { if (Core.Save.Mode == m) { Main.DisplayRaised(); return true; } else return false; }, true)); } Task.Run(Main.Load_24_WaitAndStart); Main.ToolBar.MenuInteract.Items.Clear(); Main.ToolBar.AddMenuButton(ToolBar.MenuType.Interact, "摸头".Translate(), DisplayTouchHead); Main.ToolBar.AddMenuButton(ToolBar.MenuType.Interact, "摸身体".Translate(), DisplayTouchBody); Main.ToolBar.AddMenuButton(ToolBar.MenuType.Interact, "捏脸".Translate(), () => DisplayPinch()); Main.ToolBar.AddMenuButton(ToolBar.MenuType.Setting, "退出访客表".Translate(), wmp.Close); var menuItem = new MenuItem() { Header = "置于顶层".Translate(), HorizontalContentAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center, IsCheckable = true, IsChecked = Topmost }; menuItem.Click += delegate { Topmost = !Topmost; }; Main.ToolBar.MenuSetting.Items.Add(menuItem); Main.ToolBar.tfun.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; Main.EventTimer.AutoReset = false; Main.EventTimer.Enabled = false; //清空资源 Main.Resources = Application.Current.Resources; Main.MsgBar.This.Resources = Application.Current.Resources; Main.ToolBar.Resources = Application.Current.Resources; HideForDesign.Children.Remove(MPTalkBox); Main.ToolBar.MainGrid.Children.Add(MPTalkBox); if (lb.GetMemberData(friend, "notouch") == "true") { NoTouchTrue(); } else { NoTouchFalse(); } cbTalk.Items.Add("私聊".Translate()); cbTalk.Items.Add("公聊".Translate()); cbTalk.Items.Add("大家".Translate()); cbTalk.SelectedIndex = 1; LoadingText.Content = "正在加载游戏\n该步骤可能会耗时比较长\n请耐心等待".Translate(); Foods.ForEach(item => { item.ImageSource = ImageSources.FindImage("food_" + (item.Image ?? item.Name), "food"); item.Star = mw.Set["betterbuy"]["star"].GetInfos().Contains(Name); }); Main.PlayVoiceVolume = mw.Set.VoiceVolume; DisplayGrid.Child = Main; //Main.SetMoveMode(mf.Set.AllowMove, mf.Set.SmartMove, mf.Set.SmartMoveInterval * 1000); //Main.SetLogicInterval(1500); if (mw.Set.MessageBarOutside) Main.MsgBar.SetPlaceOUT(); //Main.WorkCheck = mf.WorkCheck; //添加捏脸动画(若有) if (Core.Graph.GraphConfig.Data.ContainsLine("pinch")) { var pin = Core.Graph.GraphConfig.Data["pinch"]; Main.Core.TouchEvent.Insert(0, new TouchArea( new Point(pin[(gdbe)"px"], pin[(gdbe)"py"]), new Size(pin[(gdbe)"sw"], pin[(gdbe)"sh"]) , DisplayPinch, true)); } Title = "{0}的{1}".Translate(friend.Name, Core.Save.Name); LoadingText.Content = "{0}的{1}".Translate(friend.Name, Core.Save.Name); LoadingText.Background = Function.ResourcesBrush(Function.BrushType.DARKPrimaryTransA); LoadingText.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top; Main.ToolBar.AddMenuButton(ToolBar.MenuType.Feed, "吃饭".Translate(), () => { ShowBetterBuy(Food.FoodType.Meal); }); Main.ToolBar.AddMenuButton(ToolBar.MenuType.Feed, "喝水".Translate(), () => { ShowBetterBuy(Food.FoodType.Drink); }); Main.ToolBar.AddMenuButton(ToolBar.MenuType.Feed, "收藏".Translate(), () => { ShowBetterBuy(Food.FoodType.Star); }); Main.ToolBar.AddMenuButton(ToolBar.MenuType.Feed, "药品".Translate(), () => { ShowBetterBuy(Food.FoodType.Drug); }); Main.ToolBar.AddMenuButton(ToolBar.MenuType.Feed, "礼品".Translate(), () => { ShowBetterBuy(Food.FoodType.Gift); }); Loaded = true; })); } public winMPBetterBuy winMPBetterBuy; public void ShowBetterBuy(Food.FoodType foodType) { if (winMPBetterBuy != null) winMPBetterBuy.Show(foodType); else { winMPBetterBuy = new winMPBetterBuy(this); winMPBetterBuy.Show(foodType); } } public new bool Loaded = false; public void DisplayTouchHead() { if (NOTouch) return; Main.DisplayTouchHead(); } public void DisplayTouchBody() { if (NOTouch) return; Main.DisplayTouchBody(); } /// /// 显示捏脸情况 /// public bool DisplayPinch() { if (NOTouch) return false; if (Core.Graph.FindGraphs("pinch", AnimatType.A_Start, Core.Save.Mode) == null) { return false; } Main.CountNomal = 0; Main.LabelDisplayShow("{0}在捏{1}的脸".Translate(SteamClient.Name, Core.Save.Name), 3000); if (Main.DisplayType.Name == "pinch") { if (Main.DisplayType.Animat == AnimatType.A_Start) return false; else if (Main.DisplayType.Animat == AnimatType.B_Loop) if (Dispatcher.Invoke(() => Main.PetGrid.Tag) is IGraph ig && ig.GraphInfo.Name == "pinch" && ig.GraphInfo.Animat == AnimatType.B_Loop) { ig.IsContinue = true; return true; } else if (Dispatcher.Invoke(() => Main.PetGrid2.Tag) is IGraph ig2 && ig2.GraphInfo.Name == "pinch" && ig2.GraphInfo.Animat == AnimatType.B_Loop) { ig2.IsContinue = true; return true; } } Main.Display("pinch", AnimatType.A_Start, () => Main.Display("pinch", AnimatType.B_Loop, DisplayPinch_loop)); return true; } private void DisplayPinch_loop() { Main.LabelDisplayShow("{0}在捏{1}的脸".Translate(SteamClient.Name, Core.Save.Name), 3000); var msg = new MPMessage() { Type = (int)MSGType.Interact, To = friend.Id }; msg.SetContent(Interact.TouchPinch); wmp.SendMessageALL(msg); if (Main.isPress && Main.DisplayType.Name == "pinch" && Main.DisplayType.Animat == AnimatType.B_Loop) { Main.Display("pinch", AnimatType.B_Loop, DisplayPinch_loop); } else { Main.DisplayCEndtoNomal("pinch"); } } /// /// 显示摸头情况 (无任何计算和传导) /// public void DisplayNOCALTouchHead() { if (Main.DisplayType.Type == GraphType.Touch_Head) { if (Main.DisplayType.Animat == AnimatType.A_Start) return; else if (Main.DisplayType.Animat == AnimatType.B_Loop) if (Dispatcher.Invoke(() => Main.PetGrid.Tag) is IGraph ig && ig.GraphInfo.Type == GraphType.Touch_Head && ig.GraphInfo.Animat == AnimatType.B_Loop) { ig.IsContinue = true; return; } else if (Dispatcher.Invoke(() => Main.PetGrid2.Tag) is IGraph ig2 && ig2.GraphInfo.Type == GraphType.Touch_Head && ig2.GraphInfo.Animat == AnimatType.B_Loop) { ig2.IsContinue = true; return; } } Main.Display(GraphType.Touch_Head, AnimatType.A_Start, (graphname) => Main.Display(graphname, AnimatType.B_Loop, (graphname) => Main.Display(graphname, AnimatType.B_Loop, (graphname) => Main.DisplayCEndtoNomal(graphname)))); } /// /// 显示摸身体情况 (无任何计算和传导) /// public void DisplayNOCALTouchBody() { if (Main.DisplayType.Type == GraphType.Touch_Body) { if (Main.DisplayType.Animat == AnimatType.A_Start) return; else if (Main.DisplayType.Animat == AnimatType.B_Loop) if (Dispatcher.Invoke(() => Main.PetGrid.Tag) is IGraph ig && ig.GraphInfo.Type == GraphType.Touch_Body && ig.GraphInfo.Animat == AnimatType.B_Loop) { ig.IsContinue = true; return; } else if (Dispatcher.Invoke(() => Main.PetGrid2.Tag) is IGraph ig2 && ig2.GraphInfo.Type == GraphType.Touch_Body && ig2.GraphInfo.Animat == AnimatType.B_Loop) { ig2.IsContinue = true; return; } } Main.Display(GraphType.Touch_Body, AnimatType.A_Start, (graphname) => Main.Display(graphname, AnimatType.B_Loop, (graphname) => Main.Display(graphname, AnimatType.B_Loop, (graphname) => Main.DisplayCEndtoNomal(graphname)))); } /// /// 显示摸身体情况 (无任何计算和传导) /// public void DisplayNOCALTouchPinch() { if (Main.DisplayType.Name == "pinch") { if (Main.DisplayType.Animat == AnimatType.A_Start) return; else if (Main.DisplayType.Animat == AnimatType.B_Loop) if (Dispatcher.Invoke(() => Main.PetGrid.Tag) is IGraph ig && ig.GraphInfo.Type == GraphType.Touch_Body && ig.GraphInfo.Animat == AnimatType.B_Loop) { ig.IsContinue = true; return; } else if (Dispatcher.Invoke(() => Main.PetGrid2.Tag) is IGraph ig2 && ig2.GraphInfo.Type == GraphType.Touch_Body && ig2.GraphInfo.Animat == AnimatType.B_Loop) { ig2.IsContinue = true; return; } } Main.Display("pinch", AnimatType.A_Start, (graphname) => Main.Display(graphname, AnimatType.B_Loop, (graphname) => Main.Display(graphname, AnimatType.B_Loop, (graphname) => Main.DisplayCEndtoNomal(graphname)))); } /// /// 收到被互动通知 /// public void ActiveInteract(string byname, Interact interact) { if (!Loaded || NOTouch) { return; } if (InConvenience()) {//忙碌时候只显示消息 switch (interact) { case Interact.TouchHead: case Interact.TouchBody: Main.LabelDisplayShow("{0}在摸{1}的头".Translate(byname, Core.Save.Name), 3000); break; case Interact.TouchPinch: Main.LabelDisplayShow("{0}在捏{1}的脸".Translate(byname, Core.Save.Name)); break; } return; } switch (interact) { case Interact.TouchHead: DisplayNOCALTouchHead(); Main.LabelDisplayShow("{0}在摸{1}的头".Translate(byname, Core.Save.Name), 3000); break; case Interact.TouchBody: DisplayNOCALTouchBody(); Main.LabelDisplayShow("{0}在摸{1}的头".Translate(byname, Core.Save.Name), 3000); break; case Interact.TouchPinch: DisplayNOCALTouchPinch(); Main.LabelDisplayShow("{0}在捏{1}的脸".Translate(byname, Core.Save.Name), 3000); break; } } /// /// 播放关闭动画并关闭,如果10秒后还未关闭则强制关闭 /// public void Quit() { try { Main.Display(GraphType.Shutdown, AnimatType.Single, () => Dispatcher.Invoke(Close)); Task.Run(() => { Thread.Sleep(3000); if (Loaded) Dispatcher.Invoke(Close); }); } catch { Close(); } } /// /// 智能化显示后续过度动画 /// public void DisplayAuto(GraphInfo gi) { switch (gi.Animat) { case AnimatType.A_Start: gi.Animat = AnimatType.B_Loop; Main.Display(gi.Name, AnimatType.B_Loop, () => DisplayAuto(gi)); break; case AnimatType.B_Loop: Main.Display(gi.Name, AnimatType.B_Loop, () => DisplayAuto(gi)); break; case AnimatType.C_End: case AnimatType.Single: Main.DisplayToNomal(); break; } } /// /// 根据好友数据显示动画 /// public bool DisplayGraph(GraphInfo gi) { if (!Loaded) { return false; } if (InConvenience()) return false; if (gi.Type == Main.DisplayType.Type && gi.Animat == Main.DisplayType.Animat) { if (gi.Type != GraphType.Common) return false; } var img = Core.Graph.FindGraph(gi.Name, gi.Animat, Core.Save.Mode); if (img != null) { Main.Display(img, () => DisplayAuto(gi)); return true; } return false; } public void DisplayMessage(Chat msg) { switch (msg.ChatType) { case Chat.Type.Private: Main.Say("{0} 悄悄地对你说: {1}".Translate(msg.SendName, msg.Content)); wmp.Log("{0} 悄悄地对你说: {1}".Translate(msg.SendName, msg.Content)); break; case Chat.Type.Internal: Main.Say("{0} 对你说: {1}".Translate(msg.SendName, msg.Content)); wmp.Log("{0} 对你说: {1}".Translate(msg.SendName, msg.Content)); break; case Chat.Type.Public: Main.Say("{0} 对大家说: {1}".Translate(msg.SendName, msg.Content)); wmp.Log("{0} 对大家说: {1}".Translate(msg.SendName, msg.Content)); break; } } private void WindowX_Closed(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Core != null && Core.Graph != null) { foreach (var igs in Core.Graph.GraphsList.Values) { foreach (var ig2 in igs.Values) { foreach (var ig3 in ig2) { ig3.Stop(); } } } } SteamMatchmaking.OnLobbyMemberDataChanged -= SteamMatchmaking_OnLobbyMemberDataChanged; winMPBetterBuy?.Close(); Main?.Dispose(); mw.Windows.Remove(this); } private void tbTalk_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.Key == Key.Enter && e.KeyboardDevice.Modifiers.HasFlag(ModifierKeys.Control)) { Send_Click(sender, e); e.Handled = true; Main.ToolBar.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; return; } if (tbTalk.Text.Length > 0) { Main.ToolBar.CloseTimer.Stop(); } else { Main.ToolBar.CloseTimer.Start(); } } private void Send_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbTalk.Text)) { return; } var cont = tbTalk.Text; tbTalk.Text = ""; Main.ToolBar.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; int talktype = cbTalk.SelectedIndex; Task.Run(() => { MPMessage msg = new MPMessage(); msg.Type = (int)MSGType.Chat; msg.SetContent(new Chat() { Content = cont, ChatType = (Chat.Type)talktype, SendName = SteamClient.Name }); msg.To = SteamClient.SteamId; switch (talktype) { case 0: wmp.SendMessage(friend.Id, msg); mw.Main.Say("{0} 悄悄地对你说: {1}".Translate(SteamClient.Name, cont)); wmp.Log("{0} 悄悄地对你说: {1}".Translate(SteamClient.Name, cont)); break; case 1: wmp.SendMessageALL(msg); mw.Main.Say("{0} 对你说: {1}".Translate(SteamClient.Name, cont)); wmp.Log("{0} 对你说: {1}".Translate(SteamClient.Name, cont)); break; case 2: wmp.SendMessageALL(msg); mw.Main.Say("{0} 对大家说: {1}".Translate(SteamClient.Name, cont)); wmp.Log("{0} 对大家说: {1}".Translate(SteamClient.Name, cont)); break; } }); } private void cbTalk_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { switch (cbTalk.SelectedIndex) { case 0: Panuon.WPF.UI.TextBoxHelper.SetWatermark(tbTalk, "和{0}悄悄说".Translate(friend.Name)); break; case 1: Panuon.WPF.UI.TextBoxHelper.SetWatermark(tbTalk, "和{0}说".Translate(friend.Name)); break; case 2: Panuon.WPF.UI.TextBoxHelper.SetWatermark(tbTalk, "和大家说"); break; } } public bool InConvenience() => IMPFriend.InConvenience(Main); public void ReSetLocal() { Main?.CleanState(); Main?.DisplayToNomal(); Left = (SystemParameters.PrimaryScreenWidth - Width) / 2; Top = (SystemParameters.PrimaryScreenHeight - Height) / 2; } }