"blurb":"Baked goods enthusiast who dabbles in Linux and sets up networks for fun. Can be found writing long-winded emails, debugging strange wifi issues, or taking care of his extensive houseplant collection.",
"loc":"Midwest, USA",
"Crafty Leadership"
"blurb":"Having sold his soul to the IT administration gods many eons ago, you can usually find him working, going home to do work, or continuing to work in the support Discord.",
"blurb":"For best results, apply a thin layer of Phillip to code, cyber security, and parenthood for maximum effectiveness. Phillip often spends too much time with his chickens.",
"blurb":"A Streamer, who is currently working in the insurance industry, self-teaching software development & DevOps, with the hopes of a career change! Enjoys playing games and has a sassy cat called Eve.",
"title":"Software Engineer",
"loc":"Provence, FR",
"blurb":"Developer at work and at home, testing his own code is a pain, so his coding precept is \"Testing is Doubting\"",
"blurb":"Day to day I am a Network Administrator, dealing with a range of vendors and products. Outside of work my hobbies are handyman things, such as carpentry and motor mechanics having grown up around them. My home-lab consists of Linux distros ranging from Debian, Ubuntu & Centos having self taught myself Linux for the last 12+ years.",
"blurb":"Arch Linux enthusiast who likes 80s/90s music, Rust (The programming language) and light distros like Arch Linux btw. Dislikes C, C++, Go, and Microsoft. Also doesn't like Finnish weather that freezes molten snow to (deadly) ice.",