2022-03-08 06:32:29 +00:00
2022-03-08 01:22:30 +00:00
"404" : {
2021-03-26 13:57:50 +00:00
"contact" : "Contact Crafty Control Support via Discord" ,
2022-03-08 01:22:30 +00:00
"notFound" : "Page Not Found" ,
"unableToFind" : "We were unable to find the page you are looking for. Please try again, or go back and refresh."
2021-03-26 13:57:50 +00:00
} ,
2022-03-08 01:22:30 +00:00
"accessDenied" : {
"accessDenied" : "Access Denied" ,
2021-03-26 13:57:50 +00:00
"contact" : "Contact Crafty Control Support via Discord" ,
2022-03-08 01:22:30 +00:00
"contactAdmin" : "Contact your server administrator for access to this resource, or if you think you should have access to this resource, contact support." ,
"noAccess" : "You do not have access to this resource"
2021-03-26 13:57:50 +00:00
} ,
2022-03-08 01:22:30 +00:00
"apiKeys" : {
"apiKeys" : "API Keys" ,
"auth" : "Authorized? " ,
"buttons" : "Buttons" ,
"config" : "Config" ,
"crafty" : "Crafty: " ,
"created" : "Created" ,
"createNew" : "Create new API Token" ,
"deleteKeyConfirmation" : "Do you want to delete this API key? This cannot be undone." ,
"deleteKeyConfirmationTitle" : "Remove API key ${keyId}?" ,
"getToken" : "Get A Token" ,
"name" : "Name" ,
"nameDesc" : "What would you like to call this API token? " ,
"no" : "No" ,
"pageTitle" : "Edit User API Keys" ,
"permName" : "Permission Name" ,
"perms" : "Permissions" ,
"server" : "Server: " ,
"superUser" : "Super User" ,
"yes" : "Yes"
2021-03-26 13:57:50 +00:00
} ,
2022-03-08 01:22:30 +00:00
"base" : {
"doesNotWorkWithoutJavascript" : "<strong>Warning: </strong>Crafty doesn't work properly when JavaScript isn't enabled!"
2021-03-26 13:57:50 +00:00
} ,
2022-03-08 01:22:30 +00:00
"credits" : {
"developmentTeam" : "Development Team" ,
"hugeDesc" : "A huge" ,
"pageDescription" : "Without these people, you wouldn't have Crafty" ,
"pageTitle" : "Credits" ,
2022-05-23 21:20:19 +00:00
"patreonDesc" : "to our Patreon / Ko-fi supporters!" ,
2022-03-08 01:22:30 +00:00
"patreonOther" : "Other" ,
2022-05-23 21:20:19 +00:00
"patreonSupporter" : "Patreon / Ko-fi Supporters" ,
2022-03-08 01:22:30 +00:00
"patreonUpdate" : "Last Update:" ,
"retiredStaff" : "Retired Staff" ,
2022-07-18 22:25:41 +00:00
"subscriberName" : "Name" ,
"subscriptionLevel" : "Level" ,
2022-03-08 01:22:30 +00:00
"supportTeam" : "Support and Documentation Team" ,
"thankYou" : "THANK YOU" ,
2022-08-05 22:39:31 +00:00
"translationDesc" : "to our community who translate! [ Active = 🟢 Inactive/Retired = ⚪ ]" ,
2022-03-08 01:22:30 +00:00
"translationName" : "Name" ,
"translationTitle" : "Language Translation" ,
"translator" : "Translators"
2021-03-26 13:57:50 +00:00
} ,
"dashboard" : {
"actions" : "Actions" ,
2022-03-08 01:22:30 +00:00
"allServers" : "All Servers" ,
2021-03-26 13:57:50 +00:00
"avg" : "Avg" ,
2022-03-08 01:22:30 +00:00
"backups" : "Backups" ,
"bePatientClone" : "Please be patient while we clone the server.<br /> This screen will refresh in a moment" ,
"bePatientRestart" : "Please be patient while we restart the server.<br /> This screen will refresh in a moment" ,
2021-03-26 13:57:50 +00:00
"bePatientStart" : "Please be patient while we start the server.<br /> This screen will refresh in a moment" ,
"bePatientStop" : "Please be patient while we stop the server.<br /> This screen will refresh in a moment" ,
2022-03-08 01:22:30 +00:00
"cannotSee" : "Not seeing everything?" ,
"cannotSeeOnMobile" : "Not seeing everything on mobile?" ,
"cannotSeeOnMobile2" : "Try scrolling the table sideways." ,
"clone" : "Clone" ,
2022-06-22 18:51:10 +00:00
"cloneConfirm" : "Are you sure you would like to clone this server? This process may take a while." ,
2022-03-08 01:22:30 +00:00
"cpuCores" : "CPU Cores" ,
2021-03-26 13:57:50 +00:00
"cpuCurFreq" : "CPU Current Clock" ,
"cpuMaxFreq" : "CPU Maximum Clock" ,
2022-03-08 01:22:30 +00:00
"cpuUsage" : "CPU Usage" ,
"crashed" : "Crashed" ,
"dashboard" : "Dashboard" ,
"delay-explained" : "The service/agent has recently started and is delaying the start of the minecraft server instance" ,
"host" : "Host" ,
2021-09-13 19:03:47 +00:00
"kill" : "Kill Process" ,
2021-09-20 18:46:31 +00:00
"killing" : "Killing process..." ,
2022-03-08 01:22:30 +00:00
"lastBackup" : "Last:" ,
"max" : "Max" ,
"memUsage" : "Memory Usage" ,
"motd" : "MOTD" ,
"newServer" : "Create New Server" ,
"nextBackup" : "Next:" ,
2021-09-25 19:07:39 +00:00
"no-servers" : "There are currently no servers. To get started, click" ,
2021-03-26 13:57:50 +00:00
"offline" : "Offline" ,
2022-03-08 01:22:30 +00:00
"online" : "Online" ,
2021-03-26 13:57:50 +00:00
"players" : "Players" ,
"restart" : "Restart" ,
2022-03-08 01:22:30 +00:00
"sendingCommand" : "Sending your command" ,
"server" : "Server" ,
"servers" : "Servers" ,
"size" : "Server Dir Size" ,
"start" : "Start" ,
2021-09-20 22:30:17 +00:00
"starting" : "Delayed-Start" ,
2022-03-08 01:22:30 +00:00
"status" : "Status" ,
"stop" : "Stop" ,
"version" : "Version" ,
2022-11-19 20:45:29 +00:00
"welcome" : "Welcome to Crafty Controller" ,
"installing" : "Installing..."
2021-03-26 13:57:50 +00:00
} ,
2022-03-08 01:22:30 +00:00
"datatables" : {
"i18n" : {
"aria" : {
"sortAscending" : ": activate to sort column ascending" ,
"sortDescending" : ": activate to sort column descending"
} ,
"buttons" : {
"collection" : "Collection <span class='ui-button-icon-primary ui-icon ui-icon-triangle-1-s'/>" ,
"colvis" : "Column Visibility" ,
"colvisRestore" : "Restore visibility" ,
"copy" : "Copy" ,
"copyKeys" : "Press ctrl or u2318 + C to copy the table data to your system clipboard.<br><br>To cancel, click this message or press escape." ,
"copySuccess" : {
"1" : "Copied 1 row to clipboard" ,
"_" : "Copied %d rows to clipboard"
} ,
"copyTitle" : "Copy to Clipboard" ,
"csv" : "CSV" ,
"excel" : "Excel" ,
"pageLength" : {
"1" : "Show 1 row" ,
"-1" : "Show all rows" ,
"_" : "Show %d rows"
} ,
"pdf" : "PDF" ,
"print" : "Print"
} ,
"decimal" : "" ,
"emptyTable" : "No data available in table" ,
"info" : "Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries" ,
"infoEmpty" : "Showing 0 to 0 of 0 entries" ,
"infoFiltered" : "(filtered from _MAX_ total entries)" ,
"infoPostFix" : "" ,
"lengthMenu" : "Show _MENU_ entries" ,
"loadingRecords" : "Loading..." ,
"paginate" : {
"first" : "First" ,
"last" : "Last" ,
"next" : "Next" ,
"previous" : "Previous"
} ,
"processing" : "Processing..." ,
"search" : "Search:" ,
"select" : {
"cells" : {
"0" : "Click on a cel to select it" ,
"1" : "%d cell selected" ,
"_" : "%d cells selected"
} ,
"columns" : {
"0" : "Click on a column to select it" ,
"1" : "%d column selected" ,
"_" : "%d columns selected"
} ,
"rows" : {
"0" : "Click on a row to select it" ,
"1" : "%d row selected" ,
"_" : "%d rows selected"
} ,
"thousands" : "," ,
"zeroRecords" : "No matching records found"
2022-01-11 23:51:07 +00:00
} ,
2022-03-08 01:22:30 +00:00
"error" : {
"contact" : "Contact Crafty Control Support via Discord" ,
"embarassing" : "Oh my, well, this is embarrassing." ,
"error" : "Error!" ,
"eulaAgree" : "Do you agree?" ,
2022-09-01 18:18:04 +00:00
"eulaMsg" : "You must agree to the " ,
"privMsg" : "and the " ,
2022-03-08 01:22:30 +00:00
"eulaTitle" : "Agree To EULA" ,
2022-09-01 18:18:04 +00:00
"agree" : "Agree" ,
"cancel" : "Cancel" ,
2022-07-18 22:25:41 +00:00
"fileTooLarge" : "Upload failed. File upload too large. Contact system administrator for assistance." ,
2022-03-08 01:22:30 +00:00
"hereIsTheError" : "Here is the error" ,
"internet" : "We have detected the machine running Crafty has no connection to the internet. Client connections to the server may be limited." ,
"no-file" : "We can't seem to locate the requested file. Double check the path. Does Crafty have proper permissions?" ,
"noJava" : "Server {} failed to start with error code: We have detected Java is not installed. Please install java then start the server." ,
2023-02-14 18:59:53 +00:00
"installerJava" : "Failed to install {} : Forge Server Installs require Java. We have detected Java is not installed. Please install java then install the server." ,
2022-03-08 01:22:30 +00:00
"not-downloaded" : "We can't seem to find your executable file. Has it finished downloading? Are the permissions set to executable?" ,
"portReminder" : "We have detected this is the first time {} has been run. Make sure to forward port {} through your router/firewall to make this remotely accessible from the internet." ,
"start-error" : "Server {} failed to start with error code: {}" ,
2022-11-09 19:13:35 +00:00
"terribleFailure" : "What a Terrible Failure!" ,
"superError" : "You must be a super user to complete this action." ,
2023-02-20 20:36:05 +00:00
"fileError" : "File type must be an image." ,
2023-03-05 03:45:31 +00:00
"migration" : "Crafty's main server storage is being mirgated to a new location. All server starts have been suspended during this time. Please wait while we finish this migration" ,
2023-05-14 18:35:23 +00:00
"serverJars1" : "Server JARs API unreachable. Please check" ,
2023-05-17 16:51:45 +00:00
"bedrockError" : "Bedrock downloads unavailable. Please check" ,
2023-05-14 18:35:23 +00:00
"craftyStatus" : "Crafty's status page" ,
2023-05-14 21:33:44 +00:00
"serverJars2" : "for the most up to date information." ,
2023-05-17 16:51:45 +00:00
"cronFormat" : "Invalid Cron format detected" ,
"noInternet" : "Crafty is having trouble accessing the internet. Server Creation has been disabled. Please check your internet connection and refresh this page."
2022-03-08 01:22:30 +00:00
} ,
"footer" : {
"allRightsReserved" : "All rights reserved" ,
"copyright" : "Copyright" ,
"version" : "Version"
} ,
"login" : {
"forgotPassword" : "Forgot Password" ,
"login" : "Log In" ,
"password" : "Password" ,
"username" : "Username"
2022-02-27 01:40:17 +00:00
} ,
2022-03-08 01:22:30 +00:00
"notify" : {
2022-01-15 04:53:44 +00:00
"activityLog" : "Activity Logs" ,
2022-03-08 01:22:30 +00:00
"backupComplete" : "Backup completed successfully for server {}" ,
"backupStarted" : "Backup started for server {}" ,
2022-01-15 04:53:44 +00:00
"downloadLogs" : "Download Support Logs?" ,
2022-03-01 05:33:09 +00:00
"finishedPreparing" : "We've finished preparing your support logs. Please click download to download" ,
2022-03-08 01:22:30 +00:00
"logout" : "Logout" ,
"preparingLogs" : " Please wait while we prepare your logs... We`ll send a notification when they`re ready. This may take a while for large deployments." ,
"supportLogs" : "Support Logs"
} ,
2023-03-06 23:38:04 +00:00
"offline" : {
"offline" : "Offline" ,
"pleaseConnect" : "Please connect to the internet to use Crafty."
} ,
2022-03-08 01:22:30 +00:00
"panelConfig" : {
"adminControls" : "Admin Controls" ,
"allowedServers" : "Allowed Servers" ,
"assignedRoles" : "Assigned Roles" ,
"cancel" : "Cancel" ,
"clearComms" : "Clear Un-executed Commands" ,
2023-01-28 00:37:41 +00:00
"select" : "Select" ,
"apply" : "Apply" ,
2022-03-08 01:22:30 +00:00
"delete" : "Delete" ,
"edit" : "Edit" ,
"enabled" : "Enabled" ,
2022-07-18 22:25:41 +00:00
"match" : "Passwords must match" ,
2022-03-08 01:22:30 +00:00
"newRole" : "Add New Role" ,
"newUser" : "Add New User" ,
"pageTitle" : "Panel Config" ,
2023-02-03 21:00:13 +00:00
"json" : "Config.json" ,
"custom" : "Customize Crafty" ,
2022-03-08 01:22:30 +00:00
"role" : "Role" ,
"roles" : "Roles" ,
"roleUsers" : "Role Users" ,
"save" : "Save" ,
"superConfirm" : "Proceed only if you want this user to have access to EVERYTHING (all user accounts, servers, panel settings, etc.). They can even revoke your superuser rights." ,
"superConfirmTitle" : "Enable superuser? Are you sure?" ,
"user" : "User" ,
2022-11-09 19:13:35 +00:00
"users" : "Users" ,
2023-02-06 01:11:21 +00:00
"title" : "Crafty Configuration" ,
"enableLang" : "Enable All Languages" ,
2023-02-17 00:00:00 +00:00
"noMounts" : "Show no Mounts on Dash" ,
2023-01-31 04:32:45 +00:00
"globalServer" : "Global Servers Directory" ,
"globalExplain" : "Where Crafty stores all your server files. (We will append the path with /servers/[uuid of server])"
2023-01-28 00:37:41 +00:00
} ,
"customLogin" : {
2023-01-09 23:53:47 +00:00
"customLoginPage" : "Customise the Login Page" ,
2022-11-30 23:14:37 +00:00
"loginImage" : "Upload a background image for the login screen." ,
2023-02-02 22:47:54 +00:00
"labelLoginImage" : "Choose your Login Background" ,
2022-11-30 23:14:37 +00:00
"backgroundUpload" : "Background Upload" ,
"loginBackground" : "Login Background Image" ,
2023-01-09 23:53:47 +00:00
"loginOpacity" : "Select the Login Window Opacity" ,
2022-11-30 23:14:37 +00:00
"select" : "Select" ,
2023-01-17 19:40:16 +00:00
"apply" : "Apply" ,
2023-01-28 00:37:41 +00:00
"delete" : "Delete" ,
2022-11-30 23:14:37 +00:00
"selectImage" : "Select an image" ,
2023-01-21 11:29:08 +00:00
"preview" : "Preview" ,
2023-01-28 00:37:41 +00:00
"pageTitle" : "Custom Login Page"
2022-03-08 01:22:30 +00:00
} ,
"rolesConfig" : {
"config" : "Role Config" ,
"configDesc" : "Here is where you can change the configuration of your role" ,
"configUpdate" : "Last Updated: " ,
"created" : "Created: " ,
"delRole" : "Delete Role" ,
"doesNotExist" : "You cannot delete something that does not exist yet" ,
"pageTitle" : "Edit Role" ,
"pageTitleNew" : "New Role" ,
"permAccess" : "Access?" ,
"permName" : "Permission Name" ,
"permsServer" : "Permissions this role has for these specified servers" ,
"roleConfigArea" : "Role Config Area" ,
"roleDesc" : "What would you like to call this role?" ,
"roleName" : "Role Name: " ,
"rolePerms" : "Role Permissions" ,
"roleServers" : "Allowed Servers" ,
"roleTitle" : "Roles Settings" ,
"roleUserName" : "User Name" ,
"roleUsers" : "Role Users: " ,
"serverAccess" : "Access?" ,
"serverName" : "Server Name" ,
2022-08-20 13:31:33 +00:00
"serversDesc" : "servers this role is allowed to access" ,
"selectManager" : "Select a manager for this Role"
2022-01-15 04:53:44 +00:00
} ,
2021-03-26 13:57:50 +00:00
"serverBackups" : {
"backupAtMidnight" : "Auto-backup at midnight?" ,
2022-03-08 01:22:30 +00:00
"backupNow" : "Backup Now!" ,
"backupTask" : "A backup task has been started." ,
2021-03-26 13:57:50 +00:00
"cancel" : "Cancel" ,
2022-03-08 01:22:30 +00:00
"clickExclude" : "Click to select Exclusions" ,
"compress" : "Compress Backup" ,
"confirm" : "Confirm" ,
"confirmDelete" : "Do you want to delete this backup? This cannot be undone." ,
"confirmRestore" : "Are you sure you want to restore from this backup. All current server files will changed to backup state and will be unrecoverable." ,
2021-03-26 13:57:50 +00:00
"currentBackups" : "Current Backups" ,
"delete" : "Delete" ,
"destroyBackup" : "Destroy backup \" + file_to_del + \"?" ,
2022-03-08 01:22:30 +00:00
"download" : "Download" ,
2022-03-01 01:02:30 +00:00
"excludedBackups" : "Excluded Paths: " ,
"excludedChoose" : "Choose the paths you wish to exclude from your backups" ,
2022-03-02 16:34:26 +00:00
"exclusionsTitle" : "Backup Exclusions" ,
2022-03-08 01:22:30 +00:00
"maxBackups" : "Max Backups" ,
"maxBackupsDesc" : "Crafty will not store more than N backups, deleting the oldest (enter 0 to keep all)" ,
"options" : "Options" ,
"path" : "Path" ,
"restore" : "Restore" ,
"restoring" : "Restoring Backup. This may take a while. Please be patient." ,
2021-03-26 13:57:50 +00:00
"save" : "Save" ,
2022-07-18 22:25:41 +00:00
"shutdown" : "Shutdown server for duration of backup" ,
2022-03-08 01:22:30 +00:00
"size" : "Size" ,
"storageLocation" : "Storage Location" ,
2023-01-31 04:27:40 +00:00
"storageLocationDesc" : "Where do you want to store backups?" ,
"before" : "Run command before backup" ,
"after" : "Run command after backup"
2021-03-26 13:57:50 +00:00
} ,
"serverConfig" : {
2022-03-08 01:22:30 +00:00
"bePatientDelete" : "Please be patient while we remove your server from the Crafty panel. This screen will close in a few moments." ,
"bePatientDeleteFiles" : "Please be patient while we remove your server from the Crafty panel and delete all files. This screen will close in a few moments." ,
"bePatientUpdate" : "Please be patient while we update the server. Download times can vary depending upon your internet speeds.<br /> This screen will refresh in a moment" ,
"cancel" : "Cancel" ,
"crashTime" : "Crash Timeout" ,
"crashTimeDesc" : "How long should we wait before we consider your server as crashed?" ,
"deleteFilesQuestion" : "Delete server files from machine?" ,
"deleteFilesQuestionMessage" : "Would you like Crafty to delete all server files from the host machine? <br><br><strong>This includes server backups.</strong>" ,
"deleteServer" : "Delete Server" ,
"deleteServerQuestion" : "Delete Server?" ,
"deleteServerQuestionMessage" : "Are you sure you want to delete this server? After this there is no going back..." ,
"exeUpdateURL" : "Server Executable Update URL" ,
"exeUpdateURLDesc" : "Direct Download URL for updates." ,
2022-07-18 22:25:41 +00:00
"javaNoChange" : "Do Not Override" ,
"javaVersion" : "Override current Java Version" ,
"javaVersionDesc" : "If you're going to override Java, make sure your current Java path in 'execution command' is wrapped in quotes (default 'java' variable excluded)" ,
2022-03-08 01:22:30 +00:00
"noDelete" : "No, go back" ,
"noDeleteFiles" : "No, just remove from panel" ,
"removeOldLogsAfter" : "Remove Old Logs After" ,
"removeOldLogsAfterDesc" : "How many days will a log file has to be old to get deleted (0 is off)" ,
"save" : "Save" ,
"sendingDelete" : "Deleting Server" ,
"sendingRequest" : "Sending your request..." ,
"serverAutoStart" : "Server Auto Start" ,
"serverAutostartDelay" : "Server Autostart Delay" ,
"serverAutostartDelayDesc" : "Delay before auto starting (If enabled below)" ,
"serverCrashDetection" : "Server Crash Detection" ,
2021-03-26 13:57:50 +00:00
"serverExecutable" : "Server Executable" ,
"serverExecutableDesc" : "The server's executable file" ,
"serverExecutionCommand" : "Server Execution Command" ,
"serverExecutionCommandDesc" : "What will be launched in a hidden terminal" ,
"serverIP" : "Server IP" ,
"serverIPDesc" : "IP Crafty should connect to for stats (Try a real ip instead of if you have issues)" ,
2022-03-08 01:22:30 +00:00
"serverLogLocation" : "Server Log Location" ,
2022-06-15 23:10:26 +00:00
"serverLogLocationDesc" : "Path to the log file" ,
2022-03-08 01:22:30 +00:00
"serverName" : "Server Name" ,
"serverNameDesc" : "What you wish to call this server" ,
"serverPath" : "Server Working Directory" ,
"serverPathDesc" : "Absolute full path (not including executable)" ,
2021-03-26 13:57:50 +00:00
"serverPort" : "Server Port" ,
"serverPortDesc" : "Port Crafty should connect to for stats" ,
2022-03-08 01:22:30 +00:00
"serverStopCommand" : "Server Stop Command" ,
"serverStopCommandDesc" : "Command to send the program to stop it" ,
2022-07-18 22:25:41 +00:00
"showStatus" : "Show On Public Status Page" ,
2021-07-25 01:09:39 +00:00
"stopBeforeDeleting" : "Please stop the server before deleting it" ,
"update" : "Update Executable" ,
2021-08-10 01:49:40 +00:00
"yesDelete" : "Yes, delete" ,
2022-08-21 16:41:28 +00:00
"yesDeleteFiles" : "Yes, delete files" ,
"shutdownTimeout" : "Shutdown Timeout" ,
"timeoutExplain1" : "How long Crafty will wait for your server to shutdown after executing the" ,
2022-12-19 23:42:05 +00:00
"timeoutExplain2" : "command before it forces the process down." ,
2022-12-20 00:42:40 +00:00
"statsHint1" : "The port your server is running on should go here. This is just how Crafty opens a connection to your server for stats." ,
2023-02-10 19:02:26 +00:00
"statsHint2" : "This does not change the port of your server. You must still change the port in your server config file." ,
"ignoredExits" : "Ignored Crash Exit Codes" ,
"ignoredExitsExplain" : "Exit codes Crafty's Crash detection should ignore as a normal 'stop' (separated by commas)"
2021-03-26 13:57:50 +00:00
} ,
"serverConfigHelp" : {
"desc" : "Here is where you can change the configuration of your server" ,
"perms" : [
"It is recommended to <code>NOT</code> change the paths of a server managed by Crafty." ,
"Changing paths <code>CAN</code> break things, especially on Linux type operating systems where file permissions are more locked down." ,
"<br /><br/>" ,
"If you feel you have to change a where a server is located you may do so as long as you give the \"crafty\" user permission to read / write to the server path." ,
"<br />" ,
"<br />" ,
"On Linux this is best done by executing the following:<br />" ,
"<code>" ,
" sudo chown crafty:crafty /path/to/your/server -R<br />" ,
" sudo chmod 2775 /path/to/your/server -R<br />" ,
2022-03-08 01:22:30 +00:00
] ,
"title" : "Server Config Area"
2021-03-26 13:57:50 +00:00
} ,
2022-03-08 01:22:30 +00:00
"serverDetails" : {
"backup" : "Backup" ,
"config" : "Config" ,
"files" : "Files" ,
"logs" : "Logs" ,
"playerControls" : "Player Management" ,
"schedule" : "Schedule" ,
"serverDetails" : "Server Details" ,
2022-08-23 00:04:40 +00:00
"terminal" : "Terminal" ,
2022-09-07 22:02:49 +00:00
"metrics" : "Metrics" ,
2022-10-13 03:29:20 +00:00
"reset" : "Reset Scroll" ,
"filter" : "Filter Logs" ,
"filterList" : "Filtered Words"
2022-03-08 01:22:30 +00:00
} ,
"serverFiles" : {
"clickUpload" : "Click here to select your files" ,
"close" : "Close" ,
"createDir" : "Create directory" ,
"createDirQuestion" : "What name do you want for the new directory?" ,
"createFile" : "Create file" ,
"createFileQuestion" : "What name do you want for the new file?" ,
"default" : "Default" ,
"delete" : "Delete" ,
"deleteItemQuestion" : "Are you sure you want to delete \" + name + \"?" ,
"deleteItemQuestionMessage" : "You are deleting \\\"\" + path + \"\\\"!<br/><br/>This action will be irreversible and it'll be lost forever!" ,
"download" : "Download" ,
"editingFile" : "Editing file" ,
"error" : "Error while getting files" ,
"fileReadError" : "File read error" ,
"files" : "Files" ,
"keybindings" : "Keybindings" ,
"loadingRecords" : "Loading Files..." ,
"noDelete" : "No" ,
"noscript" : "The file manager does not work without JavaScript" ,
"rename" : "Rename" ,
"renameItemQuestion" : "What should the new name be?" ,
2021-08-21 23:41:25 +00:00
"save" : "Save" ,
2022-07-18 22:25:41 +00:00
"size" : "Toggle Editor Size" ,
2022-03-08 01:22:30 +00:00
"stayHere" : "DO NOT LEAVE THIS PAGE!" ,
"unsupportedLanguage" : "Warning: This is not a supported file type" ,
"unzip" : "Unzip" ,
"upload" : "Upload" ,
"uploadTitle" : "Upload Files to: " ,
"waitUpload" : "Please wait while we upload your files... This may take a while." ,
"yesDelete" : "Yes, I understand the consequences"
} ,
"serverPlayerManagement" : {
"bannedPlayers" : "Banned Players" ,
"loadingBannedPlayers" : "Loading Banned Players" ,
"players" : "Players"
} ,
"serverScheduleConfig" : {
"backup" : "Backup Server" ,
2022-08-05 15:56:41 +00:00
"select" : "Basic / Cron / Chain Reaction Select" ,
2022-03-08 01:22:30 +00:00
"basic" : "Basic" ,
"children" : "Linked Child Tasks: " ,
"command" : "Command" ,
"command-explain" : "What command do you want us to execute? Do not include the '/'" ,
"cron" : "Cron" ,
2022-05-19 15:04:13 +00:00
"cron-explain" : "Enter your cron string -- NOTE: 0 = Monday on last option." ,
2022-03-08 01:22:30 +00:00
"custom" : "Custom Command" ,
"days" : "Days" ,
"enabled" : "Enabled" ,
"hours" : "Hours" ,
"interval" : "Interval" ,
"interval-explain" : "How often do you want this schedule executed?" ,
"minutes" : "Minutes" ,
"offset" : "Delay Offset" ,
"offset-explain" : "How long should we wait to fire this after firing the first task? (Seconds)" ,
"one-time" : "Delete after execution" ,
"parent" : "Select a parent schedule" ,
"parent-explain" : "Which schedule should trigger this one?" ,
"reaction" : "Reaction" ,
"restart" : "Restart Server" ,
"start" : "Start Server" ,
"stop" : "Shutdown Server" ,
"time" : "Time" ,
"time-explain" : "What time do you want your schedule to execute?"
} ,
"serverSchedules" : {
2022-08-05 15:56:41 +00:00
"scheduledTasks" : "Scheduled Tasks" ,
"create" : "Create New Schedule" ,
"name" : "Name" ,
"action" : "Action" ,
"command" : "Command" ,
"interval" : "Interval" ,
"nextRun" : "Next Run" ,
"enabled" : "Enabled" ,
"edit" : "Edit" ,
"every" : "Every" ,
"yes" : "Yes" ,
"no" : "No" ,
"cron" : "Crong String" ,
"details" : "Schedule Details" ,
2022-08-05 20:01:26 +00:00
"child" : "Child of schedule with ID " ,
2022-03-08 01:22:30 +00:00
"areYouSure" : "Delete Scheduled Task?" ,
2022-08-05 15:56:41 +00:00
"close" : "Close" ,
"delete" : "Delete" ,
2021-08-21 23:41:25 +00:00
"cancel" : "Cancel" ,
2022-03-08 01:22:30 +00:00
"cannotSee" : "Not seeing everything?" ,
"cannotSeeOnMobile" : "Try clicking on a scheduled task for full details." ,
"confirm" : "Confirm" ,
"confirmDelete" : "Do you want to delete this scheduled task? This cannot be undone."
} ,
"serverStats" : {
"cpuUsage" : "CPU Usage" ,
"description" : "Description" ,
"errorCalculatingUptime" : "Error Calculating Uptime" ,
"memUsage" : "Memory Usage" ,
"offline" : "Offline" ,
"online" : "Online" ,
"players" : "Players" ,
"serverStarted" : "Server Started" ,
"serverStatus" : "Server Status" ,
"serverTime" : "UTC Time" ,
"serverTimeZone" : "Server Time Zone" ,
"serverUptime" : "Server Uptime" ,
"starting" : "Delayed-Start" ,
"unableToConnect" : "Unable To Connect" ,
"version" : "Version"
} ,
"serverTerm" : {
"commandInput" : "Enter your command" ,
"delay-explained" : "The service/agent has recently started and is delaying the start of the minecraft server instance" ,
2022-08-17 18:48:05 +00:00
"importing" : "Importing..." ,
2022-03-08 01:22:30 +00:00
"restart" : "Restart" ,
"sendCommand" : "Send command" ,
"start" : "Start" ,
"starting" : "Delayed-Start" ,
"stop" : "Stop" ,
"stopScroll" : "Stop Auto Scrolling" ,
2022-11-19 20:45:29 +00:00
"updating" : "Updating..." ,
"installing" : "Installing..."
2022-03-08 01:22:30 +00:00
} ,
2022-08-23 00:04:40 +00:00
"serverMetrics" : {
2022-08-23 00:23:09 +00:00
"resetZoom" : "Reset Zoom" ,
"zoomHint1" : "To zoom on the graph hold your shift key then use your scroll wheel." ,
"zoomHint2" : "Alternatively hold the shift key then click and drag the area you'd like to zoom in on."
2022-08-23 00:04:40 +00:00
} ,
2022-03-08 01:22:30 +00:00
"serverWizard" : {
"absoluteServerPath" : "Absolute path to your server" ,
"absoluteZipPath" : "Absolute path to your server" ,
"addRole" : "Add Server to Existing Role(s)" ,
"autoCreate" : "If none are selected Crafty will make one!" ,
"bePatient" : "Please be patient as we ' + (importing ? 'import' : 'download') + ' the server" ,
"buildServer" : "Build Server!" ,
"clickRoot" : "Click here to select Root Dir" ,
"close" : "Close" ,
"defaultPort" : "25565 default" ,
"downloading" : "Downloading Server..." ,
"explainRoot" : "Please click the button below to select your server's root dir inside of the archive" ,
"importing" : "Importing Server..." ,
"importServer" : "Import an Existing Server" ,
"importServerButton" : "Import Server!" ,
"importZip" : "Import from a Zip File" ,
2022-09-28 02:06:22 +00:00
"uploadZip" : "Upload Zip File For Server Import" ,
2023-02-02 22:47:54 +00:00
"labelZipFile" : "Choose your Zip File" ,
2022-03-08 01:22:30 +00:00
"maxMem" : "Maximum Memory" ,
"minMem" : "Minimum Memory" ,
"myNewServer" : "My New Server" ,
"newServer" : "Create New Server" ,
"quickSettings" : "Quick Settings" ,
"quickSettingsDescription" : "Don't worry, you can change these later" ,
"resetForm" : "Reset Form" ,
"save" : "Save" ,
"selectRole" : "Select Role(s)" ,
"selectRoot" : "Select Archive Root Dir" ,
2022-08-03 16:26:59 +00:00
"selectType" : "Server Type (Vanilla, Servers, Modded, etc.)" ,
"selectServer" : "Select a Server" ,
2022-03-08 01:22:30 +00:00
"selectVersion" : "Select a Version" ,
"selectZipDir" : "Select the directory in the archive you want us to unzip files from" ,
"serverJar" : "Server Executable File" ,
"serverName" : "Server Name" ,
"serverPath" : "Server Path" ,
"serverPort" : "Server Port" ,
"serverType" : "Server Type" ,
2022-08-03 16:26:59 +00:00
"serverSelect" : "Server Select" ,
2022-03-08 01:22:30 +00:00
"serverVersion" : "Server Version" ,
2023-02-03 21:00:13 +00:00
"serverUpload" : "Upload Zipped Server" ,
2022-03-08 01:22:30 +00:00
"sizeInGB" : "Size in GB" ,
2023-02-03 21:00:13 +00:00
"uploadButton" : "Upload" ,
2022-03-08 01:22:30 +00:00
"zipPath" : "Server Path"
} ,
"sidebar" : {
"contribute" : "Contribute" ,
"credits" : "Credits" ,
"dashboard" : "Dashboard" ,
"documentation" : "Documentation" ,
"navigation" : "Navigation" ,
"newServer" : "Create New Server" ,
2023-05-14 20:31:19 +00:00
"servers" : "Servers" ,
"inApp" : "In App Docs"
2021-08-21 23:41:25 +00:00
} ,
2022-01-20 05:05:14 +00:00
"userConfig" : {
"apiKey" : "API Keys" ,
"auth" : "Authorized? " ,
2022-03-08 01:22:30 +00:00
"config" : "Config" ,
2022-01-20 05:05:14 +00:00
"configArea" : "User Config Area" ,
"configAreaDesc" : "Here is where you change all of your user settings" ,
2022-03-08 01:22:30 +00:00
"confirmDelete" : "Are you sure you want to delete this user? This action is irreversible." ,
"craftyPermDesc" : "Crafty permissions this user has " ,
"craftyPerms" : "Crafty Permissons: " ,
2022-01-20 05:05:14 +00:00
"created" : "Created: " ,
2022-03-08 01:22:30 +00:00
"deleteUser" : "Delete user: " ,
"deleteUserB" : "Delete User" ,
"delSuper" : "You cannot delete a super user" ,
"enabled" : "Enabled" ,
"gravDesc" : "This email is strictly for use with Gravatar™. Crafty will not, under any circumstance make use of this email for anything other than looking up your Gravatar™" ,
"gravEmail" : "Gravatar™ Email" ,
"lastIP" : "Last IP: " ,
2022-01-20 05:05:14 +00:00
"lastLogin" : "Last Login: " ,
"lastUpdate" : "Last Update: " ,
2022-03-08 01:22:30 +00:00
"leaveBlank" : "To edit user without changing password leave it blank." ,
"member" : "Member?" ,
2022-01-20 05:05:14 +00:00
"notExist" : "You cannot delete something that doesn't exist!" ,
2022-03-08 01:22:30 +00:00
"pageTitle" : "Edit User" ,
"pageTitleNew" : "Create User" ,
2022-04-03 00:37:22 +00:00
"password" : "New Password" ,
2022-01-20 05:05:14 +00:00
"permName" : "Permission Name" ,
2022-03-08 01:22:30 +00:00
"repeat" : "Repeat Password" ,
"roleName" : "Role Name" ,
"super" : "Super User" ,
"userLang" : "User Language" ,
2022-09-27 01:22:56 +00:00
"userTheme" : "UI Theme" ,
2022-03-08 01:22:30 +00:00
"userName" : "User Name" ,
"userNameDesc" : "What do you want to call this user?" ,
"userRoles" : "User Roles" ,
"userRolesDesc" : "Roles this user is a member of." ,
"userSettings" : "User Settings" ,
2022-08-19 19:08:35 +00:00
"uses" : "Number of uses allowed (-1==No Limit)" ,
"manager" : "Manager" ,
"selectManager" : "Select Manager for User"
2023-06-03 22:38:44 +00:00
} ,
"webhooks" : {
"webhooks" : "Webhooks" ,
"name" : "Name" ,
"type" : "Webhook Type" ,
"trigger" : "Trigger" ,
"enabled" : "Enabled" ,
"url" : "Webhook URL" ,
"bot_name" : "Bot Name" ,
"webhook_body" : "Webhook Body" ,
"areYouSureDel" : "Are you sure you want to delete this webhook?" ,
"areYouSureRun" : "Are you sure you want to test this websocket?" ,
"edit" : "Edit" ,
"run" : "Test Run Webhook" ,
"new" : "New Webhook"
2021-03-26 13:57:50 +00:00
2023-05-17 16:51:45 +00:00