"contact":"Contact Crafty Control Support via Discord",
"terribleFailure":"What a Terrble Failure!",
"embarassing":"Oh my, well, this is embarrassing.",
"contact":"Contact Crafty Control Support via Discord",
"unableToFind":"We were unable to find the page you are looking for. Please try again, or go back and refresh.",
"notFound":"Page Not Found"
"allRightsReserved":"All rights reserved"
"newServer":"Create New Server",
"newServer":"Create New Server",
"importServer":"Import an Existing Server",
"importZip":"Import from a Zip File",
"serverName":"Server Name",
"serverPath":"Server Path",
"serverType":"Server Type",
"absoluteServerPath":"Absolute path to your server",
"serverJar":"Server Jarfile",
"minMem":"Minimum Memory",
"maxMem":"Maximum Memory",
"serverPort":"Server Port",
"defaultPort":"25565 default",
"sizeInGB":"Size in GB",
"zipPath":"Server Path",
"absoluteZipPath":"Absolute path to your server",
"resetForm":"Reset Form",
"importServerButton":"Import Server!",
"buildServer":"Build Server!",
"quickSettings":"Quick Settings",
"quickSettingsDescription":"Don't worry, you can change these later",
"myNewServer":"My New Server",
"bePatient":"Please be patient as we ' + (importing ? 'import' : 'download') + ' the server",
"importing":"Importing Server...",
"downloading":"Downloading Server..."
"memUsage":"Memory Usage",
"cpuUsage":"CPU Usage",
"newServer":"Create New Server",
"allServers":"All Servers",
"cannotSeeOnMobile":"Can't see everything on mobile?",
"cannotSeeOnMobile2":"Try scrolling the table sideways.",
"bePatientStart":"Please be patient while we start the server.<br /> This screen will refresh in a moment",
"bePatientStop":"Please be patient while we stop the server.<br /> This screen will refresh in a moment",
"bePatientRestart":"Please be patient while we restart the server.<br /> This screen will refresh in a moment",
"bePatientClone":"Please be patient while we clone the server.<br /> This screen will refresh in a moment",
"sendingCommand":"Sending your command",
"cpuCurFreq":"CPU Current Clock",
"cpuMaxFreq":"CPU Maximum Clock",
"cpuCores":"CPU Cores"
"accessDenied":"Access Denied",
"noAccess":"You do not have access to this resource",
"contactAdmin":"Contact your server administrator for access to this resource, or if you think you should have access to this resource, contact support.",
"contact":"Contact Crafty Control Support via Discord"
"desc":"Here is where you can change the configuration of your server",
"It is recommended to <code>NOT</code> change the paths of a server managed by Crafty.",
"Changing paths <code>CAN</code> break things, especially on Linux type operating systems where file permissions are more locked down.",
"<br /><br/>",
"If you feel you have to change a where a server is located you may do so as long as you give the \"crafty\" user permission to read / write to the server path.",
"<br />",
"<br />",
"On Linux this is best done by executing the following:<br />",