{ "login": { "forgotPassword": "FORGWOTS YOUR SEEKRET", "login": "WOG INZ", "password": "SEEKRET", "username": "USERNAEM" }, "error": { "hereIsTheError": "HER IZ TEH OOF", "contact": "CONTACK CWAFTY CONTROLLR SUPORT ON DA DIZORD", "terribleFailure": "SUMTIN DUN BWOKE", "embarassing": "OH MAH, WELL, DIS AR TEH EMBARRASIN.", "error": "BIG OOF!", "start-error": "CHAIR {} FAILD 2 START WIF OOF CODE: {}", "portReminder": "WE HAS DETECTD DIS AR TEH FURST TIEM {} IZ BEAN RUN. IF U WANTS IT ACESIBLE TO NEIGHBORHOOD CATS PLZ UNLOCK CAT_FLAP, {}, THRU UR ROUTR IF U HAS NOT DUN SO.", "internet": "WE HAS DETECTD TEH BIG BOX RUNNIN CRAFTY HAS NO CONNECSHUN 2 TEH INTERNET. HOOMAN CONNECSHUNS 2 TEH SERVR CUD BE LIMITD.", "eulaTitle": "SAYZ YESH TWOO TEH LEGAL-WEEGALS", "eulaMsg": "U MUST SAY YESH. COPY OV TEH MOJANG EULA IZ LINKD UNDR DIS MESAGE.", "eulaAgree": "DOZ HOOMAN AGWEE", "noJava": "CHAIR {} FAILD 2 GO WIF OOF CODE: WE HAS DETECTD JAVA IZ NOT HEREZ. PLZ BRING UZ JAVA DEN START TEH SERVR." }, "404": { "contact": "CONTACK CWAFTY CONTROLLR SUPORT ON DA DWISCORDZ", "unableToFind": "WE WUZ UNABLE 2 FIND TEH PAEG U R LOOKIN 4. PLZ TRY AGAIN, OR GO BAK AN REFRESH.", "notFound": "PAEG NOT FINDZ" }, "footer": { "version": "VERSHUN", "copyright": "COPYRIGHT", "allRightsReserved": "ALL FISH MINEZ" }, "sidebar": { "dashboard": "DASHBORD", "servers": "SERVRS", "documentation": "DOCUMENTASHUN", "credits": "GUD HOOMANS", "contribute": "THROW MONZ", "newServer": "CONSTWUCT A SERVR", "navigation": "NAVIGASHUN" }, "serverWizard": { "newServer": "Maek a nu servr", "importServer": "Addz servr to Cwafty", "importZip": "Addz servr from Squeezd Box", "serverName": "Servr Naym", "serverPath": "Servr Peth", "serverType": "Servr Typ", "selectType": "Wut typ ov servr", "serverVersion": "Servr Verzhun", "selectVersion": "How old iz servr?", "absoluteServerPath": "Wer iz servr? (Absolute peth)", "serverJar": "Servr Jafarfile", "minMem": "Smol Memz Limit", "maxMem": "BIG Memz Limit", "serverPort": "Catflap", "defaultPort": "25565 iz nermalz choicez", "sizeInGB": "Siez in Gigabitez", "zipPath": "Wer iz Squeezed Box (Peth)", "absoluteZipPath": "Absolute peth 2 ur tiny box", "resetForm": "Rezet", "importServerButton": "Get a servr", "buildServer": "Maek a servr!", "quickSettings": "FAST SETTINGZ!", "quickSettingsDescription": "NO FEAR, IT NOT PERMZ", "myNewServer": "MY NEW SOFT CHAIR", "bePatient": "Plz be paitentz me iz ' + (importing ? 'claimzin' : 'findin') + ' teh warm comfy servrz", "importing": "Claimzin servrz...", "downloading": "Huntin fur gud servr...", "addRole": "Maek servr huv Existing Role(s)", "autoCreate": "If none r selectd me wil maek wan, I Gochu!", "selectRole": "Chooz Role(s)" }, "dashboard": { "dashboard": "DASHBORD", "memUsage": "MEMZ USAGE", "cpuUsage": "CPUZ USAGE", "host": "FAVORITE BOX", "players": "HOOMANZ", "backups": "BAKUPS", "newServer": "Maek new Servr", "allServers": "Pak of Servrs", "server": "SERVRS", "actions": "ACSHUNS", "world": "WURLD", "motd": "MOTD", "version": "VERZHUN", "status": "STATUZ", "online": "Turnd on", "offline": "Turnd off", "lastBackup": "Last:", "nextBackup": "Next:", "servers": "Servrs", "cannotSeeOnMobile": "U Havin problermz seeun tiny scrienz?", "cannotSee": "U Havin problermz seeun?", "cannotSeeOnMobile2": "Try scrollin teh tablez sidewayz.", "max": "Max", "avg": "Avg", "bePatientStart": "Plz be paitentz we startin teh servr.<br /> Dis skreehn WILL refursh in momentz", "bePatientStop": "Plz be paitentz we stoppin teh servr.<br /> Dis scrien will refursh in momentz", "bePatientRestart": "Plz be paitentz we restartin teh servr.<br /> Dis skreehn will refursh in momentz", "bePatientClone": "Plz be paitentz we clone teh server.<br /> Dis scrien will refursh in momentz", "sendingCommand": "Sendz ur comarned", "cpuCurFreq": "Hamstur(cpu) speedz right naow", "cpuMaxFreq": "Hamstur(cpu) Omglimited speed", "cpuCores": "Numbr ov hamstur wheelz", "start": "Maek go", "stop": "Stahp Plz", "clone": "Copyz", "kill": "Eatz teh process", "restart": "Restart", "killing": "Maekin process go bye...", "starting": "I waitz b4 I start", "delay-explained": "Teh service/agent hus resently startd an iz delayin teh startd ov teh servr", "no-servers": "Thar R no servrs. Big sad :( 2 git startd nd maek servr, click", "welcome": "Welcom 2 Cwafty Controllr" }, "accessDenied": { "accessDenied": "Acces Denid", "noAccess": "U do not haz acces 2 dis litterbox", "contactAdmin": "Contakt ur servr adminz 4 acces 2 dis litterbox, or if u finkz u sud has acces, contakt suport", "contact": "Contack Cwafty Controllr Suport on da Dwiscordz" }, "serverStats": { "online": "Turnd on", "offline": "Turnd off", "starting": "I waitz b4 I start", "serverStatus": "Servr Status", "serverStarted": "Servr Started", "serverUptime": "How longz servr been awaek", "players": "Hoomanz", "memUsage": "How hard iz thinkin rn", "cpuUsage": "CPU Usage", "version": "Verzhun", "description": "Descripshun", "errorCalculatingUptime": "I maek oof wen calculatin teh teim awaek!", "serverTime": "UTC Teim", "unableToConnect": "Not today... :(" }, "serverDetails": { "serverDetails": "Servr infoz", "terminal": "Cmds go here", "logs": "Logz", "schedule": "Schdulez", "backup": "Bakup", "files": "Filez", "config": "Settingz Wurld", "playerControls": "Hooman managementz" }, "serverTerm": { "stopScroll": "Stahp teh scrolin", "commandInput": "Entr your comarned", "sendCommand": "Send comarned", "start": "Maek go", "restart": "Copyz", "stop": "Stahp Plz", "updating": "Plz waitz...", "starting": "I waitz b4 I start", "delay-explained": "Teh service/agent hus resently startd an iz delayin teh startd ov teh servr" }, "serverPlayerManagement": { "players": "Hoomans", "bannedPlayers": "Naughty Hoomans", "loadingBannedPlayers": "Plz wait, I telz u abot teh bad hoomanz" }, "serverBackups": { "backupNow": "Bakup nowz!", "backupAtMidnight": "Auto-bakup at middlenightz?", "storageLocation": "Shiny Stash ov hingz", "storageLocationDesc": "Wer do u wants 2 stash bakups?", "maxBackups": "Max Bakups", "maxBackupsDesc": "Cwafty will not keepz moar than N bckups, deletin teh most oldz furst (entr 0 to be big greedy)", "save": "Dun", "cancel": "Stahp", "currentBackups": "Current stash ov bakups", "download": "Downloadz", "path": "Peth", "size": "How bigz", "delete": "Maek gone", "backupTask": "Okai I getz fish, bak soonz", "destroyBackup": "Eat bakup \" + file_to_del + \"?", "confirmDelete": "R u sure u wantz me to eatz dis bakup? Wial beh lozt forevr (longir than kittehz napz)", "confirm": "Yis", "options": "Opshuns" }, "serverFiles": { "noscript": "Mr file manager needz JafarScrpt, U SHULD GET IT", "error": "Big oof wen I try to getz fishies", "files": "Fish", "default": "Defaultz", "save": "Dun", "editingFile": "Maek fish differentz", "delete": "Eat fish", "createFile": "Maek fish (>O.O<)", "createDir": "Create directory (for fish)", "rename": "Naym Fish", "createFileQuestion": "What naym u want 4 teh new file?", "createDirQuestion": "What naym u want 4 teh new directory?", "renameItemQuestion": "What should teh new naym be?", "deleteItemQuestion": "Are u sure u want 2 delete \" + name + \"?", "deleteItemQuestionMessage": "Ur deleting \\\"\" + path + \"\\\"!<br/><br/>Dis achshun will be ireeversibible an beh lozt forevr (longir than kittehz napz)", "yesDelete": "Yis, I promize I understanth teh consequencez", "noDelete": "Get me outta herez!", "unsupportedLanguage": "Warning: Dis no be sumtin I can readz (file typ badz)", "keybindings": "Pawbindz", "fileReadError": "I can no readz... oof", "upload": "Give fish", "unzip": "Maek Unsmol", "clickUpload": "Click her 2 select Ur fish", "uploadTitle": "Upload fish 2: ", "waitUpload": "Plz be paitentz we gib ur fish 2 de servr... Dis may take a while.", "stayHere": "U MUST STAY HERE, PLZ DNT GO!", "close": "Plz stahp", "download": "Take fish" }, "serverConfig": { "serverName": "Server Naym", "serverNameDesc": "Wat u wish 2 nayem dis server", "serverPath": "Servr Wrking Dir", "serverPathDesc": "Absolutley full peth (not including eggs-cute-able)", "serverLogLocation": "Servr Log Location", "serverLogLocationDesc": "Absolutley full peth 2 teh log fish", "serverExecutable": "Servr Eggs-cute-able", "serverExecutableDesc": "Teh server's fish dat mak hing go brr", "serverExecutionCommand": "Servr Eggs-cute Cmd", "serverExecutionCommandDesc": "Wat 2 do in a secret unseen terminal", "serverStopCommand": "Servr Stahp Cmd", "serverStopCommandDesc": "Comarned 2 send teh program 2 stop it", "serverAutostartDelay": "Servr yawn Delay", "serverAutostartDelayDesc": "How loz 2 stay in bedz b4 mak go servr (If yis below)", "serverIP": "Servr IP", "serverIPDesc": "IP Cwafty should mak connecshun 2 fur stats (Try a real ip, no if u hav issues)", "serverPort": "Servr Catflap", "serverPortDesc": "Catflap Cwafty wud use to fur stats", "removeOldLogsAfter": "Burry Old Logz After", "removeOldLogsAfterDesc": "How lotz in dais will a log file has 2 be 2 to git burriedz (0 iz 'treasure 4 evr')", "serverAutoStart": "Servr auto brrr", "serverCrashDetection": "Know when servr go OOF...", "save": "Dun", "cancel": "Stahp", "deleteServer": "Eat Server", "stopBeforeDeleting": "Plz stop teh servr b4 you eatz it", "exeUpdateURLDesc": "Fast URL to get new fish to updatz servr (Many cat go dis peth, very dirct).", "exeUpdateURL": "Server Eggs-cuta-ble Update Direct URL", "update": "Update Eggs-cuta-ble", "bePatientUpdate": "Plz be paitentz we get teh newz server. Hunting teimz can vary if ur interwebz iz poop.<br /> Dis scrien will refresh soonz", "sendingRequest": "Screaming @ catz wif ur request...", "deleteServerQuestion": "I can eatz Servr?", "deleteServerQuestionMessage": "R u sure u wants me 2 eat dis servr? After I eats tehre iz no go bak...", "yesDelete": "Yis, eat it", "noDelete": "No no no, pls go bak", "deleteFilesQuestion": "Eat servr fish too?", "deleteFilesQuestionMessage": "Wud u liek Cwafty 2 eat aw da fish dat wis in da servr? Wial beh lozt forevr (longir than kittehz napz)", "yesDeleteFiles": "Yis, eat dem fishies", "noDeleteFiles": "No, jst eat teh panelz", "sendingDelete": "Okei I eatz Servr, yummi", "bePatientDelete": "Plz be paitent I eat ur servr. Dis scrien will refresh soonz", "bePatientDeleteFiles" : "Plz be paitent I eat ur servr an eat aw teh yummi fish. Dis scrien will refresh soonz" }, "serverConfigHelp": { "title": "Server Config Area", "desc": "Here iz where u can change teh configuration of your server (Character break dis importantz)", "perms": [ "It iz recommended 2 <code>NOT</code> change teh peths of a servr managed by Cwafty. DIS IS BAD JUJU", "Changing peths <code>CAN</code> break things, especially on Linux typ operatin systems where file permissions are more locked down.", "<br /><br/>", "If u feel u hav 2 change where a server iz located u may do so as long as you give teh \"crafty\" user permission to read / write to teh server peth.", "<br />", "<br />", "On Linux dis iz best done by executing teh following:<br />", "<code>", " sudo chown crafty:crafty /path/to/your/server -R<br />", " sudo chmod 2775 /path/to/your/server -R<br />", "</code>" ] }, "panelConfig": { "save": "Dun", "cancel": "Stahp", "delete": "Delet" }, "datatables": { "i18n": { "decimal": "", "emptyTable": "No data available in table", "info": "Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries", "infoEmpty": "Showing 0 to 0 of 0 entries", "infoFiltered": "(filtered from _MAX_ total entries)", "infoPostFix": "", "thousands": ",", "lengthMenu": "Show _MENU_ entries", "loadingRecords": "Loading...", "processing": "Processing...", "search": "Search:", "zeroRecords": "No matching records found", "paginate": { "first": "First", "last": "Last", "next": "Next", "previous": "Previous" }, "aria": { "sortAscending": ": activate to sort column ascending", "sortDescending": ": activate to sort column descending" }, "buttons": { "collection": "Collection <span class='ui-button-icon-primary ui-icon ui-icon-triangle-1-s'\/>", "colvis": "Column Visibility", "colvisRestore": "Restore visibility", "copy": "Copy", "copyKeys": "Press ctrl or u2318 + C to copy teh table data to your system clipboard.<br><br>To cancel, click this message or press escape.", "copySuccess": { "1": "Copied 1 row to clipboard", "_": "Copied %d rows to clipboard" }, "copyTitle": "Copy to Clipboard", "csv": "CSV", "excel": "Excel", "pageLength": { "-1": "Show all rows", "1": "Show 1 row", "_": "Show %d rows" }, "pdf": "PDF", "print": "Print" }, "select": { "rows": { "0": "Click on a row to select it", "1": "%d row selected", "_": "%d rows selected" }, "cells": { "0": "Click on a cel to select it", "1": "%d cell selected", "_": "%d cells selected" }, "columns": { "0": "Click on a column to select it", "1": "%d column selected", "_": "%d columns selected" } } } }, "base": { "doesNotWorkWithoutJavascript": "<strong>Warning: </strong>CWafty don't go brrrr wen JafarScwipt isn't der, U SHULD GET IT" } }