import os import shutil import logging import pathlib import tempfile import zipfile from zipfile import ZipFile, ZIP_DEFLATED import urllib.request import ssl import time import certifi from app.classes.shared.helpers import Helpers from app.classes.shared.console import Console from app.classes.shared.websocket_manager import WebSocketManager logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class FileHelpers: allowed_quotes = ['"', "'", "`"] def __init__(self, helper): self.helper: Helpers = helper @staticmethod def ssl_get_file( url, out_path, out_file, max_retries=3, backoff_factor=2, headers=None ): """ Downloads a file from a given URL using HTTPS with SSL context verification, retries with exponential backoff and providing download progress feedback. Parameters: - url (str): The URL of the file to download. Must start with "https". - out_path (str): The local path where the file will be saved. - out_file (str): The name of the file to save the downloaded content as. - max_retries (int, optional): The maximum number of retry attempts in case of download failure. Defaults to 3. - backoff_factor (int, optional): The factor by which the wait time increases after each failed attempt. Defaults to 2. - headers (dict, optional): A dictionary of HTTP headers to send with the request. Returns: - bool: True if the download was successful, False otherwise. Raises: - urllib.error.URLError: If a URL error occurs during the download. - ssl.SSLError: If an SSL error occurs during the download. Exception: If an unexpected error occurs during the download. Note: This method logs critical errors and download progress information. Ensure that the logger is properly configured to capture this information. """ if not url.lower().startswith("https"): logger.error("SSL File Get - Error: URL must start with https.") return False ssl_context = ssl.create_default_context(cafile=certifi.where()) if not headers: headers = { "User-Agent": ( "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) " "AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) " "Chrome/58.0.3029.110 Safari/537.3" ) } req = urllib.request.Request(url, headers=headers) write_path = os.path.join(out_path, out_file) attempt = 0"SSL File Get - Requesting remote: {url}") file_path_full = os.path.join(out_path, out_file)"SSL File Get - Download Destination: {file_path_full}") while attempt < max_retries: try: with urllib.request.urlopen(req, context=ssl_context) as response: total_size = response.getheader("Content-Length") if total_size: total_size = int(total_size) downloaded = 0 with open(write_path, "wb") as file: while True: chunk = * 1024) # 1 MB if not chunk: break file.write(chunk) downloaded += len(chunk) if total_size: progress = (downloaded / total_size) * 100 f"SSL File Get - Download progress: {progress:.2f}%" ) return True except (urllib.error.URLError, ssl.SSLError) as e: logger.warning(f"SSL File Get - Attempt {attempt+1} failed: {e}") time.sleep(backoff_factor**attempt) except Exception as e: logger.critical(f"SSL File Get - Unexpected error: {e}") return False finally: attempt += 1 logger.error("SSL File Get - Maximum retries reached. Download failed.") return False @staticmethod def del_dirs(path): path = pathlib.Path(path) for sub in path.iterdir(): if sub.is_dir(): # Delete folder if it is a folder FileHelpers.del_dirs(sub) else: # Delete file if it is a file: try: sub.unlink() except: logger.error(f"Unable to delete file {sub}") try: # This removes the top-level folder: path.rmdir() except Exception as e: logger.error("Unable to remove top level") return e return True @staticmethod def del_file(path): path = pathlib.Path(path) try: logger.debug(f"Deleting file: {path}") # Remove the file os.remove(path) return True except (FileNotFoundError, PermissionError) as e: logger.error(f"Path specified is not a file or does not exist. {path}") return e @staticmethod def copy_dir(src_path, dest_path, dirs_exist_ok=False): # pylint: disable=unexpected-keyword-arg shutil.copytree(src_path, dest_path, dirs_exist_ok=dirs_exist_ok) @staticmethod def copy_file(src_path, dest_path): shutil.copy(src_path, dest_path) @staticmethod def move_dir(src_path, dest_path): FileHelpers.copy_dir(src_path, dest_path) FileHelpers.del_dirs(src_path) @staticmethod def move_dir_exist(src_path, dest_path): FileHelpers.copy_dir(src_path, dest_path, True) FileHelpers.del_dirs(src_path) @staticmethod def move_file(src_path, dest_path): FileHelpers.copy_file(src_path, dest_path) FileHelpers.del_file(src_path) @staticmethod def make_archive(path_to_destination, path_to_zip, comment=""): # create a ZipFile object path_to_destination += ".zip" with ZipFile(path_to_destination, "w") as zip_file: zip_file.comment = bytes( comment, "utf-8" ) # comments over 65535 bytes will be truncated for root, _dirs, files in os.walk(path_to_zip, topdown=True): ziproot = path_to_zip for file in files: try:"backing up: {os.path.join(root, file)}") if == "nt": zip_file.write( os.path.join(root, file), os.path.join(root.replace(ziproot, ""), file), ) else: zip_file.write( os.path.join(root, file), os.path.join(root.replace(ziproot, "/"), file), ) except Exception as e: logger.warning( f"Error backing up: {os.path.join(root, file)}!" f" - Error was: {e}" ) return True @staticmethod def make_compressed_archive(path_to_destination, path_to_zip, comment=""): # create a ZipFile object path_to_destination += ".zip" with ZipFile(path_to_destination, "w", ZIP_DEFLATED) as zip_file: zip_file.comment = bytes( comment, "utf-8" ) # comments over 65535 bytes will be truncated for root, _dirs, files in os.walk(path_to_zip, topdown=True): ziproot = path_to_zip for file in files: try:"packaging: {os.path.join(root, file)}") if == "nt": zip_file.write( os.path.join(root, file), os.path.join(root.replace(ziproot, ""), file), ) else: zip_file.write( os.path.join(root, file), os.path.join(root.replace(ziproot, "/"), file), ) except Exception as e: logger.warning( f"Error packaging: {os.path.join(root, file)}!" f" - Error was: {e}" ) return True def make_backup( self, path_to_destination, path_to_zip, excluded_dirs, server_id, comment="", compressed=None, ): # create a ZipFile object path_to_destination += ".zip" ex_replace = [p.replace("\\", "/") for p in excluded_dirs] total_bytes = 0 dir_bytes = Helpers.get_dir_size(path_to_zip) results = { "percent": 0, "total_files": self.helper.human_readable_file_size(dir_bytes), } WebSocketManager().broadcast_page_params( "/panel/server_detail", {"id": str(server_id)}, "backup_status", results, ) # Set the compression mode based on the `compressed` parameter compression_mode = ZIP_DEFLATED if compressed else None with ZipFile(path_to_destination, "w", compression_mode) as zip_file: zip_file.comment = bytes( comment, "utf-8" ) # comments over 65535 bytes will be truncated for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path_to_zip, topdown=True): for l_dir in dirs[:]: # make all paths in exclusions a unix style slash # to match directories. if str(os.path.join(root, l_dir)).replace("\\", "/") in ex_replace: dirs.remove(l_dir) ziproot = path_to_zip # iterate through list of files for file in files: # check if file/dir is in exclusions list. # Only proceed if not exluded. if ( str(os.path.join(root, file)).replace("\\", "/") not in ex_replace and file != "crafty.sqlite" ): try: logger.debug(f"backing up: {os.path.join(root, file)}") # add trailing slash to zip root dir if not windows. if == "nt": zip_file.write( os.path.join(root, file), os.path.join(root.replace(ziproot, ""), file), ) else: zip_file.write( os.path.join(root, file), os.path.join(root.replace(ziproot, "/"), file), ) except Exception as e: logger.warning( f"Error backing up: {os.path.join(root, file)}!" f" - Error was: {e}" ) # debug logging for exlusions list else: logger.debug(f"Found {file} in exclusion list. Skipping...") # add current file bytes to total bytes. total_bytes += os.path.getsize(os.path.join(root, file)) # calcualte percentage based off total size and current archive size percent = round((total_bytes / dir_bytes) * 100, 2) # package results results = { "percent": percent, "total_files": self.helper.human_readable_file_size(dir_bytes), } # send status results to page. WebSocketManager().broadcast_page_params( "/panel/server_detail", {"id": str(server_id)}, "backup_status", results, ) return True @staticmethod def unzip_file(zip_path, server_update=False): ignored_names = ["", "permissions.json", "allowlist.json"] # Get directory without zipfile name new_dir = pathlib.Path(zip_path).parents[0] # make sure we're able to access the zip file if Helpers.check_file_perms(zip_path) and os.path.isfile(zip_path): # make sure the directory we're unzipping this to exists Helpers.ensure_dir_exists(new_dir) # we'll make a temporary directory to unzip this to. temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() try: with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_path, "r") as zip_ref: # we'll extract this to the temp dir using zipfile module zip_ref.extractall(temp_dir) # we'll iterate through the top level directory moving everything # out of the temp directory and into it's final home. for item in os.listdir(temp_dir): # if the file is one of our ignored names we'll skip it if item in ignored_names and server_update: continue # we handle files and dirs differently or we'll crash out. if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(temp_dir, item)): try: FileHelpers.move_dir_exist( os.path.join(temp_dir, item), os.path.join(new_dir, item), ) except Exception as ex: logger.error(f"ERROR IN ZIP IMPORT: {ex}") else: try: FileHelpers.move_file( os.path.join(temp_dir, item), os.path.join(new_dir, item), ) except Exception as ex: logger.error(f"ERROR IN ZIP IMPORT: {ex}") except Exception as ex: Console.error(ex) else: return "false" return def unzip_server(self, zip_path, user_id): if Helpers.check_file_perms(zip_path): temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_path, "r") as zip_ref: # extracts archive to temp directory zip_ref.extractall(temp_dir) if user_id: return temp_dir