import os import sys import json from threading import Thread import time import argparse import logging.config import signal import peewee from packaging import version as pkg_version from app.classes.helpers.file_helpers import FileHelpers from app.classes.shared.import3 import Import3 from app.classes.shared.console import Console from app.classes.helpers.helpers import Helpers from app.classes.models.users import HelperUsers from import HelpersManagement from app.classes.shared.import_helper import ImportHelpers from app.classes.shared.websocket_manager import WebSocketManager from app.classes.logging.log_formatter import JsonFormatter console = Console() helper = Helpers() # Get the path our application is running on. if getattr(sys, "frozen", False): APPLICATION_PATH = os.path.dirname(sys.executable) RUNNING_MODE = "Frozen/executable" else: try: app_full_path = os.path.realpath(__file__) APPLICATION_PATH = os.path.dirname(app_full_path) RUNNING_MODE = "Non-interactive (e.g. 'python')" except NameError: APPLICATION_PATH = os.getcwd() RUNNING_MODE = "Interactive" if helper.check_root(): Console.critical( "Root detected. Root/Admin access denied. " "Run Crafty again with non-elevated permissions." ) time.sleep(5) Console.critical("Crafty shutting down. Root/Admin access denied.") sys.exit(0) if not (sys.version_info.major == 3 and sys.version_info.minor >= 9): Console.critical( "Python version mismatch. Python " f"{sys.version_info.major}.{sys.version_info.minor} detected." ) Console.critical("Crafty requires Python 3.9 or above. Please upgrade python.") time.sleep(5) Console.critical("Crafty shutting down.") time.sleep(3)"Crafty stopped. Exiting...") sys.exit(0) # pylint: disable=wrong-import-position try: from app.classes.models.base_model import database_proxy from app.classes.shared.main_models import DatabaseBuilder from app.classes.shared.tasks import TasksManager from app.classes.shared.main_controller import Controller from app.classes.shared.migration import MigrationManager from app.classes.shared.command import MainPrompt except ModuleNotFoundError as err: helper.auto_installer_fix(err) def internet_check(): """ This checks to see if the Crafty host is connected to the internet. This will show a warning in the console if no interwebs. """ print()"Checking Internet. This may take a minute.")"Checking Internet. This may take a minute.") if not helper.check_internet(): logger.warning( "We have detected the machine running Crafty has no " "connection to the internet. Client connections to " "the server may be limited." ) Console.warning( "We have detected the machine running Crafty has no " "connection to the internet. Client connections to " "the server may be limited." ) def controller_setup(): """ Method sets up the software controllers. This also sets the application path as well as the master server dir (if not set). This also clears the support logs status. """ if not controller.check_system_user(): controller.add_system_user() master_server_dir = if master_server_dir == "": logger.debug("Could not find master server path. Setting default") controller.set_master_server_dir( os.path.join(controller.project_root, "servers") ) else: helper.servers_dir = master_server_dir"Execution Mode: {RUNNING_MODE}")"Application path: '{APPLICATION_PATH}'")"Execution Mode: {RUNNING_MODE}")"Application path: '{APPLICATION_PATH}'") controller.clear_support_status() def tasks_starter(): """ Method starts stats recording, app scheduler, and big bucket/steamCMD cache refreshers """ # start stats logging tasks_manager.start_stats_recording() # once the controller is up and stats are logging, we can kick off # the scheduler officially tasks_manager.start_scheduler() # refresh our cache and schedule for every 12 hoursour cache refresh # for big tasks_manager.big_bucket_cache_refresher() def signal_handler(signum, _frame): """ Method handles sigterm and shuts the app down. """ if not args.daemon: print() # for newline after prompt signame = signal.Signals(signum).name"Recieved signal {signame} [{signum}], stopping Crafty...")"Recieved signal {signame} [{signum}], stopping Crafty...") tasks_manager._main_graceful_exit() crafty_prompt.universal_exit() def do_cleanup(): """ Checks Crafty's temporary directory and clears it out on boot. """ try:"Removing old temp dirs") FileHelpers.del_dirs(os.path.join(controller.project_root, "temp")) except:"Did not find old temp dir.") os.mkdir(os.path.join(controller.project_root, "temp")) def do_version_check(): """ Checks for remote version differences. Prints in terminal with differences if true. Also sets helper variable to update available when pages are served. """ # Check if new version available remote_ver = helper.check_remote_version() if remote_ver: notice = f""" A new version of Crafty is available! {'/' * 37} New version available: {remote_ver} Current version: {pkg_version.parse(helper.get_version_string())} {'/' * 37} """ Console.yellow(notice) crafty_prompt.prompt = f"Crafty Controller v{helper.get_version_string()} > " def setup_starter(): """ This method starts our setup threads. (tasks scheduler, internet checks, controller setups) Once our threads complete we will set our startup variable to false and send a reload to any clients waiting. """ if not args.daemon: time.sleep(0.01) # Wait for the prompt to start print() # Make a newline after the prompt so logs are on an empty line else: time.sleep(0.01) # Wait for the daemon info message"Setting up Crafty's internal components...") # Start the setup threads web_sock.broadcast("update", {"section": "tasks"}) time.sleep(2) tasks_starter_thread.start() web_sock.broadcast("update", {"section": "internet"}) time.sleep(2) internet_check_thread.start() web_sock.broadcast( "update", {"section": "internals"}, ) time.sleep(2) controller_setup_thread.start() web_sock.broadcast("update", {"section": "cache"}) controller.big_bucket.manual_refresh_cache() # Wait for the setup threads to finish web_sock.broadcast( "update", {"section": "almost"}, ) tasks_starter_thread.join() internet_check_thread.join() controller_setup_thread.join() helper.crafty_starting = False web_sock.broadcast("send_start_reload", "") do_version_check()"Crafty has fully started and is now ready for use!") do_cleanup() if not args.daemon: # Put the prompt under the cursor crafty_prompt.print_prompt() def do_intro(): """ Runs the Crafty Controller Terminal Intro with information about the software This method checks for a "settings file" or config.json. If it does not find one it will create one. """"***** Crafty Controller Started *****") version = helper.get_version_string() intro = f""" {'/' * 75} #{("Welcome to Crafty Controller - v." + version).center(73, " ")}# {'/' * 75} #{"Server Manager / Web Portal for your Minecraft server".center(73, " ")}# #{"Homepage:".center(73, " ")}# {'/' * 75} """ Console.magenta(intro) if not helper.check_file_exists(helper.settings_file): Console.debug("No settings file detected. Creating one.") helper.set_settings(Helpers.get_master_config()) def setup_logging(debug=True): """ This method sets up our logging for Crafty. It takes one optional (defaulted to True) parameter which determines whether or not the logging level is "debug" or verbose. """ logging_config_file = os.path.join( APPLICATION_PATH, "app", "config", "logging.json" ) if not helper.check_file_exists( os.path.join(APPLICATION_PATH, "logs", "auth_tracker.log") ): open( os.path.join(APPLICATION_PATH, "logs", "auth_tracker.log"), "a", encoding="utf-8", ).close() if not helper.check_file_exists( os.path.join(APPLICATION_PATH, "logs", "audit.log") ): open( os.path.join(APPLICATION_PATH, "logs", "audit.log"), "a", encoding="utf-8", ).close() if os.path.exists(logging_config_file): # open our logging config file with open(logging_config_file, "rt", encoding="utf-8") as f: logging_config = json.load(f) if debug: logging_config["loggers"][""]["level"] = "DEBUG" logging.config.dictConfig(logging_config) # Apply JSON formatting to the "audit" handler for handler in logging.getLogger().handlers: if == "audit_log_handler": handler.setFormatter(JsonFormatter()) else: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) logging.warning(f"Unable to read logging config from {logging_config_file}") Console.critical(f"Unable to read logging config from {logging_config_file}") # Our Main Starter if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("Crafty Controller - A Server Management System") parser.add_argument( "-i", "--ignore", action="store_true", help="Ignore session.lock files" ) parser.add_argument( "-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", help="Sets logging level to debug." ) parser.add_argument( "-d", "--daemon", action="store_true", help="Runs Crafty in daemon mode (no prompt)", ) args = parser.parse_args() helper.ensure_logging_setup() helper.crafty_starting = True # Init WebSocket Manager Here web_sock = WebSocketManager() setup_logging(debug=args.verbose) if args.verbose: Console.level = "debug" # setting up the logger object logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) Console.cyan(f"Logging set to: {logger.level}") peewee_logger = logging.getLogger("peewee") peewee_logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) # print our pretty start message do_intro() # our session file, helps prevent multiple controller agents on the same machine. helper.create_session_file(ignore=args.ignore) # start the database database = peewee.SqliteDatabase( helper.db_path, pragmas={"journal_mode": "wal", "cache_size": -1024 * 10} ) database_proxy.initialize(database) migration_manager = MigrationManager(database, helper) migration_manager.up() # Automatically runs migrations # init classes # now the tables are created, we can load the tasks_manager and server controller user_helper = HelperUsers(database, helper) management_helper = HelpersManagement(database, helper) installer = DatabaseBuilder(database, helper, user_helper, management_helper) FRESH_INSTALL = installer.is_fresh_install() if FRESH_INSTALL: Console.debug("Fresh install detected") Console.warning( f"We have detected a fresh install. Please be sure to forward " f"Crafty's port, {helper.get_setting('https_port')}, " f"through your router/firewall if you would like to be able " f"to access Crafty remotely." ) PASSWORD = helper.create_pass() installer.default_settings(PASSWORD) with open( os.path.join(APPLICATION_PATH, "app", "config", "default-creds.txt"), "w", encoding="utf-8", ) as cred_file: cred_file.write( json.dumps( { "username": "admin", "password": PASSWORD, "info": "This is NOT where you change your password." " This file is only a means to give you a default password.", }, indent=4, ) ) os.chmod( os.path.join(APPLICATION_PATH, "app", "config", "default-creds.txt"), 0o600 ) else: Console.debug("Existing install detected")"Checking for reset secret flag") if helper.get_setting("reset_secrets_on_next_boot"):"Found Reset") management_helper.set_secret_api_key(str(helper.random_string_generator(64))) management_helper.set_cookie_secret(str(helper.random_string_generator(32))) helper.set_setting("reset_secrets_on_next_boot", False) else:"No flag found. Secrets are staying") # now we've initialized our database for fresh install we # can finishing initializing our controllers/modules file_helper = FileHelpers(helper) import_helper = ImportHelpers(helper, file_helper) controller = Controller(database, helper, file_helper, import_helper) controller.set_project_root(APPLICATION_PATH) tasks_manager = TasksManager(helper, controller, file_helper) import3 = Import3(helper, controller) # Check to see if client config.json version is different than the # Master config.json in"Checking for remote changes to config.json") controller.get_config_diff() # Delete anti-lockout-user controller.users.stop_anti_lockout()"Remote change complete.") # startup the web server tasks_manager.start_webserver() signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal_handler) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) # init servers"Initializing all servers defined")"Initializing all servers defined") web_sock.broadcast( "update", {"section": "serverInit"}, ) controller.servers.init_all_servers() # start up our tasks handler in tasks_starter_thread = Thread(target=tasks_starter, name="tasks_starter") # check to see if instance has internet internet_check_thread = Thread(target=internet_check, name="internet_check") # start the Crafty console. crafty_prompt = MainPrompt( helper, tasks_manager, migration_manager, controller, import3 ) # set up all controllers controller_setup_thread = Thread(target=controller_setup, name="controller_setup") setup_starter_thread = Thread(target=setup_starter, name="setup_starter") setup_starter_thread.start() if not args.daemon: # Start the Crafty prompt crafty_prompt.cmdloop() else:"Crafty started in daemon mode, no shell will be printed") print() while True: if tasks_manager.get_main_thread_run_status(): break time.sleep(1) tasks_manager._main_graceful_exit() crafty_prompt.universal_exit()