computergeek125 42ca4bb973 Refactored the yes to not pass objects in import
Merge Conflicts ᴙ Us
2022-04-11 00:23:55 -05:00

25 lines
772 B

from enum import Enum
class PermissionHelper:
def both_have_perm(a: str, b: str, permission_tested: Enum):
return PermissionHelper.combine_perm_bool(
a[permission_tested.value], b[permission_tested.value]
def combine_perm(a: str, b: str) -> str:
return "1" if (a == "1" and b == "1") else "0"
def combine_perm_bool(a: str, b: str) -> bool:
return a == "1" and b == "1"
def combine_masks(permission_mask_a: str, permission_mask_b: str) -> str:
both_masks = zip(list(permission_mask_a), list(permission_mask_b))
return "".join(
map(lambda x: PermissionHelper.combine_perm(x[0], x[1]), both_masks)