Zedifus 45c3f73eca Revert "Revert "Merge branch 'dev' into 'master'""
This reverts the 4.4.1 release revert commit 29ce7a2cde.
2024-08-06 20:45:00 +01:00

9 lines
59 KiB

* Bootstrap-select v1.13.18 (
* Copyright 2012-2020 SnapAppointments, LLC
* Licensed under MIT (
!function (e, t) { void 0 === e && void 0 !== window && (e = window), "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(["jquery"], function (e) { return t(e) }) : "object" == typeof module && module.exports ? module.exports = t(require("jquery")) : t(e.jQuery) }(this, function (e) { !function (P) { "use strict"; var d = ["sanitize", "whiteList", "sanitizeFn"], r = ["background", "cite", "href", "itemtype", "longdesc", "poster", "src", "xlink:href"], e = { "*": ["class", "dir", "id", "lang", "role", "tabindex", "style", /^aria-[\w-]*$/i], a: ["target", "href", "title", "rel"], area: [], b: [], br: [], col: [], code: [], div: [], em: [], hr: [], h1: [], h2: [], h3: [], h4: [], h5: [], h6: [], i: [], img: ["src", "alt", "title", "width", "height"], li: [], ol: [], p: [], pre: [], s: [], small: [], span: [], sub: [], sup: [], strong: [], u: [], ul: [] }, l = /^(?:(?:https?|mailto|ftp|tel|file):|[^&:/?#]*(?:[/?#]|$))/gi, a = /^data:(?:image\/(?:bmp|gif|jpeg|jpg|png|tiff|webp)|video\/(?:mpeg|mp4|ogg|webm)|audio\/(?:mp3|oga|ogg|opus));base64,[a-z0-9+/]+=*$/i; function v(e, t) { var i = e.nodeName.toLowerCase(); if (-1 !== P.inArray(i, t)) return -1 === P.inArray(i, r) || Boolean(e.nodeValue.match(l) || e.nodeValue.match(a)); for (var s = P(t).filter(function (e, t) { return t instanceof RegExp }), n = 0, o = s.length; n < o; n++)if (i.match(s[n])) return !0; return !1 } function W(e, t, i) { if (i && "function" == typeof i) return i(e); for (var s = Object.keys(t), n = 0, o = e.length; n < o; n++)for (var r = e[n].querySelectorAll("*"), l = 0, a = r.length; l < a; l++) { var c = r[l], d = c.nodeName.toLowerCase(); if (-1 !== s.indexOf(d)) for (var h = [], p = [].concat(t["*"] || [], t[d] || []), u = 0, f = h.length; u < f; u++) { var m = h[u]; v(m, p) || c.removeAttribute(m.nodeName) } else c.parentNode.removeChild(c) } } "classList" in document.createElement("_") || function (e) { if ("Element" in e) { var t = "classList", i = "prototype", s = e.Element[i], n = Object, o = function () { var i = P(this); return { add: function (e) { return e =" "), i.addClass(e) }, remove: function (e) { return e =" "), i.removeClass(e) }, toggle: function (e, t) { return i.toggleClass(e, t) }, contains: function (e) { return i.hasClass(e) } } }; if (n.defineProperty) { var r = { get: o, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0 }; try { n.defineProperty(s, t, r) } catch (e) { void 0 !== e.number && -2146823252 !== e.number || (r.enumerable = !1, n.defineProperty(s, t, r)) } } else n[i].__defineGetter__ && s.__defineGetter__(t, o) } }(window); var t, c, i = document.createElement("_"); if (i.classList.add("c1", "c2"), !i.classList.contains("c2")) { var s = DOMTokenList.prototype.add, n = DOMTokenList.prototype.remove; DOMTokenList.prototype.add = function () {, s.bind(this)) }, DOMTokenList.prototype.remove = function () {, n.bind(this)) } } if (i.classList.toggle("c3", !1), i.classList.contains("c3")) { var o = DOMTokenList.prototype.toggle; DOMTokenList.prototype.toggle = function (e, t) { return 1 in arguments && !this.contains(e) == !t ? t :, e) } } function h(e) { if (null == this) throw new TypeError; var t = String(this); if (e && "[object RegExp]" == throw new TypeError; var i = t.length, s = String(e), n = s.length, o = 1 < arguments.length ? arguments[1] : void 0, r = o ? Number(o) : 0; r != r && (r = 0); var l = Math.min(Math.max(r, 0), i); if (i < n + l) return !1; for (var a = -1; ++a < n;)if (t.charCodeAt(l + a) != s.charCodeAt(a)) return !1; return !0 } function O(e, t) { var i, s = e.selectedOptions, n = []; if (t) { for (var o = 0, r = s.length; o < r; o++)(i = s[o]).disabled || "OPTGROUP" === i.parentNode.tagName && i.parentNode.disabled || n.push(i); return n } return s } function z(e, t) { for (var i, s = [], n = t || e.selectedOptions, o = 0, r = n.length; o < r; o++)(i = n[o]).disabled || "OPTGROUP" === i.parentNode.tagName && i.parentNode.disabled || s.push(i.value); return e.multiple ? s : s.length ? s[0] : null } i = null, String.prototype.startsWith || (t = function () { try { var e = {}, t = Object.defineProperty, i = t(e, e, e) && t } catch (e) { } return i }(), c = {}.toString, t ? t(String.prototype, "startsWith", { value: h, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) : String.prototype.startsWith = h), Object.keys || (Object.keys = function (e, t, i) { for (t in i = [], e), t) && i.push(t); return i }), HTMLSelectElement && !HTMLSelectElement.prototype.hasOwnProperty("selectedOptions") && Object.defineProperty(HTMLSelectElement.prototype, "selectedOptions", { get: function () { return this.querySelectorAll(":checked") } }); var p = { useDefault: !1, _set: }; = function (e, t) { return t && !p.useDefault && P(e).data("selected", !0), p._set.apply(this, arguments) }; var T = null, u = function () { try { return new Event("change"), !0 } catch (e) { return !1 } }(); function k(e, t, i, s) { for (var n = ["display", "subtext", "tokens"], o = !1, r = 0; r < n.length; r++) { var l = n[r], a = e[l]; if (a && (a = a.toString(), "display" === l && (a = a.replace(/<[^>]+>/g, "")), s && (a = w(a)), a = a.toUpperCase(), o = "contains" === i ? 0 <= a.indexOf(t) : a.startsWith(t))) break } return o } function N(e) { return parseInt(e, 10) || 0 } P.fn.triggerNative = function (e) { var t, i = this[0]; i.dispatchEvent ? (u ? t = new Event(e, { bubbles: !0 }) : (t = document.createEvent("Event")).initEvent(e, !0, !1), i.dispatchEvent(t)) : i.fireEvent ? ((t = document.createEventObject()).eventType = e, i.fireEvent("on" + e, t)) : this.trigger(e) }; var f = { "\xc0": "A", "\xc1": "A", "\xc2": "A", "\xc3": "A", "\xc4": "A", "\xc5": "A", "\xe0": "a", "\xe1": "a", "\xe2": "a", "\xe3": "a", "\xe4": "a", "\xe5": "a", "\xc7": "C", "\xe7": "c", "\xd0": "D", "\xf0": "d", "\xc8": "E", "\xc9": "E", "\xca": "E", "\xcb": "E", "\xe8": "e", "\xe9": "e", "\xea": "e", "\xeb": "e", "\xcc": "I", "\xcd": "I", "\xce": "I", "\xcf": "I", "\xec": "i", "\xed": "i", "\xee": "i", "\xef": "i", "\xd1": "N", "\xf1": "n", "\xd2": "O", "\xd3": "O", "\xd4": "O", "\xd5": "O", "\xd6": "O", "\xd8": "O", "\xf2": "o", "\xf3": "o", "\xf4": "o", "\xf5": "o", "\xf6": "o", "\xf8": "o", "\xd9": "U", "\xda": "U", "\xdb": "U", "\xdc": "U", "\xf9": "u", "\xfa": "u", "\xfb": "u", "\xfc": "u", "\xdd": "Y", "\xfd": "y", "\xff": "y", "\xc6": "Ae", "\xe6": "ae", "\xde": "Th", "\xfe": "th", "\xdf": "ss", "\u0100": "A", "\u0102": "A", "\u0104": "A", "\u0101": "a", "\u0103": "a", "\u0105": "a", "\u0106": "C", "\u0108": "C", "\u010a": "C", "\u010c": "C", "\u0107": "c", "\u0109": "c", "\u010b": "c", "\u010d": "c", "\u010e": "D", "\u0110": "D", "\u010f": "d", "\u0111": "d", "\u0112": "E", "\u0114": "E", "\u0116": "E", "\u0118": "E", "\u011a": "E", "\u0113": "e", "\u0115": "e", "\u0117": "e", "\u0119": "e", "\u011b": "e", "\u011c": "G", "\u011e": "G", "\u0120": "G", "\u0122": "G", "\u011d": "g", "\u011f": "g", "\u0121": "g", "\u0123": "g", "\u0124": "H", "\u0126": "H", "\u0125": "h", "\u0127": "h", "\u0128": "I", "\u012a": "I", "\u012c": "I", "\u012e": "I", "\u0130": "I", "\u0129": "i", "\u012b": "i", "\u012d": "i", "\u012f": "i", "\u0131": "i", "\u0134": "J", "\u0135": "j", "\u0136": "K", "\u0137": "k", "\u0138": "k", "\u0139": "L", "\u013b": "L", "\u013d": "L", "\u013f": "L", "\u0141": "L", "\u013a": "l", "\u013c": "l", "\u013e": "l", "\u0140": "l", "\u0142": "l", "\u0143": "N", "\u0145": "N", "\u0147": "N", "\u014a": "N", "\u0144": "n", "\u0146": "n", "\u0148": "n", "\u014b": "n", "\u014c": "O", "\u014e": "O", "\u0150": "O", "\u014d": "o", "\u014f": "o", "\u0151": "o", "\u0154": "R", "\u0156": "R", "\u0158": "R", "\u0155": "r", "\u0157": "r", "\u0159": "r", "\u015a": "S", "\u015c": "S", "\u015e": "S", "\u0160": "S", "\u015b": "s", "\u015d": "s", "\u015f": "s", "\u0161": "s", "\u0162": "T", "\u0164": "T", "\u0166": "T", "\u0163": "t", "\u0165": "t", "\u0167": "t", "\u0168": "U", "\u016a": "U", "\u016c": "U", "\u016e": "U", "\u0170": "U", "\u0172": "U", "\u0169": "u", "\u016b": "u", "\u016d": "u", "\u016f": "u", "\u0171": "u", "\u0173": "u", "\u0174": "W", "\u0175": "w", "\u0176": "Y", "\u0177": "y", "\u0178": "Y", "\u0179": "Z", "\u017b": "Z", "\u017d": "Z", "\u017a": "z", "\u017c": "z", "\u017e": "z", "\u0132": "IJ", "\u0133": "ij", "\u0152": "Oe", "\u0153": "oe", "\u0149": "'n", "\u017f": "s" }, m = /[\xc0-\xd6\xd8-\xf6\xf8-\xff\u0100-\u017f]/g, g = RegExp("[\\u0300-\\u036f\\ufe20-\\ufe2f\\u20d0-\\u20ff\\u1ab0-\\u1aff\\u1dc0-\\u1dff]", "g"); function b(e) { return f[e] } function w(e) { return (e = e.toString()) && e.replace(m, b).replace(g, "") } var I, x, y, $, S = (I = { "&": "&amp;", "<": "&lt;", ">": "&gt;", '"': "&quot;", "'": "&#x27;", "`": "&#x60;" }, x = "(?:" + Object.keys(I).join("|") + ")", y = RegExp(x), $ = RegExp(x, "g"), function (e) { return e = null == e ? "" : "" + e, y.test(e) ? e.replace($, E) : e }); function E(e) { return I[e] } var C = { 32: " ", 48: "0", 49: "1", 50: "2", 51: "3", 52: "4", 53: "5", 54: "6", 55: "7", 56: "8", 57: "9", 59: ";", 65: "A", 66: "B", 67: "C", 68: "D", 69: "E", 70: "F", 71: "G", 72: "H", 73: "I", 74: "J", 75: "K", 76: "L", 77: "M", 78: "N", 79: "O", 80: "P", 81: "Q", 82: "R", 83: "S", 84: "T", 85: "U", 86: "V", 87: "W", 88: "X", 89: "Y", 90: "Z", 96: "0", 97: "1", 98: "2", 99: "3", 100: "4", 101: "5", 102: "6", 103: "7", 104: "8", 105: "9" }, A = 27, L = 13, D = 32, H = 9, B = 38, R = 40, M = { success: !1, major: "3" }; try { M.full = (P.fn.dropdown.Constructor.VERSION || "").split(" ")[0].split("."), M.major = M.full[0], M.success = !0 } catch (e) { } var U = 0, j = "", V = { DISABLED: "disabled", DIVIDER: "divider", SHOW: "open", DROPUP: "dropup", MENU: "dropdown-menu", MENURIGHT: "dropdown-menu-right", MENULEFT: "dropdown-menu-left", BUTTONCLASS: "btn-default", POPOVERHEADER: "popover-title", ICONBASE: "glyphicon", TICKICON: "glyphicon-ok" }, F = { MENU: "." + V.MENU }, _ = { div: document.createElement("div"), span: document.createElement("span"), i: document.createElement("i"), subtext: document.createElement("small"), a: document.createElement("a"), li: document.createElement("li"), whitespace: document.createTextNode("\xa0"), fragment: document.createDocumentFragment() }; _.noResults =!1), _.noResults.className = "no-results", _.a.setAttribute("role", "option"), _.a.className = "dropdown-item", _.subtext.className = "text-muted", _.text = _.span.cloneNode(!1), _.text.className = "text", _.checkMark = _.span.cloneNode(!1); var G = new RegExp(B + "|" + R), q = new RegExp("^" + H + "$|" + A), K = { li: function (e, t, i) { var s =!1); return e && (1 === e.nodeType || 11 === e.nodeType ? s.appendChild(e) : s.innerHTML = e), void 0 !== t && "" !== t && (s.className = t), null != i && s.classList.add("optgroup-" + i), s }, a: function (e, t, i) { var s = _.a.cloneNode(!0); return e && (11 === e.nodeType ? s.appendChild(e) : s.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", e)), void 0 !== t && "" !== t && s.classList.add.apply(s.classList, t.split(/\s+/)), i && s.setAttribute("style", i), s }, text: function (e, t) { var i, s, n = _.text.cloneNode(!1); if (e.content) n.innerHTML = e.content; else { if (n.textContent = e.text, e.icon) { var o = _.whitespace.cloneNode(!1); (s = (!0 === t ? _.i : _.span).cloneNode(!1)).className = this.options.iconBase + " " + e.icon, _.fragment.appendChild(s), _.fragment.appendChild(o) } e.subtext && ((i = _.subtext.cloneNode(!1)).textContent = e.subtext, n.appendChild(i)) } if (!0 === t) for (; 0 < n.childNodes.length;)_.fragment.appendChild(n.childNodes[0]); else _.fragment.appendChild(n); return _.fragment }, label: function (e) { var t, i, s = _.text.cloneNode(!1); if (s.innerHTML = e.display, e.icon) { var n = _.whitespace.cloneNode(!1); (i = _.span.cloneNode(!1)).className = this.options.iconBase + " " + e.icon, _.fragment.appendChild(i), _.fragment.appendChild(n) } return e.subtext && ((t = _.subtext.cloneNode(!1)).textContent = e.subtext, s.appendChild(t)), _.fragment.appendChild(s), _.fragment } }; var Y = function (e, t) { var i = this; p.useDefault || ( = p._set, p.useDefault = !0), this.$element = P(e), this.$newElement = null, this.$button = null, this.$menu = null, this.options = t, this.selectpicker = { main: {}, search: {}, current: {}, view: {}, isSearching: !1, keydown: { keyHistory: "", resetKeyHistory: { start: function () { return setTimeout(function () { i.selectpicker.keydown.keyHistory = "" }, 800) } } } }, this.sizeInfo = {}, null === this.options.title && (this.options.title = this.$element.attr("title")); var s = this.options.windowPadding; "number" == typeof s && (this.options.windowPadding = [s, s, s, s]), this.val = Y.prototype.val, this.render = Y.prototype.render, this.refresh = Y.prototype.refresh, this.setStyle = Y.prototype.setStyle, this.selectAll = Y.prototype.selectAll, this.deselectAll = Y.prototype.deselectAll, this.destroy = Y.prototype.destroy, this.remove = Y.prototype.remove, =, this.hide = Y.prototype.hide, this.init() }; function Z(e) { var l, a = arguments, c = e; if ([].shift.apply(a), !M.success) { try { M.full = (P.fn.dropdown.Constructor.VERSION || "").split(" ")[0].split(".") } catch (e) { Y.BootstrapVersion ? M.full = Y.BootstrapVersion.split(" ")[0].split(".") : (M.full = [M.major, "0", "0"], console.warn("There was an issue retrieving Bootstrap's version. Ensure Bootstrap is being loaded before bootstrap-select and there is no namespace collision. If loading Bootstrap asynchronously, the version may need to be manually specified via $.fn.selectpicker.Constructor.BootstrapVersion.", e)) } M.major = M.full[0], M.success = !0 } if ("4" === M.major) { var t = []; === V.BUTTONCLASS && t.push({ name: "style", className: "BUTTONCLASS" }), Y.DEFAULTS.iconBase === V.ICONBASE && t.push({ name: "iconBase", className: "ICONBASE" }), Y.DEFAULTS.tickIcon === V.TICKICON && t.push({ name: "tickIcon", className: "TICKICON" }), V.DIVIDER = "dropdown-divider", V.SHOW = "show", V.BUTTONCLASS = "btn-light", V.POPOVERHEADER = "popover-header", V.ICONBASE = "", V.TICKICON = "bs-ok-default"; for (var i = 0; i < t.length; i++) { e = t[i]; Y.DEFAULTS[] = V[e.className] } } var s = this.each(function () { var e = P(this); if ("select")) { var t ="selectpicker"), i = "object" == typeof c && c; if (t) { if (i) for (var s in i), s) && (t.options[s] = i[s]) } else { var n =; for (var o in n), o) && -1 !== P.inArray(o, d) && delete n[o]; var r = P.extend({}, Y.DEFAULTS, P.fn.selectpicker.defaults || {}, n, i); r.template = P.extend({}, Y.DEFAULTS.template, P.fn.selectpicker.defaults ? P.fn.selectpicker.defaults.template : {}, n.template, i.template),"selectpicker", t = new Y(this, r)) } "string" == typeof c && (l = t[c] instanceof Function ? t[c].apply(t, a) : t.options[c]) } }); return void 0 !== l ? l : s } Y.VERSION = "1.13.18", Y.DEFAULTS = { noneSelectedText: "Nothing selected", noneResultsText: "No results matched {0}", countSelectedText: function (e, t) { return 1 == e ? "{0} item selected" : "{0} items selected" }, maxOptionsText: function (e, t) { return [1 == e ? "Limit reached ({n} item max)" : "Limit reached ({n} items max)", 1 == t ? "Group limit reached ({n} item max)" : "Group limit reached ({n} items max)"] }, selectAllText: "Select All", deselectAllText: "Deselect All", doneButton: !1, doneButtonText: "Close", multipleSeparator: ", ", styleBase: "btn", style: V.BUTTONCLASS, size: "auto", title: null, selectedTextFormat: "values", width: !1, container: !1, hideDisabled: !1, showSubtext: !1, showIcon: !0, showContent: !0, dropupAuto: !0, header: !1, liveSearch: !1, liveSearchPlaceholder: null, liveSearchNormalize: !1, liveSearchStyle: "contains", actionsBox: !1, iconBase: V.ICONBASE, tickIcon: V.TICKICON, showTick: !1, template: { caret: '<span class="caret"></span>' }, maxOptions: !1, mobile: !1, selectOnTab: !1, dropdownAlignRight: !1, windowPadding: 0, virtualScroll: 600, display: !1, sanitize: !0, sanitizeFn: null, whiteList: e }, Y.prototype = { constructor: Y, init: function () { var i = this, e = this.$element.attr("id"), t = this.$element[0], s = t.form; U++, this.selectId = "bs-select-" + U, t.classList.add("bs-select-hidden"), this.multiple = this.$element.prop("multiple"), this.autofocus = this.$element.prop("autofocus"), t.classList.contains("show-tick") && (this.options.showTick = !0), this.$newElement = this.createDropdown(), this.buildData(), this.$element.after(this.$newElement).prependTo(this.$newElement), s && null === t.form && ( || ( = "form-" + this.selectId), t.setAttribute("form",, this.$button = this.$newElement.children("button"), this.$menu = this.$newElement.children(F.MENU), this.$menuInner = this.$menu.children(".inner"), this.$searchbox = this.$menu.find("input"), t.classList.remove("bs-select-hidden"), !0 === this.options.dropdownAlignRight && this.$menu[0].classList.add(V.MENURIGHT), void 0 !== e && this.$button.attr("data-id", e), this.checkDisabled(), this.clickListener(), this.options.liveSearch ? (this.liveSearchListener(), this.focusedParent = this.$searchbox[0]) : this.focusedParent = this.$menuInner[0], this.setStyle(), this.render(), this.setWidth(), this.options.container ? this.selectPosition() : this.$element.on("hide" + j, function () { if (i.isVirtual()) { var e = i.$menuInner[0], t = e.firstChild.cloneNode(!1); e.replaceChild(t, e.firstChild), e.scrollTop = 0 } }), this.$"this", this), this.$"this", this), &&, this.$newElement.on({ "": function (e) { i.$element.trigger("hide" + j, e) }, "": function (e) { i.$element.trigger("hidden" + j, e) }, "": function (e) { i.$element.trigger("show" + j, e) }, "": function (e) { i.$element.trigger("shown" + j, e) } }), t.hasAttribute("required") && this.$element.on("invalid" + j, function () { i.$button[0].classList.add("bs-invalid"), i.$element.on("shown" + j + ".invalid", function () { i.$element.val(i.$element.val()).off("shown" + j + ".invalid") }).on("rendered" + j, function () { this.validity.valid && i.$button[0].classList.remove("bs-invalid"), i.$"rendered" + j) }), i.$button.on("blur" + j, function () { i.$element.trigger("focus").trigger("blur"), i.$"blur" + j) }) }), setTimeout(function () { i.buildList(), i.$element.trigger("loaded" + j) }) }, createDropdown: function () { var e = this.multiple || this.options.showTick ? " show-tick" : "", t = this.multiple ? ' aria-multiselectable="true"' : "", i = "", s = this.autofocus ? " autofocus" : ""; M.major < 4 && this.$element.parent().hasClass("input-group") && (i = " input-group-btn"); var n, o = "", r = "", l = "", a = ""; return this.options.header && (o = '<div class="' + V.POPOVERHEADER + '"><button type="button" class="close" aria-hidden="true">&times;</button>' + this.options.header + "</div>"), this.options.liveSearch && (r = '<div class="bs-searchbox"><input type="search" class="form-control" autocomplete="off"' + (null === this.options.liveSearchPlaceholder ? "" : ' placeholder="' + S(this.options.liveSearchPlaceholder) + '"') + ' role="combobox" aria-label="Search" aria-controls="' + this.selectId + '" aria-autocomplete="list"></div>'), this.multiple && this.options.actionsBox && (l = '<div class="bs-actionsbox"><div class="btn-group btn-group-sm btn-block"><button type="button" class="actions-btn bs-select-all btn ' + V.BUTTONCLASS + '">' + this.options.selectAllText + '</button><button type="button" class="actions-btn bs-deselect-all btn ' + V.BUTTONCLASS + '">' + this.options.deselectAllText + "</button></div></div>"), this.multiple && this.options.doneButton && (a = '<div class="bs-donebutton"><div class="btn-group btn-block"><button type="button" class="btn btn-sm ' + V.BUTTONCLASS + '">' + this.options.doneButtonText + "</button></div></div>"), n = '<div class="dropdown bootstrap-select' + e + i + '"><button type="button" tabindex="-1" class="' + this.options.styleBase + ' dropdown-toggle" ' + ("static" === this.options.display ? 'data-display="static"' : "") + 'data-toggle="dropdown"' + s + ' role="combobox" aria-owns="' + this.selectId + '" aria-haspopup="listbox" aria-expanded="false"><div class="filter-option"><div class="filter-option-inner"><div class="filter-option-inner-inner"></div></div> </div>' + ("4" === M.major ? "" : '<span class="bs-caret">' + this.options.template.caret + "</span>") + '</button><div class="' + V.MENU + " " + ("4" === M.major ? "" : V.SHOW) + '">' + o + r + l + '<div class="inner ' + V.SHOW + '" role="listbox" id="' + this.selectId + '" tabindex="-1" ' + t + '><ul class="' + V.MENU + " inner " + ("4" === M.major ? V.SHOW : "") + '" role="presentation"></ul></div>' + a + "</div></div>", P(n) }, setPositionData: function () { this.selectpicker.view.canHighlight = [], this.selectpicker.view.size = 0, this.selectpicker.view.firstHighlightIndex = !1; for (var e = 0; e <; e++) { var t =[e], i = !0; "divider" === t.type ? (i = !1, t.height = this.sizeInfo.dividerHeight) : "optgroup-label" === t.type ? (i = !1, t.height = this.sizeInfo.dropdownHeaderHeight) : t.height = this.sizeInfo.liHeight, t.disabled && (i = !1), this.selectpicker.view.canHighlight.push(i), i && (this.selectpicker.view.size++, t.posinset = this.selectpicker.view.size, !1 === this.selectpicker.view.firstHighlightIndex && (this.selectpicker.view.firstHighlightIndex = e)), t.position = (0 === e ? 0 :[e - 1].position) + t.height } }, isVirtual: function () { return !1 !== this.options.virtualScroll && this.selectpicker.main.elements.length >= this.options.virtualScroll || !0 === this.options.virtualScroll }, createView: function (N, e, t) { var A, L, D = this, i = 0, H = []; if (this.selectpicker.isSearching = N, this.selectpicker.current = N ? : this.selectpicker.main, this.setPositionData(), e) if (t) i = this.$menuInner[0].scrollTop; else if (!D.multiple) { var s = D.$element[0], n = (s.options[s.selectedIndex] || {}).liIndex; if ("number" == typeof n && !1 !== D.options.size) { var o =[n], r = o && o.position; r && (i = r - (D.sizeInfo.menuInnerHeight + D.sizeInfo.liHeight) / 2) } } function l(e, t) { var i, s, n, o, r, l, a, c, d = D.selectpicker.current.elements.length, h = [], p = !0, u = D.isVirtual(); D.selectpicker.view.scrollTop = e, i = Math.ceil(D.sizeInfo.menuInnerHeight / D.sizeInfo.liHeight * 1.5), s = Math.round(d / i) || 1; for (var f = 0; f < s; f++) { var m = (f + 1) * i; if (f === s - 1 && (m = d), h[f] = [f * i + (f ? 1 : 0), m], !d) break; void 0 === r && e - 1 <=[m - 1].position - D.sizeInfo.menuInnerHeight && (r = f) } if (void 0 === r && (r = 0), l = [D.selectpicker.view.position0, D.selectpicker.view.position1], n = Math.max(0, r - 1), o = Math.min(s - 1, r + 1), D.selectpicker.view.position0 = !1 === u ? 0 : Math.max(0, h[n][0]) || 0, D.selectpicker.view.position1 = !1 === u ? d : Math.min(d, h[o][1]) || 0, a = l[0] !== D.selectpicker.view.position0 || l[1] !== D.selectpicker.view.position1, void 0 !== D.activeIndex && (L = D.selectpicker.main.elements[D.prevActiveIndex], H = D.selectpicker.main.elements[D.activeIndex], A = D.selectpicker.main.elements[D.selectedIndex], t && (D.activeIndex !== D.selectedIndex && D.defocusItem(H), D.activeIndex = void 0), D.activeIndex && D.activeIndex !== D.selectedIndex && D.defocusItem(A)), void 0 !== D.prevActiveIndex && D.prevActiveIndex !== D.activeIndex && D.prevActiveIndex !== D.selectedIndex && D.defocusItem(L), (t || a) && (c = D.selectpicker.view.visibleElements ? D.selectpicker.view.visibleElements.slice() : [], D.selectpicker.view.visibleElements = !1 === u ? D.selectpicker.current.elements : D.selectpicker.current.elements.slice(D.selectpicker.view.position0, D.selectpicker.view.position1), D.setOptionStatus(), (N || !1 === u && t) && (p = !function (e, i) { return e.length === i.length && e.every(function (e, t) { return e === i[t] }) }(c, D.selectpicker.view.visibleElements)), (t || !0 === u) && p)) { var v, g, b = D.$menuInner[0], w = document.createDocumentFragment(), I = b.firstChild.cloneNode(!1), x = D.selectpicker.view.visibleElements, k = []; b.replaceChild(I, b.firstChild); f = 0; for (var y = x.length; f < y; f++) { var $, S, E = x[f]; D.options.sanitize && ($ = E.lastChild) && (S =[f + D.selectpicker.view.position0]) && S.content && !S.sanitized && (k.push($), S.sanitized = !0), w.appendChild(E) } if (D.options.sanitize && k.length && W(k, D.options.whiteList, D.options.sanitizeFn), !0 === u ? (v = 0 === D.selectpicker.view.position0 ? 0 :[D.selectpicker.view.position0 - 1].position, g = D.selectpicker.view.position1 > d - 1 ? 0 :[d - 1].position -[D.selectpicker.view.position1 - 1].position, = v + "px", = g + "px") : ( = 0, = 0), b.firstChild.appendChild(w), !0 === u && D.sizeInfo.hasScrollBar) { var C = b.firstChild.offsetWidth; if (t && C < D.sizeInfo.menuInnerInnerWidth && D.sizeInfo.totalMenuWidth > D.sizeInfo.selectWidth) = D.sizeInfo.menuInnerInnerWidth + "px"; else if (C > D.sizeInfo.menuInnerInnerWidth) { D.$menu[0].style.minWidth = 0; var O = b.firstChild.offsetWidth; O > D.sizeInfo.menuInnerInnerWidth && (D.sizeInfo.menuInnerInnerWidth = O, = D.sizeInfo.menuInnerInnerWidth + "px"), D.$menu[0].style.minWidth = "" } } } if (D.prevActiveIndex = D.activeIndex, D.options.liveSearch) { if (N && t) { var z, T = 0; D.selectpicker.view.canHighlight[T] || (T = 1 + D.selectpicker.view.canHighlight.slice(1).indexOf(!0)), z = D.selectpicker.view.visibleElements[T], D.defocusItem(D.selectpicker.view.currentActive), D.activeIndex = ([T] || {}).index, D.focusItem(z) } } else D.$menuInner.trigger("focus") } l(i, !0), this.$"scroll.createView").on("scroll.createView", function (e, t) { D.noScroll || l(this.scrollTop, t), D.noScroll = !1 }), P(window).off("resize" + j + "." + this.selectId + ".createView").on("resize" + j + "." + this.selectId + ".createView", function () { D.$newElement.hasClass(V.SHOW) && l(D.$menuInner[0].scrollTop) }) }, focusItem: function (e, t, i) { if (e) { t = t ||[this.activeIndex]; var s = e.firstChild; s && (s.setAttribute("aria-setsize", this.selectpicker.view.size), s.setAttribute("aria-posinset", t.posinset), !0 !== i && (this.focusedParent.setAttribute("aria-activedescendant",, e.classList.add("active"), s.classList.add("active"))) } }, defocusItem: function (e) { e && (e.classList.remove("active"), e.firstChild && e.firstChild.classList.remove("active")) }, setPlaceholder: function () { var e = this, t = !1; if (this.options.title && !this.multiple) { this.selectpicker.view.titleOption || (this.selectpicker.view.titleOption = document.createElement("option")), t = !0; var i = this.$element[0], s = !1, n = !this.selectpicker.view.titleOption.parentNode, o = i.selectedIndex, r = i.options[o], l = window.performance && window.performance.getEntriesByType("navigation"), a = l && l.length ? "back_forward" !== l[0].type : 2 !== window.performance.navigation.type; n && (this.selectpicker.view.titleOption.className = "bs-title-option", this.selectpicker.view.titleOption.value = "", s = !r || 0 === o && !1 === r.defaultSelected && void 0 === this.$"selected")), !n && 0 === this.selectpicker.view.titleOption.index || i.insertBefore(this.selectpicker.view.titleOption, i.firstChild), s && a ? i.selectedIndex = 0 : "complete" !== document.readyState && window.addEventListener("pageshow", function () { e.selectpicker.view.displayedValue !== i.value && e.render() }) } return t }, buildData: function () { var p = ':not([hidden]):not([data-hidden="true"])', u = [], f = 0, m = this.setPlaceholder() ? 1 : 0; this.options.hideDisabled && (p += ":not(:disabled)"); var e = this.$element[0].querySelectorAll("select > *" + p); function v(e) { var t = u[u.length - 1]; t && "divider" === t.type && (t.optID || e.optID) || ((e = e || {}).type = "divider", u.push(e)) } function g(e, t) { if ((t = t || {}).divider = "true" === e.getAttribute("data-divider"), t.divider) v({ optID: t.optID }); else { var i = u.length, s =, n = s ? S(s) : "", o = (e.className || "") + (t.optgroupClass || ""); t.optID && (o = "opt " + o), t.optionClass = o.trim(), t.inlineStyle = n, t.text = e.textContent, t.content = e.getAttribute("data-content"), t.tokens = e.getAttribute("data-tokens"), t.subtext = e.getAttribute("data-subtext"), t.icon = e.getAttribute("data-icon"), e.liIndex = i, t.display = t.content || t.text, t.type = "option", t.index = i, t.option = e, t.selected = !!e.selected, t.disabled = t.disabled || !!e.disabled, u.push(t) } } function t(e, t) { var i = t[e], s = !(e - 1 < m) && t[e - 1], n = t[e + 1], o = i.querySelectorAll("option" + p); if (o.length) { var r, l, a = { display: S(i.label), subtext: i.getAttribute("data-subtext"), icon: i.getAttribute("data-icon"), type: "optgroup-label", optgroupClass: " " + (i.className || "") }; f++, s && v({ optID: f }), a.optID = f, u.push(a); for (var c = 0, d = o.length; c < d; c++) { var h = o[c]; 0 === c && (l = (r = u.length - 1) + d), g(h, { headerIndex: r, lastIndex: l, optID: a.optID, optgroupClass: a.optgroupClass, disabled: i.disabled }) } n && v({ optID: f }) } } for (var i = e.length, s = m; s < i; s++) { var n = e[s]; "OPTGROUP" !== n.tagName ? g(n, {}) : t(s, e) } = = u }, buildList: function () { var s = this, e =, n = [], o = 0; function t(e) { var t, i = 0; switch (e.type) { case "divider": t =!1, V.DIVIDER, e.optID ? e.optID + "div" : void 0); break; case "option": (t =, e), e.optionClass, e.inlineStyle), "", e.optID)).firstChild && ( = s.selectId + "-" + e.index); break; case "optgroup-label": t =, e), "dropdown-header" + e.optgroupClass, e.optID) }e.element = t, n.push(t), e.display && (i += e.display.length), e.subtext && (i += e.subtext.length), e.icon && (i += 1), o < i && (o = i, s.selectpicker.view.widestOption = n[n.length - 1]) } !s.options.showTick && !s.multiple || _.checkMark.parentNode || (_.checkMark.className = this.options.iconBase + " " + s.options.tickIcon + " check-mark", _.a.appendChild(_.checkMark)); for (var i = e.length, r = 0; r < i; r++) { t(e[r]) } this.selectpicker.main.elements = this.selectpicker.current.elements = n }, findLis: function () { return this.$menuInner.find(".inner > li") }, render: function () { var e, t = this, i = this.$element[0], s = this.setPlaceholder() && 0 === i.selectedIndex, n = O(i, this.options.hideDisabled), o = n.length, r = this.$button[0], l = r.querySelector(".filter-option-inner-inner"), a = document.createTextNode(this.options.multipleSeparator), c = _.fragment.cloneNode(!1), d = !1; if (r.classList.toggle("bs-placeholder", t.multiple ? !o : !z(i, n)), t.multiple || 1 !== n.length || (t.selectpicker.view.displayedValue = z(i, n)), "static" === this.options.selectedTextFormat) c =, { text: this.options.title }, !0); else if (!1 === (this.multiple && -1 !== this.options.selectedTextFormat.indexOf("count") && 1 < o && (1 < (e = this.options.selectedTextFormat.split(">")).length && o > e[1] || 1 === e.length && 2 <= o))) { if (!s) { for (var h = 0; h < o && h < 50; h++) { var p = n[h], u =[p.liIndex], f = {}; this.multiple && 0 < h && c.appendChild(a.cloneNode(!1)), p.title ? f.text = p.title : u && (u.content && t.options.showContent ? (f.content = u.content.toString(), d = !0) : (t.options.showIcon && (f.icon = u.icon), t.options.showSubtext && !t.multiple && u.subtext && (f.subtext = " " + u.subtext), f.text = p.textContent.trim())), c.appendChild(, f, !0)) } 49 < o && c.appendChild(document.createTextNode("...")) } } else { var m = ':not([hidden]):not([data-hidden="true"]):not([data-divider="true"])'; this.options.hideDisabled && (m += ":not(:disabled)"); var v = this.$element[0].querySelectorAll("select > option" + m + ", optgroup" + m + " option" + m).length, g = "function" == typeof this.options.countSelectedText ? this.options.countSelectedText(o, v) : this.options.countSelectedText; c =, { text: g.replace("{0}", o.toString()).replace("{1}", v.toString()) }, !0) } if (null == this.options.title && (this.options.title = this.$element.attr("title")), c.childNodes.length || (c =, { text: void 0 !== this.options.title ? this.options.title : this.options.noneSelectedText }, !0)), r.title = c.textContent.replace(/<[^>]*>?/g, "").trim(), this.options.sanitize && d && W([c], t.options.whiteList, t.options.sanitizeFn), l.innerHTML = "", l.appendChild(c), M.major < 4 && this.$newElement[0].classList.contains("bs3-has-addon")) { var b = r.querySelector(".filter-expand"), w = l.cloneNode(!0); w.className = "filter-expand", b ? r.replaceChild(w, b) : r.appendChild(w) } this.$element.trigger("rendered" + j) }, setStyle: function (e, t) { var i, s = this.$button[0], n = this.$newElement[0], o =; this.$element.attr("class") && this.$newElement.addClass(this.$element.attr("class").replace(/selectpicker|mobile-device|bs-select-hidden|validate\[.*\]/gi, "")), M.major < 4 && (n.classList.add("bs3"), n.parentNode.classList && n.parentNode.classList.contains("input-group") && (n.previousElementSibling || n.nextElementSibling) && (n.previousElementSibling || n.nextElementSibling).classList.contains("input-group-addon") && n.classList.add("bs3-has-addon")), i = e ? e.trim() : o, "add" == t ? i && s.classList.add.apply(s.classList, i.split(" ")) : "remove" == t ? i && s.classList.remove.apply(s.classList, i.split(" ")) : (o && s.classList.remove.apply(s.classList, o.split(" ")), i && s.classList.add.apply(s.classList, i.split(" "))) }, liHeight: function (e) { if (e || !1 !== this.options.size && !Object.keys(this.sizeInfo).length) { var t, i = _.div.cloneNode(!1), s = _.div.cloneNode(!1), n = _.div.cloneNode(!1), o = document.createElement("ul"), r =!1), l =!1), a = _.a.cloneNode(!1), c = _.span.cloneNode(!1), d = this.options.header && 0 < this.$menu.find("." + V.POPOVERHEADER).length ? this.$menu.find("." + V.POPOVERHEADER)[0].cloneNode(!0) : null, h = this.options.liveSearch ? _.div.cloneNode(!1) : null, p = this.options.actionsBox && this.multiple && 0 < this.$menu.find(".bs-actionsbox").length ? this.$menu.find(".bs-actionsbox")[0].cloneNode(!0) : null, u = this.options.doneButton && this.multiple && 0 < this.$menu.find(".bs-donebutton").length ? this.$menu.find(".bs-donebutton")[0].cloneNode(!0) : null, f = this.$element.find("option")[0]; if (this.sizeInfo.selectWidth = this.$newElement[0].offsetWidth, c.className = "text", a.className = "dropdown-item " + (f ? f.className : ""), i.className = this.$menu[0].parentNode.className + " " + V.SHOW, = 0, "auto" === this.options.width && ( = 0), s.className = V.MENU + " " + V.SHOW, n.className = "inner " + V.SHOW, o.className = V.MENU + " inner " + ("4" === M.major ? V.SHOW : ""), r.className = V.DIVIDER, l.className = "dropdown-header", c.appendChild(document.createTextNode("\u200b")), for (var m = 0; m <; m++) { var v =[m]; if ("option" === v.type) { t = v.element; break } } else t =!1), a.appendChild(c), t.appendChild(a); if (l.appendChild(c.cloneNode(!0)), this.selectpicker.view.widestOption && o.appendChild(this.selectpicker.view.widestOption.cloneNode(!0)), o.appendChild(t), o.appendChild(r), o.appendChild(l), d && s.appendChild(d), h) { var g = document.createElement("input"); h.className = "bs-searchbox", g.className = "form-control", h.appendChild(g), s.appendChild(h) } p && s.appendChild(p), n.appendChild(o), s.appendChild(n), u && s.appendChild(u), i.appendChild(s), document.body.appendChild(i); var b, w = t.offsetHeight, I = l ? l.offsetHeight : 0, x = d ? d.offsetHeight : 0, k = h ? h.offsetHeight : 0, y = p ? p.offsetHeight : 0, $ = u ? u.offsetHeight : 0, S = P(r).outerHeight(!0), E = !!window.getComputedStyle && window.getComputedStyle(s), C = s.offsetWidth, O = E ? null : P(s), z = { vert: N(E ? E.paddingTop : O.css("paddingTop")) + N(E ? E.paddingBottom : O.css("paddingBottom")) + N(E ? E.borderTopWidth : O.css("borderTopWidth")) + N(E ? E.borderBottomWidth : O.css("borderBottomWidth")), horiz: N(E ? E.paddingLeft : O.css("paddingLeft")) + N(E ? E.paddingRight : O.css("paddingRight")) + N(E ? E.borderLeftWidth : O.css("borderLeftWidth")) + N(E ? E.borderRightWidth : O.css("borderRightWidth")) }, T = { vert: z.vert + N(E ? E.marginTop : O.css("marginTop")) + N(E ? E.marginBottom : O.css("marginBottom")) + 2, horiz: z.horiz + N(E ? E.marginLeft : O.css("marginLeft")) + N(E ? E.marginRight : O.css("marginRight")) + 2 }; = "scroll", b = s.offsetWidth - C, document.body.removeChild(i), this.sizeInfo.liHeight = w, this.sizeInfo.dropdownHeaderHeight = I, this.sizeInfo.headerHeight = x, this.sizeInfo.searchHeight = k, this.sizeInfo.actionsHeight = y, this.sizeInfo.doneButtonHeight = $, this.sizeInfo.dividerHeight = S, this.sizeInfo.menuPadding = z, this.sizeInfo.menuExtras = T, this.sizeInfo.menuWidth = C, this.sizeInfo.menuInnerInnerWidth = C - z.horiz, this.sizeInfo.totalMenuWidth = this.sizeInfo.menuWidth, this.sizeInfo.scrollBarWidth = b, this.sizeInfo.selectHeight = this.$newElement[0].offsetHeight, this.setPositionData() } }, getSelectPosition: function () { var e, t = P(window), i = this.$newElement.offset(), s = P(this.options.container); this.options.container && s.length && !"body") ? ((e = s.offset()).top += parseInt(s.css("borderTopWidth")), e.left += parseInt(s.css("borderLeftWidth"))) : e = { top: 0, left: 0 }; var n = this.options.windowPadding; this.sizeInfo.selectOffsetTop = - - t.scrollTop(), this.sizeInfo.selectOffsetBot = t.height() - this.sizeInfo.selectOffsetTop - this.sizeInfo.selectHeight - - n[2], this.sizeInfo.selectOffsetLeft = i.left - e.left - t.scrollLeft(), this.sizeInfo.selectOffsetRight = t.width() - this.sizeInfo.selectOffsetLeft - this.sizeInfo.selectWidth - e.left - n[1], this.sizeInfo.selectOffsetTop -= n[0], this.sizeInfo.selectOffsetLeft -= n[3] }, setMenuSize: function (e) { this.getSelectPosition(); var t, i, s, n, o, r, l, a, c = this.sizeInfo.selectWidth, d = this.sizeInfo.liHeight, h = this.sizeInfo.headerHeight, p = this.sizeInfo.searchHeight, u = this.sizeInfo.actionsHeight, f = this.sizeInfo.doneButtonHeight, m = this.sizeInfo.dividerHeight, v = this.sizeInfo.menuPadding, g = 0; if (this.options.dropupAuto && (l = d * this.selectpicker.current.elements.length + v.vert, a = this.sizeInfo.selectOffsetTop - this.sizeInfo.selectOffsetBot > this.sizeInfo.menuExtras.vert && l + this.sizeInfo.menuExtras.vert + 50 > this.sizeInfo.selectOffsetBot, !0 === this.selectpicker.isSearching && (a = this.selectpicker.dropup), this.$newElement.toggleClass(V.DROPUP, a), this.selectpicker.dropup = a), "auto" === this.options.size) n = 3 < this.selectpicker.current.elements.length ? 3 * this.sizeInfo.liHeight + this.sizeInfo.menuExtras.vert - 2 : 0, i = this.sizeInfo.selectOffsetBot - this.sizeInfo.menuExtras.vert, s = n + h + p + u + f, r = Math.max(n - v.vert, 0), this.$newElement.hasClass(V.DROPUP) && (i = this.sizeInfo.selectOffsetTop - this.sizeInfo.menuExtras.vert), t = (o = i) - h - p - u - f - v.vert; else if (this.options.size && "auto" != this.options.size && this.selectpicker.current.elements.length > this.options.size) { for (var b = 0; b < this.options.size; b++)"divider" ===[b].type && g++; t = (i = d * this.options.size + g * m + v.vert) - v.vert, o = i + h + p + u + f, s = r = "" } this.$menu.css({ "max-height": o + "px", overflow: "hidden", "min-height": s + "px" }), this.$menuInner.css({ "max-height": t + "px", "overflow-y": "auto", "min-height": r + "px" }), this.sizeInfo.menuInnerHeight = Math.max(t, 1), &&[ - 1].position > this.sizeInfo.menuInnerHeight && (this.sizeInfo.hasScrollBar = !0, this.sizeInfo.totalMenuWidth = this.sizeInfo.menuWidth + this.sizeInfo.scrollBarWidth), "auto" === this.options.dropdownAlignRight && this.$menu.toggleClass(V.MENURIGHT, this.sizeInfo.selectOffsetLeft > this.sizeInfo.selectOffsetRight && this.sizeInfo.selectOffsetRight < this.sizeInfo.totalMenuWidth - c), this.dropdown && this.dropdown._popper && this.dropdown._popper.update() }, setSize: function (e) { if (this.liHeight(e), this.options.header && this.$menu.css("padding-top", 0), !1 !== this.options.size) { var t = this, i = P(window); this.setMenuSize(), this.options.liveSearch && this.$"input.setMenuSize propertychange.setMenuSize").on("input.setMenuSize propertychange.setMenuSize", function () { return t.setMenuSize() }), "auto" === this.options.size ?"resize" + j + "." + this.selectId + ".setMenuSize scroll" + j + "." + this.selectId + ".setMenuSize").on("resize" + j + "." + this.selectId + ".setMenuSize scroll" + j + "." + this.selectId + ".setMenuSize", function () { return t.setMenuSize() }) : this.options.size && "auto" != this.options.size && this.selectpicker.current.elements.length > this.options.size &&"resize" + j + "." + this.selectId + ".setMenuSize scroll" + j + "." + this.selectId + ".setMenuSize") } this.createView(!1, !0, e) }, setWidth: function () { var i = this; "auto" === this.options.width ? requestAnimationFrame(function () { i.$menu.css("min-width", "0"), i.$element.on("loaded" + j, function () { i.liHeight(), i.setMenuSize(); var e = i.$newElement.clone().appendTo("body"), t = e.css("width", "auto").children("button").outerWidth(); e.remove(), i.sizeInfo.selectWidth = Math.max(i.sizeInfo.totalMenuWidth, t), i.$newElement.css("width", i.sizeInfo.selectWidth + "px") }) }) : "fit" === this.options.width ? (this.$menu.css("min-width", ""), this.$newElement.css("width", "").addClass("fit-width")) : this.options.width ? (this.$menu.css("min-width", ""), this.$newElement.css("width", this.options.width)) : (this.$menu.css("min-width", ""), this.$newElement.css("width", "")), this.$newElement.hasClass("fit-width") && "fit" !== this.options.width && this.$newElement[0].classList.remove("fit-width") }, selectPosition: function () { this.$bsContainer = P('<div class="bs-container" />'); function e(e) { var t = {}, i = r.options.display || !!P.fn.dropdown.Constructor.Default && P.fn.dropdown.Constructor.Default.display; r.$bsContainer.addClass(e.attr("class").replace(/form-control|fit-width/gi, "")).toggleClass(V.DROPUP, e.hasClass(V.DROPUP)), s = e.offset(),"body") ? n = { top: 0, left: 0 } : ((n = l.offset()).top += parseInt(l.css("borderTopWidth")) - l.scrollTop(), n.left += parseInt(l.css("borderLeftWidth")) - l.scrollLeft()), o = e.hasClass(V.DROPUP) ? 0 : e[0].offsetHeight, (M.major < 4 || "static" === i) && ( = - + o, t.left = s.left - n.left), t.width = e[0].offsetWidth, r.$bsContainer.css(t) } var s, n, o, r = this, l = P(this.options.container); this.$button.on("", function () { r.isDisabled() || (e(r.$newElement), r.$bsContainer.appendTo(r.options.container).toggleClass(V.SHOW, !r.$button.hasClass(V.SHOW)).append(r.$menu)) }), P(window).off("resize" + j + "." + this.selectId + " scroll" + j + "." + this.selectId).on("resize" + j + "." + this.selectId + " scroll" + j + "." + this.selectId, function () { r.$newElement.hasClass(V.SHOW) && e(r.$newElement) }), this.$element.on("hide" + j, function () { r.$"height", r.$menu.height()), r.$bsContainer.detach() }) }, setOptionStatus: function (e) { var t = this; if (t.noScroll = !1, t.selectpicker.view.visibleElements && t.selectpicker.view.visibleElements.length) for (var i = 0; i < t.selectpicker.view.visibleElements.length; i++) { var s =[i + t.selectpicker.view.position0], n = s.option; n && (!0 !== e && t.setDisabled(s.index, s.disabled), t.setSelected(s.index, n.selected)) } }, setSelected: function (e, t) { var i, s, n = this.selectpicker.main.elements[e], o =[e], r = void 0 !== this.activeIndex, l = this.activeIndex === e || t && !this.multiple && !r; o.selected = t, s = n.firstChild, t && (this.selectedIndex = e), n.classList.toggle("selected", t), l ? (this.focusItem(n, o), this.selectpicker.view.currentActive = n, this.activeIndex = e) : this.defocusItem(n), s && (s.classList.toggle("selected", t), t ? s.setAttribute("aria-selected", !0) : this.multiple ? s.setAttribute("aria-selected", !1) : s.removeAttribute("aria-selected")), l || r || !t || void 0 === this.prevActiveIndex || (i = this.selectpicker.main.elements[this.prevActiveIndex], this.defocusItem(i)) }, setDisabled: function (e, t) { var i, s = this.selectpicker.main.elements[e];[e].disabled = t, i = s.firstChild, s.classList.toggle(V.DISABLED, t), i && ("4" === M.major && i.classList.toggle(V.DISABLED, t), t ? (i.setAttribute("aria-disabled", t), i.setAttribute("tabindex", -1)) : (i.removeAttribute("aria-disabled"), i.setAttribute("tabindex", 0))) }, isDisabled: function () { return this.$element[0].disabled }, checkDisabled: function () { this.isDisabled() ? (this.$newElement[0].classList.add(V.DISABLED), this.$button.addClass(V.DISABLED).attr("aria-disabled", !0)) : this.$button[0].classList.contains(V.DISABLED) && (this.$newElement[0].classList.remove(V.DISABLED), this.$button.removeClass(V.DISABLED).attr("aria-disabled", !1)) }, clickListener: function () { var C = this, t = P(document); function e() { C.options.liveSearch ? C.$searchbox.trigger("focus") : C.$menuInner.trigger("focus") } function i() { C.dropdown && C.dropdown._popper && C.dropdown._popper.state.isCreated ? e() : requestAnimationFrame(i) }"spaceSelect", !1), this.$button.on("keyup", function (e) { /(32)/.test(e.keyCode.toString(10)) &&"spaceSelect") && (e.preventDefault(),"spaceSelect", !1)) }), this.$newElement.on("", function () { 3 < M.major && !C.dropdown && (C.dropdown = C.$"bs.dropdown"), C.dropdown._menu = C.$menu[0]) }), this.$button.on("", function () { C.$newElement.hasClass(V.SHOW) || C.setSize() }), this.$element.on("shown" + j, function () { C.$menuInner[0].scrollTop !== C.selectpicker.view.scrollTop && (C.$menuInner[0].scrollTop = C.selectpicker.view.scrollTop), 3 < M.major ? requestAnimationFrame(i) : e() }), this.$menuInner.on("mouseenter", "li a", function (e) { var t = this.parentElement, i = C.isVirtual() ? C.selectpicker.view.position0 : 0, s =, t), n =[s + i]; C.focusItem(t, n, !0) }), this.$menuInner.on("click", "li a", function (e, t) { var i = P(this), s = C.$element[0], n = C.isVirtual() ? C.selectpicker.view.position0 : 0, o =[i.parent().index() + n], r = o.index, l = z(s), a = s.selectedIndex, c = s.options[a], d = !0; if (C.multiple && 1 !== C.options.maxOptions && e.stopPropagation(), e.preventDefault(), !C.isDisabled() && !i.parent().hasClass(V.DISABLED)) { var h = o.option, p = P(h), u = h.selected, f = p.parent("optgroup"), m = f.find("option"), v = C.options.maxOptions, g ="maxOptions") || !1; if (r === C.activeIndex && (t = !0), t || (C.prevActiveIndex = C.activeIndex, C.activeIndex = void 0), C.multiple) { if (h.selected = !u, C.setSelected(r, !u), C.focusedParent.focus(), !1 !== v || !1 !== g) { var b = v < O(s).length, w = g < f.find("option:selected").length; if (v && b || g && w) if (v && 1 == v) s.selectedIndex = -1, h.selected = !0, C.setOptionStatus(!0); else if (g && 1 == g) { for (var I = 0; I < m.length; I++) { var x = m[I]; x.selected = !1, C.setSelected(x.liIndex, !1) } h.selected = !0, C.setSelected(r, !0) } else { var k = "string" == typeof C.options.maxOptionsText ? [C.options.maxOptionsText, C.options.maxOptionsText] : C.options.maxOptionsText, y = "function" == typeof k ? k(v, g) : k, $ = y[0].replace("{n}", v), S = y[1].replace("{n}", g), E = P('<div class="notify"></div>'); y[2] && ($ = $.replace("{var}", y[2][1 < v ? 0 : 1]), S = S.replace("{var}", y[2][1 < g ? 0 : 1])), h.selected = !1, C.$menu.append(E), v && b && (E.append(P("<div>" + $ + "</div>")), d = !1, C.$element.trigger("maxReached" + j)), g && w && (E.append(P("<div>" + S + "</div>")), d = !1, C.$element.trigger("maxReachedGrp" + j)), setTimeout(function () { C.setSelected(r, !1) }, 10), E[0].classList.add("fadeOut"), setTimeout(function () { E.remove() }, 1050) } } } else c && (c.selected = !1), h.selected = !0, C.setSelected(r, !0); !C.multiple || C.multiple && 1 === C.options.maxOptions ? C.$button.trigger("focus") : C.options.liveSearch && C.$searchbox.trigger("focus"), d && (!C.multiple && a === s.selectedIndex || (T = [h.index, p.prop("selected"), l], C.$element.triggerNative("change"))) } }), this.$menu.on("click", "li." + V.DISABLED + " a, ." + V.POPOVERHEADER + ", ." + V.POPOVERHEADER + " :not(.close)", function (e) { e.currentTarget == this && (e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), C.options.liveSearch && !P("close") ? C.$searchbox.trigger("focus") : C.$button.trigger("focus")) }), this.$menuInner.on("click", ".divider, .dropdown-header", function (e) { e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), C.options.liveSearch ? C.$searchbox.trigger("focus") : C.$button.trigger("focus") }), this.$menu.on("click", "." + V.POPOVERHEADER + " .close", function () { C.$button.trigger("click") }), this.$searchbox.on("click", function (e) { e.stopPropagation() }), this.$menu.on("click", ".actions-btn", function (e) { C.options.liveSearch ? C.$searchbox.trigger("focus") : C.$button.trigger("focus"), e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), P(this).hasClass("bs-select-all") ? C.selectAll() : C.deselectAll() }), this.$button.on("focus" + j, function (e) { var t = C.$element[0].getAttribute("tabindex"); void 0 !== t && e.originalEvent && e.originalEvent.isTrusted && (this.setAttribute("tabindex", t), C.$element[0].setAttribute("tabindex", -1), C.selectpicker.view.tabindex = t) }).on("blur" + j, function (e) { void 0 !== C.selectpicker.view.tabindex && e.originalEvent && e.originalEvent.isTrusted && (C.$element[0].setAttribute("tabindex", C.selectpicker.view.tabindex), this.setAttribute("tabindex", -1), C.selectpicker.view.tabindex = void 0) }), this.$element.on("change" + j, function () { C.render(), C.$element.trigger("changed" + j, T), T = null }).on("focus" + j, function () { || C.$button[0].focus() }) }, liveSearchListener: function () { var u = this; this.$button.on("", function () { u.$searchbox.val() && (u.$searchbox.val(""), = void 0) }), this.$searchbox.on("", function (e) { e.stopPropagation() }), this.$searchbox.on("input propertychange", function () { var e = u.$searchbox[0].value; if ( = [], = [], e) { var t = [], i = e.toUpperCase(), s = {}, n = [], o = u._searchStyle(), r = u.options.liveSearchNormalize; r && (i = w(i)); for (var l = 0; l <; l++) { var a =[l]; s[l] || (s[l] = k(a, i, o, r)), s[l] && void 0 !== a.headerIndex && -1 === n.indexOf(a.headerIndex) && (0 < a.headerIndex && (s[a.headerIndex - 1] = !0, n.push(a.headerIndex - 1)), s[a.headerIndex] = !0, n.push(a.headerIndex), s[a.lastIndex + 1] = !0), s[l] && "optgroup-label" !== a.type && n.push(l) } l = 0; for (var c = n.length; l < c; l++) { var d = n[l], h = n[l - 1], p = (a =[d],[h]); ("divider" !== a.type || "divider" === a.type && p && "divider" !== p.type && c - 1 !== l) && (, t.push(u.selectpicker.main.elements[d])) } u.activeIndex = void 0, u.noScroll = !0, u.$menuInner.scrollTop(0), = t, u.createView(!0), function (e, t) { e.length || (_.noResults.innerHTML = this.options.noneResultsText.replace("{0}", '"' + S(t) + '"'), this.$menuInner[0].firstChild.appendChild(_.noResults)) }.call(u, t, e) } else && (u.$menuInner.scrollTop(0), u.createView(!1)); = e }) }, _searchStyle: function () { return this.options.liveSearchStyle || "contains" }, val: function (e) { var t = this.$element[0]; if (void 0 === e) return this.$element.val(); var i = z(t); if (T = [null, null, i], this.$element.val(e).trigger("changed" + j, T), this.$newElement.hasClass(V.SHOW)) if (this.multiple) this.setOptionStatus(!0); else { var s = (t.options[t.selectedIndex] || {}).liIndex; "number" == typeof s && (this.setSelected(this.selectedIndex, !1), this.setSelected(s, !0)) } return this.render(), T = null, this.$element }, changeAll: function (e) { if (this.multiple) { void 0 === e && (e = !0); var t = this.$element[0], i = 0, s = 0, n = z(t); t.classList.add("bs-select-hidden"); for (var o = 0, r =, l = r.length; o < l; o++) { var a = r[o], c = a.option; c && !a.disabled && "divider" !== a.type && (a.selected && i++, !0 === (c.selected = e) && s++) } t.classList.remove("bs-select-hidden"), i !== s && (this.setOptionStatus(), T = [null, null, n], this.$element.triggerNative("change")) } }, selectAll: function () { return this.changeAll(!0) }, deselectAll: function () { return this.changeAll(!1) }, toggle: function (e) { (e = e || window.event) && e.stopPropagation(), this.$button.trigger("") }, keydown: function (e) { var t, i, s, n, o, r = P(this), l = r.hasClass("dropdown-toggle"), a = (l ? r.closest(".dropdown") : r.closest(F.MENU)).data("this"), c = a.findLis(), d = !1, h = e.which === H && !l && !a.options.selectOnTab, p = G.test(e.which) || h, u = a.$menuInner[0].scrollTop, f = !0 === a.isVirtual() ? a.selectpicker.view.position0 : 0; if (!(112 <= e.which && e.which <= 123)) if (!(i = a.$newElement.hasClass(V.SHOW)) && (p || 48 <= e.which && e.which <= 57 || 96 <= e.which && e.which <= 105 || 65 <= e.which && e.which <= 90) && (a.$button.trigger(""), a.options.liveSearch)) a.$searchbox.trigger("focus"); else { if (e.which === A && i && (e.preventDefault(), a.$button.trigger("").trigger("focus")), p) { if (!c.length) return; -1 !== (t = (s = a.selectpicker.main.elements[a.activeIndex]) ?, s) : -1) && a.defocusItem(s), e.which === B ? (-1 !== t && t--, t + f < 0 && (t += c.length), a.selectpicker.view.canHighlight[t + f] || -1 === (t = a.selectpicker.view.canHighlight.slice(0, t + f).lastIndexOf(!0) - f) && (t = c.length - 1)) : e.which !== R && !h || (++t + f >= a.selectpicker.view.canHighlight.length && (t = a.selectpicker.view.firstHighlightIndex), a.selectpicker.view.canHighlight[t + f] || (t = t + 1 + a.selectpicker.view.canHighlight.slice(t + f + 1).indexOf(!0))), e.preventDefault(); var m = f + t; e.which === B ? 0 === f && t === c.length - 1 ? (a.$menuInner[0].scrollTop = a.$menuInner[0].scrollHeight, m = a.selectpicker.current.elements.length - 1) : d = (o = (n =[m]).position - n.height) < u : e.which !== R && !h || (t === a.selectpicker.view.firstHighlightIndex ? (a.$menuInner[0].scrollTop = 0, m = a.selectpicker.view.firstHighlightIndex) : d = u < (o = (n =[m]).position - a.sizeInfo.menuInnerHeight)), s = a.selectpicker.current.elements[m], a.activeIndex =[m].index, a.focusItem(s), a.selectpicker.view.currentActive = s, d && (a.$menuInner[0].scrollTop = o), a.options.liveSearch ? a.$searchbox.trigger("focus") : r.trigger("focus") } else if (!"input") && !q.test(e.which) || e.which === D && a.selectpicker.keydown.keyHistory) { var v, g, b = []; e.preventDefault(), a.selectpicker.keydown.keyHistory += C[e.which], a.selectpicker.keydown.resetKeyHistory.cancel && clearTimeout(a.selectpicker.keydown.resetKeyHistory.cancel), a.selectpicker.keydown.resetKeyHistory.cancel = a.selectpicker.keydown.resetKeyHistory.start(), g = a.selectpicker.keydown.keyHistory, /^(.)\1+$/.test(g) && (g = g.charAt(0)); for (var w = 0; w <; w++) { var I =[w]; k(I, g, "startsWith", !0) && a.selectpicker.view.canHighlight[w] && b.push(I.index) } if (b.length) { var x = 0; c.removeClass("active").find("a").removeClass("active"), 1 === g.length && (-1 === (x = b.indexOf(a.activeIndex)) || x === b.length - 1 ? x = 0 : x++), v = b[x], d = 0 < u - (n =[v]).position ? (o = n.position - n.height, !0) : (o = n.position - a.sizeInfo.menuInnerHeight, n.position > u + a.sizeInfo.menuInnerHeight), s = a.selectpicker.main.elements[v], a.activeIndex = b[x], a.focusItem(s), s && s.firstChild.focus(), d && (a.$menuInner[0].scrollTop = o), r.trigger("focus") } } i && (e.which === D && !a.selectpicker.keydown.keyHistory || e.which === L || e.which === H && a.options.selectOnTab) && (e.which !== D && e.preventDefault(), a.options.liveSearch && e.which === D || (a.$menuInner.find(".active a").trigger("click", !0), r.trigger("focus"), a.options.liveSearch || (e.preventDefault(), P(document).data("spaceSelect", !0)))) } }, mobile: function () { = !0, this.$element[0].classList.add("mobile-device") }, refresh: function () { var e = P.extend({}, this.options, this.$; this.options = e, this.checkDisabled(), this.buildData(), this.setStyle(), this.render(), this.buildList(), this.setWidth(), this.setSize(!0), this.$element.trigger("refreshed" + j) }, hide: function () { this.$newElement.hide() }, show: function () { this.$ }, remove: function () { this.$newElement.remove(), this.$element.remove() }, destroy: function () { this.$newElement.before(this.$element).remove(), this.$bsContainer ? this.$bsContainer.remove() : this.$menu.remove(), this.selectpicker.view.titleOption && this.selectpicker.view.titleOption.parentNode && this.selectpicker.view.titleOption.parentNode.removeChild(this.selectpicker.view.titleOption), this.$"selectpicker").removeClass("bs-select-hidden selectpicker"), P(window).off(j + "." + this.selectId) } }; var J = P.fn.selectpicker; function Q() { if (P.fn.dropdown) return (P.fn.dropdown.Constructor._dataApiKeydownHandler || P.fn.dropdown.Constructor.prototype.keydown).apply(this, arguments) } P.fn.selectpicker = Z, P.fn.selectpicker.Constructor = Y, P.fn.selectpicker.noConflict = function () { return P.fn.selectpicker = J, this }, P(document).off("").on("", ':not(.bootstrap-select) > [data-toggle="dropdown"]', Q).on("", ":not(.bootstrap-select) > .dropdown-menu", Q).on("keydown" + j, '.bootstrap-select [data-toggle="dropdown"], .bootstrap-select [role="listbox"], .bootstrap-select .bs-searchbox input', Y.prototype.keydown).on("focusin.modal", '.bootstrap-select [data-toggle="dropdown"], .bootstrap-select [role="listbox"], .bootstrap-select .bs-searchbox input', function (e) { e.stopPropagation() }), P(window).on("load" + j + ".data-api", function () { P(".selectpicker").each(function () { var e = P(this);, }) }) }(e) });