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synced 2024-08-30 18:23:09 +00:00
start/stop server functions complete expanding out online/max/motd etc in db for easier parsing fixed issue of servers loosing their name from 3.2 finished restart button added fontawesome 5
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325 lines
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import os
import sys
import re
import json
import time
import psutil
import pexpect
import datetime
import threading
import schedule
import logging.config
from app.classes.shared.helpers import helper
from app.classes.shared.console import console
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
from pexpect.popen_spawn import PopenSpawn
except ModuleNotFoundError as e:
logger.critical("Import Error: Unable to load {} module".format(e, e.name))
console.critical("Import Error: Unable to load {} module".format(e, e.name))
class Server:
def __init__(self):
# holders for our process
self.process = None
self.line = False
self.PID = None
self.start_time = None
self.server_command = None
self.server_path = None
self.server_thread = None
self.settings = None
self.updating = False
self.server_id = None
self.name = None
self.is_crashed = False
self.restart_count = 0
def do_server_setup(self, server_data_obj):
logger.info('Creating Server object: {} | Server Name: {} | Auto Start: {}'.format(
self.server_id = server_data_obj['server_id']
self.name = server_data_obj['server_name']
self.settings = server_data_obj
# build our server run command
if server_data_obj['auto_start']:
delay = int(self.settings['auto_start_delay'])
logger.info("Scheduling server {} to start in {} seconds".format(self.name, delay))
console.info("Scheduling server {} to start in {} seconds".format(self.name, delay))
def run_scheduled_server(self):
console.info("Starting Minecraft server ID: {} - {}".format(self.server_id, self.name))
logger.info("Starting Minecraft server {}".format(self.server_id, self.name))
# remove the scheduled job since it's ran
return schedule.CancelJob
def run_threaded_server(self):
# start the server
self.server_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.start_server, daemon=True)
def setup_server_run_command(self):
# configure the server
server_exec_path = self.settings['executable']
self.server_command = self.settings['execution_command']
self.server_path = self.settings['path']
# let's do some quick checking to make sure things actually exists
full_path = os.path.join(self.server_path, server_exec_path)
if not helper.check_file_exists(full_path):
logger.critical("Server executable path: {} does not seem to exist".format(full_path))
console.critical("Server executable path: {} does not seem to exist".format(full_path))
if not helper.check_path_exits(self.server_path):
logger.critical("Server path: {} does not seem to exits".format(self.server_path))
console.critical("Server path: {} does not seem to exits".format(self.server_path))
if not helper.check_writeable(self.server_path):
logger.critical("Unable to write/access {}".format(self.server_path))
console.warning("Unable to write/access {}".format(self.server_path))
def start_server(self):
from app.classes.minecraft.stats import stats
# fail safe in case we try to start something already running
if self.check_running():
logger.error("Server is already running - Cancelling Startup")
console.error("Server is already running - Cancelling Startup")
return False
logger.info("Launching Server {} with command {}".format(self.name, self.server_command))
console.info("Launching Server {} with command {}".format(self.name, self.server_command))
if os.name == "nt":
logger.info("Windows Detected - launching cmd")
self.server_command = self.server_command.replace('\\', '/')
logging.info("Opening CMD prompt")
self.process = pexpect.popen_spawn.PopenSpawn('cmd \r\n', timeout=None, encoding=None)
drive_letter = self.server_path[:1]
if drive_letter.lower() != "c":
logger.info("Server is not on the C drive, changing drive letter to {}:".format(drive_letter))
logging.info("changing directories to {}".format(self.server_path.replace('\\', '/')))
self.process.send('cd {} \r\n'.format(self.server_path.replace('\\', '/')))
logging.info("Sending command {} to CMD".format(self.server_command))
self.process.send(self.server_command + "\r\n")
self.is_crashed = False
logger.info("Linux Detected - launching Bash")
self.process = pexpect.popen_spawn.PopenSpawn('/bin/bash \n', timeout=None, encoding=None)
logger.info("Changing directory to {}".format(self.server_path))
self.process.send('cd {} \n'.format(self.server_path))
logger.info("Sending server start command: {} to shell".format(self.server_command))
self.process.send(self.server_command + '\n')
self.is_crashed = False
ts = time.time()
self.start_time = str(datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
if psutil.pid_exists(self.process.pid):
parent = psutil.Process(self.process.pid)
children = parent.children(recursive=True)
for c in children:
self.PID = c.pid
logger.info("Server {} running with PID {}".format(self.name, self.PID))
console.info("Server {} running with PID {}".format(self.name, self.PID))
self.is_crashed = False
logger.warning("Server PID {} died right after starting - is this a server config issue?".format(self.PID))
console.warning("Server PID {} died right after starting - is this a server config issue?".format(self.PID))
if self.settings['crash_detection']:
logger.info("Server {} has crash detection enabled - starting watcher task".format(self.name))
console.info("Server {} has crash detection enabled - starting watcher task".format(self.name))
# TODO: create crash detection watcher and such
# schedule.every(30).seconds.do(self.check_running).tag(self.name)
def stop_threaded_server(self):
if self.server_thread:
def stop_server(self):
from app.classes.minecraft.stats import stats
if self.settings['stop_command']:
running = self.check_running()
x = 0
# caching the name and pid number
server_name = self.name
server_pid = self.PID
while running:
x = x+1
logger.info("Server {} is still running - waiting 2s to see if it stops".format(server_name))
console.info("Server {} is still running - waiting 2s to see if it stops".format(server_name))
console.info("Server has {} seconds to respond before we force it down".format(int(60-(x*2))))
running = self.check_running()
# if we haven't closed in 60 seconds, let's just slam down on the PID
if x >= 30:
logger.info("Server {} is still running - Forcing the process down".format(server_name))
console.info("Server {} is still running - Forcing the process down".format(server_name))
logger.info("Stopped Server {} with PID {}".format(server_name, server_pid))
console.info("Stopped Server {} with PID {}".format(server_name, server_pid))
# massive resetting of variables
def restart_threaded_server(self):
# if not already running, let's just start
if not self.check_running():
def cleanup_server_object(self):
self.PID = None
self.start_time = None
self.restart_count = 0
self.is_crashed = False
self.updating = False
self.process = None
def check_running(self, shutting_down=False):
# if process is None, we never tried to start
if self.PID is None:
return False
running = psutil.pid_exists(self.PID)
except Exception as e:
logger.error("Unable to find if server PID exists: {}".format(self.PID))
running = False
if not running:
# did the server crash?
if not shutting_down:
# do we have crash detection turned on?
if self.settings['crash_detection']:
# if we haven't tried to restart more 3 or more times
if self.restart_count <= 3:
# start the server if needed
server_restarted = self.crash_detected(self.name)
if server_restarted:
# add to the restart count
self.restart_count = self.restart_count + 1
return False
# we have tried to restart 4 times...
elif self.restart_count == 4:
logger.warning("Server {} has been restarted {} times. It has crashed, not restarting.".format(
self.name, self.restart_count))
# set to 99 restart attempts so this elif is skipped next time. (no double logging)
self.restart_count = 99
self.is_crashed = True
return False
self.is_crashed = True
return False
return False
return True
def send_command(self, command):
if not self.check_running() and command.lower() != 'start':
logger.warning("Server not running, unable to send command \"{}\"".format(command))
return False
logger.debug("Sending command {} to server via pexpect".format(command))
# send it
self.process.send(command + '\n')
def crash_detected(self, name):
# the server crashed, or isn't found - so let's reset things.
logger.warning("The server {} seems to have vanished unexpectedly, did it crash?".format(name))
if self.settings['crash_detection']:
logger.info("The server {} has crashed and will be restarted. Restarting server".format(name))
return True
logger.info("The server {} has crashed, crash detection is disabled and it will not be restarted".format(name))
return False
def killpid(self, pid):
logger.info("Terminating PID {} and all child processes".format(pid))
process = psutil.Process(pid)
# for every sub process...
for proc in process.children(recursive=True):
# kill all the child processes - it sounds too wrong saying kill all the children (kevdagoat: lol!)
logger.info("Sending SIGKILL to PID {}".format(proc.name))
# kill the main process we are after
logger.info('Sending SIGKILL to parent')
def get_start_time(self):
if self.check_running():
return self.start_time
return False