mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:23:09 +00:00
Mostly just breaking up strings and comments into new lines Some strings dont require 'f' but keeping in for readability with the rest of the concatinated string
243 lines
8.9 KiB
243 lines
8.9 KiB
import json
import logging
import datetime
import base64
import psutil
from app.classes.minecraft.mc_ping import ping
from app.classes.models.management import Host_Stats
from app.classes.models.servers import servers_helper
from app.classes.shared.helpers import helper
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Stats:
def __init__(self, controller):
self.controller = controller
def get_node_stats(self):
boot_time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(psutil.boot_time())
data = {}
cpu_freq = psutil.cpu_freq()
except NotImplementedError:
cpu_freq = psutil._common.scpufreq(current=0, min=0, max=0)
node_stats = {
"boot_time": str(boot_time),
"cpu_usage": psutil.cpu_percent(interval=0.5) / psutil.cpu_count(),
"cpu_count": psutil.cpu_count(),
"cpu_cur_freq": round(cpu_freq[0], 2),
"cpu_max_freq": cpu_freq[2],
"mem_percent": psutil.virtual_memory()[2],
"mem_usage": helper.human_readable_file_size(psutil.virtual_memory()[3]),
"mem_total": helper.human_readable_file_size(psutil.virtual_memory()[0]),
"disk_data": self._all_disk_usage(),
# server_stats = self.get_servers_stats()
# data['servers'] = server_stats
data["node_stats"] = node_stats
return data
def _get_process_stats(process):
if process is None:
process_stats = {"cpu_usage": 0, "memory_usage": 0, "mem_percentage": 0}
return process_stats
process_pid = process.pid
p = psutil.Process(process_pid)
dummy = p.cpu_percent()
# call it first so we can be more accurate per the docs
# https://giamptest.readthedocs.io/en/latest/#psutil.Process.cpu_percent
real_cpu = round(p.cpu_percent(interval=0.5) / psutil.cpu_count(), 2)
# this is a faster way of getting data for a process
with p.oneshot():
process_stats = {
"cpu_usage": real_cpu,
"memory_usage": helper.human_readable_file_size(p.memory_info()[0]),
"mem_percentage": round(p.memory_percent(), 0),
return process_stats
except Exception as e:
f"Unable to get process details for pid: {process_pid} Error: {e}"
# Dummy Data
process_stats = {
"cpu_usage": 0,
"memory_usage": 0,
return process_stats
# Source: https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil/blob/master/scripts/disk_usage.py
def _all_disk_usage():
disk_data = []
# print(templ % ("Device", "Total", "Used", "Free", "Use ", "Type","Mount"))
for part in psutil.disk_partitions(all=False):
if helper.is_os_windows():
if "cdrom" in part.opts or part.fstype == "":
# skip cd-rom drives with no disk in it; they may raise
# ENOENT, pop-up a Windows GUI error for a non-ready
# partition or just hang.
usage = psutil.disk_usage(part.mountpoint)
"device": part.device,
"total": helper.human_readable_file_size(usage.total),
"used": helper.human_readable_file_size(usage.used),
"free": helper.human_readable_file_size(usage.free),
"percent_used": int(usage.percent),
"fs": part.fstype,
"mount": part.mountpoint,
return disk_data
def get_world_size(server_path):
total_size = 0
total_size = helper.get_dir_size(server_path)
level_total_size = helper.human_readable_file_size(total_size)
return level_total_size
def get_server_players(self, server_id):
server = servers_helper.get_server_data_by_id(server_id)
logger.info(f"Getting players for server {server}")
# get our settings and data dictionaries
# server_settings = server.get('server_settings', {})
# server_data = server.get('server_data_obj', {})
# TODO: search server properties file for possible override of
internal_ip = server["server_ip"]
server_port = server["server_port"]
logger.debug("Pinging {internal_ip} on port {server_port}")
if servers_helper.get_server_type_by_id(server_id) != "minecraft-bedrock":
int_mc_ping = ping(internal_ip, int(server_port))
ping_data = {}
# if we got a good ping return, let's parse it
if int_mc_ping:
ping_data = Stats.parse_server_ping(int_mc_ping)
return ping_data["players"]
return []
def parse_server_ping(ping_obj: object):
online_stats = {}
online_stats = json.loads(ping_obj.players)
except Exception as e:
logger.info(f"Unable to read json from ping_obj: {e}")
server_icon = base64.encodebytes(ping_obj.icon)
server_icon = server_icon.decode("utf-8")
except Exception as e:
server_icon = False
logger.info(f"Unable to read the server icon : {e}")
ping_data = {
"online": online_stats.get("online", 0),
"max": online_stats.get("max", 0),
"players": online_stats.get("players", 0),
"server_description": ping_obj.description,
"server_version": ping_obj.version,
"server_icon": server_icon,
return ping_data
def parse_server_RakNet_ping(ping_obj: object):
server_icon = base64.encodebytes(ping_obj["icon"])
except Exception as e:
server_icon = False
logger.info(f"Unable to read the server icon : {e}")
ping_data = {
"online": ping_obj["server_player_count"],
"max": ping_obj["server_player_max"],
"players": [],
"server_description": ping_obj["server_edition"],
"server_version": ping_obj["server_version_name"],
"server_icon": server_icon,
return ping_data
def record_stats(self):
stats_to_send = self.get_node_stats()
node_stats = stats_to_send.get("node_stats")
Host_Stats.boot_time: node_stats.get("boot_time", "Unknown"),
Host_Stats.cpu_usage: round(node_stats.get("cpu_usage", 0), 2),
Host_Stats.cpu_cores: node_stats.get("cpu_count", 0),
Host_Stats.cpu_cur_freq: node_stats.get("cpu_cur_freq", 0),
Host_Stats.cpu_max_freq: node_stats.get("cpu_max_freq", 0),
Host_Stats.mem_usage: node_stats.get("mem_usage", "0 MB"),
Host_Stats.mem_percent: node_stats.get("mem_percent", 0),
Host_Stats.mem_total: node_stats.get("mem_total", "0 MB"),
Host_Stats.disk_json: node_stats.get("disk_data", "{}"),
# server_stats = stats_to_send.get("servers")
# for server in server_stats:
# Server_Stats.insert(
# {
# Server_Stats.server_id: server.get("id", 0),
# Server_Stats.started: server.get("started", ""),
# Server_Stats.running: server.get("running", False),
# Server_Stats.cpu: server.get("cpu", 0),
# Server_Stats.mem: server.get("mem", 0),
# Server_Stats.mem_percent: server.get("mem_percent", 0),
# Server_Stats.world_name: server.get("world_name", ""),
# Server_Stats.world_size: server.get("world_size", ""),
# Server_Stats.server_port: server.get("server_port", ""),
# Server_Stats.int_ping_results: server.get(
# "int_ping_results", False
# ),
# Server_Stats.online: server.get("online", False),
# Server_Stats.max: server.get("max", False),
# Server_Stats.players: server.get("players", False),
# Server_Stats.desc: server.get("desc", False),
# Server_Stats.version: server.get("version", False),
# }
# ).execute()
# delete old data
max_age = helper.get_setting("history_max_age")
now = datetime.datetime.now()
last_week = now.day - max_age
Host_Stats.delete().where(Host_Stats.time < last_week).execute()
# Server_Stats.delete().where(Server_Stats.created < last_week).execute()