
# Top-like interface for container metrics ctop provides a concise and condensed overview of real-time metrics for multiple containers:


as well as an [expanded view][expanded_view] for inspecting a specific container. ctop currently comes with built-in support for Docker; connectors for other container and cluster systems are planned for future releases. ## Install Fetch the [latest release](https://github.com/bcicen/ctop/releases) for your platform: #### Linux ```bash wget https://github.com/bcicen/ctop/releases/download/v0.4/ctop-0.4-linux-amd64 -O ctop sudo mv ctop /usr/local/bin/ sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/ctop ``` #### OS X ```bash curl -Lo ctop https://github.com/bcicen/ctop/releases/download/v0.4/ctop-0.4-darwin-amd64 sudo mv ctop /usr/local/bin/ sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/ctop ``` ## Usage ctop requires no arguments and will configure itself using the `DOCKER_HOST` environment variable ```bash export DOCKER_HOST=tcp:// ctop ``` ### Keybindings Key | Action --- | --- a | Toggle display of all (running and non-running) containers f | Filter displayed containers H | Toggle ctop header h | Open help dialog s | Select container sort field r | Reverse container sort order q | Quit ctop [expanded_view]: _docs/expanded.md