FROM alpine AS builder # Download QEMU, see ENV QEMU_URL RUN apk add curl && curl -L ${QEMU_URL} | tar zxvf - -C . --strip-components 1 FROM lsiobase/alpine:arm32v7-3.12 # Add QEMU COPY --from=builder qemu-arm-static /usr/bin ARG BUILDDATE LABEL \ app.deemix.image.created="${BUILDDATE}" \ app.deemix.image.url="" \ app.deemix.image.title="Docker image for Deemix" \ app.deemix.image.description="Docker image for Deemix and the pyweb frontend" \ maintainer="Bocki" RUN \ echo "**** install build packages ****" && \ apk add --no-cache --virtual=build-dependencies \ gcc \ g++ \ libffi-dev \ python3-dev \ git \ curl \ make && \ echo "**** install packages ****" && \ apk add --no-cache \ py3-pip \ python3 && \ echo "**** setup directories ****" && \ mkdir /deem && \ chown abc:abc /deem && \ rm -R /config && \ ln -sf /deem/.config/deemix /config && \ ln -sf /downloads /deem/deemix\ Music && \ echo "**** clean up ****" && \ rm -rf \ /root/.cache \ /tmp/* COPY root/ / EXPOSE 6595 VOLUME /downloads /config