Self update rework

Now just y/n and checking if it's the right git directory, else
This commit is contained in:
mag37 2024-01-31 21:33:14 +01:00
parent dfe6cf3e08
commit 78d11d1b37

View File

@ -63,37 +63,35 @@ while getopts "aynpfrhlisme:d:" options; do
shift "$((OPTIND-1))"
self_update_git() {
cd "$ScriptWorkDir" || { printf "Path error, skipping update.\n" ; return ; }
[[ $(builtin type -P git) ]] || { printf "Git not installed, skipping update.\n" ; return ; }
ScriptUpstream=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref --symbolic-full-name "@{upstream}") || { printf "Script not in git directory, choose a different method.\n" ; self_update_select ; return ; }
git fetch
[ -n "$(git diff --name-only "$ScriptUpstream" "$ScriptName")" ] && {
printf "%s\n" "Pulling the latest version."
git pull --force
printf "%s\n" "--- starting over with the updated version ---"
cd - || { printf "Path error.\n" ; return ; }
exec "$ScriptPath" "${ScriptArgs[@]}" # run the new script with old arguments
exit 1 # exit the old instance
echo "Local is already latest."
self_update_curl() {
cp "$ScriptPath" "$ScriptPath".bak
if [[ $(builtin type -P curl) ]]; then
curl -L $RawUrl > "$ScriptPath" ; chmod +x "$ScriptPath"
printf "%s\n" "--- starting over with the updated version ---"
printf "\n%s\n" "--- starting over with the updated version ---"
exec "$ScriptPath" "${ScriptArgs[@]}" # run the new script with old arguments
exit 1 # exit the old instance
elif [[ $(builtin type -P wget) ]]; then
wget $RawUrl -O "$ScriptPath" ; chmod +x "$ScriptPath"
printf "\n%s\n" "--- starting over with the updated version ---"
exec "$ScriptPath" "${ScriptArgs[@]}" # run the new script with old arguments
exit 1 # exit the old instance
printf "curl not available - download the update manually: %s \n" "$RawUrl"
printf "curl/wget not available - download the update manually: %s \n" "$RawUrl"
self_update_select() {
read -r -p "Choose update procedure (or do it manually) - git/curl/[no]: " SelfUpQ
if [[ "$SelfUpQ" == "git" ]]; then self_update_git ;
elif [[ "$SelfUpQ" == "curl" ]]; then self_update_curl ;
else printf "Download it manually from the repo: %s \n\n" "$Github"
self_update() {
cd "$ScriptWorkDir" || { printf "Path error, skipping update.\n" ; return ; }
if [[ $(builtin type -P git) ]] && [[ "$(git ls-remote --get-url)" =~ .*"mag37/dockcheck".* ]] ; then
printf "\n%s\n" "Pulling the latest version."
git pull --force || { printf "Git error, manually pull/clone.\n" ; return ; }
printf "\n%s\n" "--- starting over with the updated version ---"
cd - || { printf "Path error.\n" ; return ; }
exec "$ScriptPath" "${ScriptArgs[@]}" # run the new script with old arguments
exit 1 # exit the old instance
cd -
@ -145,7 +143,13 @@ progress_bar() {
### Version check & initiate self update
[[ "$VERSION" != "$LatestRelease" ]] && { printf "New version available! %b%s%b ⇒ %b%s%b \n Change Notes: %s \n" "$c_yellow" "$VERSION" "$c_reset" "$c_green" "$LatestRelease" "$c_reset" "$LatestChanges" ; [[ -z "$AutoUp" ]] && self_update_select ; }
if [[ "$VERSION" != "$LatestRelease" ]] ; then
printf "New version available! %b%s%b ⇒ %b%s%b \n Change Notes: %s \n" "$c_yellow" "$VERSION" "$c_reset" "$c_green" "$LatestRelease" "$c_reset" "$LatestChanges"
if [[ -z "$AutoUp" ]] ; then
read -r -p "Would you like to update? y/[n]: " SelfUpdate
[[ "$SelfUpdate" =~ [yY] ]] && self_update
### Set $1 to a variable for name filtering later.