#!/usr/bin/env bash VERSION="v0.2.39" Github="https://github.com/mag37/dockcheck" RawUrl="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mag37/dockcheck/selfupdate/dockcheck.sh" ### Check if there's a new release of the script: LatestRelease="$(curl -s -r 0-50 $RawUrl | sed -n "/VERSION/s/VERSION=//p" | tr -d '"')" ### Variables for self updating ScriptArgs=( "$@" ) ScriptPath="$(readlink -f "$0")" ScriptName="$(basename "$ScriptPath")" ScriptWorkDir="$(dirname "$ScriptPath")" ### Help Function: Help() { echo "Syntax: dockcheck.sh [OPTION] [part of name to filter]" echo "Example: dockcheck.sh -a -e nextcloud,heimdall" echo echo "Options:" echo "-h Print this Help." echo "-a|y Automatic updates, without interaction." echo "-n No updates, only checking availability." echo "-e Exclude containers, separated by comma." echo "-p Auto-Prune dangling images after update." echo "-r Allow updating images for docker run, wont update the container" } while getopts "aynprhe:" options; do case "${options}" in a|y) UpdYes="yes" ;; n) UpdYes="no" ;; r) DrUp="yes" ;; p) PruneQ="yes" ;; e) Exclude=${OPTARG} ;; h|*) Help ; exit 0 ;; esac done shift "$((OPTIND-1))" self_update_git() { cd "$ScriptWorkDir" || { printf "Path error, skipping update.\n" ; return ; } [[ $(builtin type -P git) ]] || { printf "Git not installed, skipping update.\n" ; return ; } ScriptUpstream=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref --symbolic-full-name "@{upstream}") || { printf "Script not in cloned directory, skipping update.\n" ; return ; } git fetch [ -n "$(git diff --name-only "$ScriptUpstream" "$ScriptName")" ] && { printf "%s\n" "Pulling the latest version." # git checkout "$ScriptUpstream" git pull --force printf "%s\n" "--- starting over with the updated version ---" cd - || { printf "Path error.\n" ; return ; } exec "$ScriptPath" "${ScriptArgs[@]}" # run the new script with old arguments exit 1 # exit the old instance } echo "Local is already latest." } self_update_curl() { cp "$ScriptPath" "$ScriptPath".bak if [[ $(builtin type -P curl) ]]; then curl -L $RawUrl > "$ScriptPath" ; chmod +x "$ScriptPath" printf "%s\n" "--- starting over with the updated version ---" exec "$ScriptPath" "${ScriptArgs[@]}" # run the new script with old arguments exit 1 # exit the old instance else printf "curl not available - download the update manually: %s \n" "$RawUrl" fi } self_update_select() { read -r -p "Choose update procedure (or do it manually) - git/curl/[no]: " SelfUpQ if [[ "$SelfUpQ" == "git" ]]; then self_update_git ; elif [[ "$SelfUpQ" == "curl" ]]; then self_update_curl ; else printf "Download it manually from the repo: %s \n\n" "$Github" fi } ### Choose from list -function: choosecontainers() { while [[ -z "$ChoiceClean" ]]; do read -r -p "Enter number(s) separated by comma, [a] for all - [q] to quit: " Choice if [[ "$Choice" =~ [qQnN] ]] ; then exit 0 elif [[ "$Choice" =~ [aAyY] ]] ; then SelectedUpdates=( "${GotUpdates[@]}" ) ChoiceClean=${Choice//[,.:;]/ } else ChoiceClean=${Choice//[,.:;]/ } for CC in $ChoiceClean ; do if [[ "$CC" -lt 1 || "$CC" -gt $UpdCount ]] ; then # reset choice if out of bounds echo "Number not in list: $CC" ; unset ChoiceClean ; break 1 else SelectedUpdates+=( "${GotUpdates[$CC-1]}" ) fi done fi done printf "\nUpdating containers:\n" printf "%s\n" "${SelectedUpdates[@]}" printf "\n" } ### Version check & initiate self update [[ "$VERSION" != "$LatestRelease" ]] && { printf "New version available! Local: %s - Latest: %s \n" "$VERSION" "$LatestRelease" ; self_update_select ; } ### Set $1 to a variable for name filtering later. SearchName="$1" ### Create array of excludes IFS=',' read -r -a Excludes <<< "$Exclude" ; unset IFS ### Check if required binary exists in PATH or directory: if [[ $(builtin type -P "regctl") ]]; then regbin="regctl" ; elif [[ -f "./regctl" ]]; then regbin="./regctl" ; else read -r -p "Required dependency 'regctl' missing, do you want it downloaded? y/[n] " GetDep if [[ "$GetDep" =~ [yY] ]] ; then ### Check arch: case "$(uname --machine)" in x86_64|amd64) architecture="amd64" ;; arm64|aarch64) architecture="arm64";; *) echo "Architecture not supported, exiting." ; exit 1;; esac RegUrl="https://github.com/regclient/regclient/releases/latest/download/regctl-linux-$architecture" if [[ $(builtin type -P curl) ]]; then curl -L $RegUrl > ./regctl ; chmod +x ./regctl ; regbin="./regctl" ; elif [[ $(builtin type -P wget) ]]; then wget $RegUrl -O ./regctl ; chmod +x ./regctl ; regbin="./regctl" ; else printf "%s\n" "curl/wget not available - get regctl manually from the repo link, quitting." fi else printf "%s\n" "Dependency missing, quitting." exit 1 fi fi ### final check if binary is correct $regbin version &> /dev/null || { printf "%s\n" "regctl is not working - try to remove it and re-download it, exiting."; exit 1; } ### Check docker compose binary: if docker compose version &> /dev/null ; then DockerBin="docker compose" ; elif docker-compose -v &> /dev/null; then DockerBin="docker-compose" ; elif docker -v &> /dev/null; then printf "%s\n" "No docker compose binary available, using plain docker (Not recommended!)" printf "%s\n" "'docker run' will ONLY update images, not the container itself." else printf "%s\n" "No docker binaries available, exiting." exit 1 fi ### Numbered List -function: options() { num=1 for i in "${GotUpdates[@]}"; do echo "$num) $i" ((num++)) done } ### Check the image-hash of every running container VS the registry for i in $(docker ps --filter "name=$SearchName" --format '{{.Names}}') ; do [[ " ${Excludes[*]} " =~ ${i} ]] && continue; # Skip if the container is excluded printf ". " RepoUrl=$(docker inspect "$i" --format='{{.Config.Image}}') LocalHash=$(docker image inspect "$RepoUrl" --format '{{.RepoDigests}}') ### Checking for errors while setting the variable: if RegHash=$($regbin image digest --list "$RepoUrl" 2>/dev/null) ; then if [[ "$LocalHash" = *"$RegHash"* ]] ; then NoUpdates+=("$i"); else GotUpdates+=("$i"); fi else GotErrors+=("$i") fi done ### Sort arrays alphabetically IFS=$'\n' NoUpdates=($(sort <<<"${NoUpdates[*]}")) GotUpdates=($(sort <<<"${GotUpdates[*]}")) GotErrors=($(sort <<<"${GotErrors[*]}")) unset IFS ### Define how many updates are available UpdCount="${#GotUpdates[@]}" ### List what containers got updates or not if [[ -n ${NoUpdates[*]} ]] ; then printf "\n\033[0;32mContainers on latest version:\033[0m\n" printf "%s\n" "${NoUpdates[@]}" fi if [[ -n ${GotErrors[*]} ]] ; then printf "\n\033[0;31mContainers with errors, wont get updated:\033[0m\n" printf "%s\n" "${GotErrors[@]}" fi if [[ -n ${GotUpdates[*]} ]] ; then printf "\n\033[0;33mContainers with updates available:\033[0m\n" [[ -z "$UpdYes" ]] && options || printf "%s\n" "${GotUpdates[@]}" fi ### Optionally get updates if there's any if [ -n "$GotUpdates" ] ; then if [ -z "$UpdYes" ] ; then printf "\n\033[0;36mChoose what containers to update.\033[0m\n" choosecontainers else SelectedUpdates=( "${GotUpdates[@]}" ) fi if [ "$UpdYes" == "${UpdYes#[Nn]}" ] ; then for i in "${SelectedUpdates[@]}" do unset CompleteConfs ContPath=$(docker inspect "$i" --format '{{ index .Config.Labels "com.docker.compose.project.working_dir" }}') ContConfigFile=$(docker inspect "$i" --format '{{ index .Config.Labels "com.docker.compose.project.config_files" }}') ContName=$(docker inspect "$i" --format '{{ index .Config.Labels "com.docker.compose.service" }}') ContEnv=$(docker inspect "$i" --format '{{index .Config.Labels "com.docker.compose.project.environment_file" }}') ContImage=$(docker inspect "$i" --format='{{.Config.Image}}') ### Checking if compose-values are empty - hence started with docker run: if [ -z "$ContPath" ] ; then if [ "$DrUp" == "yes" ] ; then docker pull "$ContImage" printf "%s\n" "$i got a new image downloaded, rebuild manually with preferred 'docker run'-parameters" else printf "\n\033[33;1m%s\033[0m has no compose labels, probably started with docker run - \033[33;1mskipping\033[0m\n\n" "$i" fi continue fi ### Checking if "com.docker.compose.project.config_files" returns the full path to the config file or just the file name if [[ $ContConfigFile = '/'* ]] ; then ComposeFile="$ContConfigFile" else ComposeFile="$ContPath/$ContConfigFile" fi ### cd to the compose-file directory to account for people who use relative volumes, eg - ${PWD}/data:data cd "$ContPath" || { echo "Path error - skipping $i" ; continue ; } docker pull "$ContImage" ### Reformat for multi-compose: IFS=',' read -r -a Confs <<< "$ComposeFile" ; unset IFS for conf in "${Confs[@]}"; do CompleteConfs+="-f $conf " ; done ### Check if the container got an environment file set, use it if so: if [ -n "$ContEnv" ]; then $DockerBin ${CompleteConfs[@]} --env-file "$ContEnv" up -d "$ContName" # unquoted array to allow split - rework? else $DockerBin ${CompleteConfs[@]} up -d "$ContName" # unquoted array to allow split - rework? fi done printf "\033[0;32mAll done!\033[0m\n" [[ -z "$PruneQ" ]] && read -r -p "Would you like to prune dangling images? y/[n]: " PruneQ [[ "$PruneQ" =~ [yY] ]] && docker image prune -f else printf "\nNo updates installed, exiting.\n" fi else printf "\nNo updates available, exiting.\n" fi exit 0