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2024-06-21 23:32:10 +00:00
package config
import (
builtinTemplates ""
type Config struct {
// Templates hold all templates, with the key being the template name and the value being the template content
// in HTML format (Go templates are supported here).
Templates templates
// Formats contain alternative response formats (e.g., if a client requests a response in one of these formats,
// we will render the response using the specified format instead of HTML; Go templates are supported).
Formats struct {
JSON string
XML string
// Codes hold descriptions for HTTP codes (e.g., 404: "Not Found / The server can not find the requested page").
Codes Codes
const defaultJSONFormat string = `{
"error": true,
"Code": {{ Code | json }},
"message": {{ message | json }},
"description": {{ description | json }}{{ if show_details }},
"details": {
"host": {{ host | json }},
"original_uri": {{ original_uri | json }},
"forwarded_for": {{ forwarded_for | json }},
"namespace": {{ namespace | json }},
"ingress_name": {{ ingress_name | json }},
"service_name": {{ service_name | json }},
"service_port": {{ service_port | json }},
"request_id": {{ request_id | json }},
"timestamp": {{ now.Unix }}
}{{ end }}
const defaultXMLFormat string = `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Code>{{ Code }}</Code>
<message>{{ message }}</message>
<description>{{ description }}</description>{{ if show_details }}
<host>{{ host }}</host>
<originalURI>{{ original_uri }}</originalURI>
<forwardedFor>{{ forwarded_for }}</forwardedFor>
<namespace>{{ namespace }}</namespace>
<ingressName>{{ ingress_name }}</ingressName>
<serviceName>{{ service_name }}</serviceName>
<servicePort>{{ service_port }}</servicePort>
<requestID>{{ request_id }}</requestID>
<timestamp>{{ now.Unix }}</timestamp>
</details>{{ end }}
var defaultCodes = Codes{ //nolint:gochecknoglobals
"400": {"Bad Request", "The server did not understand the request"},
"401": {"Unauthorized", "The requested page needs a username and a password"},
"403": {"Forbidden", "Access is forbidden to the requested page"},
"404": {"Not Found", "The server can not find the requested page"},
"405": {"Method Not Allowed", "The method specified in the request is not allowed"},
"407": {"Proxy Authentication Required", "You must authenticate with a proxy server before this request can be served"},
"408": {"Request Timeout", "The request took longer than the server was prepared to wait"},
"409": {"Conflict", "The request could not be completed because of a conflict"},
"410": {"Gone", "The requested page is no longer available"},
"411": {"Length Required", "The \"Content-Length\" is not defined. The server will not accept the request without it"},
"412": {"Precondition Failed", "The pre condition given in the request evaluated to false by the server"},
"413": {"Payload Too Large", "The server will not accept the request, because the request entity is too large"},
"416": {"Requested Range Not Satisfiable", "The requested byte range is not available and is out of bounds"},
"418": {"I'm a teapot", "Attempt to brew coffee with a teapot is not supported"},
"429": {"Too Many Requests", "Too many requests in a given amount of time"},
"500": {"Internal Server Error", "The server met an unexpected condition"},
"502": {"Bad Gateway", "The server received an invalid response from the upstream server"},
"503": {"Service Unavailable", "The server is temporarily overloading or down"},
"504": {"Gateway Timeout", "The gateway has timed out"},
"505": {"HTTP Version Not Supported", "The server does not support the \"http protocol\" version"},
// New creates a new configuration with default values.
func New() Config {
var cfg = Config{
Templates: make(templates), // allocate memory for templates
Codes: maps.Clone(defaultCodes), // copy default codes
cfg.Formats.JSON = defaultJSONFormat
cfg.Formats.XML = defaultXMLFormat
// add built-in templates
for name, content := range builtinTemplates.BuiltIn() {
cfg.Templates[name] = content
return cfg