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    Error 410: Gone
    Description: The requested page is no longer available
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    <title>Gone (410)</title>
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        :root{--matrix-glyph-size:15px;--matrix-glyph-font-size:15px;--matrix-glyph-front-color:rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8);--matrix-glyph-tail-color:#0f0;--matrix-overlay-color:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12)}
        .container .message{background-color:rgba(0,0,0,.85);border:2px solid var(--matrix-glyph-tail-color);padding:15px 20px;margin:0 20px;font-family:Inconsolata,Helvetica,sans-serif;text-align:center;font-size:0;color:var(--matrix-glyph-tail-color);text-shadow:1px 0 2px var(--matrix-glyph-tail-color),-1px 0 2px var(--matrix-glyph-tail-color);box-shadow:1px 0 5px var(--matrix-glyph-tail-color),-1px 0 2px var(--matrix-glyph-tail-color);max-width:640px}
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<div class="container">
    <ul id="matrix-words" class="hidden">
        <li>The requested page is no longer available</li>
        <li>410 Gone</li>

    <div class="message">
        <h1>410: <span data-l10n>Gone</span></h1>
        <p data-l10n>The requested page is no longer available</p>


<canvas id="matrix"></canvas>

    'use strict';

     * @param {HTMLCanvasElement} $canvas
     * @constructor
    const Matrix = function ($canvas) {
        const symbols = 'ラドクリフマラソンわたしワタシんょンョたばこタバコとうきょうトウキョウ '.split('');

         * @return {string}
        const getRandomSymbol = function () {
            return symbols[Math.floor(Math.random() * symbols.length)];

        const ctx = $canvas.getContext('2d');
        ctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'lighter'; // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/CanvasRenderingContext2D/globalCompositeOperation

        this.redrawInterval = 90; // fade oud speed
        this.glyphSize = 0;
        this.rowsCapacity = 0;
        this.columnsCapacity = 0;

         * @return {void}
        this.init = () => {
            $canvas.width = $canvas.clientWidth;
            $canvas.height = $canvas.clientHeight;

            this.glyphSize = parseInt(getComputedStyle($canvas).getPropertyValue('--matrix-glyph-size'), 10);
            this.rowsCapacity = Math.ceil($canvas.clientHeight / this.glyphSize);
            this.columnsCapacity = Math.ceil($canvas.clientWidth / this.glyphSize);

         * @param {string} symbol
         * @param {number} row
         * @param {number} column
         * @param {string} color
        const drawSymbol = (symbol, row, column, color) => {
            if (row > this.rowsCapacity || column > this.columnsCapacity) {

            ctx.fillStyle = color;
            ctx.font = getComputedStyle($canvas).getPropertyValue('--matrix-glyph-font-size') + ' monospace';

            if (symbol.length > 1) {
                symbol = symbol.charAt(0); // only one char is allowed

            let xOffset = 0, charCode = symbol.charCodeAt(0);

            if (charCode >= 33 && charCode <= 126) { // is ascii
                xOffset = this.glyphSize / 5;

            ctx.fillText(symbol, (column * this.glyphSize) + xOffset, row * this.glyphSize);

         * @param {number} column
         * @param {number} speed Lowest = fastest, largest = slowest
         * @param {string?} text
         * @param {number?} offset
        const drawLine = (column, speed, text, offset) => {
            let cursor = 0;

            const tailColor = getComputedStyle($canvas).getPropertyValue('--matrix-glyph-tail-color'),
                frontColor = getComputedStyle($canvas).getPropertyValue('--matrix-glyph-front-color');

            const handler = window.setInterval(() => {
                if (column > this.columnsCapacity) {
                    return window.clearInterval(handler);

                if (cursor <= this.rowsCapacity) {
                    let symbol = getRandomSymbol();

                    if (typeof text === 'string' && typeof offset === 'number') {
                        if (cursor >= offset && text.length >= cursor - offset) {
                            symbol = text.charAt(cursor - offset);

                    if (typeof symbol === 'string' && symbol !== ' ') {
                        const prev = cursor;

                        window.setTimeout(() => { // redraw with a green color
                            drawSymbol(symbol, prev, column, tailColor);
                        }, speed / 1.3);

                        drawSymbol(symbol, cursor, column, frontColor); // white color first

                } else {
            }, speed);

         * @return {void}
        this.redraw = () => {
            ctx.fillStyle = getComputedStyle($canvas).getPropertyValue('--matrix-overlay-color');
            ctx.fillRect(0, 0, $canvas.clientWidth, $canvas.clientHeight);

        let redrawIntervalHandler = undefined, dropsIntervalHandler = undefined;

         * @param {HTMLUListElement?} $linesList
        this.run = ($linesList) => {
            if (redrawIntervalHandler === undefined) {
                redrawIntervalHandler = window.setInterval(this.redraw, this.redrawInterval);

            if (dropsIntervalHandler === undefined) {
                const fn = () => {
                    const randomColumn = Math.floor(Math.random() * (this.columnsCapacity + 1)),
                        minSpeed = 200, maxSpeed = 50,
                        randomSpeed = Math.floor(Math.random() * (maxSpeed - minSpeed + 1)) + minSpeed;

                    const list = [];
                    let line = undefined, offset = undefined;

                    if ($linesList !== undefined) {
                        Array.prototype.forEach.call($linesList.querySelectorAll('li'), $li => {
                            const text = $li.innerText.trim();

                            if (text.length > 0) {

                        if (list.length > 0 && Math.random() > 0.4) {
                            line = list[Math.floor(Math.random() * list.length)];
                            offset = Math.floor(Math.random() * line.length);

                            if (offset <= 5) {
                                offset *= 3;

                    drawLine(randomColumn, randomSpeed, line, offset);

                    if (dropsIntervalHandler !== undefined) {
                        dropsIntervalHandler = undefined;

                    dropsIntervalHandler = window.setInterval(fn, ((minSpeed + maxSpeed) / 2 * this.rowsCapacity) / this.columnsCapacity / 0.5);


         * @return {void}
        this.stop = () => {
            if (redrawIntervalHandler !== undefined) {
                redrawIntervalHandler = undefined;

            if (dropsIntervalHandler !== undefined) {
                dropsIntervalHandler = undefined;

        if (typeof ResizeObserver === 'function') {
            (new ResizeObserver(this.init)).observe($canvas);
        } else {

    (new Matrix(document.getElementById('matrix'))).run(document.getElementById('matrix-words'));

    if (navigator.language.substring(0, 2).toLowerCase() !== 'en') {
        ((s, p) => { // localize the page (details here - https://github.com/tarampampam/error-pages/tree/master/l10n)
            s.src = 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/tarampampam/error-pages@2/l10n/l10n.min.js'; // '../l10n/l10n.js';
            s.async = s.defer = true;
            s.addEventListener('load', () => p.removeChild(s));
        })(document.createElement('script'), document.body);
    Error 410: Gone
    Description: The requested page is no longer available