2022-01-27 17:29:49 +05:00
config Go templates support, XML, JSON, Ingress () 2022-01-27 17:29:49 +05:00 Go templates support, XML, JSON, Ingress () 2022-01-27 17:29:49 +05:00


This directory contains public schemas for the most important parts of application.

Do not rename or remove this directory or any file or directory inside.

  • You can validate existing config file using the following command:
$ docker run --rm -v "$(pwd):/src" -w "/src" node:16-alpine sh -c \
    "npm install -g ajv-cli && \
    ajv validate --all-errors --verbose \
      -s ./schemas/config/1.0.schema.json \
      -d ./error-pages.y*ml"