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* espmhp.h
* Header file for esphome-mitsubishiheatpump
* Author: Geoff Davis <geoff@geoffdavis.com>
* Author: Phil Genera @pgenera on Github.
* Author: @nao-pon on Github
* Author: Simon Knopp @sijk on Github
* Last Updated: 2021-06-23
* License: BSD
* Requirements:
* - https://github.com/SwiCago/HeatPump
* - ESPHome 1.19.1 or greater
#include "esphome.h"
#include "esphome/components/select/select.h"
#include "esphome/core/preferences.h"
#include <chrono>
#include "HeatPump.h"
#ifndef ESPMHP_H
#define ESPMHP_H
static const char* TAG = "MitsubishiHeatPump"; // Logging tag
static const char* ESPMHP_VERSION = "2.4.1";
/* If polling interval is greater than 9 seconds, the HeatPump
library reconnects, but doesn't then follow up with our data request.*/
static const uint32_t ESPMHP_POLL_INTERVAL_DEFAULT = 500; // in milliseconds,
// 0 < X <= 9000
static const uint8_t ESPMHP_MIN_TEMPERATURE = 16; // degrees C,
// defined by hardware
static const uint8_t ESPMHP_MAX_TEMPERATURE = 31; // degrees C,
//defined by hardware
static const float ESPMHP_TEMPERATURE_STEP = 0.5; // temperature setting step,
// in degrees C
class MitsubishiHeatPump : public esphome::PollingComponent, public esphome::climate::Climate {
* Create a new MitsubishiHeatPump object
* Args:
* hw_serial: pointer to an Arduino HardwareSerial instance
* poll_interval: polling interval in milliseconds
HardwareSerial* hw_serial,
uint32_t poll_interval=ESPMHP_POLL_INTERVAL_DEFAULT
// Print a banner with library information.
void banner();
// Set the baud rate. Must be called before setup() to have any effect.
void set_baud_rate(int);
// Set the RX pin. Must be called before setup() to have any effect.
void set_rx_pin(int);
// Set the TX pin. Must be called before setup() to have any effect.
void set_tx_pin(int);
// print the current configuration
void dump_config() override;
// handle a change in settings as detected by the HeatPump library.
void hpSettingsChanged();
// Handle a change in status as detected by the HeatPump library.
void hpStatusChanged(heatpumpStatus currentStatus);
// Set up the component, initializing the HeatPump object.
void setup() override;
// This is called every poll_interval.
void update() override;
// Configure the climate object with traits that we support.
esphome::climate::ClimateTraits traits() override;
// Get a mutable reference to the traits that we support.
esphome::climate::ClimateTraits& config_traits();
// Debugging function to print the object's state.
void dump_state();
// Handle a request from the user to change settings.
void control(const esphome::climate::ClimateCall &call) override;
// Use the temperature from an external sensor. Use
// set_remote_temp(0) to switch back to the internal sensor.
void set_remote_temperature(float);
void set_vertical_vane_select(esphome::select::Select *vertical_vane_select);
void set_horizontal_vane_select(esphome::select::Select *horizontal_vane_select);
// Used to validate that a connection is present between the controller
// and this heatpump.
void ping();
// Number of minutes before the heatpump reverts back to the internal
// temperature sensor if the machine is currently operating.
void set_remote_operating_timeout_minutes(int);
// Number of minutes before the heatpump reverts back to the internal
// temperature sensor if the machine is currently idle.
void set_remote_idle_timeout_minutes(int);
// Number of minutes before the heatpump reverts back to the internal
// temperature sensor if a ping isn't received from the controller.
void set_remote_ping_timeout_minutes(int);
// HeatPump object using the underlying Arduino library.
HeatPump* hp;
// The ClimateTraits supported by this HeatPump.
esphome::climate::ClimateTraits traits_;
// Vane position
void update_swing_horizontal(const std::string &swing);
void update_swing_vertical(const std::string &swing);
std::string vertical_swing_state_;
std::string horizontal_swing_state_;
// Allow the HeatPump class to use get_hw_serial_
friend class HeatPump;
//Accessor method for the HardwareSerial pointer
HardwareSerial* get_hw_serial_() {
return this->hw_serial_;
//Print a warning message if we're using the sole hardware UART on an
//ESP8266 or UART0 on ESP32
void check_logger_conflict_();
// various prefs to save mode-specific temperatures, akin to how the IR
// remote works.
esphome::ESPPreferenceObject cool_storage;
esphome::ESPPreferenceObject heat_storage;
esphome::ESPPreferenceObject auto_storage;
esphome::optional<float> cool_setpoint;
esphome::optional<float> heat_setpoint;
esphome::optional<float> auto_setpoint;
static void save(float value, esphome::ESPPreferenceObject& storage);
static esphome::optional<float> load(esphome::ESPPreferenceObject& storage);
esphome::select::Select *vertical_vane_select_ =
nullptr; // Select to store manual position of vertical swing
esphome::select::Select *horizontal_vane_select_ =
nullptr; // Select to store manual position of horizontal swing
// When received command to change the vane positions
void on_horizontal_swing_change(const std::string &swing);
void on_vertical_swing_change(const std::string &swing);
void enforce_remote_temperature_sensor_timeout();
// Retrieve the HardwareSerial pointer from friend and subclasses.
HardwareSerial *hw_serial_;
int baud_ = 0;
int rx_pin_ = -1;
int tx_pin_ = -1;
bool operating_ = false;
std::optional<std::chrono::duration<long long, std::ratio<60>>> remote_operating_timeout_;
std::optional<std::chrono::duration<long long, std::ratio<60>>> remote_idle_timeout_;
std::optional<std::chrono::duration<long long, std::ratio<60>>> remote_ping_timeout_;
std::optional<std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock>> last_remote_temperature_sensor_update_;
std::optional<std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock>> last_ping_request_;