- removed double beep on turnoff
- removed show crop feature in fullauto
- semi fisher is started only when needed, and turned off when the job is done by mode, instead of full auto engine
- use the last coord from recording isntead of getting a new one when using editor in recorder mode, to avoid recording failure when saving the recording
fixed get_coords() tupple overflow issue,
improved hole check in full auto fishing,
improved message when FishyQR is not found,
keeping chalutier in migration
- changed engine.toggle_start to abstract method
- check for state before turning off bot engine
- added and corrected logging messages for contorls and calibration
- callibrate._get_factor returning None fixed
- optimized controls
- removed config for show crop
- recorder now runs asksaveasfile in gui thread and blocks itself till resoponse
- corrrected logic for saving failed files
- semifisher dont log started bot engine if not ran from gui
- added file name label in full auto config top
- call in thread now can return values
- gui now saves location when closed
- dynamic config location, now uses correct document folder if config file is not found in incorrect document folder