removed restart from debug options (fishy should always exit safely)
added debug logs for when systems start and stop
update button from tool bar now opens update dialogue correctly
renamed auto_upgrade to update_now
made config init similar to hotkey
update now is a popup which runs from gui thread instead of an independent process
if the user decides to upgrade, bot is quited and update is started in the end of the main thread if update flag is set
- changed engine.toggle_start to abstract method
- check for state before turning off bot engine
- added and corrected logging messages for contorls and calibration
- callibrate._get_factor returning None fixed
- optimized controls
- removed config for show crop
- recorder now runs asksaveasfile in gui thread and blocks itself till resoponse
- corrrected logic for saving failed files
- semifisher dont log started bot engine if not ran from gui
- added file name label in full auto config top
- call in thread now can return values
- gui now saves location when closed
- dynamic config location, now uses correct document folder if config file is not found in incorrect document folder
- enable "Debug > Keep Console" to unhide full auto
- Removed Log Dump from Debug menu
- starting ai fix, sometime bot doesnt start
- minimize bug fix, when minimized gui goes out of sync
- keyboard button to pause play, now bot can be paused and played using f9
- now shows running as admin message
- better error message, now tells to check #read-me-first instead
- add tesseract binary in directory
- install addon for full auto
- fixed ui scaling issues
- now uses callables for thread comunication instead of enums (removed altogether)
- added options to run using test server