import logging import math import time from threading import Thread from fishy.engine.common import qr_detection from pynput import keyboard, mouse from fishy.engine import SemiFisherEngine from fishy.engine.common.IEngine import IEngine from fishy.engine.common.window import WindowClient from fishy.engine.fullautofisher.mode.calibrator import Calibrator from fishy.engine.fullautofisher.mode.imode import FullAutoMode from fishy.engine.fullautofisher.mode.player import Player from fishy.engine.fullautofisher.mode.recorder import Recorder from fishy.engine.semifisher import fishing_mode from fishy.engine.semifisher.fishing_mode import FishingMode from fishy.helper.config import config from fishy.helper.helper import wait_until, sign, print_exc from fishy.osservices.os_services import os_services mse = mouse.Controller() kb = keyboard.Controller() class FullAuto(IEngine): rotate_by = 30 def __init__(self, gui_ref): from fishy.engine.fullautofisher.test import Test super().__init__(gui_ref) = "FullAuto" self._curr_rotate_y = 0 self.fisher = SemiFisherEngine(None) self.calibrator = Calibrator(self) self.test = Test(self) self.show_crop = False self.mode = None def run(self): self.mode = None if config.get("calibrate", False): self.mode = Calibrator(self) elif FullAutoMode(config.get("full_auto_mode", 0)) == FullAutoMode.Player: self.mode = Player(self) elif FullAutoMode(config.get("full_auto_mode", 0)) == FullAutoMode.Recorder: self.mode = Recorder(self) else: logging.error("not a valid mode selected") return # block thread until game window becomes active if not os_services.is_eso_active():"Waiting for eso window to be active...") wait_until(lambda: os_services.is_eso_active() or not self.start) if self.start:"starting in 2 secs...") time.sleep(2) if not (type(self.mode) is Calibrator) and not self.calibrator.all_calibrated(): logging.error("you need to calibrate first") return if not qr_detection.get_values(self.window): logging.error("FishyQR not found, if its not hidden, try to drag it around, " "or increase/decrease its size and try again\nStopping engine...") return if config.get("tabout_stop", 1): self.stop_on_inactive() # noinspection PyBroadException try: except Exception: logging.error("exception occurred while running full auto mode") print_exc() def stop_on_inactive(self): def func(): logging.debug("stop on inactive started") wait_until(lambda: not os_services.is_eso_active() or not self.start) if self.start and not os_services.is_eso_active(): self.turn_off() logging.debug("stop on inactive stopped") Thread(target=func).start() def get_coords(self): """ There is chance that this function give None instead of a QR. Need to handle manually todo find a better way of handling None: switch from start bool to state which knows todo its waiting for qr which doesn't block the engine when commanded to close """ values = qr_detection.get_values(self.window) return values[:3] if values else None def move_to(self, target) -> bool: current = self.get_coords() if not current: return False logging.debug(f"Moving from {(current[0], current[1])} to {target}") move_vec = target[0] - current[0], target[1] - current[1] dist = math.sqrt(move_vec[0] ** 2 + move_vec[1] ** 2) logging.debug(f"distance: {dist}") if dist < 5e-05: logging.debug("distance very small skipping") return True target_angle = math.degrees(math.atan2(-move_vec[1], move_vec[0])) + 90 from_angle = current[2] if not self.rotate_to(target_angle, from_angle): return False walking_time = dist / self.calibrator.move_factor logging.debug(f"walking for {walking_time}") forward_key = config.get("forward_key", 'w') time.sleep(walking_time) kb.release(forward_key) logging.debug("done") # todo: maybe check if it reached the destination before returning true? return True def rotate_to(self, target_angle, from_angle=None) -> bool: if from_angle is None: coords = self.get_coords() if not coords: return False _, _, from_angle = coords if target_angle < 0: target_angle = 360 + target_angle while target_angle > 360: target_angle -= 360 logging.debug(f"Rotating from {from_angle} to {target_angle}") angle_diff = target_angle - from_angle if abs(angle_diff) > 180: angle_diff = (360 - abs(angle_diff)) * sign(angle_diff) * -1 rotate_times = int(angle_diff / self.calibrator.rot_factor) * -1 logging.debug(f"rotate_times: {rotate_times}") for _ in range(abs(rotate_times)): mse.move(sign(rotate_times) * FullAuto.rotate_by * -1, 0) time.sleep(0.05) return True def look_for_hole(self) -> bool: valid_states = [fishing_mode.State.LOOKING, fishing_mode.State.FISHING] _hole_found_flag = FishingMode.CurrentMode in valid_states # if vertical movement is disabled if not config.get("look_for_hole", 0): return _hole_found_flag t = 0 while not _hole_found_flag and t <= 2.5: direction = -1 if t > 1.25 else 1 mse.move(0, FullAuto.rotate_by*direction) time.sleep(0.05) t += 0.05 _hole_found_flag = FishingMode.CurrentMode in valid_states self._curr_rotate_y = t return _hole_found_flag def rotate_back(self): while self._curr_rotate_y > 0.01: mse.move(0, -FullAuto.rotate_by) time.sleep(0.05) self._curr_rotate_y -= 0.05 if __name__ == '__main__': # noinspection PyTypeChecker bot = FullAuto(None) bot.toggle_start()