""" auto_update.py checks version and auto updates """ import re import subprocess import sys import urllib.request from os import execl import pkg_resources from bs4 import BeautifulSoup def _normalize_version(v): """ converts version string into an "normalized" of versions which is a list of version codes, eg, input: '0.3.0', output: [0,3,0] this is done so that, versions can be compared easily :param v: string :return: list """ rv = [] for x in v.split("."): try: rv.append(int(x)) except ValueError: for y in re.split("([0-9]+)", x): try: if y != '': rv.append(int(y)) except ValueError: rv.append(y) return rv def _get_highest_version(index, pkg): """ Crawls web for latest version name then returns latest version :param index: website to check :param pkg: package name :return: latest version normalized """ url = "{}/{}/".format(index, pkg) html = urllib.request.urlopen(url) if html.getcode() != 200: raise Exception # not found soup = BeautifulSoup(html.read(), "html5lib") versions = [] for link in soup.find_all('a'): text = link.get_text() try: version = re.search(pkg + '-(.*)\.tar\.gz', text).group(1) versions.append(_normalize_version(version)) except AttributeError: pass if len(versions) == 0: raise Exception # no version return max(versions) def _get_current_version(pkg): """ Gets the current version of the package installed :param pkg: name of the installed package :return: version normalized """ return _normalize_version(pkg_resources.get_distribution(pkg).version) def auto_upgrade(): """ public function, compares current version with the latest version (from web), if current version is older, then it updates and restarts the script """ index = "https://pypi.python.org/simple" pkg = "fishy" if _get_highest_version(index, pkg) > _get_current_version(pkg): subprocess.call(["python", '-m', 'pip', 'install', '--upgrade', 'fishy', '--user']) execl(sys.executable, *([sys.executable] + sys.argv))