import math import os import tempfile import traceback import uuid from enum import Enum from threading import Thread from zipfile import ZipFile import cv2 import logging import time import numpy as np import pytesseract from fishy.constants import libgps, fishyqr, lam2 from fishy.engine.fullautofisher.qr_detection import get_values_from_image, get_qr_location from fishy.engine.semifisher.fishing_mode import FishingMode from fishy.engine import SemiFisherEngine from fishy.engine.common.window import WindowClient from fishy.engine.semifisher import fishing_mode, fishing_event from fishy.engine.common.IEngine import IEngine from pynput import keyboard, mouse from fishy.helper import hotkey, helper, hotkey_process from fishy.helper.config import config from fishy.helper.helper import sign, addon_exists from fishy.helper.hotkey import Key mse = mouse.Controller() kb = keyboard.Controller() def image_pre_process(img): scale_percent = 100 # percent of original size width = int(img.shape[1] * scale_percent / 100) height = int(img.shape[0] * scale_percent / 100) dim = (width, height) img = cv2.resize(img, dim, interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA) return img class State(Enum): NONE = 0 PLAYING = 1 RECORDING = 2 OTHER = 3 class FullAuto(IEngine): rotate_by = 30 state = State.NONE def __init__(self, gui_ref): from fishy.engine.fullautofisher.controls import Controls from fishy.engine.fullautofisher import controls from fishy.engine.fullautofisher.calibrator import Calibrator from fishy.engine.fullautofisher.test import Test super().__init__(gui_ref) self._hole_found_flag = False self._curr_rotate_y = 0 self.fisher = SemiFisherEngine(None) self.calibrator = Calibrator(self) self.test = Test(self) self.controls = Controls(controls.get_controls(self)) self.show_crop = False def run(self): addons_req = [libgps, lam2, fishyqr] for addon in addons_req: if not helper.addon_exists(*addon): helper.install_addon(*addon) FullAuto.state = State.NONE self.gui.bot_started(True) self.window = WindowClient(color=cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY, show_name="Full auto debug") try: self.window.crop = get_qr_location(self.window.get_capture()) if self.window.crop is None: logging.warning("FishyQR not found") self.start = False raise Exception("FishyQR not found") if not self.calibrator.all_callibrated(): logging.error("you need to calibrate first") self.fisher.toggle_start() fishing_event.unsubscribe() self.controls.initialize() while self.start and WindowClient.running(): if self.show_crop:, func=image_pre_process) else: time.sleep(0.1) except: traceback.print_exc() if self.window.get_capture() is None: logging.error("Game window not found") self.gui.bot_started(False) self.controls.unassign_keys()"Quitting") self.window.destory() self.fisher.toggle_start() def get_coods(self): img = self.window.processed_image(func=image_pre_process) return get_values_from_image(img) def move_to(self, target): if target is None: logging.error("set target first") return if not self.calibrator.all_callibrated(): logging.error("you need to callibrate first") return current = self.get_coods() print(f"Moving from {(current[0], current[1])} to {target}") move_vec = target[0] - current[0], target[1] - current[1] dist = math.sqrt(move_vec[0] ** 2 + move_vec[1] ** 2) print(f"distance: {dist}") if dist < 5e-05: print("distance very small skipping") return target_angle = math.degrees(math.atan2(-move_vec[1], move_vec[0])) + 90 from_angle = current[2] self.rotate_to(target_angle, from_angle) walking_time = dist / self.calibrator.move_factor print(f"walking for {walking_time}")'w') time.sleep(walking_time) kb.release('w') print("done") def rotate_to(self, target_angle, from_angle=None): if from_angle is None: _, _, from_angle = self.get_coods() if target_angle < 0: target_angle = 360 + target_angle while target_angle > 360: target_angle -= 360 print(f"Rotating from {from_angle} to {target_angle}") angle_diff = target_angle - from_angle if abs(angle_diff) > 180: angle_diff = (360 - abs(angle_diff)) * sign(angle_diff) * -1 rotate_times = int(angle_diff / self.calibrator.rot_factor) * -1 print(f"rotate_times: {rotate_times}") for _ in range(abs(rotate_times)): mse.move(sign(rotate_times) * FullAuto.rotate_by * -1, 0) time.sleep(0.05) def look_for_hole(self): self._hole_found_flag = False if FishingMode.CurrentMode == fishing_mode.State.LOOKING: return True def found_hole(e): if e == fishing_mode.State.LOOKING: self._hole_found_flag = True fishing_mode.subscribers.append(found_hole) t = 0 while not self._hole_found_flag and t <= 1.25: mse.move(0, FullAuto.rotate_by) time.sleep(0.05) t += 0.05 while not self._hole_found_flag and t > 0: mse.move(0, -FullAuto.rotate_by) time.sleep(0.05) t -= 0.05 self._curr_rotate_y = t fishing_mode.subscribers.remove(found_hole) return self._hole_found_flag def rotate_back(self): while self._curr_rotate_y > 0.01: mse.move(0, -FullAuto.rotate_by) time.sleep(0.05) self._curr_rotate_y -= 0.05 def toggle_start(self): if self.start and FullAuto.state != State.NONE:"Please turn off RECORDING/PLAYING first") return self.start = not self.start if self.start: self.thread = Thread( self.thread.start() if __name__ == '__main__': logging.getLogger("").setLevel(logging.DEBUG) hotkey.initalize() # noinspection PyTypeChecker bot = FullAuto(None) bot.toggle_start()