import ctypes import logging import os import sys import win32con import win32gui import fishy from fishy.gui import GUI, splash, update_dialog, check_eula from fishy import helper, web from fishy.engine.common.event_handler import EngineEventHandler from fishy.gui.log_config import GuiLogger from fishy.helper import hotkey from fishy.helper.active_poll import active from fishy.helper.config import config from fishy.helper.hotkey.hotkey_process import hotkey from fishy.helper.migration import Migration def check_window_name(title): titles = ["Command Prompt", "PowerShell", "Fishy"] for t in titles: if t in title: return True return False # noinspection PyBroadException def initialize(window_to_hide): Migration.migrate() helper.create_shortcut_first() new_session = web.get_session() if new_session is None: logging.error("Couldn't create a session, some features might not work") logging.debug(f"created session {new_session}") try: is_admin = os.getuid() == 0 except AttributeError: is_admin = ctypes.windll.shell32.IsUserAnAdmin() != 0 if is_admin:"Running with admin privileges") if not config.get("debug", False) and check_window_name(win32gui.GetWindowText(window_to_hide)): win32gui.ShowWindow(window_to_hide, win32con.SW_HIDE) helper.install_thread_excepthook() sys.excepthook = helper.unhandled_exception_logging helper.install_required_addons() def main(): print("launching please wait...") config.init() if not check_eula(): return finish_splash = splash.start() logger = GuiLogger() config.start_backup_scheduler() active.init() hotkey.init() def on_gui_load(): finish_splash() update_dialog.check_update(gui) logger.connect(gui) window_to_hide = win32gui.GetForegroundWindow() bot = EngineEventHandler(lambda: gui) gui = GUI(lambda: bot, on_gui_load) hotkey.start()"Fishybot v{fishy.__version__}") initialize(window_to_hide) gui.start() active.start() bot.start_event_handler() # main thread loop hotkey.stop() active.stop() config.stop() bot.stop() if __name__ == "__main__": main()