import logging import traceback from functools import wraps import requests from whatsmyip.ip import get_ip from whatsmyip.providers import GoogleDnsProvider from import helper from import G domain = "" # domain = "" user = "/api/user" notify = "/api/notify" subscription = "/api/subscription/" hole_depleted = "/api/hole_depleted" session = "/api/session" terms = "/terms.html" def uses_session(f): @wraps(f) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): if get_session(args[0]) is None: logging.error("Couldn't create a session") return None else: return f(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper def fallback(default): def inner(f): @wraps(f) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): try: return f(*args, **kwargs) except: traceback.print_exc() return default return wrapper return inner def get_notification_page(uid): return domain + f"?uid={uid}" def get_terms_page(): return domain + terms @fallback(False) def register_user(uid): ip = get_ip(GoogleDnsProvider) body = {"uid": uid, "ip": ip} response = + user, json=body) return response.ok and response.json()["success"] @fallback(None) def send_notification(uid, message): if not is_subbed(uid): return False body = {"uid": uid, "message": message} + notify, json=body) @uses_session @fallback(None) def send_hole_deplete(uid, fish_caught, hole_time, fish_times): hole_data = { "fish_caught": fish_caught, "hole_time": hole_time, "fish_times": fish_times, "session": get_session(uid) } body = {"uid": uid, "hole_data": hole_data} + hole_depleted, json=body) @fallback((False, False)) def is_subbed(uid, lazy=True): if lazy and G._is_subbed is not None: return G._is_subbed, True if uid is None: return False, False body = {"uid": uid} response = requests.get(domain + subscription, params=body) G._is_subbed = response.json()["subbed"] return G._is_subbed, True @fallback(None) def unsub(uid): G._is_subbed = False body = {"uid": uid} requests.delete(domain + subscription, json=body) @fallback(None) def get_session(config, lazy=True): if lazy and G._session_id is not None: return G._session_id body = {"uid": config.get("uid")} response = + session, params=body) if response.status_code == 405: config.delete("uid") helper.restart() return None G._session_id = response.json()["session_id"] return G._session_id