import logging import pickle from pprint import pprint from tkinter.filedialog import askopenfile from fishy.engine.semifisher import fishing_event from fishy.engine.fullautofisher.engine import FullAuto from fishy.helper import hotkey, helper from fishy.helper.hotkey import Key class Player: def __init__(self, engine: 'FullAuto'): self.recording = False self.engine = engine self.timeline = [] self.hole_complete_flag = False self.start_moving_flag = False def _mark_hole(self): coods = self.engine.get_coods() self.timeline.append(("check_fish", coods)) def _start_moving(self): self.start_moving_flag = True def _stop_recording(self): self.recording = False def _hole_complete_callback(self, e): if e == "idle": self.hole_complete_flag = True def start_route(self): # file = askopenfile(mode='rb', filetypes=[('Python Files', '*.fishy')]) # if not file: # logging.error("file not selected") # return file = open(r"C:\Users\adam_\Desktop\test3.fishy", 'rb') data = pickle.load(file) file.close() pprint(data) if "full_auto_path" not in data: logging.error("incorrect file") return self.timeline = data["full_auto_path"] # wait until f8 is pressed"press f8 to start") self.start_moving_flag = False hotkey.set_hotkey(Key.F8, self._start_moving) helper.wait_until(lambda: self.start_moving_flag)"starting") for action in self.timeline: fishing_event.unsubscribe() if action[0] == "move_to": self.engine.move_to(action[1])"moved") elif action[0] == "check_fish": self.engine.move_to(action[1]) self.engine.rotate_to(action[1][2]) fishing_event.subscribe() # scan for fish hole"scanning") if self.engine.look_for_hole(): self.hole_complete_flag = False helper.wait_until(lambda: self.hole_complete_flag) # if found start fishing and wait for hole to complete # contine when hole completes