import math import cv2 import logging import time import numpy as np import pytesseract from fishy.engine import SemiFisherEngine from fishy.engine.common.window import WindowClient from fishy.engine.semifisher import fishing_mode from fishy.engine.common.IEngine import IEngine from pynput import keyboard, mouse from fishy.helper import hotkey from fishy.helper.config import config from fishy.helper.hotkey import Key mse = mouse.Controller() kb = keyboard.Controller() offset = 10 def sign(x): return -1 if x < 0 else 1 def get_crop_coods(window): img = window.get_capture() img = cv2.inRange(img, 0, 1) cnt, h = cv2.findContours(img, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) """ code from """ for i in range(len(cnt)): area = cv2.contourArea(cnt[i]) if 5000 < area < 100000: mask = np.zeros_like(img) cv2.drawContours(mask, cnt, i, 255, -1) x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(cnt[i]) return x, y + offset, x + w, y + h - offset def image_pre_process(img): scale_percent = 200 # percent of original size width = int(img.shape[1] * scale_percent / 100) height = int(img.shape[0] * scale_percent / 100) dim = (width, height) img = cv2.resize(img, dim, interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA) img = cv2.bitwise_not(img) return img # noinspection PyBroadException def get_values_from_image(img, tesseract_dir): try: pytesseract.pytesseract.tesseract_cmd = tesseract_dir + '/tesseract.exe' tessdata_dir_config = f'--tessdata-dir "{tesseract_dir}" -c tessedit_char_whitelist=0123456789.' text = pytesseract.image_to_string(img, lang="eng", config=tessdata_dir_config) vals = text.split(":") return float(vals[0]), float(vals[1]), float(vals[2]) except Exception: logging.error("Couldn't read coods") return None def unassign_keys(): keys = [Key.UP, Key.RIGHT, Key.LEFT, Key.RIGHT] for k in keys: hotkey.free_key(k) class FullAuto(IEngine): rotate_by = 30 def __init__(self, gui_ref): super().__init__(gui_ref) self.factors = config.get("full_auto_factors", None) self._tesseract_dir = None self._target = None if self.factors is None: logging.warning("Please callibrate first") self._hole_found_flag = False self._curr_rotate_y = 0 def run(self):"Loading please wait...") self.initalize_keys() self.window = WindowClient(color=cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY, show_name="Full auto debug") self.window.crop = get_crop_coods(self.window) self._tesseract_dir = config.get("tesseract_dir", None) if self._tesseract_dir is None: logging.warning("Can't start without Tesseract Directory") self.gui.bot_started(False) self.toggle_start() return self.gui.bot_started(True) while self.start: cv2.waitKey(25) self.gui.bot_started(False) unassign_keys()"Quit") def get_coods(self): return get_values_from_image(self.window.processed_image(func=image_pre_process), self._tesseract_dir) def move_to(self, target): if target is None: logging.error("set target first") return if self.factors is None: logging.error("you need to callibrate first") return current = self.get_coods() print(f"Moving from {(current[0], current[1])} to {self._target}") move_vec = target[0] - current[0], target[1] - current[1] target_angle = math.degrees(math.atan2(-move_vec[1], move_vec[0])) from_angle = current[2] self.rotate_to(target_angle, from_angle) walking_time = math.sqrt(move_vec[0] ** 2 + move_vec[1] ** 2) / self.factors[0] print(f"walking for {walking_time}")'w') time.sleep(walking_time) kb.release('w') print("done") def rotate_to(self, target_angle, from_angle=None): if target_angle is None: _, _, from_angle = self.get_coods() if target_angle < 0: target_angle = 360 + target_angle target_angle += 90 while target_angle > 360: target_angle -= 360 print(f"Rotating from {from_angle} to {target_angle}") angle_diff = target_angle - from_angle if abs(angle_diff) > 180: angle_diff = (360 - abs(angle_diff)) * sign(angle_diff) * -1 rotate_times = int(angle_diff / self.factors[1]) * -1 print(f"rotate_times: {rotate_times}") for _ in range(abs(rotate_times)): mse.move(sign(rotate_times) * FullAuto.rotate_by * -1, 0) time.sleep(0.05) def look_for_hole(self): self._hole_found_flag = False def found_hole(e): if e == "look": self._hole_found_flag = True fishing_mode.subscribers.append(found_hole) t = 0 while not self._hole_found_flag and t <= self.factors[2] / 2: mse.move(0, FullAuto.rotate_by) time.sleep(0.05) t += 0.05 while not self._hole_found_flag and t > 0: mse.move(0, -FullAuto.rotate_by) time.sleep(0.05) t -= 0.05 self._curr_rotate_y = t fishing_mode.subscribers.remove(found_hole) return self._hole_found_flag def set_target(self): t = self.get_coods()[:-1] config.set("target", t) print(f"target_coods are {t}") def initalize_keys(self): hotkey.set_hotkey(Key.RIGHT, lambda: from fishy.engine.fullautofisher.calibrate import Calibrate hotkey.set_hotkey(Key.UP, Calibrate(self).callibrate) hotkey.set_hotkey(Key.F9, lambda: print(self.look_for_hole())) # hotkey.set_hotkey(Key.DOWN, self.set_target) # hotkey.set_hotkey(Key.RIGHT, lambda: self.move_to(self.config.get("target", None))) from fishy.engine.fullautofisher.recorder import Recorder from fishy.engine.fullautofisher.player import Player hotkey.set_hotkey(Key.LEFT, Recorder(self).start_recording) hotkey.set_hotkey(Key.DOWN, Player(self).start_route)"STARTED") if __name__ == '__main__': logging.getLogger("").setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # noinspection PyTypeChecker bot = FullAuto(None) fisher = SemiFisherEngine(None) hotkey.initalize() fisher.toggle_start() bot.toggle_start()