# Fishybot ESO Auto fishing bot for Elder Scrolls Online. The Bot automatically fishes until the fishing hole disappears. It can also send a notification to the users phone with the statistics of that fishing hole. Don't forget to star this repository if you really liked it :) ### Demo Video
### How to Install? - Install [Python v3.7.3](https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-373/) (make sure you tick, `Add Python to PATH`) - Then open PowerShell and type these commands, one by one, ``` python -m pip install pip --upgrade pip install fishy python -m fishy ``` ### FAQs Will I get baned using this bot? > Botting does violate ESO's terms of service, so technically you could get banned. But this bot doesn't read or write memory from ESO so they won't know you are using a bot. **This software doesn't come with any Liability or Warranty, I am not responsible if you do get banned.** How much automation does this bot provide? > It's not a fully automated bot, it does fishing on its own but you will have to move from one hole to another manually (although I was developing a fully automated bot, I didn't get a positive feedback from the community so I discontinued it). Bot doesn't work in full screen. > Check the full screen box. The bot catches the fish but doesn't press R to collect it > Check the Collect R checkbox ### Contact If you have any problems or you want to contact me for future ideas or want to collaborate in development you can contact me at the [DefineX Community discord server](https://discord.gg/V6e2fpc). ### Support Me If you would like this project to continue its development, please consider supporting me on [Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/AdamSaudagar). You can make a one time donation on [PayPal](https://www.paypal.me/AdamSaudagar). ### License This project is licenced on the MIT License. Check out the full license over [here](https://github.com/adsau59/fishyboteso/blob/master/LICENSE).